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Bbc News Goes In On Otib, Says Stadium Opponents Victimised (Merged Topics)


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NO PROOF said the local police yet they still assume that any trouble is down to football supporters even though they said there has been no link between the stadium supporters and the damage.

Awful TV article and totally without foundation. I am genuinely surprised that the BBC screened this rubbish!

Essentially, the Nimby's can make up any old crap, with zero evidence, then the BBC report it as fact! Un-bloody-believable.

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What astonishes me is that people will believe any old crap.

I personally think that all the proposed acts were done by the NIMBYs themselves, it is a very well known tactic to get neutrals on your side......and they have VERY, VERY clever people behind them.


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My car was scratched when I was in Ashton a couple of weeks ago it was certainly a nimby with a grudge because I support the stadium. I have no proof of who it was or if it was an accident or done on purpose but it seems this is clearly a news story for the bbc (please note I didn't go to the police I was too scared they might send round the heavies throwing their organic veg and bike locks at me, lucky I've got my bamboo pit in the front yard just incase they come round)

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What astonishes me is that people will believe any old crap.

I personally think that all the proposed acts were done by the NIMBYs themselves, it is a very well known tactic to get neutrals on your side......and they have VERY, VERY clever people behind them.


Like the Reichstag fire, you mean? It's possible, but there was vandalism in Southville (sorry, Lower Clifton) long before the NIMBYs were parachuted in.

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