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Keith Millen & The Future Of Bcfc


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There has been a lot of arguing on these forums recently, mostly down to Keith Millen and how you feel about him. Apparently if you do not want him here then you're a negative ninny and if you do want him here you're a happy clapper, either way you can't really win.

Looking at both sides of the argument what would you say are the positives and the negatives of Keith Millen being our managers? Another question is how relative is Millen staying to the position you would like to see this club achieve?

I'm asking these questions because I'm fed up of being called "negative" by saying I don't want Keith Millen leading this club. Now I know instantly there is a divide and by saying I don't want Keith Millen here puts me on one side of it but the truth is I'm not on either side. The side I am on is my own, what I would like to see from Bristol City before I'm old and grey! What I would like to see is us in the top flight, I don't care if like Blackpool we are fighting a relegation battle so long as we're doing what Blackpool are doing and that's fighting tooth, nail and finger to stay there.

Now I know others think that's too optimistic but is there a trend in this? Are the "happy clappers" happy to see Bristol City survive in this league? Are they ok with us going down a league? Do they want us to go into the Premier League or are they worried it may make this small club "sell out"?

I'm curious as to a few things:

Do you want Millen to stay or to go? Answer

Where are you content with Bristol City sitting in the Championship?

Do you care if Bristol City reach the Premier League in the next ten years?

How old are you?

I'm just wondering if there is a pattern here because it seems we have a very divided fan base and living in Cardiff I find it surprising just how much the Cardiff fans stick together whilst all I see on here are squabbles and arguments. I understand that everyone has a different view but at the end of the day when I've been to a Cardiff match I've come home deaf, when i go to watch us play I'm surprised if I hear a chant loud enough to make the same impact. It seems to be the same whichever ground I go to, in fact I went to a Newport County match recently and they seemed to cheer and get behind their team more than we do.

Now I'm not here to put us down but I am wondering why as a fan base we seem so divided all of the time, I'm also wondering why so many people have so many different views on Millen. I personally think David James would make a better manager right now as he has a better knowledge of the game, has played at the highest level, is passionate, is tactically smart and more than anything he can read the game. However, this is my opinion and whilst some people will rubbish this I'll choose to ignore them and just listen to those who can respect my view and in turn I'll respect theirs even if I do not agree with it. For me Keith Millen does not have the contacts, he does not have the tactical ability to out think many of the managers at this level and he doesn't seem to motivate very well either. I do not rate the man as a manager but this does not mean i dislike him, I'd wish him all the best if he went off to manage another club but it's my desire to see us improve, to become an established front runner in the championship and to bring in some exciting players who will produce goods game in and game out that makes me think we need a better quality of manager at this club.

So, please respect my view as I will continue to support Bristol City through thick and thin but this does not mean I have to like our manager, nor does any other Bristol City fan. Support is not just about saying "he's good enough", it's also in saying "he's not good enough, we need better" as you're supporting the club and not the current hot seat occupier.

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I'm curious as to a few things:

Do you want Millen to stay or to go? Answer YES - I think he should have more time to build with a settled squad and pre-season. I would however set a review date of sometime between late Oct - Xmas, and if things are not going to plan, look at changing then.

Where are you content with Bristol City sitting in the Championship? Obviously as high as possible, with a realistic chance of the play-offs each season. Won't happen every year, but being in with a shout of doing something is important.

Do you care if Bristol City reach the Premier League in the next ten years? Yes, of course. Otherwise there is not alot of point in going. I do not EXPECT it, but i do HOPE for it. I would actually like to be a bit of a YO Yo club ala west brom, after surviving for a season or two up there. rather than scrapping to stay up every year and a boring mid table existance being the goal! I would settle for just a taste of it though and I'm very envious of Blackpool/Wolves fans right now. Although wolves are also a YO YO club i suppose. Just don't do a HULL and overspend to a critical level. Going up and down eventually lets you find your place with natural growth.

How old are you? 32

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There is no right or wrong answer to any of your questions.

