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Tonight V Bath


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So looks like we will be riding high with a positive attitude and great team moral when the season starts then..........NOT.

If we had won all our friendlies maybe complacency would creep in against Ipswich? You just don't know. I would prefer to identify the weak links and fix them now rather than wait for the season to start.

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Ipswich have more or less the same number of pre-season games as City - they'll be fit and ready, despite a dodgy 2-2 against Cambridge last out. But as you say, results don't really matter, it's the individual and team performances that count - and we aint really seen one yet.

Let's hope that the WBA game brings out the best..

That'll be the real test for sure, expect Keith will have his preferred 11 out baring injuries. Yeah It seems Ipswich went to Holland, they have Southend and Colchester up next. Jewell hopes to bring in a few more players before playing us, hope hes not after defenders.

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If we had won all our friendlies maybe complacency would creep in against Ipswich? You just don't know. I would prefer to identify the weak links and fix them now rather than wait for the season to start.

Do you really think we should have weak links anywhere in our setup against teams like Bath?

Oh and it's their pre-season to wonder what would have happened if they had gone for it like a league game.

Some people on here seem to think the teams we have played are treating it like cup finals to play us and uping their game.

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I'm really glad Hunt has had a good game (Even though we lost!!!) Like Alex#40 said I hope Keef acknowledges that he has had a good game and starts to build his confidence back up. We publicly slate players when they are bad so I think they also need to be praised to the same extent when they are good.

You know I hope he is making an impression. Everyone deserves another chance, lets face it someone saw something there or he would not have made it as far as he did.

I just wonder if the head problems some said were his are starting to get sorted!! Lets hope so!

Good Luck Nicky Hunt

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With hunt playing well, dont get too excited people. We were playing bath city!

Hes not in millens plans otherwise he would have gone to portugal. An adequate performance against bath city would not have changed his views on him.

Thankyou, some sense at last

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Thankyou, some sense at last

Waaaahaay Victor Meldrew :worship2:

As i said on page 1 of this thread, Tonight was his last chance in terms of giving Keith a defensive headache (at least) and i feel he more than succeeded tongiht and credit wheres it's due. He looked all through the game like someone willing to prove a point and that can only be a good thing.

Shall we see Hunt again in the future, only time will tell at the moment, But in hindsight, i suppose it was just Bath City, and the fact we're clutching at straws looking for that experienced and composing defendee we so need right now

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It may only have been Bath City but against that same Bath City several other players didn't play as well as Nicky Hunt.

Absolutely, having seen what will be my only pre season game I'd say that only James Wilson played any better than him.

I don't think it will earn him another chance, but it at least showed some of what he must have once been capable of.

What was a real worry (apart from a ref fully prepared to let the Bath no.10 flail his elbows around, injuring two of ours) was just how poor many of our second XI looked.

On that basis only Wilson would improve last night's side, whilst Woolford might possibly dispute the wide left berth with JCR.

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Reading was never your strong point was it, I agreed with you in that topic.

What about all the other topics you've mocked me for since ive been a member on this forum, trying to make my life hell? i guess they dont count! anyway it was ment as a joke bro, nothing to get your knickers in a twist about.

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Glad Murray scored.

Just goes to show which team was better and thats yesterdays which would indicate my starting eleven with the players we currently have. With the inclusions of Pitman & killkenny & ribs.

Improvement still needed from some players.

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Looking at the team I guess Nicky Hunt played centre-back.

Perhaps it's too simplistic to say that a move from right back to centre-back is the key for him to show qualities that got him a fair quantity of games in the Premier League even if those games were at right-back. He looks to have the build of a centre back rather than the attacking full-back he was flagged up as. I know too much can't be read into a pre-season against Bath but if he trains well and has a good attitude it would make a great story if he was to become the success story of the season or even a fans favourite. I guess the last bit might be stretching it but if lack of confidence or another factor rather than effort is the reason he has struggled then all decent fans will warm to him if he turns things around.

The other 'good news' factor is that whoever has played alongside Wilson in the few games he has played generally gets a good write-up - at the back-end of last season Nyatanga suddenly looked good partnering him and now Nicky Hunt. I am hoping that Wilson stays fit as, like Caulker, he can play a bit and could be the perfect answer - we just need one of the other centre-halves (or Hunt) to step up to the challenge, a quality left-back and possibly a right-back as well given Christian Ribeiro's fragility.

