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Useless Coppers

Will Rollason

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think the old bill did just about enough in the 1st half when the dirty leeds lot were surging towards the williams it was really on the edge at one stage and fortunatly the police managed to regain order just about because otherwise it could have much much worse!!

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Have to be pretty stupid to celebrate at Elland Road.

Beaten to a pulp.

And then some.....

Exactly, some of the comments I read on here about us having to maintain 'high morals and ethics' at football are from cyberspace fantasy land. If you go in any home end at any football club in this country and celebrate the opposition team scoring you're well up for getting your head kicked in.

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Football fans are split these days....

Most of the old un's have been there done it & got the T-shirt, taken some massive hidings & given some out as well.....they know the score.

The majority of young un's these days haven't experienced violence of that nature or have & didn't like it.......

At the end of the day, BOTH sets support BCFC, neither is right or wrong as far as opinions go.

In the old days, as others have said, it was a case of someone having your back & you having theirs, football has been sanitised now and violence is sporadic at best.

To me and many others, the buzz of travelling away on a coach/train/van/minibus for hours upon end to all parts of the country and approaching our opponents ground thinking "will they be waiting for us, let's av it" was the best feeling you could have.

These days, a lot of young uns get that buzz from drugs, ours was natural adrenalin.


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It's hard to call really.

Now, I am I suppose what one may call a 'new' football fan started following in the late 1990s (born around a decade before). Actual physical violence, a bit much quite frankly.

However- and this is the rub- I'd never like to see the end of home/away ends. Atmosphere and so on, banter between home fans and away fans from their separate ends, hell even the risk one takes sitting in a home end has a certain element of 'danger' to it. In short, I can see both views.

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In the ol'days if you went away to teams such as Leeds it was pretty hard not to find a fight. And that was the package of the away day trip. You got on with it. No point blaming young ones for being soft or too girly. It's an entire new generation we are in.

But as others have said, the buzz of going to an away game free spirited with no control over you was a blast. Back in the 70's of Ashton Gate by the first minute you could be in the corner of the Atyeo Stand near the Williams, by the 90th minute you could be in the middle of the Dolman Stand!

Im all for one for plans with setting up all standing grounds again with better safety measures to create that old atmosphere grounds use to get.

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I can see both views.

This is where it gets complicated........

The young uns complain about the violence but don't consider the other side........they have been sanitised.

The sensible old uns, can see both sides, understand and try to educate the young uns to see both sides.

But as is usual in with most youths these days, they think they are correct.


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This is where it gets complicated........

The young uns complain about the violence but don't consider the other side........they have been sanitised.

The sensible old uns, can see both sides, understand and try to educate the young uns to see both sides.

But as is usual in with most youths these days, they think they are correct.


With all due respect, the irony of this post is undeniable.

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I thought the term Hooligan came from an Irish family/gang from islingtin North London?

I may well be wrong of course, usually am!

You're probably right. The term definately seems to originate from London according to many articles on wikipedia....... "The term hooligan has been used since at least the mid 1890s - when it was used to describe the name of a street gang in London - at approximately the same time as Manchester's street gangs, known as the "Scuttlers" were gaining notoriety. The first use of the term is unknown, but the word first appeared in print in London police-court reports in 1894 referring to the name of a gang of youths in the Lambeth area of London - the Hooligan Boys, and later - the O'Hooligan Boys. In August 1898 a murder in Lambeth committed by a member of the gang drew further attention to the word which was immediately popularized by the press. The London-based newspaper Daily Graphic wrote in an article on 22 August 1898, "The avalanche of brutality which, under the name of 'Hooliganism' ... has cast such a dire slur on the social records of South London".

H.G. Wells wrote in his 1909 semi-autobiographical novel "Tono-Bungay", "Three energetic young men of the hooligan type, in neck-wraps and caps, were packing wooden cases with papered-up bottles, amidst much straw and confusion".

.....was the great novelist H.G. Wells really writing about 3 BCFC ziderheads packing up their supply of zider for the trip to the 1909 FA Cup final at Crystal palace? They would have been our ancestors. :dancing6:

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Sums up a lot of football fans for me... It seems they need to have Stewards and Police to control them, because they aren't grown up enough to control their own actions.

Same people blame the Government and teachers, because their kids are muggers and taking drugs. People need to be responsible for their own actions, and man the **** up.

