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Chucked Out Of My Season Ticket Seat


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....I'm still in shock that some utter idiot has deemed this a good idea!!

Seriously.....this has to be a belated April Fool ??

Were going to lose a good 2k season ticket holders pre-season.....I know, let's annoy them a bit more, when we don't have to.

The incompetence of the idiots in charge of this club baffles me.

For any of the board or commercial department who read this forum...you are idiots

I've got a better idea, turn Platinum seating into the family block, no? Thought not!

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Not affected by this personally, but have been moved twice in the Williams stand. Like an earlier post I found Sexstone to be arrogant and unhelpful, and did not seem to appreciate that, after 20+ years as a ST holder, you do not really want to move to a seat with a far worse view. Nor that if you go as a group of 4, you might actually want 4 seats together. Not sure quite why City always seem to manage these changes so badly, do they not know about keeping the customer satisfied?

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You bring children to football to give them experiences and try and make them support a real life football team not one they see on TV. Its part of my job to do that as a teacher, i just happen to choose City as I'm a fan and I have a good professional relationship with the staff at Ashton Gate.

No the children shouldn't have to hear all that kind of language and i can assure that they don't hear it in our school playground. That is such a rubbish excuse for kid's using bad language (not for this thread I feel!!!)

Like you I was brought to the Gate 38 years ago as a 7 year old, standing on a box in the enclosure and then by pillar 2 in the East End, so I know what its all about. We have managed to get boys returning regularly to the Gate through what we have done at school, so I make no apology for my stance as the kids are the future of the club, whether you and I like it or not.

If you have a good professional relationship with the staff at Ashton Gate then you should contact them tomorrow and tell them it is wrong to locate the "new family area" in this part of the ground if it is at the espense of loyal supporters who have been there for years.

I absolutely agree with you that local kids should support the local team and I'm all in favour of you bringing them to Ashton Gate to experience that. However I sit in an area where I know around 50 people around me - young and old - some I have known since they were children. We are not being offered an area together. In fact the letters sent do not even address us by name. Ask one of the people you know at the ground to show you a copy so that you can judge how badly this has been handled.

As a teacher I'm sure you teach kids the value of friendship. I have been told in a letter addressed to "Dear Season Ticket HGolder" that I can no longer sit where I want to sit or have the same people around me. The letter does not say it is to introduce children to football - it talks about "face painting, activities, mascots and match day giveaways. If teachers want to do facepainting with kids you can do it any day. If you want to meet Scrumpy invite him to the school. This area will be "exclusively reserved" according to the letter. I never had an area "exclusively reserved" for me as a kid. My three kids never had an area "exclusively reserved" for them. Why do you favour it now? How much extra are you and the schools prepared to pay for this privilege?

In truth you will want it cheaper than what I and my friends pay at the moment. This is the wrong place for this section, it has been diabiolically handled by the club and unless it is overturned the club will lose many loyal fans.

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don't disagree with a single post on here, but the fact is football as most of us older than 30 know it doesn't exist anymore. I didn't renew my season card this season for financial reasons. The truth is however I haven't been to a single game and have hardly missed it. Still keep a keen eye on this site and results etc but the buzz went for me a few years ago. Sorry all but many of those I used to go with feel exactly the same way. I refuse now to spend what to me and my family is alot of money that needs spending elsewhere on something that to be frank is no longer worth the money for the experience you get. I went to football to be able to stand if I wanted to, the odd swear word came out in frustration and great banter with mates, home and opposition fans etc. This has now gone so why bother going to see overpaid players who don't actually give a toss go through the motions ??

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The biggest problem for me; is no consultation.

I (or parents on my behalf) have shelled out in excess of £5.5k in tickets and merchandise alone since my first game in 1996

I have travelled nearly 45,000 miles to watch city in that time

I am a supporters club member who cannot make the use of most'perks' due to the fact that I live in Birmingham

There are more dedicated fans than me in that part of the Atyeo stand ... but what does it cost to matter to the club? why was no one consulted?

I am putting together a strognly worded letter about how disillusioned I am with this decree and willbe demanding to see the statistics and reasons why Block B & C of the Atyeo stand's Adult season ticket holders without kids have been served an eviction notice with 3 weeks to go.

