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2022 World Cup In Qatar


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Just wondering if Bristol can learn anything from the successfull bid from Qatar for the 2022 world cup?

The people 'in the know' appear to be Sheikh Faisal Al Qassemi (Qatar's sports minister), and HH Sheikh Hamad Bin Khaiifa-Al Thani, who, as we all know, is the Emir of Qatar.

I assume Bristol City Council planning dept :devil: studied the Qarari bid and can bring thier knowledge and experience to pushing through the new City stadium.

You never-know ..... if Steve Lansdowne ever gets fed-up with the red-tape that stands between him and a new staduim that the City deserves, Faisel Al Qassemi and HH Hamad Bin Khaiifa-Al Thani could be the men to step in?

You heard it here first!

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I've cleared up this thread. In defence of Taxi for Rennie he wrote Reads and didn't mean to cause offence or misunderstanding. He has tried to to resolve this by reporting himself so the matter is closed as far as I am concerned.

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So in July with temperatures nearer 40 than 30 degrees, what sort of fast, open, attacking football will we see?

With air-conditioned stadia thats how.

Most stadiums in southern us of a are air-conditioned with roofs obviously. The bit I find interesting is that the stadiums will be pre-fabs and moved to other countries after the world cup. Obviously, if you have the money anything is possible, which is why they have won the vote by promising delegates new stadiums who wouldn't normally be able to afford one.

As for atmosphere for the watching public - it wouldn't get me to go even if I could afford it!

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Had a chat with a military friend, still involved in the system and he thought Qatar was a joke.

His thoughts were, that there may not be a Qatar in its current form in 2022, Iran/Atomic/Israel, that equation will not stay dorment for another 12 years.

The world has too many hot spots, the World Cup is just a side show.

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Had a chat with a military friend, still involved in the system and he thought Qatar was a joke.

His thoughts were, that there may not be a Qatar in its current form in 2022, Iran/Atomic/Israel, that equation will not stay dorment for another 12 years.

The world has too many hot spots, the World Cup is just a side show.

Good point, probably whjy Blatter filled his boots now, the corrupt greedy self centred shithead.

Who the **** in their right mind would decide to stage a WC there? You have either got to be mad as a ballon or on the take. In 2022 there is a pretty good chance the entire area will be a glass carpark, wtf are FIFA on?

What can you do about this? I want to punch the shit out of somone over this, I've a good mind to ******* find Blatter and beat the **** to a pulp. I would encourage anyone who see's him to do just that.

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If it aint bad enough that supporters travel half way round the world to be denied the right to to get rat arsed, piddle in the street and vomit over the naitives. They want to play football indoors out of the sun. No chance to eye up the woman, because they all have to be covered from head to toe. No wearing of football shorts unless your legs are covered in trousers and God help Israel if they were to qualify for the world cup. Jews are Banned from entering the country. Although you can rely on Fifa to make sure that Israel's qualifying group will be the hardest group possible to gualify from, what about Jewish players or sports reporters? Oh well, that could be the new pre-match entertainment....stone-a-jew. Now if anyone knows of a jewish gashead...........:dancing6:

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I went to Qatar for the England v Brazil friendly last year.

It really isn't as bad as some of the posts above are making out. Alcohol is available in all major hotels and you can drink as much of it as you want (the main obstable being the cost - around £7 a pint). I've already read articles saying the Qataris are prepared to further relax the alcohol laws for the World Cup - I guess they'll have to given Budweiser are one of the main sponsors.

Wearing shorts wouldn't be a problem and, unlike some of its Gulf neighbours, Jews are not banned from the country - there is an Israeli embassy in Doha, for example.

As Gulf states go, Qatar is relatively moderate although the penalties for breaking the law are obviously extremely strict.

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At least after the 2022 World Cup, Qatar will have some cracking stadiums to stone women in........

Didnt you know the 2022 WC will be the most environmentally friendly WC ever....they are shipping all the stadiums to Africa once they have been used...

Does anyone buy that crock of shit?

Well I wont be going, to either Russia or Qatar, I hope the England team wont either, I hope we boycott it, **** FIFA

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I hope the England team wont either, I hope we boycott it, **** FIFA

That was my initial reaction to the farce but I guess a World Cup (no matter where) without England in it makes for a boring summer. Actually, thinking about it, this summer with England in the World Cup was boring!!!!

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I went to Qatar for the England v Brazil friendly last year.

