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Andre Amougou


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Rumours started on twitter that we have signed Burnley and Cameroon international centre half / right back Andre Amougou

On 31 February 2008, Amougou was sent off in the semi final win over Ghana after a bizarre incident where he pushed a Ghanaian stretcher bearer in the dying seconds of the match. It seems Amougou took offence when the Ghana stretcher team, keen to get an injured Cameroon player Rigobert Song off the field with their team behind and time running out, began pushing back the doctor attending to Song, so that they could load him on the stretcher and the game could continue. Amougou reacted by pushing one of the offending stretcher bearers back with considerably more force, which sent him tumbling. Referee Abderahim El Arjoune immediately gave Amougou a red card, alongside the bemused medic and some astounded Ghana players. The medic in question, Samuel Ashia, said three days later that “It was very forceful, and I landed badly. It didn’t hurt at the time but the next day my head ached and the area around my waist did, too...He hasn't apologised and I will be happy when he does, because no player should do that." Amougou was banned from the Final (which Ashia attended as a medic on duty) and Cameroon was fined US $5000 by the CAF.

Sounds as if he will fit in well with our disciplinary record! :innocent06:

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It may have escaped your attention but the club are appealing Fonts red card ;)

It may have escaped your attention but the fact that the appeal failed has been on the main site for a good period of time ;).

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It may have escaped your attention but you're the third person to tell him that. :me?:

It may have escaped your attention that we posted almost exactly the same time.

This is fun!

Plus great minds think alike, eh tom?

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It may have escaped your attention that we posted almost exactly the same time.

This is fun!

Plus great minds think alike, eh tom?

I wouldn't say I have a great mind, final few months of uni is making it more like mush than anything else.

My only escape used to be City, but err....yeah..

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Good signing, shame it's only for 30 days though. Is it possible to extend this deal outside of the loan window?

There's only one more game after the 30 days anyway and that's against his club Burnley.

Decent signing I hope. Good news for now anyway.

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