There's more too it than'liking my seat' if anything thats the last thing on my mind, the atmosphere isn't the greatest, the facilites arent so muchdifferent that I will choose not to use them in Portsmouth for example. For me football at ashton gate is about the community I sit amoungst, they will not mass move each community that would like to sit together.

That part of the ground holds sentimental value I and many around me in our not quite so little group, would like to hold onto until we move grounds, if we ever move grounds.

My reasons for not liking it might not justify cancelling the operation, however the lack of communication is just disgusting

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i admire you for your voluntary position as a member of the fcf, but be aware the wording of your reply suggests you consider self interest as a legitimate perk of the position. i am sure this is not the case....

It's not, I would have complained whatever, as anyone who knows me will testify when I told them exactly what I thought of their decision to give members 2nd priority over City Foundation members and Senior Reds on away tickets

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you know what if the club did nothing you would all be on here slagging them off for not offering anything think to our future fans,

The club can't win what ever it does I'm becoming really pissed off with the serial moaners here

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you know what if the club did nothing you would all be on here slagging them off for not offering anything think to our future fans,

The club can't win what ever it does I'm becoming really pissed off with the serial moaners here

That's not true at all. I've never seen a thread saying that not enough is done for kids.

The opposite however, people feeling they're being marginalised for families however, has been a feeling for some time

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a b and c in the ayteo are poor views anyway if you like the people you sit around there then all move to the same place its not ******* hard is it,

I know what lets shut down the east end and give that to familys no what about the expensive williams and dolman no where else are you going to put them for **** sake,

Stop moaning for the sake of it, its the same people on this thread who moan about every little thing, guess what its not your ******* seat its Bristol Citys and they can chose to sell it to you or not, if your chucking your toys out of the pram over this then good we could do with out moaners like you lot and actually get fans who might get behind the ******* team

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you know what if the club did nothing you would all be on here slagging them off for not offering anything think to our future fans,

The club can't win what ever it does I'm becoming really pissed off with the serial moaners here

You can't always defend the club. They are clearly in the wrong here. At a time where they should be doing everything they can to keep season ticket holders - they are pissing people off by kicking them out their seat. I don't see why adults have to move? Why can't they stay there? I can't see one good reason they cant

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You can't always defend the club. They are clearly in the wrong here. At a time where they should be doing everything they can to keep season ticket holders - they are pissing people off by kicking them out their seat. I don't see why adults have to move? Why can't they stay there? I can't see one good reason they cant

no but you say they haven't given enough notice, Season tickets arent even on sale how much bloody notice do you want,

People have been complaining about langauge in ashton gate for years thats why we get that crappy announcement at the start of the game bunging all the young families in one place solves that,

People say the club never listens or its a PR own goal explain why the East End has been opened and restrictions relaxed?

The club can't win what ever it does its the same faces who come on and slag the club the board the manager the food the view the programme the supporters club the half time draw tickets,

There are more important things then not sitting in a seat with a crappy view move to the D, E, F blocks behind the goal as the young families will be gone from there and you can continue to slag the team off for 85 minutes to your heart's content

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But if a family is sat in block c and people start swearing in block d, how does that stop protecting the children/families. No matter where they sit they will be subjected to abusive language.

I agree there should be a family section in Ashton gate, but the way the club seems to have gone about it is a bit unsympathetic ( tough luck your moving).

If the club has 10k season ticket holders that half the ground. I think in the atyeo there's not many empty groups of seat free. Easy way would be to say to all in that stand or all the ground, everyone has to reapply for there seats, but that would go down like a lead balloon. Really unless club or people come up with a new idea we are all stuck with it.

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Ah..PC cuddliness again.

No single adults (men usually) in the 'kidies' section - no implication of anything untoward there eh?

Face painting and half-time cuddles for when we are 0-1.

Supported only by a teacher on here.

This country has gone PC mad and bet your arse that this is just another assault on the working classes by now attacking one of the last bastions of the workers - football.

Whats the betting that the mongs in Brussels decree 25% of seats need to be for children by 2020? With a 'multi-faith' centre tacked on and to stop the game at least once so some people can look eastwards and mutter gibberish about Camels and stuff.

Good luck with that at Lazio!

Until UKIP get us out of the EuroZone nightmare we are in for more and more of this twaddle.

God help us all.

And yes,I genuinely believe that this has been 'suggested' to BCFC by some lefty PC Europhile.