Imho, fans are just frustrated. The outlook at the beginning of the season, seemed more positive than any i can remember for a long time. Then the Stadium let downs, SC leaving and poor quality football.

I'm sure if KM had us playing good winning football from the start of the season and we were in a comfortable mid table position with a chance of the play off, then feelings within the fans would be more positive.

Personally, talk of Premier League football has had a negative effect on the Club and it's fans.

We've hardly been in this division five mins. There are teams like Sheffield Utd and Middlesbrough who are massive compared to us, and they are struggling as much as we are.

Consolidate, and build a firm foundation. That's what we need to do. Cracks started to appear in that foundation, in the last season of GJ's tenure. We never took the correct action. Hense the cracks crumbling. Now we are picking up the pieces and trying to rectify some poor decision making.

All imho of course, buts that how i see it.

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Agree 100% with Spuski. Expectations are far too high, we are a small club at championship level, nearly got to the PL, and subsequently spent a lot of money for little result. We need to stabilise the finances, get far better value for money spent on wages and transfers, and get youth development as a much higher priority. Fans need to realise that what we have is unsustainable, accept that signings will have to be more modest, and that next season may be as difficult as this one.

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I saw enough of Keith Millen's management style last season to see that he has something and we could go places eventually IF we get the right players in/back from injury. Anyone remember the performances against Newcastle, WBA, Barnsley & a few others, very rarely saw anything that entertaining under GJ.

Don't think people really realise how much we have missed Nicky Maynard this season, most teams would struggle without a player of his standard and he is irreplaceable.

I would have however, gave KM a 1 yr rolling contract or a 2 year contract with extension options if everything was going ok/everyone was happy.

Obviously I want to see Bristol City FC challenging for the premier league but people have to realise that there are MUCH bigger clubs than us in the Championship, with MUCH bigger spending power/attractiveness. We have some of the best strikers around now (when fit), we just need a midfield who will create chances for them........and sort the defence out as well of course.

I would be happy with a consistent to 8/10 finish with a us challenging for the pray offs every other season.

Premier League.....HELL YEAH!!!!, 40,000 cider heads at Ashton Vale, shouting their balls off (except for the EE moaners of course).

My first game was in 1968, used to POD but have had a season ticket for the last 25+ years, been home & away regularly over the years (including 3 seasons in a row where I went to every game 1st team game...including friendlies), so I think I have enough experience of Bristol City FC to have a reasonable balanced judgment of things.

The trouble is the young un's haven't had the hard times and so want instant success.....in that case they are better off watching ManUre from their armchairs.


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Do you want Millen to stay or to go? Stay.

Where are you content with Bristol City sitting in the Championship? I will be glad to see the back of this season and the players and management probably will too. If, after a pre-season and transfer window of his own, Keith's team are still performing so inconsistently, the future looks bleak.

Do you care if Bristol City reach the Premier League in the next ten years? Of course, although I'd like it to be when I've come back to Bristol first.

How old are you? 19

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Good post Spike.

Well I'm 46 and have seen us play in all four divisions so don't expect anything from BCFC other than a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows.

I'd be more than happy to see us as a good Championship club finishing around 10th each year with the odd play off challenge.

What really worries me is the cost of achieving that. It seems that we will have to spend £10m a year more than we earn to achieve that - that is not sustainable.

SL clearly felt this way at the end of last season and gambled on a manager who could end the losses by getting us promoted. We all know what happened next.

Millen COULD deliver my ideal scenario by another route - signing good players at affordable prices (we'd still make a loss but not £10m). Equally he could take us down.

I suspect we will stay up witha handful of points to spare in approx 18th place and that Millen will keep his job. If he can stick us in 10th place by next Christmas he would deseve to stay (and I'd be happy to admit I was completely wrong about him!).

BUT my preferred scenario would still be to bring in a more experienced manager in the summer.

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Good post Spike.

Well I'm 46 and have seen us play in all four divisions so don't expect anything from BCFC other than a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows.

I'd be more than happy to see us as a good Championship club finishing around 10th each year with the odd play off challenge.

