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Landsdown Buys A New Toy


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If its no big deal why hide the fact he`s been funding the gas, sorry i mean bristol rugby 4 the last 3 years ...... 2+2 add up to 4

He hasn't hid funding Bristol Rugby as alot of people knew. As for the Gas comment, you obviously have no knowledge of the Gas/Rugby setup at the moment, do you.

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Whilst signing all the online petitions in favour of the new stadium, I have never hid my displeasure on leaving AG or my reservations on how a new stadium costing over a £100m will be viable (NOT WISHING TO OPEN UP A CAN OF WORMS JUST STATING MY POSITION), but sharing with the Egg chasers makes very good financial sense.

If it comes to fruition - nice move Mr Lansdown!!

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Hmm. The gas pitch is awful. It only takes one game of rugby in the rain and it messes the mem pitch up all yr.

Saying that, reading seem to cope. Perhaps their groundsman actually went to school?

Like the idea of this putting a spanner in the gas works though.

I would be wary, I know todays pitches are a lot better (but you only have to look at the wembley pitch to see how a poor design can ruin a pitch), but you have to remember, where the new stadium is going to be located is on a cmopletely different type of ground from where it is currently situated.

I believe it is a very sandy area at the moment which helps with drainage, which really helps Ashton Gate Pitch, also the positioning of the stadium helps no end due to the wind and sun position hitting the pitch most of the day.

I hope the new stadium is position correctly and the stands not to high as to put most of the pitch in shade all day making pitch maintenancce very difficult.

I also hope they can miocromanange the drainage at the new stadium, we are very lucky with that at the moment, I really think we could have issues where the new stadium is to be placed unless a hell of a lkot of money is spent to sort out the problems up there.

Fingers crossed all this has been risk managed properly, because you see it overlooked so many times in new stadiums.

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Financially it must be a good thing. I can imagine a merger at board level and in the upper off the pitch management which would save a lot of money. The stewardship of the facilities etc would also be a shared resource, especially if/when the new ground is built.

I guess the only downside will be that the protesters will be complaining that they wil be "disrupted every weekend" instead of every other. But they will still get the summer off :)

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What ridiculous thing to say.

Should Ashton Vale go ahead and its considered advantageous for Bristol Rugby to share the venue then why not? It would mean the stadium being used virtually every week thereby generating more revenue.

No need to be concerned about the pitch. Places like Reading and Hull have specially designed grass which is far more durable than regular grass. No reason why the same stuff couldn't be laid at AV.

Ground share does look like the obvious and likely thing. Mind you, if I was one of the Save Ashton Vale mob then this news would mean traffic every weekend, not just alternate weekends. Not that there was ever much chance of a compromise before, but this news won't help.

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Financially this is very shrewed, and demonstrates that SL is looking into ways of increasing revenue for his investment in BCFC. Even if the new stadium takes ages to go ahead, I can see the egg chasers coming to AG and therefore bringing more money to the club.

As long as the pitch situation can be managed it's good news all round.

Well ok, may be not quite all round. :laughcont::gasmask::laughcont:

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Interesting news is that, something else that is probably easier and cheaper to re establish as a force as the Rugby club has been in the top flight in recent times and currently sit top of league one

That there is something else to invest in, still makes me think that people are going to be shocked about the level of rebuilding here over the summer.

Good luck to Bristol Rugby.

As for ground sharing... Their attendances would have to pick up significantly for it to be worth while sharing, 5k or so average is afaik the norm now. and could end up making the team unviable, though at times when they were in the Prem, they were stuffed to the rafters, but this has dropped off quite a bit as far as I can tell. Generally unless they are playing local rivals they dont need a ground as big as AV or AG, but thats just me

They use to get 11k in the prem and when they played bath or gloucester the game was moved to AG and would get 21k, I expect if when they are back in the prem there gates would go up to about 15k in a decent ground

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That there is something else to invest in, still makes me think that people are going to be shocked about the level of rebuilding here over the summer.