If i had my way, i'd stop some of our fans ever breeding. Waste of space and oxygen.

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Soft girls like Jordan sum up the modern game. Stroll on you gormless little ****, you make me feel sick

I'm sorry but it's people like you that make me feel sick, reading your posts has disgusted me. Jordan is one of the few on this forum who has any sense.

You sum up everything which is wrong with this modern world, you sad, bigoted little man.

Your avatar all but proves this.

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What I meant was, it is a free country, anyone can do anything.

If you break the law, you deserve to get punished but it is not up to anyone else to tell you not to do it.


That depends on the consequences. All very amusing seeing the Leeds bloke take a tumble. Let's just say he was unlucky and he hit his head, died. He leaves behind a wife, two kids. Do you say 'sorry, but he shouldn't have sat in ours stand and gobbed off'?

Is that just colateral damage?

And I pose that question the other way round, so say it was a City fan at Elland Road.

Does he deserve it? Is that just a risk he takes?

Is it worth it?

That's the trouble with football violence. It starts off one way but can end up another way.

Yes, in a free country anyone can do anything. What stops that happening is self restraint, knowing what you should do, not what you can do.

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Some Leeds muppet started mouthing off, after I politely showed him the exit, in his haste going down the steps in the Dolman block G exit, the stupid pr1k, walked backwards into the handrail & "slipped", down the stairs, he ended up outside the mens toilet, where he was "shoed" a couple of times buy a kid no older than 14, who relieved him of his aquascutum scarf, he didn't realise until 2 coppers had him at the bottom of the stairs and out the door.

I'd probably take a guess that the next time Leeds come here (next season) these gobby pr1(ks will stay home and listen to it on radio Yorkshire.

I now understand why clubs up and down the country hate arrogant Leeds, what a bunch of gobby to55er5.

:clap: agree 100%

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Your avatar all but proves this.

For the record, I believe that Ashton Vale Invasion Army's avatar image is superb. I know that poster and he's a reasonable and inteligent man that - like me - doesn't believe that the criminal, liar and traitor led European Union should be running/ ruining our country.

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I'm sorry but it's people like you that make me feel sick, reading your posts has disgusted me. Jordan is one of the few on this forum who has any sense.

You sum up everything which is wrong with this modern world, you sad, bigoted little man.

Your avatar all but proves this.

Your avatar all but proves this?

So because I also am against the E.U. does this make me a sad, bigoted little man? Sorry but that sounds a little bigoted to me.

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That depends on the consequences. All very amusing seeing the Leeds bloke take a tumble. Let's just say he was unlucky and he hit his head, died. He leaves behind a wife, two kids. Do you say 'sorry, but he shouldn't have sat in ours stand and gobbed off'?

Is that just colateral damage?

And I pose that question the other way round, so say it was a City fan at Elland Road.

Does he deserve it? Is that just a risk he takes?

Is it worth it?

That's the trouble with football violence. It starts off one way but can end up another way.

Yes, in a free country anyone can do anything. What stops that happening is self restraint, knowing what you should do, not what you can do.

This 'what if they died?' shite doesn't wash, reminds me of a book a colleague was reading a while ago: 101 stupid ways to die.

Also reminds me of the recent story in the press of the girl who had some sort of backside implant thing off the internet that went wrong.

Also reminds me of the time I got mugged walking around a notorious area of london at 3AM looking for drugs when I was young and stupid.

[For the record, no one died at AG on Saturday -neither have they at any English ground for years so can we please drop the hysteria- but one or two may have learnt an important lesson. There was no taking the piss after the second goal!]

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I only used it as an extreme example.

Having had a chance to look at a fair few Leeds forums on the whole (though not everyone) it seems that we're making far less of it, even the falling down the stairs incident, than you are.

It seems to be accepted that although no-one wants to see 'one of their own' have that happen to them it's a risk that you take when you go in the home stands and don't keep quiet.

In fact far from moaning I think quite a lot of people thought it was a good day out, and way better than some of the sterile places we visit.

It's done, over, finished, surely? If we're not complaining then there isn't much of a reason for City fans to do so?

You may say we're gobby etc etc, but we haven't gone moaning to teacher in the morning. Just accepted as part and parcel of the day out.

