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Landsdown Buys A New Toy


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They announced a mystery financial backer around the same time he started sitting with The other shareholders to watch the rugby (when he was there)

It started doing the rounds then.

Have to be honest, I never pay any attention to the egg chasers, so you can add me to the list of people who seriously never saw this coming!

The worry for me is not that his finances won't be coming into us, as he wouldn't do that, simple as. No, my worry is the thought of them coming to the Gate and ruining our pitch. Keep that mob off our pitch!

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The pitch issue is fine. The technology in pitch has improved dramatically and shouldn't pose any problems such as ripping up etc.

Taking away rugby from the gas would send them out of business, I am sure.

Rugby pay a decent wedge to play at the mem.

And the bar And food sales (which with drinking throughout the game) all go to the gas. It's a massive financial loss if it does happen.

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I think this is a shrewd move by Landsdown. When Ashton Vale is built he can guarantee an event there every weekend, perhaps if he can get Bristol back into the Premier League and build them as a strong Premier League team then he can good gates for football and rugby.

I see them staying at the mem until the gas ground is finalised.

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I think this is a shrewd move by Landsdown. When Ashton Vale is built he can guarantee an event there every weekend, perhaps if he can get Bristol back into the Premier League and build them as a strong Premier League team then he can good gates for football and rugby.

I see them staying at the mem until the gas ground is finalised.

there lease runs out at the end of next season I expect them to move then,

it will screw up rovers revenue and may also cock their ground plans up too

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Sharing the new stadium can only be a good thing, as mentioned before the pitch being ruined wont really be an issue due the latest technology. The local bars will noe have constant money coming in rather than a quiet saturday every other week and of course more money for BCFC due to running costs of the new ground being split.

The losers in all this will be the scum and bars on Gloucester Road.

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There's no doubt it has an effect on a pitch but as a previous poster said things have improved in that department.

Perhaps he thinks getting all the Rugby fans of the City behind the new stadium will make it look a ridiculous decision if turned down for a few dog walkers.

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I look at pitches like the Madjeski where we played a few weeks ago and this looked perfect and that entertains top class rugby. Watford is another but their pitch can suffer.

Our pitch is far more superior to the Mem and when the new stadium is built I think this will also cope. The pitch should not worry fans in my opinion.

Lansdown practically mentions that the two clubs will probably come together.


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If its no big deal why hide the fact he`s been funding the gas, sorry i mean bristol rugby 4 the last 3 years ...... 2+2 add up to 4

your an idiot,

Rovers stole the ground from Bristol Rugby which in turned caused further money problems which is why they found there selfs in this postion,

Lansdown is saving Bristol Sport not funding the gas you prize cock

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if they ground share i will not be waching city anymore, i know lansdowns legion of ass kissers will say its a good idea but it will turn us into the gas !

What ridiculous thing to say.

Should Ashton Vale go ahead and its considered advantageous for Bristol Rugby to share the venue then why not? It would mean the stadium being used virtually every week thereby generating more revenue.

No need to be concerned about the pitch. Places like Reading and Hull have specially designed grass which is far more durable than regular grass. No reason why the same stuff couldn't be laid at AV.

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