It really isn't as bad as some of the posts above are making out. Alcohol is available in all major hotels and you can drink as much of it as you want (the main obstable being the cost - around £7 a pint). I've already read articles saying the Qataris are prepared to further relax the alcohol laws for the World Cup - I guess they'll have to given Budweiser are one of the main sponsors.

Wearing shorts wouldn't be a problem and, unlike some of its Gulf neighbours, Jews are not banned from the country - there is an Israeli embassy in Doha, for example.

As Gulf states go, Qatar is relatively moderate although the penalties for breaking the law are obviously extremely strict.

I guess in that respect we actually helped them win the World Cup bid!

I'm sure its not that bad, but it still has a woefull human rights record, no strong competetive league, no developmental need for the infrastructure proposed and lets face it, an indoor, air conditioned football stadium is way down the list of things that your average impoverished African nation is in need of. And as for the idea that "4 billion people are within a 4 hour flight of Qatar?! 3.99 billion of those people will probably never see the inside of an aeroplane, let alone fly to Qatar to watch football, stay in expensive hotels and drink £7 pints of beer. However, what they do offer is a chance for Mr Blatter to secure his 'legacy'. That legacy appears to be presiding over one of the most apparently corrupt periods of one of the most apparently corrupt organisations in the world. Apparently

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I guess in that respect we actually helped them win the World Cup bid!

I'm sure its not that bad, but it still has a woefull human rights record, no strong competetive league, no developmental need for the infrastructure proposed and lets face it, an indoor, air conditioned football stadium is way down the list of things that your average impoverished African nation is in need of. And as for the idea that "4 billion people are within a 4 hour flight of Qatar?! 3.99 billion of those people will probably never see the inside of an aeroplane, let alone fly to Qatar to watch football, stay in expensive hotels and drink £7 pints of beer. However, what they do offer is a chance for Mr Blatter to secure his 'legacy'. That legacy appears to be presiding over one of the most apparently corrupt periods of one of the most apparently corrupt organisations in the world. Apparently

All fair points.

As much as I wanted the 2018 WC to come to England, I can fully see the argument for taking it to new places i.e. eastern Europe and the Middle East. But having nine or ten of the twelve stadiums in one city (Doha) is madness of the highest order, and that's before you even consider the temperatures in June - it was 34 degrees when I was there, and that was in November.

If the WC has to be held in the Middle East it would have made (slightly) more sense to have a joint Qatar / United Arab Emirates bid - the UAE at least has Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah as reasonably sized cities with decent infrastructure and some hotels that won't break the bank, and the UAE have at least qualified for a World Cup (1990) and can therefore claim at least a bit of football heritage. Doha on its own will be a nightmare given the heat, cost and complete lack of any public transport (although I understand they've promised to sort public transport between stadiums and hotels in time for 2022).

That said, the 2022 WC will be massively popular in the region and there are plenty of people in Qatar / Bahrain / UAE / Oman / Saudi Arabia with the money to afford tickets - see the sell-outs for the England v Brazil game and the more recent Brazil v Argentina friendly in Doha.

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Having spent the last 2 years working with companies and agencies from the UAE and having had the opportunity to travel there quite a lot I can only say that by 2022 the gulf states will be fairly unrecognisable from where they are now.

Yes they have money, and thats why a huge number of international companies have moved in trying to explore ways of working with them, since very few countries in the world at this time can offer investment to the level they can.

For instance, the development taking place in Abu Dhabi is simply mind boggling, Saadiyat Island ( http://www.saadiyat.ae/en/ ) is an example of this, these gulf states can afford to embrace an event like the world cup and supply brand new infrastructure on a scale that we simply cannot. (look how they dealt with F1) Obviously this attracts money grabbing opportunists, but don't think that these emirates are an easy touch, they aren't. Unless you are arabic you have to work hard and embrace what they are trying to achieve, which is to move away from oil based revenue as a major part of their GDP. They are also achieving this in a remarkably short space of time.

Human rights and the way Islamic law will integrate with western culture will always be an issue, but these states are fairly liberal in this regard as they recognise the need to work with the west in order to advance themselves.

Does this mean you can't stagger around drunk in public without being punished? yes it probably does, but maybe you have to ask yourself if thats a trait we should be unduly proud of!!!

We can pretend all we like that the west is still the big 'I am' but we're facing an increasingly difficult time maintaining our economies in the way we have been, and there are new parts of the world - the gulf, the far east, India, China, that are growing their economies on a scale that will pass us by. Is it sustainable? who knows - The UAE have an impressive 50 year plan which they are trying to implement, lets see how they get on, but even they have reigned in their ambition in line with global economic trends. Qatar has until fairly recently had issues with it's ruler, so it may not be in the same position as the UAE, but you can bet they will be very much 'in competition' with their neighbors over an event like the world cup.

