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Bbc Boycot


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I think a boycott of all local BBC is more prudent, they have already lost a third of radio listeners which is no supprise, to me their sordid lust for a story at any cost has meant they have finally found one for us. It's nothing new to them and they have done similar to the gas with their new stadium. Until they issue an apologie I for one am boycotting radio Bristol and bbc points west. It's the best response to their one sided unbalanced story.

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How about a good old fashioned protest march from the center up to Whiteladies Rd , with someone clever handing over a letter of complaint or something . get national press involved to hear our grievencies, just a thought

I was thinking more along the lines of a protest march come pub crawl.

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Most people live a life of general apathy with the out outburst of energy. Complaining sat at home with our coffee and toast on the computer is different than going out on a march - I would imagine a half a dozen people shouting slogans that will become football chants would just look even worse for us than doing nothing - personally I would hope the clubs lawyers are sending letters asking them to substantiate or withdraw the rumours and insinuation that the clubs supporters are involved in criminal activity.

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Although it is entirely possible that all complaints of threats and vandalism etc. have been invented or that they have been self-inflicted or that the incidents have nothing to do with the village green application, unless the BBC has refused to report evidence of such fabrication, dishonesty of alternative motivation it is difficult to see how it has shown bias. As I read it, the BBC has reported that the incidents have been alleged and that the police have investigated and found no evidence.

If anyone knows (rather than wishfully believes) that the allegations are unfounded - I think it unlikely that the BBC would deny them airtime.

It is an inconvenient truth that sometimes people we agree with do things we would prefer they did not do and (dare I say it) that a few people may have legitimate and reasonable objections to a proposal that might benefit many others.

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Here's an idea.....stop paying your TV licence!

I have NEVER paid mine, and I never will.

I withdrew the implied right of access to my property and put TVL and the BBC on notice (legal affidavit) saying failure to comply with my right of access withdrawal carries a £50k penalty as legal remedy (they did not respond within 40 days which means they tacitly agreed to my affidavit!!!).

I did that 5 years ago and I haven't heard a peep from them since! Great way to save money and let the EU loving traitors know what you really think of them.

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Blimey, there is some rubbish on this forum. The BBC is the finest broadcasting service on earth. What it has done and continues to do globally in terms of cultural enrichment and education is astonishing. Of course you don't have to like everything it does or agree with everything it says, but you should just marvel at it's range. The thought that anyone would have commercial tv or, horror of horrors, Sky TV in preference to the BBC just leaves me utterly speechless.

As for the guy who has wasted so much of his precious time avoiding paying the license fee, for heaven's sake get a life.

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Read the article- OTIB posters on 'snipers' clearly taken out of context by the BBC, rest of it don't really know enough to comment.

Beeb in general- not so bad I'd say, enjoyed the 70s stuff to some extent. Economic issues- people willing for a breakup of eurozone should be careful what they wish for. Read the other day that it'd cost £800bn to the European or global economy, not so clear which- we're not particularly badly exposed to Greek debts but beyond that what with the knock on effects...ouch!

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The thought that anyone would have commercial tv or, horror of horrors, Sky TV in preference to the BBC just leaves me utterly speechless.

As for the guy who has wasted so much of his precious time avoiding paying the license fee, for heaven's sake get a life.

I don't watch it. If I had kids I would probably subscribe to Cbeebies for them - but little else interest me. The shows I watch / have watched the most Peep show, Stargate, Lost, Game of Thrones, The killing, Grimm, CSI, Battle Star Galatica, 24... and 100's more are all on other channels. My sister would die without Eastenders but even she watches nothing else on the BBC - so it could go of air tomorrow and put the £4.3 billion back into peoples pocket - if people want to subscribe to it then let them, making it the worlds only compulsory pay to view channel is just wrong.

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Here's an idea.....stop paying your TV licence!

I have NEVER paid mine, and I never will.

I withdrew the implied right of access to my property and put TVL and the BBC on notice (legal affidavit) saying failure to comply with my right of access withdrawal carries a £50k penalty as legal remedy (they did not respond within 40 days which means they tacitly agreed to my affidavit!!!).