Really? Assume you mean the team, I think we all realise there will be ins and outs - probably half a dozen saying their goodbyes over the summer

As for ground sharing... Their attendances would have to pick up significantly for it to be worth while sharing, 5k or so average is afaik the norm now. and could end up making the team unviable, though at times when they were in the Prem, they were stuffed to the rafters, but this has dropped off quite a bit as far as I can tell. Generally unless they are playing local rivals they dont need a ground as big as AV or AG, but thats just me

It's all about the marginal cost and benefit: City have / will have a ground, which is empty far too often, and makes sweet FA on non-match days (that's why SL et al want a new ground with new facilities)

Opening it for sporting events more often does not make the ground much more expensive to build, probably a bit more on the pitch, etc but most of the costs will be staffing on match days - so as long as that's covered, anything else is pure profit. And as someone mentioned, the rugby boys like a drink...! I think it's a smart move, assuming that the egg chasers move, and our groundsman (I'm guessing it's actually a team of people these days) is one of the best out there I think? Perhaps the Board felt he needed a new challenge!

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Ground share does look like the obvious and likely thing. Mind you, if I was one of the Save Ashton Vale mob then this news would mean traffic every weekend, not just alternate weekends. Not that there was ever much chance of a compromise before, but this news won't help.

If Bristol Rugby were to move to Ashton Vale then another planning application may be required, and as you suggest that would be far from ideal.

I hope this move from Lansdown isn't a sign that he is losing a bit of interest in BCFC

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Part and parcel of the pros for having a new ground is that it will make more non matchday revenue, increasing the income, as opposed to know, or at least that was my understanding of it.

That was my understanding as well - AG is useless outside of match days, loses money - we need the ground part of the business to generate revenue

Opening it to other teams doesnt increase costs for us per se, but could have a knock on effect for the rugby club as they could be paying a much increased amount to play at AV should a move happen and if there arent the crowds to sustain the move on a regular basis then they could be chucking good money after bad

Good point, but it's about striking a deal - eg rent plus a proportion of the ticket revenue/catering income/beer money. Am guessing SL's pretty shrewd with money :) (which makes it even more amazing he's pi55ed so much up against a wall propping up City!!!!!)

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Sounds like great news. Shows even more commitment to Bristol sport and, as a result, Bristol City.

I'll start following Bristol with a lot more interest from now on.

I won't go to the Mem to watch Bristol but would def go if they move for sure

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If Bristol Rugby were to move to Ashton Vale then another planning application may be required, and as you suggest that would be far from ideal.

I hope this move from Lansdown isn't a sign that he is losing a bit of interest in BCFC

We wouldn't need further planning permission as there would be no change in the use of the land. We may require a variation to te events license for AV, though as I imagine that has yet to be submitted/granted it matters not. Given that it's an 'events' venue, I'd be very surprised if we disn't have a blanket license that allowed the hosting of events 7 days a week between, say, midday and midnight

As far as I can see this can only be good news- get the rugby club in bed with us and make the relationship work for both us and the kick-and-clappers. Everyones a winner (in theory)

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A few people have mentioned increased revenue for BCFC - although we can share the ground and associated costs therefore reducing our expenditure a little, I cannot see that it will make much difference. I am sure he has not bought Bristol Rugby to milk them for cash, I imagine that their revenue will stay with them to help improve the club. It maybe in the future that both clubs can share executives / lawyers / as well as obviously ticketing / store / ground-staff / match day staff and stewards.

Could be a good thing - and I certainly have enjoyed watching Bristol Rugby in the past.

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I'd be a suprised if there's any rugby club shoppe branding at either ground.

We may sees Bristol City/Rugby shop open intown though.

WiganWarriors and Athletic Offer deals to season ticket holders of each other.

Are you a league fan BCR? I must admit that as I was raised in Yorkshire I have much more affection for the 13 man code than the public-school twoddle that's popular back in Brizzle

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