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Think hunt started CB but was moved to righ back reasonably early when Edwards went off

im sure it will take a lot more than one decent game against Bath to make up for whatever nonsense was going on last season

credit where its due thought it sounds like he played well and (from some posts above) also had a smile on his face and properly got involved

whether he generally wants to fight his way back into team, or if hes just trying to impress any other prospective clubs that take might have an eye on him its good news for us

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Wife is fine, sat down happy (although probably bored).

Fawke off, Reid on. Cisse to CB, Reid in the middle with Johnson. Smallest midfield ever?

Thanks for some good updates & views Alex.... I just wish you could've found a way to split the above post up a bit... a 'one line, two words' rare opportunity to make an otib classic post went begging there mate :)

(best wishes to you, your mrs and mini Alex when he/she arrives)

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With hunt playing well, dont get too excited people. We were playing bath city!

Hes not in millens plans otherwise he would have gone to portugal. An adequate performance against bath city would not have changed his views on him.

Where as I agree with you....he is no worse then Danion Stewart, who is quite simply.....a joke

What I will say about hunt is, he came back from pre-season and asked for copies of all the dvds of his games last season, and asked the coaches where he was going wrong. Couple this with the fact even Millen said last season he was professional and always gave everything in training....says to me that he deserves a chance surely.

Our defence is woeful.....its only pre-season, what have we got to lose?

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I'd start Hunt against yeovil see how he goes there as he had a good game at Bath by all accounts, We haven't got anyone else and to be fair the defence can't get much worse,

I'm all for giving him a chance, he's got somthing to prove and is on the transfer list he is playing for his future in football and that can only be plus's for us,

He could play himself back in to city fan's hearts and back into Milens plans and he could also get himself a new club and his career back on track,

Good luck to him

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Stewart is not a joke, he was excellent against Cheltenham, that view was supported by several Cheltenham fans too. I too hope Hunt comes good, but the berating he got on here after Leeds was not helpful, as is calling Stewart a 'joke'

Stewart is a joke, his attitude is all wrong!

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Where as I agree with you....he is no worse then Danion Stewart, who is quite simply.....a joke

What I will say about hunt is, he came back from pre-season and asked for copies of all the dvds of his games last season, and asked the coaches where he was going wrong. Couple this with the fact even Millen said last season he was professional and always gave everything in training....says to me that he deserves a chance surely.

Our defence is woeful.....its only pre-season, what have we got to lose?

Lets not kid ourselves, Hunt was significantly worse than Stewart last season. Sometimes Stewart plays like an oaf and he is unbearably inconsistent. He'll churn out a decent performance and then be completely shite a week later. However Hunt was shite every week he played! At the start of the season when they were both poor Hunt was noticeably worse and obviously when he was brought back by necessity for the Leeds game he was a complete liability and almost single-handedly gifted them three goals. One average performance against a Conference team does not change this and he will need to play well in a few competitive League matches to prove he is worth even being looked at.

Stewart at times last season showed he can defend, Hunt has yet to show this.

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Where as I agree with you....he is no worse then Danion Stewart, who is quite simply.....a joke

What I will say about hunt is, he came back from pre-season and asked for copies of all the dvds of his games last season, and asked the coaches where he was going wrong. Couple this with the fact even Millen said last season he was professional and always gave everything in training....says to me that he deserves a chance surely.

Our defence is woeful.....its only pre-season, what have we got to lose?

ooohh thats not fair Andy, I was at the Cheltenham game and I can tell you he did a good job.. yes he got turned a couple of times, but he played well. I was sat with a Chelt fan in their stand, so got a better view of play. Hand on heart he played well.

I was pleasantly surprised because I'd read on OTIB that he was being petulant and overweight..I didnt get that impression at all... looked to me as if he's playing for a starting place.

Nicky Hunt though - I just dont understand whats wrong here.

I didnt go to the game at Bath, so cant comment on how he played, but its got to be positive that he was getting good reviews, from those that were there

Its a mystery to me as to why last season he wasn't at least out on loan at another club (L1/L2 - even if we had to carry a percentage of his wages). Maybe it was offered to him, but turned down.

It will be interesting to see how it pans out, this season.


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