Its easy to deride what you don't understand, but these guys are pulling the strings across the globe right now, like it or not.

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Having spent the last 2 years working with companies and agencies from the UAE and having had the opportunity to travel there quite a lot I can only say that by 2022 the gulf states will be fairly unrecognisable from where they are now.

Yes they have money, and thats why a huge number of international companies have moved in trying to explore ways of working with them, since very few countries in the world at this time can offer investment to the level they can.

For instance, the development taking place in Abu Dhabi is simply mind boggling, Saadiyat Island ( http://www.saadiyat.ae/en/ ) is an example of this, these gulf states can afford to embrace an event like the world cup and supply brand new infrastructure on a scale that we simply cannot. (look how they dealt with F1) Obviously this attracts money grabbing opportunists, but don't think that these emirates are an easy touch, they aren't. Unless you are arabic you have to work hard and embrace what they are trying to achieve, which is to move away from oil based revenue as a major part of their GDP. They are also achieving this in a remarkably short space of time.

Human rights and the way Islamic law will integrate with western culture will always be an issue, but these states are fairly liberal in this regard as they recognise the need to work with the west in order to advance themselves.

Does this mean you can't stagger around drunk in public without being punished? yes it probably does, but maybe you have to ask yourself if thats a trait we should be unduly proud of!!!

We can pretend all we like that the west is still the big 'I am' but we're facing an increasingly difficult time maintaining our economies in the way we have been, and there are new parts of the world - the gulf, the far east, India, China, that are growing their economies on a scale that will pass us by. Is it sustainable? who knows - The UAE have an impressive 50 year plan which they are trying to implement, lets see how they get on, but even they have reigned in their ambition in line with global economic trends. Qatar has until fairly recently had issues with it's ruler, so it may not be in the same position as the UAE, but you can bet they will be very much 'in competition' with their neighbors over an event like the world cup.

Its easy to deride what you don't understand, but these guys are pulling the strings across the globe right now, like it or not.

Well said Antman. I've spent a lot of this year in Dubai and it's quite a staggering place (I won't mention that I was there trying to sort out their financial mess, however!). I completely agree that the region will be unrecognisable. The ambition is quite breathtaking - crikey, Qatar even BIDDING for the world cup was baffling at the time.

That said... in my view the World Cup should be about football, and that will encompass as mixture of imediate and longer term goals. Immediately, I think the WC in Qatar will be much worse than it would have been in the USA or Aus. Longer term... will it spark a growth in the global game? I don't know. FIFA clearly thinks it will. I just can't imagine that the longer term benefits can outweigh the damage which might be caused by having it in Qatar..

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Well said Antman. I've spent a lot of this year in Dubai and it's quite a staggering place (I won't mention that I was there trying to sort out their financial mess, however!). I completely agree that the region will be unrecognisable. The ambition is quite breathtaking - crikey, Qatar even BIDDING for the world cup was baffling at the time.

That said... in my view the World Cup should be about football, and that will encompass as mixture of imediate and longer term goals. Immediately, I think the WC in Qatar will be much worse than it would have been in the USA or Aus. Longer term... will it spark a growth in the global game? I don't know. FIFA clearly thinks it will. I just can't imagine that the longer term benefits can outweigh the damage which might be caused by having it in Qatar..

So we all agree the decision was not a footballing one, just one based around Blatter lining his pockets?

As for sparking growth, wtf does that mean exactly? Football is global already. Why not have it in Australia? They have never staged a WC before.

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I suggest a coalition of willing Country's to create a rival body to FIFA, headed by ourselves, Brazil, Australia and any other willing Country,

Like I say, England MUST break all ties with FIFA with immidiate effect, we have to make stance against FIFA, this is the biggest piss take the game has ever seen, I find it bewildering people are happy to just let this go.

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Good point, probably whjy Blatter filled his boots now, the corrupt greedy self centred shithead.

Who the **** in their right mind would decide to stage a WC there? You have either got to be mad as a ballon or on the take. In 2022 there is a pretty good chance the entire area will be a glass carpark, wtf are FIFA on?

What can you do about this? I want to punch the shit out of somone over this, I've a good mind to ******* find Blatter and beat the **** to a pulp. I would encourage anyone who see's him to do just that.


