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Bbc News Goes In On Otib, Says Stadium Opponents Victimised (Merged Topics)


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why now? when this all happened last year. It's hardly news is it?

All the way through the article the BBC were linking these criminal acts with the stadium and football club and only once did I here the Police view that there was no link and that they were investigated as petty acts of mindless violence.

And listening to the utter waffle of unsubstantiated rumour from an anonymous resident without being challenged by the reporter as to its authenticity just further underlines how sinister these people are in working the system

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why now? when this all happened last year. It's hardly news is it?

All the way through the article the BBC were linking these criminal acts with the stadium and football club and only once did I here the Police view that there was no link and that they were investigated as petty acts of mindless violence.

And listening to the utter waffle of unsubstantiated rumour from an anonymous resident without being challenged by the reporter as to its authenticity just further underlines how sinister these people are in working the system

You might have thought that a team led by an ace journalist like Laura Ellis would have asked the sharp questions that would have shown up this scam, but apparently not. Curious, that...

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Get on the case you're top boy on the forum.

Could someone who has a response from her PM me her email address as I wish to use it as a follow up rather than an initial complaint. I can copy and paste her copy and paste reply to all complainants thus far. :)

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Wouldn't it be great if the BBC ran a story about the fact that the NIMBYS claimed TVG status for the site but recently stated that in fact they didn't care or actually want it as a TVG, they just wanted to stop the stadium, talk about using a bit of legislation for your own ends. For me this is the most damaging part of their case (apart from the lies garnered by these people about phantom activities carried on the land) a the judge should actually say that you cannot be allowed to use this legislation it is designed for genuine TVG applications and not as an excuse to stop a stadium being built.

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Could someone who has a response from her PM me her email address as I wish to use it as a follow up rather than an initial complaint. I can copy and paste her copy and paste reply to all complainants thus far. :)

Done and done.

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Done and done.

Thanks I will fire (no pun intended...ok maybe a little) off an email to her in a moment. Just after I have checked for any accounts opened with BBC email addresses. You will all note Otib went members only last night and guests/banned users will only be able to view the help forum from now on.

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Having said that my personal view is that its an over reaction to close the site down to member only - its hardly going to be sting of the century to find out what is being said anyway, and frankly the site is what it is.

It was a preacautionay measure as we were aware the report was going out but not what was in, the forum has reverted as was

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The picture is one of many taken recently in the area. I'm not sure why

you question its relevance on the grounds that it has a Taunton leaflet


Best wishes,

Laura Ellis, Head of New Media, BBC English Regions

Hi Laura

Given your jurisdiction over the BBC West region, you will of course be familiar with the geography of the area. You will be aware that small businesses based in Taunton do not, as a rule, leaflet-drop suburbs of Bristol due to the distance between the two locations.

You will also no doubt concede that the pictures used as a backdrop to today's report on the *alleged* goings-on at Ashton Vale were not in fact taken in Ashton Vale, because no evidence of vandalism or criminal damage in that area actually exists.

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Done and done.

Let me know if you want her email address. I haven't put it on the board because that will just add fuel to their fire.

I have sent our favourite bbc employee the following email:

Dear Ms Ellis,

I note that you have replied to several of my fellow forum members stating that you are happy that you have accurately portrayed the results of your thorough investigation into these alleged events.

In the interests of saving public resources could you save me the trouble of submitting a FOI request to the Police and forward me the total number of reported acts of criminal damage in the area for the preceding 10 month period to that in question? I am confident that you will have these figures given your journalists conducted such a thorough investigation though I am unsure why you did not use those figures in the story to show how these 5 acts of criminal damage represented an x% increase on the normal rate?

Could you also confirm that the "resident who wished to remain anonymous" was asked by your reporter why they felt unable to go to the Police (an institution who are able to provide some element of protection) about their intimidation for fear of reprisals yet felt able to speak to yourselves (an institution who do not, to my knowledge, offer any form of protection) without such fears, even though this course of action would draw more attention.

Thank you for your help in this matter & I look forward to receiving your answers.

With regards,

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I have sent our favourite bbc employee the following email:

Dear Ms Ellis,

I note that you have replied to several of my fellow forum members stating that you are happy that you have accurately portrayed the results of your thorough investigation into these alleged events.

In the interests of saving public resources could you save me the trouble of submitting a FOI request to the Police and forward me the total number of reported acts of criminal damage in the area for the preceding 10 month period to that in question? I am confident that you will have these figures given your journalists conducted such a thorough investigation though I am unsure why you did not use those figures in the story to show how these 5 acts of criminal damage represented an x% increase on the normal rate?

Could you also confirm that the "resident who wished to remain anonymous" was asked by your reporter why they felt unable to go to the Police (an institution who are able to provide some element of protection) about their intimidation for fear of reprisals yet felt able to speak to yourselves (an institution who do not, to my knowledge, offer any form of protection) without such fears, even though this course of action would draw more attention.