I did that 5 years ago and I haven't heard a peep from them since! Great way to save money and let the EU loving traitors know what you really think of them.

Excellent post. I'm also really pissed off with the BBC that is now no more than an EU controlled propaganda newsagency. BBC news editors are smarmy pseudo intellectual Cultural Marxists. The BBC is, indeed, run by and for the benefit of EU loving traitors and other associated lowlife.

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Blimey, there is some rubbish on this forum. The BBC is the finest broadcasting service on earth. What it has done and continues to do globally in terms of cultural enrichment and education is astonishing. Of course you don't have to like everything it does or agree with everything it says, but you should just marvel at it's range. The thought that anyone would have commercial tv or, horror of horrors, Sky TV in preference to the BBC just leaves me utterly speechless.

As for the guy who has wasted so much of his precious time avoiding paying the license fee, for heaven's sake get a life.

Well said that man.

You sad, pathetic, bigoted fool.

Well said that man, too!(in reference to the reactionary berk SX225)

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I went to BBC 5live Fighting Talk's Big Day Out today. Very entertaining especially for just a tenner.

I frequently use the BBC website (everyday, in fact) but i watch little on television on any channel.

As has been said, i don't agree with everything they say (or how they say it) - but they remain for me a valuble source of (generally) trustworthy information, news, sport and radio programming.

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I love the BBC, their natural history is the best, documentary, science programmes and drama, also the website is one the best on the planet. This is why its important to keep the BBC in check, its your right a fee payer.

I could not boycott them, on the whole they are very good.

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Please explain in full.

I'm all ears.





I look forward to 4 well thought out considered explanations for the above description "Greedo".

Someone with a fictional sci-fi name advocating the wonder of "Punk" should be so full of life experiences that explaining why the BBC is not viciously Pro-EU and Pro-Islam should be a doddle.

So hands off your 4-skins EP and answer away.

Oh hang on, a punk loving sci-fi poster...couldn't be one of those lefty Ex-Uni types that still believe that the EU (supported explicitly by the BBC and Guardianistas) is:

A benign organisation that would never,ever forcibly remove the democratically elected PM's of two major countries and replace them with unelected technocrats, in a fit of pique when they dare utter the "referendum" word.

A self-serving organism that exists only to profit the banks and EU employees

Stuffing countries brim full of 'refugees' (allegedly) to the detriment of indigenous citizens

Suporting minority religious groups to the detriment and discrimination of established existing ones.

Cripples at least 5 major economies

Installs a "court" that with no power,except self granted ones,can over rule the highest courts in other countries.

Introduces the schengen agreement.

If you think its ok that wounded British troops have to beg for council accomodation, whilst vehemently anti-western Islamic immigrants (who travel through Italy,Germany and France to get here) are given 6 bed houses in London to live in at our expense. That Pensioners cannot afford sufficient heating but we can give 600 mil a month to Pakistan to 'encourage' them to fight 'extreme Islam', and that the Flag of St George is now found to be unsuitable to be flown by EU doctrines 'encouraging' councils to fly rainbow flags (nothing wrong with being gay - unless you meet a muslim!!) and other diverse flags in the name of multicuturalism,enlightenment and harmony then yes I'm happy to be a sad etc etc.

I'll meet you in the community field digging up the potatoes you and Osama planted together and then pop down to the communal living huts for bread and honey.

Now I abhor racism.My beef is with religious zealots 'immigrating' to Europe with the express intention of imposing their religion and its mindlessly backward ethos over everyone. People who bury their head in the sand and see no great apocalypse approaching are the same people who encouraged this lunacy in the first place.

It was only 70 odd years ago that WW2 ended and now we have Far-Right MP's in Greece,Romania,Holland and soon France. That scares the hell out of me. And it should out of you.

We,as a Nation should say "ENOUGH", and stop this pro-multicultural disaster right now.

Before its too late.

Totally agree.

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Excellent post. I'm also really pissed off with the BBC that is now no more than an EU controlled propaganda newsagency. BBC news editors are smarmy pseudo intellectual Cultural Marxists. The BBC is, indeed, run by and for the benefit of EU loving traitors and other associated lowlife.