What really worries me is the cost of achieving that. It seems that we will have to spend £10m a year more than we earn to achieve that - that is not sustainable.

SL clearly felt this way at the end of last season and gambled on a manager who could end the losses by getting us promoted. We all know what happened next.

Millen COULD deliver my ideal scenario by another route - signing good players at affordable prices (we'd still make a loss but not £10m). Equally he could take us down.

I suspect we will stay up witha handful of points to spare in approx 18th place and that Millen will keep his job. If he can stick us in 10th place by next Christmas he would deseve to stay (and I'd be happy to admit I was completely wrong about him!).

BUT my preferred scenario would still be to bring in a more experienced manager in the summer.

Posts like this would restore anyone's faith in otib, I hope.

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Do you want Millen to stay or to go? Stay and be given time. I believe he has the potential to be a top manager

Where are you content with Bristol City sitting in the Championship? At the moment I would be content with us surviving and staying in the Championship

Do you care if Bristol City reach the Premier League in the next ten years? This must be the ultimate goal. I don't care if we then become a Yo yo club for a few seasons. It hasn't done the likes of Sunderland & Wigan any harm

How old are you? 21 x 2 + a few more

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I don't why your're asking these questions with just 13 games left to play. Surely fans will be better qualified to form a more detailed opinion on Millen when the season is over.

Good point, it's been a funny old season from the beginning. I think KM can steer us away from a relegation battle so looking back at the end of the season and taking stock will help to make more considered judgments.

KMs future, like any manager, will depend on results. If they are good and he stays then there is some benefit in stability if he goes then I hope that we are lucky enough to get a top/proven manager.

You Redz!

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Whilst being disappointed with this year, once we get the 50+ points we can all chill a bit. I think we are moving in the right direction with the players we have brought in and when we have a fully fit squad, remove some dead wood in the summer and maybe add in a couple of positions, then I think we will be OK next year. If next xmas and we are still in trouble then, I may reconsider, but at the moment we have had a lot of instability, so I hope Keef will be given time to put it right.

Like everyone I would like PL football, but want a team that can complete at that level and not be everyones whipping boys, which takes time at this level to build that strong squad

Age 44, season ticket 25 years +, supported longer than that

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I am 57 and the club is in pretty well the same situation it was when I first started watching - at the wrong end of the then 2nd division. However, looking back to those days, I think there are some lessons worth applying today.

If this forum had been around in the late '60's/early '70's, I am pretty sure Alan Dicks would not been around long enough to get us into the first divison. However, he was given time to develop a team to gain promotion. In 12 months we have had 3 managers, and while I know that the Coppell situation could not have been forseen ( other than by the Mystic Meg's who populate this forum) all this upheavel can do the team no good at all. Is it just coincidence that the 2 most sucessful clubs in this country have the longest serving managers?

If we secure Championship football next season, then whether or not a "better qualified" manager is available, I think that Millen should be given time to develop his team, and to bring some stability back to the club. Gary Johnson did a job of sorting out the mess he inherited and getting us to the next level. He couldn't do it in a day, and had to overcome resistance even from our own fans and players. Millen has a different job to do than GJ, but also needs the time and support to see his plan through.

Looking back, there is another factor that can be applied to today's team. Dicks' promotion team contained a lot of players who had come through the club's youth ranks. We know the financial situation just now, and if the new stadium remains on the agenda, then I suspect the budget will be tight. I hope that KM makes it a priority to focus on the Academy, charging the academy staff to produce players capable of playing championship football. However, KM also has to commit to using those players when they are ready. If Connor Wickham was a City academy player, I guess that he would currently be out on loan at Brentford just now to gain experience, instead of contemplating a £10m move to a Premier League club!

Building a team, around academy graduates will not only save us money - instead of forking out inflated fees and wages on overrated players - but I am pretty sure will give us a stronger "team". The youth team players who graduated to Dicks' promotion winning side, had played together for years, and formed a nucleus of the team. We have a large proportion of our current team who havent even played together for a season.

