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Tonight V Bath


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thanks for the updates.

how is the pregnant one finding it? I rember taking my worsed half to city v wolves a few years ago when she was preggers with our first.

was not much fun having to try and look after her being very protective as i am.

is there a decent size 'lemon peel army' there?

oh god it really is terrible aint it ******* 'lemon peel army'

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thanks for the updates.

how is the pregnant one finding it? I rember taking my worsed half to city v wolves a few years ago when she was preggers with our first.

was not much fun having to try and look after her being very protective as i am.

is there a decent size 'lemon peel army' there?

oh god it really is terrible aint it ******* 'lemon peel army'

Wife is fine, sat down happy (although probably bored).

Fawke off, Reid on. Cisse to CB, Reid in the middle with Johnson. Smallest midfield ever?

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I can predict the future did he do the Cardriff ear thing like he promised.

Not that I saw, he might of. We've been poor second half so far. Ref is a fussy local type and is getting a lot of stick from our bench as Clarkson and Ball again have taken heavy challenges.

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The way Cisse and Johnson have played they've got no hope of starting. With about 20 minutes left only Hunt (continues to play well), Wilson and Clarkson have been anything above a 6/10 so far. Woolford and in patches Bolasie the best of the rest.

Young Bobby Reid looks a class above at times and a kid at other times. Definitely has something special although not going to play a massive part this season I'd imagine.

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I've got to say I came expecting to see Nicky Hunt play badly (as we all are supposed to) but he has got better and better through the game and will probably end up being man of the match for us.

I just hope Milly at least acknowledges it and doesn't just make his usual sweeping statement.

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Not that I saw, he might of. We've been poor second half so far. Ref is a fussy local type and is getting a lot of stick from our bench as Clarkson and Ball again have taken heavy challenges.

Sounds like the ref against Cheltenham - we should have had 3 penalties last night - he only gave one for Cheltenham! disapointed2se.gif

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I've got to say I came expecting to see Nicky Hunt play badly (as we all are supposed to) but he has got better and better through the game and will probably end up being man of the match for us.

so just to confirm, the best BC player on the pitch for us tonight has no part to play at this club ?

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Tonight's game was merely a work out for some of the players who aren't likely to feature in the first choice XI plus a few of the new guys who KM wants a better look at. It won't have any bearing on how we'll perform 1st game of the season but will have provided some useful match fitness for some squad players

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good on you for the updates. really wish i watched the telli tho.

So do I!

To sum up Hunt, Wilson, Clarkson and a bit a Woolford did well. Bolasie and Taylor look like what they are something for the future, both very in and out the game.

Johnson and Cisse were terrible, not just saying that because it's fashionable just gave the ball away far too often.

Ball and Fawke did ok nothing special. Reid looked good and Lennox wasn't on long.

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I'm really glad Hunt has had a good game (Even though we lost!!!) Like Alex#40 said I hope Keef acknowledges that he has had a good game and starts to build his confidence back up. We publicly slate players when they are bad so I think they also need to be praised to the same extent when they are good.

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