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Neil Kilkenny - Bbc Interview


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He sounds disappointed not to be starting, which is natural enough. Am I also allowed to say I'm disappointed too? I don't really want to see Skuse and Elliot as the starting pair in midfield. They (as a pairing) didn't look good enough most of last season and I can't see them being any better this year. My instinctive choice would be Cisse and Kilkenny. Still, we'll see.

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Its been a frustrated summer has'nt it in the transfer market?

well, I dunno, the manager says so. Whether thats the case I don't know

:laugh: I found that statement amusing

It can mean one of 2 things

1. No faith in the managers ability in getting players in

2. He had his head buried in the sand and has no idea what is going on at the club and has no interest in the club.

Either way, not made a great impression on me.

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He sounds disappointed not to be starting, which is natural enough. Am I also allowed to say I'm disappointed too? I don't really want to see Skuse and Elliot as the starting pair in midfield. They (as a pairing) didn't look good enough most of last season and I can't see them being any better this year. My instinctive choice would be Cisse and Kilkenny. Still, we'll see.

I got the impression he is on the bench for 2moro.

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He sounds disappointed not to be starting, which is natural enough. Am I also allowed to say I'm disappointed too? I don't really want to see Skuse and Elliot as the starting pair in midfield. They (as a pairing) didn't look good enough most of last season and I can't see them being any better this year. My instinctive choice would be Cisse and Kilkenny. Still, we'll see.

How do we know he's not starting tomorrow? Has Millen announced the team already?

Fact is the EP is speculating and don't even have Kilkenny on the bench.

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I like his arrogance and see it only being a positive for our team. I have felt for many seasons we have been lacking anyone with any real confidence and arrogance in our team. I feel a arrogant player is crucial to any good team and Kilkenny's confidence can only be a positive when we might be struggling to get a foot hold in a game.

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How do we know he's not starting tomorrow? Has Millen announced the team already?

Fact is the EP is speculating and don't even have Kilkenny on the bench.

We dont know. Just came across to me that Kilkenny sounded like he knew he wasnt starting.

Either that or he was going by the WBA game.

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Don't see a problem with written interview, can't get audio at moment.

I believe it is his (Killkenny's) first player interview after signing, but something in there, what he said, communicated to me that a big reason for signing was that Millen had said we'd build a team around him - cant remember whether was obvious or subtle.

He's confident and has clearly been told he will be a focal point of the team. As long as he is mature enough to accept being dropped if not playing well, don't see the problem (from the written piece).

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I like his arrogance and see it only being a positive for our team. I have felt for many seasons we have been lacking anyone with any real confidence and arrogance in our team. I feel a arrogant player is crucial to any good team and Kilkenny's confidence can only be a positive when we might be struggling to get a foot hold in a game.

He sounds to me like he is the Hartley replacement we've been missing.

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just listened to the interview and nothing wrong with his attitude or anything else whatsoever. Can't believe people are getting on his case already :disapointed2se:

Staight to the point,the guy comes across as being a winner,im sure he will do us fine in the middle.we need a real leader hoping for a gerry gow type player to run the show.

confidence is good,arrogance is not.he comes across as confident.

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Speaking to some dirty Leeds fans just after we signed him and they said...."Thinks he is the dog bollox but can't back it up at Championship level".

I really hope he is the answer to our creative midfield problems but it sounds like he could well upset the camp with his attitude.

The audio interview doesn't sound good at all, "the manager says this, the manager says that"...........not happy me thinks.


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Last season David James took quite a while before he didn't look in a permanent state of p*ssed offedness, so give the lad some time and then I am sure we will see his true colours one way or the other,

to be fair to james with the four he had in front of him I'd look pissed of all the time too,

All I take from the killer interview is "I want to be in the first team to show everyone how good I think I am"

Nothing wrong only thing wrong its people nitpicking it

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Speaking to some dirty Leeds fans just after we signed him and they said...."Thinks he is the dog bollox but can't back it up at Championship level".

I really hope he is the answer to our creative midfield problems but it sounds like he could well upset the camp with his attitude.

The audio interview doesn't sound good at all, "the manager says this, the manager says that"...........not happy me thinks.


It sounded to me like Kilkenny thought the interviewer was a bit of a t w a t.

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based on that i would be happy for Killa to start tomorrow. Nothing wrong with confidence and a winning mentality, him and Jamo will be dishing out the bollockings left right and center if shit is hitting the fan which can't be a bad thing.

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Nothing wrong with the interview to me.

He comes across as a winner and wants to play every game. Believes in his own ability. Good on him.

Would you prefer a player that was just here to pick up the money? i.e Hunt????

He has found it hard moving to a new city and frustraited he got injured so couldn't get involved. Simples.

Christ some people moan about the stupidest things.

After that interview, I like him even more.

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WTF! He's a footballer not a professional orator, I don't give a flying fork, I'll judge him on the pitch.

He's a top quality player, wants to play of course. Its almost refreshing not to hear the typical spin you get from Prem pro's who took lessons from media darlings on how to win over the fans.

I like how he's comes across personally.

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Well I guess we will find out.

Trouble is with big egos is what happens on the pitch, if he is disliked for it he will not get the ball, if he is liked for it he will.

I hope for the clubs sake the players are happy with Neil "The Ego" Killkenny... otherwise things will turn sour quickly. I think the guy will take a lot of man management

You're right. He will be a handful if things do not go well. he was like that at Leeds by all accounts.

Never Trust any sportsman who says 'I'm a winner'. What does that mean? It means: if we win, it's down to me, if we lose, blame the others. It's obvious nonsense. Sportsmen win and lose, and being gobby about it does not make you a better player.

The player clearly had problems with the interviewer. He was never going to agree with any point put to him by the Radio Bristol guy who was naturally looking for an up-beat pre-seasdon piece.

If Leeds was such a 'massive' club as he said and he had such a great time there, why did he leave? Unfortunately that question was not asked.

Let's hope his play and passing is more positive and intelligent than his talking.

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Last season David James took quite a while before he didn't look in a permanent state of p*ssed offedness, so give the lad some time and then I am sure we will see his true colours one way or the other,

I must have missed that...he looks pissed off permanantly everytime i see him on the pitch.

If we had a GK with DJ's experience and Basso's temperament on the pitch...then that would be a great keeper imho. what Basso lacked in some things, he more than made up for in making players around him feel positive and believe in their own ability.

I'll only judge Killkenny after seeing him play. Most footballers i wouldn't want to share a pint with, it's what they do on the pitch and how they influence others that counts.

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