A lot of dead wood needs to be shipped out to make way for new players, whether they be new signings our own youngsters coming through. There will be hiccups along the way, and probably a bumpy ride until KM has his players in place. Whether the fans have the patience to accept this is another question entirely, but looking back to the '70's I can also tell you that those of us fans who were around then have been patient for 30 years, waiting to see our club back in the top flight, so what's another year?

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I am glad we got a win last night as is everyone, for the club and for Millen. He seems like a nice guy. But i still think at the end of the season we need to make a change, if Lansdown is really that ambitious then we should bring in a proven manager with good experience to help us to get to the Premier League, that is more important than a stadium to me. I also wouldn't be surprised if SL has already got a manager lined up to take over at the end of the season (McLaren)

So to your questions:

Do you want Millen to stay or to go? Go at the end of the season as long as we have a decent manager prepared to take over

Where are you content with Bristol City sitting in the Championship? Mid table as long as we play decent football, but would like to be pushing for play-offs.

Do you care if Bristol City reach the Premier League in the next ten years? Yes, that is the most important thing

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Do you want Millen to stay or to go? Stay. I believe that he will be a very good manager and after a full pre season with his own squad, there will many positive changes occuring over the summer. He has shown that he is very good in the transfer market and wants to play attractive football, however this has been his downfall at times this season as we don't have good enough players to do so.

Where are you content with Bristol City sitting in the Championship? Top half football is great and I don't really expect us to be challenging for promotion next year. I'm still enjoying life in the Championship after all those years of L1 football.

Do you care if Bristol City reach the Premier League in the next ten years? It would be a nice bonus in my opinion. Even if we were to go up we'd simply be fighting to stay in the league every year, unless of course friends of the Man City owners bought us. :P

How old are you? 16

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Do you want Millen to stay or to go?

I want him to stay !

Where are you content with Bristol City sitting in the Championship?

Anywhere between Places 1 and 10, just that you don't have to be afraid getting into fighting relegation...

Do you care if Bristol City reach the Premier League in the next ten years?

Of course.

But I'm not 100% sure I really want it...

It surely would be great for the club and for earning some money to be spent con City's future, being "on the map" somehow again, but top flight is too much what's being called "modern football" for me nd therefore too far away from what I always loved about football...

But it's the same over here in Germany and I guess almost everywhere around Europe...

How old are you?


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Do you want Millen to stay or to go? Stay. I believe that he will be a very good manager and after a full pre season with his own squad, there will many positive changes occuring over the summer. He has shown that he is very good in the transfer market and wants to play attractive football, however this has been his downfall at times this season as we don't have good enough players to do so.

Where are you content with Bristol City sitting in the Championship? Top half football is great and I don't really expect us to be challenging for promotion next year. I'm still enjoying life in the Championship after all those years of L1 football.

Do you care if Bristol City reach the Premier League in the next ten years? It would be a nice bonus in my opinion. Even if we were to go up we'd simply be fighting to stay in the league every year, unless of course friends of the Man City owners bought us. :P

How old are you? 16

You can only think about where we are now and think where we could be in the future.

I want Millen to stay. He has been excellent in the transfer market and clearly knows how to set teams up to play away from home. We've won at Watford and Swansea, drawn at QPR and been unlucky to lose to Leicester, Forest and Cardiff. That is a match for anyone in the division. The problem has obviously been at home. We lack confidence and are desperately in need of a midfielder to direct operations like Hartley did at times last season. He deserves to have the opportunity to solve this before being judged. There are a lot of players out of contract in the summer and The main opportunity a manager has to really put a stamp on a side is pre-season. We are in the position where we are good at playing good sides, but lack the confidence to impose ourselves on lesser sides.

So far, Millen has only inherited things. He has shown decent judgement and decent tactical awareness. His biggest test will be putting a stamp on things. We need to get Nicky Maynard to sign a new contract, otherwise we will be looking at either selling him in the summer or him leaving for nothing. Then we need to sort our midfield out as it is simply not good enough. I'm sure Millen only plays 2 normal midfielders as this is our weakest position. Sign the next Charlie Adam and get Maynard to sign a new contract and we are play off material as the rest of the squad that remains is as good as the likes of Swansea, Forest, Norwich and Leeds.