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From what I seen in the Williams (I sit right by where it happened) Leeds scored the first goal. A bloke in his mid thirties jumped up celebrating and then got ejected by a steward I have known for a long time. With that another bloke sat along from him (on his own) started mouthing off. A city fan sat in the front row started shouting abuse at him and they exchanged words but it simply fizzled out. Whilst all this was happening, something happened I have never seen in 25 years of going to Ashton Gate and that was three Leeds fans walking through the lower William arms a loft celebrating singing Leeds songs. It seemed to take an age to kick off, but it did and this is what upset the Leeds fans in the away end as Stewards and fans all dived on these three idiots.

The Leeds fans then witnessed the unrest and stormed the Williams stand where two rows of riot police and two rows of stewards stood in their way. Then with a stand off and a couple more attempts to storm the Williams, half time came and it seemed to settle.

My personal feeling is that Leeds fans thought they could do what they wanted, when they wanted and how they wanted at 'little' Bristol City. If I ever attended a home end when we played away, you keep you mouth shut, yourself to yourself and enjoy the game. Leeds fans are either dumb, or drove hundreds of miles to get their heads kicked in for fun.

With the visit of Swansea and Cardiff, Leeds have to be the scum of the earth compared to these. Problem is, they would love that tag!


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My personal feeling is that Leeds fans thought they could do what they wanted, when they wanted and how they wanted at 'little' Bristol City. If I ever attended a home end when we played away, you keep you mouth shut, yourself to yourself and enjoy the game. Leeds fans are either dumb, or drove hundreds of miles to get their heads kicked in for fun.

With the visit of Swansea and Cardiff, Leeds have to be the scum of the earth compared to these. Problem is, they would love that tag!


You flatter yourselves that the fans concerned even gave a moments thought to where they were. They'd have done it at Manchester United or Grimsby Town. Don't go down the 'little Bristol City' line, because it's utter bollocks.

They were most likely pissed up, got what was coming and that's an end to it. To tar an entire support by that is pathetic, especially when unlike YOU we're NOT moaning like kids in a playground.

Not that I give a toss, but didn't some of your 'scum' attack Leeds fans on the station earlier in the season? Ahh, but they must have been provoked. Keep up with the whiter than white bull, eh?

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Sat next to my Leeds Utd supporting mate in the Dolman block C no problems my brother sat behind us his wife used my season ticket met up with 6 other city fans from Winscombe for pre-match beers/cider and general chat,,,,,,,,,,,, Few Leeds fans in the pub didn't notice them there till i saw the shirts no trouble no singing from them, passed a van load load of Leeds parked up in the Nelson at Cleeve my City supporting mate from Plymouth had seen them as he drove up from there they had had a beer and were making a move to Bristol again no trouble ........................................................................Got to park up in the midas car park never seen so many riot police even against Bardiff City it was just plain over the top at that time a few Leeds were walking down from the old Ship and Castle area , from then on it was police horse's,paddy wagons and being stared at all the way up to North Street it felt like they wanted something to happen .................................. Its ok playing teams like Leeds but their name and reputation is always going to fire home fans up .... My mate was born in Yorkshire so thats his team having driven down from Halifax to watch them, i can't understand banners like Essex Whites unless you have some connection to Yorkshire,,, it seems the police feel a lot of people follow Leeds Utd for their reputation and treat them accordingly still they got to chase people down the Winterstoke Rd afterwards in fact most of it was as i thought it would be running around , v-signs,taunting,a few punches not the mass riot involving hundreds ......

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You flatter yourselves that the fans concerned even gave a moments thought to where they were. They'd have done it at Manchester United or Grimsby Town. Don't go down the 'little Bristol City' line, because it's utter bollocks.

They were most likely pissed up, got what was coming and that's an end to it. To tar an entire support by that is pathetic, especially when unlike YOU we're NOT moaning like kids in a playground.

Not that I give a toss, but didn't some of your 'scum' attack Leeds fans on the station earlier in the season? Ahh, but they must have been provoked. Keep up with the whiter than white bull, eh?

And you are???


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With the visit of Swansea and Cardiff, Leeds have to be the scum of the earth compared to these. Problem is, they would love that tag!

That is their mentality and they are pretty much universally despised. Speaking to some Gas mates of mine who say exactly the same, they cannot stand them.

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