Fantastic! Funniest post I've read on here for years, and the fact is was posted at 3.00 in the morning only makes it better. Brilliant!

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a b and c in the ayteo are poor views anyway if you like the people you sit around there then all move to the same place its not ******* hard is it,

I know what lets shut down the east end and give that to familys no what about the expensive williams and dolman no where else are you going to put them for **** sake,

Stop moaning for the sake of it, its the same people on this thread who moan about every little thing, guess what its not your ******* seat its Bristol Citys and they can chose to sell it to you or not, if your chucking your toys out of the pram over this then good we could do with out moaners like you lot and actually get fans who might get behind the ******* team

Sorry mate, normally agree with you...but your wrong here.

Firstly, people sit in these blocks....because these are the seats they like. Some have probally sat here for years. I think its poor they have now been ousted to accomodate this new family idea. Would be interested to know what your outlook would be if they did do it to the Eastend?? (I guess thats where you sit|)....I mean after all, this is the cheapest part of the ground!

Secondly....the whole family area is ridiculous anyway.

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a b and c in the ayteo are poor views anyway if you like the people you sit around there then all move to the same place its not ******* hard is it,

I know what lets shut down the east end and give that to familys no what about the expensive williams and dolman no where else are you going to put them for **** sake,

Stop moaning for the sake of it, its the same people on this thread who moan about every little thing, guess what its not your ******* seat its Bristol Citys and they can chose to sell it to you or not, if your chucking your toys out of the pram over this then good we could do with out moaners like you lot and actually get fans who might get behind the ******* team

Cheer up - just think of the outrage when everyone is asked to move. Or will the moaners be offered a chance to retain their seat in Sainsburys car park?

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This Football Club really is at the pits of despair at the moment, not only are we going down with a whimper, the stadium delay is getting more depressing by the day, now we have this and the apparant Gerry Gow testimonial shambles (albeit DaveL does provide a plausible explanation)......everytime i come on here its totally depressing, and just adds to the doom and gloom i see everyday in this God awful country at the moment.....

Quick thought though, if we were vying for automatic promotion or the playoffs, do you think we would still be so miserable and moaning at so many things.....im a firm believer in misery breeds misery and because things are so horrendous on the pitch alongside the management and the board, i think it just makes everything look so dreadful!!!....

I cant wait for this season to be over, hope it ends with a glorious last day survival, but i think a lot of us need a break from the doom and gloom over the summer.....as football is starting to feel like a job at the moment!!

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Sorry mate, normally agree with you...but your wrong here.

Firstly, people sit in these blocks....because these are the seats they like. Some have probally sat here for years. I think its poor they have now been ousted to accomodate this new family idea. Would be interested to know what your outlook would be if they did do it to the Eastend?? (I guess thats where you sit|)....I mean after all, this is the cheapest part of the ground!

Secondly....the whole family area is ridiculous anyway.

I sit in the atyeo and I can understand why they are doing it, the facilities in the dolman are piss poor and for young familys its worse what is there about two snack places and toilets, you can't get out of the stand which is why people leave on 80 minutes and the family encloser is exsposed to the elements you try sitting at the front of the dolman with the rain driving in,

The ateyo is dry good facilities and it takes seconds to get out as well as being close to the tunnel for kids to get autographs and such,

The kids are the future of the club they enjoy it now and they will return in the future

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I sit in the atyeo and I can understand why they are doing it, the facilities in the dolman are piss poor and for young familys its worse what is there about two snack places and toilets, you can't get out of the stand which is why people leave on 80 minutes and the family encloser is exsposed to the elements you try sitting at the front of the dolman with the rain driving in,

The ateyo is dry good facilities and it takes seconds to get out as well as being close to the tunnel for kids to get autographs and such,

The kids are the future of the club they enjoy it now and they will return in the future

The main issue here, is the fact ST holders are being kicked out.

Why not warn the season ticket holders in there that its going to become a family section and if they renew their current seat, they will have to bear that in mind - instead of pissing people off and kicking them out without no consultation - this is loyal customers that they are treating like shit.... at a time when they will already be losing season ticket holders.

The kids are the future, but we also need to value those loyal season ticket holders who have followed for years on end. Otherwise, its a counter-productive excercise.