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Do you want Millen to stay or to go? Answer

Stay. There are too many inadequate players on long contracts who are happy to just pick up their pay. It's going to take time for KM (or anybody else for that matter) to arrange a move away or wait for the contracts to run out. KM has proved he has a good eye for a transfer and he knows us City fans like to see exciting wing play. Also by his own admission he thinks we may be a little gun-ho at home, but that's just a little naievity which he'll learn from. I guessing most of us would be pretty gun-ho if we were all the City manager, as we all want to see plenty of goals.

Where are you content with Bristol City sitting in the Championship?

Not necessarily content, but I think remaining in the Championship should remain a minimum target. Each season I expect us to be challenging for promotion, but if I was a supporter of any other team in the Championship I would expect us to be challenging. You always find there is one team that doesn't necessarily spend big, but performs very well, why shouldn't that be us?

Do you care if Bristol City reach the Premier League in the next ten years?

Definitely, football to me is about entertainment and winning, there's no point playing games for the sake of it and I guess a lot of our fans feel the same. If they didn't then surely we'd get bigger gates in pre-season friendlies, but as it stands the pre-season attendances are poor because there is nothing riding on the match. As a fan I want us to win every single game we play in, and that includes all the Mickey Mouse Cups and I would always play the strongest team possible. We've never one a major trophy, and we've only got to a final once, so if there's a tiny chance we can do that in my lifetime, why not go for. I don't agree with all the "concentrate on the league" sayings - if you get injuries following a cup game, then so be it.

How old are you?

37 and three quarters

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Do you want Millen to stay or to go? Pointless getting rid of him now, would only make our situation worse. I think come May if we retain our Championship Status, then it is only right Millen gets until Oct/Nov to show us what he can do, with a full and uninterrupted preseason behind him.

Where are you content with Bristol City sitting in the Championship? I just want us to stay in the Championship, that is the short term goal. Next season, it would be good to see more consistency, starting at Ashton Gate, where we win more than draw or lose.

Do you care if Bristol City reach the Premier League in the next ten years? Of course I would absolutely love it. Regardless of the teams in the Championship, on their day any team can beat any other team. Do I believe we can get to the prem? Why Not!

How old are you? 36 and season ticket holder for the last 5 seasons since moving back from Spain. First game, was a cup game back in 1981/2.

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Do you want Millen to stay or to go? stay, i think at least until january(unless we go down)

Where are you content with Bristol City sitting in the Championship? right now, survival will suffice for this and next year. i think this is now a re-building stage to get rid of GJ'S clubs in the bag and coppells rubbish.

Do you care if Bristol City reach the Premier League in the next ten years? i think anyone that says no to this is lying, everyone wants their club playing in the highest possible league.

How old are you? 16

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Agree 100% with Spuski. Expectations are far too high, we are a small club at championship level, nearly got to the PL, and subsequently spent a lot of money for little result. We need to stabilise the finances, get far better value for money spent on wages and transfers, and get youth development as a much higher priority. Fans need to realise that what we have is unsustainable, accept that signings will have to be more modest, and that next season may be as difficult as this one.

Would you be saying the same thing had Coppell still been here and we were sitting comfortable inside the play offs right now? I doubt it.

I am surprised by how many have seriously lowered their expectations because we have a rookie manager.

In answer to the OP

1. not sure about positives and negatives as i do not have the benefit of being in the UK that much to see sufficient number of matches. However, the table tells me a fair bit which leads me to your second Q..

2. I do not think this club will be promoted with Millen in charge but many, as i mentioned above, seem quite happy with us sitting mid table in the Championship; i actually can fully understand that view by the way if not agreeing with it.

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Do you want Millen to stay or to go?

Stay. Certainly if we stay up this season, we can't reward him with the sack. Give him a chance to see what he can do next season - if it doesn't work out then he moves on.