Thank you for your help in this matter & I look forward to receiving your answers.

With regards,

:clap: :clap: :clap::chant6ez: :chant6ez: :chant6ez::clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

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Good work everyone, I'm on to this Laura Ellis as well. Not happy with the responses I've had at all. She's practically acused me of being deflamatory, ironic seeing as though a similar accusation could be put at her reporters door.

I haven't read through rest of the thread but assume we've noticed the headline has been altered to 'harrassment CLAIM'

Something stinks here, I think we should try take it as far as poss. I'm game...

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Someone tell him to shut up, what we need is good PR not battle with the press and all comers, is it any wonder CS stepped down?

You don't get good PR with the media by letting them get away with blatant lies. This woman is effectively a PR agent for the NIMBYs.

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Someone tell him to shut up, what we need is good PR not battle with the press and all comers, is it any wonder CS stepped down?

Fortunately we live in a country where the press are accountable for their stories and we are allowed to question what they have written. You get nothing in this life by being a doormat.

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Someone could ask Laura Ellis how many acts of criminal damage took place in the previous 10 months for comparison given they are happy with the thoroughness of their investigation they will have these figures to hand. Save us wasting public resources by putting an FOI request in :)

Her words to me was that LA had received a 'spate' of attacks during the stadium process. So knowing previous figures from Ms Ellis would be useful :)

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I have sent our favourite bbc employee the following email:

Dear Ms Ellis,

I note that you have replied to several of my fellow forum members stating that you are happy that you have accurately portrayed the results of your thorough investigation into these alleged events.

In the interests of saving public resources could you save me the trouble of submitting a FOI request to the Police and forward me the total number of reported acts of criminal damage in the area for the preceding 10 month period to that in question? I am confident that you will have these figures given your journalists conducted such a thorough investigation though I am unsure why you did not use those figures in the story to show how these 5 acts of criminal damage represented an x% increase on the normal rate?

Could you also confirm that the "resident who wished to remain anonymous" was asked by your reporter why they felt unable to go to the Police (an institution who are able to provide some element of protection) about their intimidation for fear of reprisals yet felt able to speak to yourselves (an institution who do not, to my knowledge, offer any form of protection) without such fears, even though this course of action would draw more attention.

Thank you for your help in this matter & I look forward to receiving your answers.

With regards,

Not sure if you are aware but you can see reported crime here http://www.police.uk/crime/?q=Silbury%20Rd,%20Bristol%20BS3,%20UK#streets/2011-01 looking at the crime figures they are very high over a 12 month period, I hope no one is carrying this out think they are helping the cause and I do worry some misguided morons are behind this. It certainly doesn't help our cause. I also think the nimbys are by no means whiter than white and the bbc seem out to perform a hatchet job on us as this has allready been reported several times in the last few months .If you want to hear how poor the bbc are you should listen to radio Bristol on a morning, Steve le fevre is the worst presenter ever and his opinion is all that counts on his debates. He had a story that HP were against the gas stadium and ran a large part of his show about it only to then say that they weren't opposed and just had concerns that were already being discussed and addressed. Then he had pensions mp Steve Webb on and when he asked Steve Webb why mps didn't have the same pensions cuts as public sector workers (Steve Webb replied that they were) he then replied that it was one rule for one and one for another completely misquoting him. The only two people I would listen to on radio Bristol are Ben prator and GT.

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Given your jurisdiction over the BBC West region, you will of course be familiar with the geography of the area. You will be aware that small businesses based in Taunton do not, as a rule, leaflet-drop suburbs of Bristol due to the distance between the two locations.


I hope you didn't send that, as the picture shows a broken car window and its a sticker on the car, not a leaflet. Its quite common for cars to have garage stickers from original dealership.

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Nice work Ian. I also sent in a complaint earlier but got the same reply as everyone else.

We carried out a detailed investigation into the situation regarding the

Bristol City development and we are satisfied that our report represents

the situation fairly and accurately.

There is clearly a strong belief, as we report, amongst some opponents

of the stadium that their viewpoint has prompted acts of vandalism

against them. It is legitimate to report this even if there is, as we

state, according to the police no actual evidence that their stance is

behind the recent spate of vandalism in the area.

This having been said, I think it is important to note that the judge

presiding over the civil proceedings said there was "convincing evidence

of incidents of harassment and intimidation".

The line about the snipers and bamboo came from the forum to which you

refer. We clearly mark the comments simply as quotes from this source

and include them as a measure of the strength of feeling on the issue

however 'humorously' intended.

Supporters groups are welcome to contact us any time if they wish their

views to be represented in subsequent stories. As you will note from the

story, on this occasion, none wished to take part when approached.

Best wishes,

Laura Ellis, Head of New Media, BBC English Regions

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