You don't really believe that, do you? 'Pseudo intellectual cultural marxists'? The BBC? Blue Peter, the Archers, Desert Island Discs? I've never seen In the Night Garden as an example of cultural marxism, but I might watch it with my three year old in a new light tonight.

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Please explain in full.

I'm all ears.





I look forward to 4 well thought out considered explanations for the above description "Greedo".

Someone with a fictional sci-fi name advocating the wonder of "Punk" should be so full of life experiences that explaining why the BBC is not viciously Pro-EU and Pro-Islam should be a doddle.

So hands off your 4-skins EP and answer away.

Oh hang on, a punk loving sci-fi poster...couldn't be one of those lefty Ex-Uni types that still believe that the EU (supported explicitly by the BBC and Guardianistas) is:

A benign organisation that would never,ever forcibly remove the democratically elected PM's of two major countries and replace them with unelected technocrats, in a fit of pique when they dare utter the "referendum" word.

A self-serving organism that exists only to profit the banks and EU employees

Stuffing countries brim full of 'refugees' (allegedly) to the detriment of indigenous citizens

Suporting minority religious groups to the detriment and discrimination of established existing ones.

Cripples at least 5 major economies

Installs a "court" that with no power,except self granted ones,can over rule the highest courts in other countries.

Introduces the schengen agreement.

If you think its ok that wounded British troops have to beg for council accomodation, whilst vehemently anti-western Islamic immigrants (who travel through Italy,Germany and France to get here) are given 6 bed houses in London to live in at our expense. That Pensioners cannot afford sufficient heating but we can give 600 mil a month to Pakistan to 'encourage' them to fight 'extreme Islam', and that the Flag of St George is now found to be unsuitable to be flown by EU doctrines 'encouraging' councils to fly rainbow flags (nothing wrong with being gay - unless you meet a muslim!!) and other diverse flags in the name of multicuturalism,enlightenment and harmony then yes I'm happy to be a sad etc etc.

I'll meet you in the community field digging up the potatoes you and Osama planted together and then pop down to the communal living huts for bread and honey.

Now I abhor racism.My beef is with religious zealots 'immigrating' to Europe with the express intention of imposing their religion and its mindlessly backward ethos over everyone. People who bury their head in the sand and see no great apocalypse approaching are the same people who encouraged this lunacy in the first place.

It was only 70 odd years ago that WW2 ended and now we have Far-Right MP's in Greece,Romania,Holland and soon France. That scares the hell out of me. And it should out of you.

We,as a Nation should say "ENOUGH", and stop this pro-multicultural disaster right now.

Before its too late.

Well said that man

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Please explain in full.

I'm all ears.





I look forward to 4 well thought out considered explanations for the above description "Greedo".

Someone with a fictional sci-fi name advocating the wonder of "Punk" should be so full of life experiences that explaining why the BBC is not viciously Pro-EU and Pro-Islam should be a doddle.

So hands off your 4-skins EP and answer away.

Oh hang on, a punk loving sci-fi poster...couldn't be one of those lefty Ex-Uni types that still believe that the EU (supported explicitly by the BBC and Guardianistas) is:

A benign organisation that would never,ever forcibly remove the democratically elected PM's of two major countries and replace them with unelected technocrats, in a fit of pique when they dare utter the "referendum" word.

A self-serving organism that exists only to profit the banks and EU employees

Stuffing countries brim full of 'refugees' (allegedly) to the detriment of indigenous citizens

Suporting minority religious groups to the detriment and discrimination of established existing ones.

Cripples at least 5 major economies

Installs a "court" that with no power,except self granted ones,can over rule the highest courts in other countries.

Introduces the schengen agreement.

If you think its ok that wounded British troops have to beg for council accomodation, whilst vehemently anti-western Islamic immigrants (who travel through Italy,Germany and France to get here) are given 6 bed houses in London to live in at our expense. That Pensioners cannot afford sufficient heating but we can give 600 mil a month to Pakistan to 'encourage' them to fight 'extreme Islam', and that the Flag of St George is now found to be unsuitable to be flown by EU doctrines 'encouraging' councils to fly rainbow flags (nothing wrong with being gay - unless you meet a muslim!!) and other diverse flags in the name of multicuturalism,enlightenment and harmony then yes I'm happy to be a sad etc etc.