Where are you content with Bristol City sitting in the Championship?

yYes. I don't want to be struggling and going bankrupt in the Premier League, just so that I can watch overpaid international stars every week. Frankly I'd rather have League One football - at least it has some honesty about it. However, I accept this is a difficult point of view, as everyone want their team to succeed and progress.

Do you care if Bristol City reach the Premier League in the next ten years?

Not much, so long as I'm enjoying watching them. Isn't it all about enjoying your football, after all? I have close friends who support Bath City, and they seem to get at least as much enjoyment out of football as I do.

How old are you?

I've been watching City since 1962, so go figure...

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Would you be saying the same thing had Coppell still been here and we were sitting comfortable inside the play offs right now? I doubt it.

I am surprised by how many have seriously lowered their expectations because we have a rookie manager.

In answer to the OP

1. not sure about positives and negatives as i do not have the benefit of being in the UK that much to see sufficient number of matches. However, the table tells me a fair bit which leads me to your second Q..

2. I do not think this club will be promoted with Millen in charge but many, as i mentioned above, seem quite happy with us sitting mid table in the Championship; i actually can fully understand that view by the way if not agreeing with it.

It's a catch 22...Promotion is all well and good, but unless you have a strong squad and can survive that first season up, then the negatives far outway the benefits if you come straight back down again. Regardless of parachute payments, many Clubs have gone backwards after relegation from the Prem. Of the teams going for Promotion this year, I can only see QPR having a chance of staying up.

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Do you want Millen to stay or to go?

Stay. He has done enough to show he can keep us in the division this season after a difficult start. Beyond that he deserves the chance to demonstrate that with a few more of his own squad improvements and a structured pre-season under his belt he can move us on to being a top half team for the next couple of seasons.

Where are you content with Bristol City sitting in the Championship?

I'm 'content' to see City as an established Championship side. Each season the 'ambition' has to be one of the three successful sides in the division but with the finances in this division massively favouring clubs falling out of the Premier League I know that for us to break into the top six will require most things to fall into place over a whole season.

This season has seen the complete opposite. We've lurched from one crisis to the next with Coppell coming and going, Summer signings making no impact, spates of injuries across the squad in key areas etc etc. This can't happen to a club of our size and still allow us to be successful on the pitch at this level.

The manager has to play the hand he is dealt as best he can. No doubt Millen has made mistakes along the way but I look at the defenders we have been able to select from most weeks and having a 20 goal a season striker out until now and wonder how much better any other manager would have done this season.

Do you care if Bristol City reach the Premier League in the next ten years?

Yes. Supporting your team is about sporting competition and wanting to win. Whatever level we are at I will want us to be a little bit higher and looking to a bigger and better future. What I won't do is throw my toys out of the pram if we don't get there...as long as I see a genuine attempt to do so. My biggest fear is the stadium plans grinding to a halt and our playing budget being cut to a sustainable size for a club with our current income. We'll then be going into most seasons hoping we can 'do a Blackpool' rather than seeing any logical way for us to leave this division the right way.

How old are you?

The right side of 40...just!

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Do you want Millen to stay or to go? Answer:

He deserves a full pre season then no excuses the buck lies with him so my answer is stay.

Where are you content with Bristol City sitting in the Championship?

We need to get back to reality, expectation as gone through the roof, mid table next year followed by a big push for the play-offs the following season will suite me fine.

Do you care if Bristol City reach the Premier League in the next ten years?

I would love to see City in the Prem in the next ten years, as long as it we do it the right way and don't end up in the shit like so many clubs are now because of the Premier League dream

How old are you?


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Millen; Stay or Go?

I think he has shown enough to merit a proper go at building a squad in the off season. There is much room for improvement no doubt, but there is also enough signs that we can progress under Millen to ensure I am behind him.

I concur with the general consesus of people I have spoken to that Millen deserves until next christmas. If we are languishing at the bottom of the table then he will have had his shot and failed. Strangely I am confident we won't be.

Where am I content with BCFC being in the NPC?

Outside the relegation zone is the absolute minimum. I'd not say I would be happy with that situation, but content.

