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A shocking waste. Not sure what length contract he signed when he joined you, but if you were him would you be happy being used as a bench warmer? In a team that is otherwise clueless about scoring?

He's walking away at the end of next season for nothing unfortunately, we dont care about losing goalscorers because we don't have a need for them. It's much more fun playing a 451 system where we can't score goals and concede loads. I apologise on behalf of the club for destroying another striker, we have a habit of buying them for good money and either not playing them, playing them as wingers or playing them for 10 minutes at the end of games. We have a strict transfer embargo where we cannot buy/loan a decent midfielder to compliment the better strikers we have bought, we choose instead to buy/loan wingers, more forwards and right backs.

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Is that it? Is that all you have as a countenance. 'Bore Off' for deigning to express a view, that isnt immediately eulogising the next messiah, despite acknowledging the comeback in other threads.

I see, silly me for not getting caught up in the reams of hype now being justfied after one good game by one player in however long and refusing to paper over the cracks

If it floats your boat to some how have 'one up' or whatever on some one who holds a different view then fine, just try harder to come up with a bore off 'idiom' because as a repost its really dull and uninspiring?

Oh bore off...

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Have you followed Brett when he played at B'mth? (I don't think you have) class player, knows where the goal is...... I think the move to us has not been the dream it should have been for Brett and that is our fault......... any comment?

Getting carried away.......... no not really..... stated 'one game' but that said

I live in Dorset too and saw the occasional Bournemouth game when Pitman was there. You're right. He was and still is a natural. I was delighted when he signed for us but after his first season here, we didn't make the best of him. Maybe he was overshadowed by Maynard and certainly our new manager hasn't given him much of a chance to shine even after Nicky's departure.

I for one hope that he will now be given much more opportunity to show what he is capable of. He earned the right last night to that at least.

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Whether you rate him or not (and yes, I can see his faults) there is simply no argument to be made against him not starting our next game.

He's just been given around 25 minutes and scored two, when as another poster has pointed out, we hadn't managed a single goal from the entire team in the previous three and a half games.

The trick is finding the right players in midfield to adequately screen the back four whilst playing one man lighter than our usual 4-5-1, if he's fit Cisse seems to have a huge role to play in this for me and much as I admire his enthusiasm, leaving Bolasie out to help us achieve this seems a no brainer.

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Note , armchair "footballer" not fan ! There's a difference you know !

And I am also a ST holder and been going to AG since the 70's !!!

We all have different views on how the game should be played , the difference is I respect yours !

hehe nice answer. Some people can be so ignorant when they can't debate, says a lot about a person when they have nothing interesting to just attack a person about an opinion.
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hehe nice answer. Some people can be so ignorant when they can't debate, says a lot about a person when they have nothing interesting to just attack a person about


Cheers , glad there are people on here with a brain!

Not saying I have the answer, however as you say debate is what this forum is about !

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Is that it? Is that all you have as a countenance. 'Bore Off' for deigning to express a view, that isnt immediately eulogising the next messiah, despite acknowledging the comeback in other threads.

I see, silly me for not getting caught up in the reams of hype now being justfied after one good game by one player in however long and refusing to paper over the cracks

If it floats your boat to some how have 'one up' or whatever on some one who holds a different view then fine, just try harder to come up with a bore off 'idiom' because as a repost its really dull and uninspiring?

Are you a Bristol City fan?

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Ralph Milne.There is something intrinsically wrong with you, as you just seem to come here to pick fights.

Can you just stop it please.

Don't you live in France or something - if so how can you argue about things you don't actually see?

Either way,in France or England - don't be so negative about a player who has just saved us a point almost on his own.

Please. :englandsmile4wf:

You've got it wrong - he must watch games... The way he writes off pitman.....

I'd be very embarrassed for him if true - mind you, he does have form..... "pitman hasn't scored for 15 games" - ignoring the fact that most of those "games" were sub appearances :laugh:

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I love that papering over the cracks comment,

Thats what we have to do until the end of the season so we can stay up when alot of the pros here are out of contract and we can rebuild,

We've got 2 very good players here short term (Peason and McManus) who we can have a propper look at without spending a huge sum on them whats wrong with that?

We have a decent striker on loan again we can have a look at,

Between now and the end of the season its about doing enough to stay up thats the be all and end all of it if your not happy then stay home and watch sky,

As for Pitman I've questioned his attudie and fitness in the past quite vocally on here I stand by my fitness remarks but he's been a complete pro about being out of the side and has gone up about 3 notches, he was prepared to wait his turn and is hungry so the rest of the league should watch out,

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I love that papering over the cracks comment,

Thats what we have to do until the end of the season so we can stay up when alot of the pros here are out of contract and we can rebuild,

We've got 2 very good players here short term (Peason and McManus) who we can have a propper look at without spending a huge sum on them whats wrong with that?

We have a decent striker on loan again we can have a look at,

Between now and the end of the season its about doing enough to stay up thats the be all and end all of it if your not happy then stay home and watch sky,

As for Pitman I've questioned his attudie and fitness in the past quite vocally on here I stand by my fitness remarks but he's been a complete pro about being out of the side and has gone up about 3 notches, he was prepared to wait his turn and is hungry so the rest of the league should watch out,

I am curious as to what you base this opinion on. Do you have personal knowledge of his fitness or, I presume as you are referring to it, lack of it?