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I sit in the atyeo and I can understand why they are doing it, the facilities in the dolman are piss poor and for young familys its worse what is there about two snack places and toilets, you can't get out of the stand which is why people leave on 80 minutes and the family encloser is exsposed to the elements you try sitting at the front of the dolman with the rain driving in,

The ateyo is dry good facilities and it takes seconds to get out as well as being close to the tunnel for kids to get autographs and such,

The kids are the future of the club they enjoy it now and they will return in the future

Yeah by all means make it a family area....with family deals

....but why kick season ticket holders out??

Even a letter to current season tickets holders saying that its going to be made a more family friendly area, where bad language will not be tolerated etc....would have been more acceptable.

I dont get why it has to be solely for families etc.

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The main issue here, is the fact ST holders are being kicked out.

Why not warn the season ticket holders in there that its going to become a family section and if they renew their current seat, they will have to bear that in mind - instead of pissing people off and kicking them out without no consultation - this is loyal customers that they are treating like shit.... at a time when they will already be losing season ticket holders.

The kids are the future, but we also need to value those loyal season ticket holders who have followed for years on end. Otherwise, its a counter-productive excercise.

its two blocks which is 1000 seats its probbly an area of the ground with the least amount of season ticket holders which is probbily why its been chosen

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its two blocks which is 1000 seats its probbly an area of the ground with the least amount of season ticket holders which is probbily why its been chosen

understood......but why kick season ticket holders out all together??

It makes no sense and proves the sheer incompetence of the people in charge of the club. It also proves how detached they are from the fans

As myself and Riaz have pointed out, letters to season ticket holders advising them off the new family area and no bad language etc....would have been far better. These season ticket holders may well have decided to move....its just the way they have evicted people who have been sat here, as loyal supporters....for years.

You cna say some people want to attack the club at any opportunity all you want....but there is no way you can justify what they have done here. I still cannot believe some idiot thought this a good, fair idea

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And yes,I genuinely believe that this has been 'suggested' to BCFC by some lefty PC Europhile.

:laughcont::laughcont::laughcont: is there any thread that you can't bring the EU into?

I am just going to point out that most 'lefties' are anti-EU. It's those in the 'centre' of politics who tend to support it.

That is all, now on with condemning another slap-in-the-face for the ordinary fans.

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understood......but why kick season ticket holders out all together??

It makes no sense and proves the sheer incompetence of the people in charge of the club. It also proves how detached they are from the fans

As myself and Riaz have pointed out, letters to season ticket holders advising them off the new family area and no bad language etc....would have been far better. These season ticket holders may well have decided to move....its just the way they have evicted people who have been sat here, as loyal supporters....for years.

You cna say some people want to attack the club at any opportunity all you want....but there is no way you can justify what they have done here. I still cannot believe some idiot thought this a good, fair idea

because and I'm guessing here the current seaon ticket holders are dotted aroun not giving alot of room for seats together which is why they've been asked to move (not chucked out)

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because and I'm guessing here the current seaon ticket holders are dotted aroun not giving alot of room for seats together which is why they've been asked to move (not chucked out)

....so they have the option to renew with the same seat??

no? theyve been chucked out then

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its two blocks which is 1000 seats its probbly an area of the ground with the least amount of season ticket holders which is probbily why its been chosen

Blocks D&E of the Williams always look nearly empty to me and I bet less season ticket holders would be affected there.

Stick them out of the way up there if they have to be mollycoddled.

I bet if you asked them they don't want to be though, and most would much prefer to be part of a vociferous football crowd, rather than surrounded only by other children and chaperones.

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And me Block B Row T. Thank you City for looking after your lifelong fans. Won't renew next season even if we stay up. They will be lucky to get anyone in that area next season if they go down. Whose brilliant idea is this? This has been my seat since the days of the old Div 4. We also have the same problem with our parking space in the Hirerite shed thrown out once again for the Coventry game. You certainly know how to upset your fans don't you City. Think this is the fourth time now this season.

No Hireite parking for Coventry,?? ..... I've not had any message about that

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And me Block B Row T. Thank you City for looking after your lifelong fans. Won't renew next season even if we stay up. They will be lucky to get anyone in that area next season if they go down. Whose brilliant idea is this? This has been my seat since the days of the old Div 4. We also have the same problem with our parking space in the Hirerite shed thrown out once again for the Coventry game. You certainly know how to upset your fans don't you City. Think this is the fourth time now this season.

No Hireite parking for Coventry, ???? I've heard nothing about this one ...

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