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Useless Coppers

Will Rollason

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In riot gear watching the stewards trying to rescue those silly leeds buggers out of the Dolman.

Stood watching for a good 10 mins. NO doubt they deserved a bit of a smack for being in there and celebrating but it took forever to get them out ffs and it was just making city fans around them worse.

Those coppers would have sorted it in 2 mins flat.WTF are they there for ?

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In riot gear watching the stewards trying to rescue those silly leeds buggers out of the Dolman.

Stood watching for a good 10 mins. NO doubt they deserved a bit of a smack for being in there and celebrating but it took forever to get them out ffs and it was just making city fans around them worse.

Those coppers would have sorted it in 2 mins flat.WTF are they there for ?

Couldnt agree more, stewards did well sorting it out

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On a wider level there is genuine cause for criticism- be it of police or even stewards.

How they didn't know the risks for trouble given it was plastered all oiver the Internet beggars belief. WTF do the Police Football Intelligence Unit (an oxymoron perchance?) spend their days doing if not tracking stuff like this!? Stewards for not noticing that a good few who got tickets in our end were Leeds fans with all the associated risks for trouble but definitely the police should get much more blame!

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I've got a real problem with football police. A real problem.

is it a job requirement to have a Phd in being a complete tosser? on crossing the road outside AG I'm told "stick to pavement sir..."

next I'm forced to walk around KFC into the carpark, rather than being allowed to walk through the ******* thing... Busy Body *******.

Next, I'm having rabid dogs let directed toward me and anyone else in the vacinity for no reason at all, Surely the Polices job is to protect me? not make me feel threatened?

Why do I feel like I'm committing a crime for watching a football game? makes me sick.

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I've got a real problem with football police. A real problem.

is it a job requirement to have a Phd in being a complete tosser? on crossing the road outside AG I'm told "stick to pavement sir..."

next I'm forced to walk around KFC into the carpark, rather than being allowed to walk through the ******* thing... Busy Body *******.

Next, I'm having rabid dogs let directed toward me and anyone else in the vacinity for no reason at all, Surely the Polices job is to protect me? not make me feel threatened?

Why do I feel like I'm committing a crime for watching a football game? makes me sick.

Im not sure how old you are Jordan, but welcome to the world of being a football fan. Ive came across plenty of polices forces over the last 12 years or so that make me angry

Its not just the Avon and Somerset, its all over. They are nothing more then bullies in a uniform, and they use football matches as a way to flex their muscles. My mate is a copper in the midlands, and he said to me before him and his Plod mates used to love policing the games on overtime because they used to be able to get away with things they couldnt get away with in any other situation.

They are useless

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Im not sure how old you are Jordan, but welcome to the world of being a football fan. Ive came across plenty of polices forces over the last 12 years or so that make me angry

Its not just the Avon and Somerset, its all over. They are nothing more then bullies in a uniform, and they use football matches as a way to flex their muscles. My mate is a copper in the midlands, and he said to me before him and his Plod mates used to love policing the games on overtime because they used to be able to get away with things they couldnt get away with in any other situation.

They are useless

20 on wednesday Andy,

And I know they are and I know this is nothing new. I've experienced it with City all over the country and here, I just cannot believe that in a country so proud of "human rights" I have to feel theatened by the ***** who are meant to make me sleep easier at night.

its an absolute ******* disgrace and I'm very tempted to write to the club and ask them to make a stand against this shit.

Why do we accept that it's just part of being a football fan? If the police did their ******* jobs properly the morons who like a scrap would already be inside, and normal folk could just enjoy the basic human right of WALKING ALONG A PAVEMENT without being assaulted by a ******* pack of Wolves.

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If the police did their ******* jobs properly the morons who like a scrap would already be inside, and normal folk could just enjoy the basic human right of WALKING ALONG A PAVEMENT without being assaulted by a ******* pack of Wolves.

Believe me, the OB are fed up with arresting people and them getting slap on the wrist from the courts, then being back causing trouble the next week. You'd better be prepared to pay a bit more tax to build plenty more prisions if you want all miscreants locked up.

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Police always treat you like shit at football be it home or away. They're often overly aggressive and even seem to look for things to throw people out for at times. It's a hugely frustrating issue and one that I can't see changing. Many people that don't attend football probably still think it's full of nutters and that the Police should 'sort it out at all costs'. There's been a few away games of late (QPR and Forest in particular) when the stewards appear to cause more trouble than they solve and they of course recieve the full backing of riot police who have not even seen the incident.

