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Bbc Boycot


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Bristol City football club and all it's players managers and fans should boycot Radio Bristol and Points west , by that I mean don't do interviews with Twentyman or appear on this channel.

There is other media outlets ITV West , Jack FM and of course the Internet and we can do are bit by not phoning in to the talk phone ins .

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The BBC won't care - they do not need customers they will get their £3,400,000,000.00 taxpayer funded... oops licence fee (you know the piece of paper you have to buy mandated by the Government to be allowed to watch TV, on pain of imprisonment if you do not purchase it).

Our club need customers and exposure. Whilst they may view this as tarnishing their customers and should react in someway, boycott's will only harm us in the long run. We need to work for our sucess - the Government isn;t going to just hand it to us like the Beeb.

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I appreciate it wouldn't have any effect on their 'funding' but it would certainly have an effect on their output if City blanked them, didn't allow them access to the club and its' news. We as supporters can't really do alot apart from not answer questions if asked after games. Good idea by BS3 TBH but I don't see that we can do much apart from blank Twentymans' phone in!

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The BBC won't care - they do not need customers they will get their £3,400,000,000.00 taxpayer funded... oops licence fee (you know the piece of paper you have to buy mandated by the Government to be allowed to watch TV, on pain of imprisonment if you do not purchase it).

Our club need customers and exposure. Whilst they may view this as tarnishing their customers and should react in someway, boycott's will only harm us in the long run. We need to work for our sucess - the Government isn;t going to just hand it to us like the Beeb.

Nationaly they won't care but Radio Bristol will . This station is a shadow of its former self and have lots tens of thousand of listeners . If the football club refuses to speak to them it will lose thousand more. We can't sit back and do nothing

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Radio Bristol has lost 25% of its audience.

No suprise really

Is I-player through local BBC radio (Bristol etc) ?

Regardless - we are upset, but when the season starts we will all want to hear the matches and all this will have been forgotten. That's why they know they can get away with it. Personally i'd like them to back up their dramatic reconstructions, scare mongering with people walking around in fear of their lives, therefore needing a hooded BBC reporter to speak their words. If someone slandered/tarnished the reputation of my customers I would be looking into making it a big issue until a apology is forthcoming. I would also like that apology to have the same coverage and airtime as the initial report... ha, ha who am I kidding - nothing is going to happen.

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Here's an idea.....stop paying your TV licence!

I have NEVER paid mine, and I never will.

I withdrew the implied right of access to my property and put TVL and the BBC on notice (legal affidavit) saying failure to comply with my right of access withdrawal carries a £50k penalty as legal remedy (they did not respond within 40 days which means they tacitly agreed to my affidavit!!!).

I did that 5 years ago and I haven't heard a peep from them since! Great way to save money and let the EU loving traitors know what you really think of them.

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Here's an idea.....stop paying your TV licence!

I have NEVER paid mine, and I never will.

I withdrew the implied right of access to my property and put TVL and the BBC on notice (legal affidavit) saying failure to comply with my right of access withdrawal carries a £50k penalty as legal remedy (they did not respond within 40 days which means they tacitly agreed to my affidavit!!!).

I did that 5 years ago and I haven't heard a peep from them since! Great way to save money and let the EU loving traitors know what you really think of them.


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this is the reply I had following the complaint I raised - basically, not interested

We carried out a detailed investigation into the situation regarding the Bristol City development and we are satisfied that our report represents the situation fairly and accurately.

There is clearly a strong belief, as we report, amongst some opponents of the stadium that their viewpoint has prompted acts of vandalism against them. It is legitimate to report this even if there is, as we state, according to the police no actual evidence that their stance is behind the recent spate of vandalism in the area.

This having been said, I think it is important to note that the judge presiding over the civil proceedings said there was "convincing evidence of incidents of harassment and intimidation".

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Here's an idea.....stop paying your TV licence!

I have NEVER paid mine, and I never will.

I withdrew the implied right of access to my property and put TVL and the BBC on notice (legal affidavit) saying failure to comply with my right of access withdrawal carries a £50k penalty as legal remedy (they did not respond within 40 days which means they tacitly agreed to my affidavit!!!).

I did that 5 years ago and I haven't heard a peep from them since! Great way to save money and let the EU loving traitors know what you really think of them.

If all 30,000 supporters did this it would hit them in the pocket for 4.3 million - now that would get their attention. If we also involved other fans - afterall they are happy to get the rights to football, show games, and interviews to get viewing figures - but even the Beeb overall show fans in a bad light more often than not. If you could get the boycott to spread then we would be talking.

The problems are the legalities, are you required by law to buy a licence ?

Does denying the Licence enforcement access to your property prevent them from pursuing other legal avenues against you ?

Do we have any precedent for people to look at - as more than likely not many people will does this without knowing that others have successfully stopped paying their licence.

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this is the reply I had following the complaint I raised - basically, not interested

We carried out a detailed investigation into the situation regarding the Bristol City development and we are satisfied that our report represents the situation fairly and accurately.