Are you upset about this issue, at all?

Why do you think the tournament in 2022 should have gone elsewhere? I think there is a risk that CiderHider is going to be dismissed as an 'infidel' if he carries on like this.

So, calm-down, and lets have a rational debate.

I, for one, wish to establish the following (and in any case, there have not been enough lists on this thread - no thread is complete without a list):-

1) Is Septic Bladder actually corrupt, or has every sane person with an ounce of decency / common sense "got him wrong"

1a) Usually the type of behaviour displayed by Mr Bladder can be easily excused by the fact he was either rear-ended senseless by the older boys at his prep-school / never got complete satisfaction from his membership of the hitler youth / is a physcopathic attention seeking greedy b******d. I am not sure which.

2) Is it correct for a supposedly independant regional FIFA excetutive to refuse to vote for any country, due to the behaviour of its media.

3) This also brings into question the entire issue of a free press.

3a) Is there afree press in Qatar?

3b) Would the Bristol Evening Post be allowed to continue its campaign against the Qatari equivalent of BCFC if it was based on Qatar, and not Old Market?

3c) Should the Evening Post be relocated to Qatar?

4) When is the voting for the 2026 and 2030 World Cups going to take place? Indeed do the contestants need to be Nations, or could corrupt individuals bid to host World Cups. E.g The 2026 World Cup could (according to FIFA, take place inside Silvio Berlusconi - the Italian head of state). I am surprized FIFA haven't approached him before.

4a) Should Septic Bladder be replaced with someone who deserves more trust:-

Possible candidates for president of FIFA:-

- Silvio Berlusconi

- Tony Blair / Mandelson dual presidency

- Tiny Penis

- Lord Voldemort from the Harry Potter series of films.

Anyway, Cider Hider, feel free to come back at me - I, for one, think you have been too hard on poor old FIFA.


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Are you upset about this issue, at all?

Why do you think the tournament in 2022 should have gone elsewhere? I think there is a risk that CiderHider is going to be dismissed as an 'infidel' if he carries on like this.

So, calm-down, and lets have a rational debate.

I, for one, wish to establish the following (and in any case, there have not been enough lists on this thread - no thread is complete without a list):-

1) Is Septic Bladder actually corrupt, or has every sane person with an ounce of decency / common sense "got him wrong"

1a) Usually the type of behaviour displayed by Mr Bladder can be easily excused by the fact he was either rear-ended senseless by the older boys at his prep-school / never got complete satisfaction from his membership of the hitler youth / is a physcopathic attention seeking greedy b******d. I am not sure which.

2) Is it correct for a supposedly independant regional FIFA excetutive to refuse to vote for any country, due to the behaviour of its media.

3) This also brings into question the entire issue of a free press.

3a) Is there afree press in Qatar?

3b) Would the Bristol Evening Post be allowed to continue its campaign against the Qatari equivalent of BCFC if it was based on Qatar, and not Old Market?

3c) Should the Evening Post be relocated to Qatar?

4) When is the voting for the 2026 and 2030 World Cups going to take place? Indeed do the contestants need to be Nations, or could corrupt individuals bid to host World Cups. E.g The 2026 World Cup could (according to FIFA, take place inside Silvio Berlusconi - the Italian head of state). I am surprized FIFA haven't approached him before.

4a) Should Septic Bladder be replaced with someone who deserves more trust:-

Possible candidates for president of FIFA:-

- Silvio Berlusconi

- Tony Blair / Mandelson dual presidency

- Tiny Penis

- Lord Voldemort from the Harry Potter series of films.

Anyway, Cider Hider, feel free to come back at me - I, for one, think you have been too hard on poor old FIFA.


Yeah ok, been an immensely 5hit day for a number of reason and I'm taking it out on Blatter and FIFA, easy targets I guess, does that make me a bully then? I must be a particularity hard bully doing it over my keyboard, what a hero.

Is Blatter corrupt? Does a long tailed cat get nervous in a small room full of rocking chairs? I can't wait to see how the investigation goes into the finances of all those involved in the voting. Haha like thats going to happen.

Its like the bloody Eurovision song contest,

I dispise the fact that the only reason the WC went gone to Russia and Quatar was money and secret deals behind closed doors. IT was FIFA's duty to ensure that the WC goes to the most suitable country we ticked EVERY Box and we didn't even get a look in!! How can that be fair? Its our flipping game anyways, I seriously suggest we consider taking our ball away, which 'ball' is is a m,etaphor for 'us'

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