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Believe me, the OB are fed up with arresting people and them getting slap on the wrist from the courts, then being back causing trouble the next week. You'd better be prepared to pay a bit more tax to build plenty more prisions if you want all miscreants locked up.

Floating Prisons... it's the way forward, and if they sink.... bothered. :innocent06:

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In riot gear watching the stewards trying to rescue those silly leeds buggers out of the Dolman.

Stood watching for a good 10 mins. NO doubt they deserved a bit of a smack for being in there and celebrating but it took forever to get them out ffs and it was just making city fans around them worse.

Those coppers would have sorted it in 2 mins flat.WTF are they there for ?

I have watched the bill..... I am sure that they would have been in "comms" and advised to tactically stay out.They are not able to make their own callin that scenario. They could have enflamed the issue or even worse ended the fun for us.


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I've got a real problem with football police. A real problem.

is it a job requirement to have a Phd in being a complete tosser? on crossing the road outside AG I'm told "stick to pavement sir..."

next I'm forced to walk around KFC into the carpark, rather than being allowed to walk through the ******* thing... Busy Body *******.

Next, I'm having rabid dogs let directed toward me and anyone else in the vacinity for no reason at all, Surely the Polices job is to protect me? not make me feel threatened?

Why do I feel like I'm committing a crime for watching a football game? makes me sick.

unfortunately mate, it's nothing new. if you're going to write to them then all you can expect is a at best a nice respectable letter back saying "thank you for your concerns but all in all it was for your own safety". good day none the less.

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Now i might be going against the grain here, but im going to say it how i saw it today. My experience of the policing today was that they did a good job in difficult circumstances for me personally. I took my 12 year old nephew today, in the east end. We stood were we normally do over towards the away fans. When it kicked off in the williams and some of the east end went towards the away supporters i decided it was best to go towards the toilets. The problem being that fully grown adults were making it hard for us to get up the steps and go around the back of the stand to get too where i wanted.A policeman saw what was happening and he along with some colleagues helped us get through. Once over there, we watched the remainder of the 1st half. At half time there was more pushing and shoving as they were not letting anyone out of the gates, it was at this point i decided enough was enough. Worked our way to the gates were a female officer again saw what was happening and got us to the front and asked a colleague to help get us out. Once outside the Wedlock, the police were helpful when asked about any trouble etc in the direction of where i parked. I just wanted to post this to give another view point, i thought it was important. They have a difficult job to do in difficult circumstances. Dont get me wrong, ive come across arrogant police in my time, but not today in my circumstances. I would say what Jordan went through is not on, i guess thats the two sides of the coin.

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Did anyone else notice the two fans running onto the pitch from the Williams stand into the away section? The Police or stewards didn't seem that bother by it.

they were shitting themselves, realised they shouldn't have got a ticket in the home end and scarpered when they had the chance.. by the sound of what happened to the lad in the dolman, i dont blame them.

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Some of us remember the 70s and 80s. This was childs play compared to some of what went on back then

With all due respect, and I've had this conversation with my dad who too was in the "thick of it" at the time, but it's those who were around in the seventies who are responsible for the fans of the futures enjoyment and civil liberties being reduced.

A seperate argument, and not one I can be bothered to get into, because it's sometimes quite disturbing and intimidating discussing crowd behaviour with those who think acting that way is acceptable and in some way cool...

I know that's just "how it was" but god do I wish you lot got your fighting fix down the boxing gym...

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In answer to Jordan's extremely misguided assumptions, I was never an advocate of it or involved in it. Once I got a whack after a City v Millwall game one evening when they stupidly let the wall fans out of what is now the Atyeo straight into us with just a rope to separates us. Obviously I hit back. It's an instinctive reaction and anyone would do the same. Regretted it for days afterward because my knuckles came up they were full of liquid. Not proud of it, was stupid, and a provoked one-off

As much as that wasn't like the 70s/80s it's also fair to say it wasn't like it every week either. A couple of times a season against the usual suspects

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In answer to Jordan's extremely misguided assumptions, I was never an advocate of it or involved in it. Once I got a whack after a City v Millwall game one evening when they stupidly let the wall fans out of what is now the Atyeo straight into us with just a rope to separates us. Obviously I hit back. It's an instinctive reaction and anyone would do the same. Regretted it for days afterward because my knuckles came up they were full of liquid. Not proud of it, was stupid, and a provoked one-off

As much as that wasn't like the 70s/80s it's also fair to say it wasn't like it every week either. A couple of times a season against the usual suspects

I didn't actually intend to accuse you Matty, Infact, I'm sure most around at the time have been involved in some way.

I don't know, It's just easy to resent the past when it directly effects me...

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