Ideally considering the general size and reputation of this club we are a mid table side in this division. IMO, But we have the backing and backbone of a squad that can go further than that. If Nicky remains fit and firing for next season, with Pitman and Stead chipping in too, and we sort out the defence, we'll be up there I beleive.

Prem, Yes or No?

Abso-*******-Lutely. I'm not sure why it needs justification really. Yes we're all pretty disillusioned by the whole "Money bags mantra" football has gained through Scudamore (A city fan! wtf?!) but we all dream of playing a part in it!!


Though not sure why it's relevant and what point you were trying to make in regard to age, But I'm 20.

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I saw enough of Keith Millen's management style last season to see that he has something and we could go places eventually IF we get the right players in/back from injury. Anyone remember the performances against Newcastle, WBA, Barnsley & a few others, very rarely saw anything that entertaining under GJ.

Don't think people really realise how much we have missed Nicky Maynard this season, most teams would struggle without a player of his standard and he is irreplaceable.

I would have however, gave KM a 1 yr rolling contract or a 2 year contract with extension options if everything was going ok/everyone was happy.

Obviously I want to see Bristol City FC challenging for the premier league but people have to realise that there are MUCH bigger clubs than us in the Championship, with MUCH bigger spending power/attractiveness. We have some of the best strikers around now (when fit), we just need a midfield who will create chances for them........and sort the defence out as well of course.

I would be happy with a consistent to 8/10 finish with a us challenging for the pray offs every other season.

Premier League.....HELL YEAH!!!!, 40,000 cider heads at Ashton Vale, shouting their balls off (except for the EE moaners of course).

My first game was in 1968, used to POD but have had a season ticket for the last 25+ years, been home & away regularly over the years (including 3 seasons in a row where I went to every game 1st team game...including friendlies), so I think I have enough experience of Bristol City FC to have a reasonable balanced judgment of things.

The trouble is the young un's haven't had the hard times and so want instant success.....in that case they are better off watching ManUre from their armchairs.


Just one small correction on your first point- WBA display was under Johnson.

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Do you want Millen to stay or to go? Answer:

If he keeps us up and has a chance to bring in some players then is the time to judge him I think.

Where are you content with Bristol City sitting in the Championship?

Perhaps steadily building, for a push at the PL in several years. We are not a big club, many bigger than us at this level so we have to have a certain sense of realism.

Do you care if Bristol City reach the Premier League in the next ten years?

Would be very nice, but finances must be controlled if we get up there. We've seen how the losses have gone through the roof since we got to this level!

How old are you?

21. First game 1998 v Wolves.

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Do you want Millen to stay or to go? Definitely Stay. As others have said, providing we stay up, then he has earned the right to a close season. Keith needs the chance to put HIS squad together. He then has half a season to prove himself. If we are in the relegation zone in December, then he has been given enough time.

Where are you content with Bristol City sitting in the Championship?We need to be mid table. Next season a decent F.A.Cup run would be very welcome, just to raise our profile if nothing else. The Chairman was rightly furious at the pathetic capitulation against Sheff Weds. In the league, we need to see more entertaining football, as Keith was producing at the end of last season. If the football is good, then mid table is acceptable.

Much has been said about bigger clubs than us in the Championship. I consider the following to be smaller clubs than us; plus there are a number in the Premier League who I feel we could overtake (Bolton, Blackburn, Wigan, Fulham, Blackpool,) Some of these have wealthy benefactors of course, and are really in a false position, i.e. Wigan, Fulham

As a club we should be aiming at finishing above : Watford, Millwall, Scunny, Doncaster, Barnsley, Reading, Swansea, Hull, Cystal Palace, Preston, If we ever get a new stadium, then we should be competing with Cardiff, Wolves, West Brom, Stoke

Do you care if Bristol City reach the Premier League in the next ten years? Yes, naturally. Providing it does not put the club at risk. Burnley and Blackpool have been sensible about it, not putting their future in doubt. Burnley could still go up again this season, and will be stronger next time round.

How old are you? 43. First game 1975 v Chelsea.

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