Also not sure what the all encompassing word "fitness", in BP's case means. Speed? (prolonged or explosive) Stamina? Recovery? etc etc

Or do you mean match sharpness?

Just asking like :)

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Watch them whenever I can. And?

*Awaits* for 'I watch them more often then you, so that means instantly my opinion is better than yours because Im a better fan' discussion to spring up.

Remember a forum is about opinions. If that is yours then so be, just remember there are other fans who dont share the same view, and are still capable of having their own that is not some how better, because they watch more or less games than anyone else. Its still their opinion.

No I'm not a better fan than you - but I am more qualified to judge players, because I actually watch them. You, at most, only see highlights.

You have said, that pitman does not score enough blah blah blah, but you havent been at the games to see how little of the ball he's got......

How many games have you been to this season?

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I think anyone who has seen Pitman play will realise that he is a natural goalscorer who just needs some reassurance from the Manager of a run of games in the team to get his confidence back up and he will deliver the goods.

Lineker didnt score pre-season or in his first dozen games for Leicester....but they stuck with him !

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Was asking before Hull game who is to score? None did. BP scorded twice yesterday, think he deserves to start on saturday. When DM came to City we were bottom of the table. He played NM alone upfront, safety first. NM was rated higher than BP in Dms eyes i guess. We climbed i the table and than came Wood, think he scored in his second game. Pitman were in now mans land. City have not been sucsessful when playing 433 or 422 so I can understand that 451 is the base for DM. On saturday we will se if we play 2 upfront and 1 of them is Pitman, hope so. But what ever formation we play I have faith in DM and the club

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Well, this is going nowhere quickly.

Im not better but am more qualified, is surely my opinion is better than yours? You have based on your assumption on the amount of games you think I've seen. Its your opinion and thats fair enough.

Moving on from the not getting game time, its now that he isnt getting enough ball time, what's the next thing in line for the never ending quest to get one over on an internet forum? Your view and mine are incompatible. you cant accept that, If the personal attacks dont work, try the Ive been to more games than you approach to try and get you point across?

It's your view and so be it, its not mine, apparently though that isn't enough?

As for your last question, I'm not going to go there, because it is just going to end up with the same 'Im a better fan, because I see more games schtick that has already started,and I said I didnt want to get involved with before.


Re your opinion - how can you formulate an opinion, if you dont go - its as simple as that. I dont think I'm better than you, I just cant take your opinion on players seriously because you have nothing to base your opinions on apart from hearsay - as for the amount of games comment... I did ask you, how many have you been too, but you did;nt answer,

I'm not trying to get one over on anyone. If you been to the games where he's come on as sub, you would have noticed he has seen little of the ball, quite often. I'm pretty sure he'll be a success for us now, now he'll be the main goalscorer - but I wont lose any sleep if he does not!

You on the other hand said only negative things about him since last night, but, were you at the game??

I've not said once I'm a better fan than you - just that I can judge players on the basis I've seen them play and you have nor - the fact that your saying that I have is just embarassing and just makes it obvious to me that you know your in the wrong.

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This forum is full of people who wouldn't respect other people point of view.

Surly people that can't make every match still have an opinion on their club.

I however I'm a long term ST holder, that doesn't mean someone who comes less regularly doesn't or can't have valid points.

I go to most matches, Harry Rednapp doesn't go at all, but I bet he got better ideas then me on what's going wrong!

A bit more respect is what is needed on this forum. After all we all have the best interests of the club at hart, don't we ?

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Re your opinion - how can you formulate an opinion, if you dont go - its as simple as that. I dont think I'm better than you, I just cant take your opinion on players seriously because you have nothing to base your opinions on apart from hearsay - as for the amount of games comment... I did ask you, how many have you been too, but you did;nt answer,

I'm not trying to get one over on anyone. If you been to the games where he's come on as sub, you would have noticed he has seen little of the ball, quite often. I'm pretty sure he'll be a success for us now, now he'll be the main goalscorer - but I wont lose any sleep if he does not!

You on the other hand said only negative things about him since last night, but, were you at the game??

I've not said once I'm a better fan than you - just that I can judge players on the basis I've seen them play and you have nor - the fact that your saying that I have is just embarassing and just makes it obvious to me that you know your in the wrong.

this is a pointless angle of argument. If Ralph wanted to be so petty he could rightly say, I have watched football and city longer than you, and can compare them against past players. Does that trump your opinion? Of course not, and because he sees less of them than you know doesn't make his opinion any less valid.

Stop trying to score non existent points. His opinion is different to yours get over it. And if you can't then at least stop the personal digs.

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this is a pointless angle of argument. If Ralph wanted to be so petty he could rightly say, I have watched football and city longer than you, and can compare them against past players.Does that trump your opinion? Of coursenot, and because he sees less of themthan you know doesn't make his opinion any less valid.

Stop trying to score non existent points. His opinion is different to yours get over it. And if

you can't then at least stop the personal digs.

Well said !

For those very reasons many including me don't post as much as they should!!

The loud ones are most probably the mice face to face ! No names no pack drills

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