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Bbc Boycot


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I think the main point in all this is that the foootball club and its fans, not least the users of this Forum, in my view were the victims of a shabby and manipulative piece of journalism. Irrespective of your view of the BBC, this is the central point and there should be a right of reply and a vartification of the facts and not just propoganda for the "Anti" stadium movement. There was (again my view) an agenda behind this report which I do not think should just be brushed under the carpet. Who knows how much damage has been caused in the minds of those that have no firm view or give tacit approval to the development. This was designed to influence people in the way that a Party Political broacast would, a caveat in the last sentance quoting Avon & Somerset Police in my opinion does not balance out the sensationlist library pictures of smashed car windows for example.

The vast majoity of City's fan base are law obbinding citizens and reflect every walk of modern life, in an age where to type cast, or use sterotypes evokes phrases such as bigot, predudiced or even racist, isn't it then a bit rich that the 70s sterotype of a football fan is still able to be used in the way that this Forum was to give that impression to BBC viewers?

It's not about making a noise because I don't like what they reported, it is the extreme and unbalanced nature of its presentation that I have a serious issue with. And I think that this must not get lost within sub topics within this thread.

Excellent post. My stance is that I'm not too bothered if we stay at Ashton Gate or move to Ashton Vale - no real big deal to me. What I'm interested in is the involvement of the BBC in all this. The BBC is supposed to be impartial and they, afterall, are financed via our taxes and our £145.50 per annum licence fees. I've watched BBC television debates where a participant is cut off mid sentence when it seems they are launching an anti EU tirade - this is wrong and bang out of order just as the BBC are wrong to type cast football supporters. The BBC High Kommand can have some of their own medicine and be type cast as EU loving Cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt School of political persuasion. :D

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I think that UK politics is broadly centred around the 'socialist' end of the spectrum. In countries such as the US and Canada, the left-leaning party tends to be more right wing than our Tory party. This is the birthplace of modern trade unionism, of universal healthcare. Regardless of the reasons for it, we are a traditionally left wing society

I don't personally believe we lose any sovereignty via Europe, other than that we choose to. Can you show me what mechanism the EU has to force us to do anything? I don't think they can even make us pay fines. It's by no means perfect and the single currency is an utter mess. In a ideal world I agree that it'd best to scrap the thing and start again. But if we left and went on our own we'd be utterly screwed. The Americans, Chinese, Indians, etc, are currently concentrating on increasing their manufacturing base to satisfy domestic markets. They don't want our products. If we left the EU we'd be subject to various trade tariffs and wouldn't be competitive. This is no doubt an 'agree to disagree' point

I don't think I've ever seen a BBC article criticising the EU; they're not supposed to have an opinion as a public broadcaster. They've been criticised elsewhere on here for showing a left wing bias; wouldn't showing a right-wing, anti-EU bias be just as bad?

I'd just like to make the point that the mechanism the EU has to 'force us' is to bribe and manipulate our politicians that are well known for sub criminal and criminal behaviour. I include Tony Blair in that category and I also think that he is a very unreliable witness at the current Leveson Inquiry for this reason. Well done to today's protester for highlighting the payments that Tony Blair is receiving from the JP Morgan banksters........

As Mr Blair looked on, he said: "JP Morgan paid him off for the Iraq war. Three months after he invaded Iraq, they held up the Iraq bank for 20 billion. He was then paid six million dollars every year and still is from JP Morgan six months after he left office. This man is a war criminal."

Source: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/protester-storms-blairs-leveson-hearing-114644862.html

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I'd just like to make the point that the mechanism the EU has to 'force us' is to bribe and manipulate our politicians that are well known for sub criminal and criminal behaviour. I include Tony Blair in that category and I also think that he is a very unreliable witness at the current Leveson Inquiry for this reason. Well done to today's protester for highlighting the payments that Tony Blair is receiving from the JP Morgan banksters........

As Mr Blair looked on, he said: "JP Morgan paid him off for the Iraq war. Three months after he invaded Iraq, they held up the Iraq bank for 20 billion. He was then paid six million dollars every year and still is from JP Morgan six months after he left office. This man is a war criminal."

Source: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/protester-storms-blairs-leveson-hearing-114644862.html

Do you really believe that Tony Blair sanctioned the invasion of Iraq by British forces because JP Morgan paid him to?! Really?!?! I mean, I can believe it was oil or some misguided idea of legacy, but because an investment bank asked him to?!

By what mechanism does the EU 'bribe' British politicians? Do they have photos of them cottaging on Hampstead Heath or is it standard Manila envelopes stuffed with cash?!

