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Millen Looking To The Loan Market


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I'm sorry but am i not right in thinking that in our first season in the championship we had the best home defensive record and one of the best away records. In our first season we had Orr Fonts Carey McCombe and a slightly younger Jaime McCalister who in my opinion at this time in his career was a very good player for the team. Not only this, in that season i think were all forgetting what a key player Marvin Elliot was for us. His contributions getting back making vital challenges and helping to double on players was a huge help to the defense. Since we dont see the best in Elliot anymore, loosing a very good championship player in Orr, McCalister and Carey not quite having the legs anymore. Our defense has only been an issue in the last two season and the board have looked to bring in people they feel will strengthen it but have failed due to the people brought in not preforming as well as hoped. When we came to the championship our biggest downfall we didn't score too many goals and you can see why we have spent the majority of transfer fees on our strikers!

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I'm feeling cautiously optimistic about this one. I think that with our good relations with Spurs we could be in with a better chance of securing his services than Rangers and am hopeful that they (Spurs) and he (Khumalo) would think playing in the Championship would be better than playing in the SPL, for the reasons that others have already stated.

I guess it depends whether the Spurs & the player himself value the above as more important than the money, as Rangers would no doubt be able to contribute much more towards his wages than we would.

Would be a great signing IMO, and if we could tie this one up along with Bertrand on loan and a new deal for Nicky then I'd be a very happy man! :fingerscrossed:

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Although, the assistant boss at Spurs is quoted in the Talksport article as saying "Bongani spent last season on loan and did well, and obviously when that happens a lot of clubs start phoning to enquire." which implies that us and Rangers won't be the only ones after him, although I still reckon our strong links with Spurs may put us in a better position than most.

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Which you lambasted the club for ALL last season. Now the atmosphere is more sombre, surely that is to your liking?! No promises of that effing Jam today!

to be fair Jordan what I was lambasting last season was the difference between what was promised and what we got. But that's water under the bridge.

There's certainly no promise of anything much at the moment. I've written somewhere on here that I think that's no bad thing.

But Spudski makes a good point when he questions how competent the management of any organisation is when one year it is reaching for the stars, money no object seemingly, and the next is rather hard up and living on scraps...

...or so it appears at the moment. Quite happy to be watching some more great new signings on 9th August. Or indeed a brilliantly honed squad of rejuvenated familiar faces.

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well whoever said we where offered Oliver Gill was quite clearly wrong!

From BBC and Daily Mail -

Oliver Gill - son of Manchester United chief executive David - has turned down a professional contract at Old Trafford to study economics at Durham University.


EDIT:- just seen it was Kachina. Suprise suprise it was wrong then!

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