I'll meet you in the community field digging up the potatoes you and Osama planted together and then pop down to the communal living huts for bread and honey.

Now I abhor racism.My beef is with religious zealots 'immigrating' to Europe with the express intention of imposing their religion and its mindlessly backward ethos over everyone. People who bury their head in the sand and see no great apocalypse approaching are the same people who encouraged this lunacy in the first place.

It was only 70 odd years ago that WW2 ended and now we have Far-Right MP's in Greece,Romania,Holland and soon France. That scares the hell out of me. And it should out of you.

We,as a Nation should say "ENOUGH", and stop this pro-multicultural disaster right now.

Before its too late.

Excellent comments again. With regard to the issue of a free and democratic referendum of our membership of the hopelessly corrupt and criminal led European Union project - why are the BBC not discussing this issue in great depth ????!!!! Are senior BBC executives in the employ of the EU? Gordon Brown then David Camoron both promised a referendum on the EU and both have not delivered on this promise - why are the BBC not chasing them up and reporting on it with the same vigour as per their reports on the News International inquiry?

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Please explain in full.

I'm all ears.





I look forward to 4 well thought out considered explanations for the above description "Greedo".

Someone with a fictional sci-fi name advocating the wonder of "Punk" should be so full of life experiences that explaining why the BBC is not viciously Pro-EU and Pro-Islam should be a doddle.

So hands off your 4-skins EP and answer away.

Oh hang on, a punk loving sci-fi poster...couldn't be one of those lefty Ex-Uni types that still believe that the EU (supported explicitly by the BBC and Guardianistas) is:

A benign organisation that would never,ever forcibly remove the democratically elected PM's of two major countries and replace them with unelected technocrats, in a fit of pique when they dare utter the "referendum" word.

A self-serving organism that exists only to profit the banks and EU employees

Stuffing countries brim full of 'refugees' (allegedly) to the detriment of indigenous citizens

Suporting minority religious groups to the detriment and discrimination of established existing ones.

Cripples at least 5 major economies

Installs a "court" that with no power,except self granted ones,can over rule the highest courts in other countries.

Introduces the schengen agreement.

If you think its ok that wounded British troops have to beg for council accomodation, whilst vehemently anti-western Islamic immigrants (who travel through Italy,Germany and France to get here) are given 6 bed houses in London to live in at our expense. That Pensioners cannot afford sufficient heating but we can give 600 mil a month to Pakistan to 'encourage' them to fight 'extreme Islam', and that the Flag of St George is now found to be unsuitable to be flown by EU doctrines 'encouraging' councils to fly rainbow flags (nothing wrong with being gay - unless you meet a muslim!!) and other diverse flags in the name of multicuturalism,enlightenment and harmony then yes I'm happy to be a sad etc etc.

I'll meet you in the community field digging up the potatoes you and Osama planted together and then pop down to the communal living huts for bread and honey.

Now I abhor racism.My beef is with religious zealots 'immigrating' to Europe with the express intention of imposing their religion and its mindlessly backward ethos over everyone. People who bury their head in the sand and see no great apocalypse approaching are the same people who encouraged this lunacy in the first place.

It was only 70 odd years ago that WW2 ended and now we have Far-Right MP's in Greece,Romania,Holland and soon France. That scares the hell out of me. And it should out of you.

We,as a Nation should say "ENOUGH", and stop this pro-multicultural disaster right now.

Before its too late.

Well put, good man !

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Please explain in full.

I'm all ears.





I look forward to 4 well thought out considered explanations for the above description "Greedo".

Someone with a fictional sci-fi name advocating the wonder of "Punk" should be so full of life experiences that explaining why the BBC is not viciously Pro-EU and Pro-Islam should be a doddle.

So hands off your 4-skins EP and answer away.