There is clearly a strong belief, as we report, amongst some opponents of the stadium that their viewpoint has prompted acts of vandalism against them. It is legitimate to report this even if there is, as we state, according to the police no actual evidence that their stance is behind the recent spate of vandalism in the area.

This having been said, I think it is important to note that the judge presiding over the civil proceedings said there was "convincing evidence of incidents of harassment and intimidation".

Try calling things down the middle captain biased

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Here's an idea.....stop paying your TV licence!

I have NEVER paid mine, and I never will.

I withdrew the implied right of access to my property and put TVL and the BBC on notice (legal affidavit) saying failure to comply with my right of access withdrawal carries a £50k penalty as legal remedy (they did not respond within 40 days which means they tacitly agreed to my affidavit!!!).

I did that 5 years ago and I haven't heard a peep from them since! Great way to save money and let the EU loving traitors know what you really think of them.

Would a bamboo pit in your front porch have been an easier option?

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If all 30,000 supporters did this it would hit them in the pocket for 4.3 million - now that would get their attention. If we also involved other fans - afterall they are happy to get the rights to football, show games, and interviews to get viewing figures - but even the Beeb overall show fans in a bad light more often than not. If you could get the boycott to spread then we would be talking.

The problems are the legalities, are you required by law to buy a licence ?

Does denying the Licence enforcement access to your property prevent them from pursuing other legal avenues against you ?

Do we have any precedent for people to look at - as more than likely not many people will does this without knowing that others have successfully stopped paying their licence.

More people in Bristol need to stop watching and believing the rubbish BBC "news" they are fed with, and actually wake up and tune in to what is really going on in the world. They won't do that though, because they are too busy getting brainwashed by the socialist mainstream media.

I'm about to go out now, but tomorrow i'll start a new thread with all the info you need, including templates you can save & print off.

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Bristol City football club and all it's players managers and fans should boycot Radio Bristol and Points west , by that I mean don't do interviews with Twentyman or appear on this channel.

There is other media outlets ITV West , Jack FM and of course the Internet and we can do are bit by not phoning in to the talk phone ins .

Twentymans phone was past its sell by date years ago, same morons week after week spouting the same crap, his show really sums up what a dire cheap jack crock of shite radio bristol really is. Im surprised they have any listeners at all, looking at the muppets employed on there, steve yabsley for god sake, a deranged saghead says it all. As for Points West if your names Swindle Town you can do no wrong, time for this club to slam the door in there face.

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this is the reply I had following the complaint I raised - basically, not interested

We carried out a detailed investigation into the situation regarding the Bristol City development and we are satisfied that our report represents the situation fairly and accurately.

There is clearly a strong belief, as we report, amongst some opponents of the stadium that their viewpoint has prompted acts of vandalism against them. It is legitimate to report this even if there is, as we state, according to the police no actual evidence that their stance is behind the recent spate of vandalism in the area.

This having been said, I think it is important to note that the judge presiding over the civil proceedings said there was "convincing evidence of incidents of harassment and intimidation".

What if say hypothetically or allegedly people staged incidents of harassment and intimidation on themselfs to make them look a

victime after someone advised them to do so knowing it would help their case and swaying the judge's mind?

Cases of staging have been know and i wouldn't rule it out , however there is no evidence to say this happened no more than them saying Bristol city fans were giving harassment and intimidation.

All sounds a bit iffy to me.

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I was going to complain about the BBC the other day. Can you stop showing and reporting murders and people getting killed all the time please?

In particular was the poor poor girl who was suffocated by her parents omg... the detail they gave in the report was totally unnecessary, I'm claustrophobic and this report brought on a panic attack, it was disgusting and the BBC should be ashamed for this.

I want to opt out of media, there should be a tier system whereby you can set the level and what type of media you get spammed with each day, and punish servilely anyone who breaks it, In my list: No reports of children being killed, people suffocation, getting shot, getting raped etc... PLEASE, I don't need to know, I don't want to know, its not that I care, it should be my choice what media enters my life. no mail junk, no billboards, no TV ads too, hmm just think how many man hours are lost on watching or reading, or listening to spam?

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Yet only a week ago Liverpool fans were being criticised by this very forum as 'always having an agenda' and 'playing the victim'. Gna be difficult for supporters to boycot the BBC, no 5live, radio 1, match of the day, eastenders , BBC sport just to name a few things

If we are still talking about this in 23 years then you may have a valid point - but making the comment when the incident is 24 hours old is just.... well choose your own insult.

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Just like Murdoch the media must never think they can act with impunity and dictate the agenda rather report it. This is where media out put in this country has gone so badly wrong. There should always be reporach when misrepresentation is made and if the only way is to boycott then I am all for it. I would urge all supporters to make no input to any phone ins or post match debate on BBC Bristol. Leave it to the Yeovil and Gas fans, if we stand together on this the local sports output will soon become unrepresentative of the area it covers.

There needs to be solidarity on this issue the Beeb should not be allowed to get away with this.

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