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Ah the Houdini dump. You go, stand to flush and it's disappeared! Did it creep down the pipe or did you dream the whole thing? Should you flush? You should as you can guarantee that it will reappear and smile at the next person who comes in.

15.23pm - My housemates girlfriend comes downstairs and complains that there is an unflushed turd looking back at her in the toilet.

I stand there listening to her rants with arms crossed while showing little emotion...similar to KM who still remains in a job

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Mrs Millen is in the kitchen preparing sunday evening tea. Keith is in the same room laying out the cutlery.

Once done Keith folds his arms admiring a good job done

Unfortunately the egg is burning,the toaster is playing up and Mrs millen suspects the bacon may be off

As any good husband would do, Keith is on hand to help by clapping his hands to "gee up" the missus :clapping:

good on you Keith :thumbsup:

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