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if we boycott the b.b.c we wont miss much were not on there much anyway.i reckon we should all just make an official complaint in the hope that they will issue an apology ?

I don't disagree, what I suggested above is for fans not to get involved in the local phone ins etc. Remember this was the local BBC. There is no point cutting your nose off to spite your face but at the same time football fans appear to one section of society that is "safe" and "fair game" with little fear of reproach. The way the story was presented it was as though the residents were subject to an orchistrated campaign, with the inuendo that this web site was responsiable., which of course is absolutle rubish and in my view slanderous. In the event that the residents have been subject to anti social behaviour it is the resposniability of the individuals concerned who perpitrated the act, not the club or this forum. To suggest otherwise through innuendo without firm evidence is not right and as you say derserves an apology.

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Do you really believe that Tony Blair sanctioned the invasion of Iraq by British forces because JP Morgan paid him to?! Really?!?! I mean, I can believe it was oil or some misguided idea of legacy, but because an investment bank asked him to?!

By what mechanism does the EU 'bribe' British politicians? Do they have photos of them cottaging on Hampstead Heath or is it standard Manila envelopes stuffed with cash?!

The political traitors such as Tory Edward Heath and Labour's Tony Blair had/have become very rich men by signing away British sovereignty to the EEC/EU. Edward Heath took the secret - of how much the EEC paid him to sign Britain up on shit terms to the EEC - to the grave. Tony Blair needs to be interogated - hand him over to the Yanks so he can be water boarded at Guatanemo Bay Cuba - I want to know how many £millions he had from the EU to sign away our sovereignty behind our backs via various EU treaties.

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another example of BBC non-biased professional reporting methinks?

Very,very sloppy and terribly disrespectful to the victims that they would not even bother to get a true representation but use a file photo.

Just adding an example - don't read anything into the subject matter - I have no opinion on Syria! (well I have but lets have only one argument on the go at once!)

An excellent example of BBC bias and outright corruption. A comment on the story from the weblink you gave......

King Dorsty (unregistered) May 28, 2012, 22:51 After aiding and abetting NATO to commit all these massacre in Iraq with the BBC's complicity, it is very disgracing that the BBC turns around to blame it on Assad. It was the same they lied about Libya. Everyday, this bulsh!t BBC tells lies, more lies and many more lies. When will this bogus BBC learn to put some basic ethics in journalism and realize that this is not the 18th century? I am completely disgusted! I cant believe we're paying £150 every year to this bogus BBC for them to spill us with more propaganda.

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another example of BBC non-biased professional reporting methinks?

Very,very sloppy and terribly disrespectful to the victims that they would not even bother to get a true representation but use a file photo.

Just adding an example - don't read anything into the subject matter - I have no opinion on Syria! (well I have but lets have only one argument on the go at once!)

How is it biased? A monumental &@#%-up from an editor, but it doesn't demonstrate bias

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How is it biased? A monumental &@#%-up from an editor, but it doesn't demonstrate bias

The examples of monumental cock ups by BBC editors and biased and bigotted BBC reporting styles highlighted on this thread are - probably - but the tip of a very very big iceberg. There's a very big problem with the 'news' output of the BBC these days and that did not used to be the case.

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An excellent example of BBC bias and outright corruption. A comment on the story from the weblink you gave......

King Dorsty (unregistered) May 28, 2012, 22:51 After aiding and abetting NATO to commit all these massacre in Iraq with the BBC's complicity, it is very disgracing that the BBC turns around to blame it on Assad. It was the same they lied about Libya. Everyday, this bulsh!t BBC tells lies, more lies and many more lies. When will this bogus BBC learn to put some basic ethics in journalism and realize that this is not the 18th century? I am completely disgusted! I cant believe we're paying £150 every year to this bogus BBC for them to spill us with more propaganda.

Well if someone said it on a public forum it must be true! Do you genuinely believe that Assad isn't killing anyone in Syria and that it's all propaganda peddled by the BBC in league with NATO and, say, the Guardian? Not saying we know everything that's going on there but I think thats both barmy and slightly insulting

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The examples of monumental cock ups by BBC editors and biased and bigotted BBC reporting styles highlighted on this thread are - probably - but the tip of a very very big iceberg. There's a very big problem with the 'news' output of the BBC these days and that did not used to be the case.

You still haven't demonstrated how printing an obviously wrong photo demonstrates bias- even if we accept they did it on purpose I just can't see how anything is perpetuated. Are you implying that those people didn't die?

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You sure you got the source for this right? Surely it's straight out of 'Mein Kampf'?

It reads nothing like "Mein Kampf" but it does read more like the British Labour Party manifesto or - rather - the underlying vision of that Labour Party manifesto.

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