Oh hang on, a punk loving sci-fi poster...couldn't be one of those lefty Ex-Uni types that still believe that the EU (supported explicitly by the BBC and Guardianistas) is:

A benign organisation that would never,ever forcibly remove the democratically elected PM's of two major countries and replace them with unelected technocrats, in a fit of pique when they dare utter the "referendum" word.

A self-serving organism that exists only to profit the banks and EU employees

Stuffing countries brim full of 'refugees' (allegedly) to the detriment of indigenous citizens

Suporting minority religious groups to the detriment and discrimination of established existing ones.

Cripples at least 5 major economies

Installs a "court" that with no power,except self granted ones,can over rule the highest courts in other countries.

Introduces the schengen agreement.

If you think its ok that wounded British troops have to beg for council accomodation, whilst vehemently anti-western Islamic immigrants (who travel through Italy,Germany and France to get here) are given 6 bed houses in London to live in at our expense. That Pensioners cannot afford sufficient heating but we can give 600 mil a month to Pakistan to 'encourage' them to fight 'extreme Islam', and that the Flag of St George is now found to be unsuitable to be flown by EU doctrines 'encouraging' councils to fly rainbow flags (nothing wrong with being gay - unless you meet a muslim!!) and other diverse flags in the name of multicuturalism,enlightenment and harmony then yes I'm happy to be a sad etc etc.

I'll meet you in the community field digging up the potatoes you and Osama planted together and then pop down to the communal living huts for bread and honey.

Now I abhor racism.My beef is with religious zealots 'immigrating' to Europe with the express intention of imposing their religion and its mindlessly backward ethos over everyone. People who bury their head in the sand and see no great apocalypse approaching are the same people who encouraged this lunacy in the first place.

It was only 70 odd years ago that WW2 ended and now we have Far-Right MP's in Greece,Romania,Holland and soon France. That scares the hell out of me. And it should out of you.

We,as a Nation should say "ENOUGH", and stop this pro-multicultural disaster right now.

Before its too late.

Cracking post mate and couldn't agree more. It's not about being a bigot or a racist at all, such a pathetic argument. If you want to be a part of this country then you have to accept certain facets of life here. Don't want to comment too much about this case, but the story about the girl murdered by her parents for becoming 'too Westernised' is a prime example-why on Earth move here if you don't want to assimilate? And with the BBC, I'm amazed that in these times where people are trying their best to save money, we are forced to pay to watch television to one organisation.

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I don't watch it. If I had kids I would probably subscribe to Cbeebies for them - but little else interest me. The shows I watch / have watched the most Peep show, Stargate, Lost, Game of Thrones, The killing, Grimm, CSI, Battle Star Galatica, 24... and 100's more are all on other channels. My sister would die without Eastenders but even she watches nothing else on the BBC - so it could go of air tomorrow and put the £4.3 billion back into peoples pocket - if people want to subscribe to it then let them, making it the worlds only compulsory pay to view channel is just wrong.

Same here, I use Netflix quite a bit and find that the only thing I watch on the BBC is the occasional bit of news and stuff like The Office or Thick of It. Does that warrant paying the hundred odd quid a year? Nope. Could I give a t*ss about adverts being on there either? Nope. By all means it can keep going but don't think we should be forced to pay for it.

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I'm going to stick my neck Out here and proberbly get abused for my opinion but here it is...

When I wake up in the morning and feed my baby I watch BBC breakfast on BBC1. When I get home from work some kids programme tends to be on in the house. I then watch the BBC news and points west after. I hate ad breaks in the news. To name a few of the evening BBC programmes I watch, hussle, apprentice, dragons den, match of the day, various panel type comedy programmes, championship football,Mrs browns boys, my mrs watches eastenders and watchdog. When I am in my car all day I listen to BBC radio 1 and BBC radio 1 xtra. When I am on my way home from the football I listen to Geoff on BBC Bristol.

I don't agree with everything they say nor do I agree with what they have said in the article.

But I pay nearly £50 a month for sky and about £100 a year for proberbly the most used broadcasting network in my house.

I will continue to pay my license so that I don't get dragged through the court and I shall continue to watch/listen to the BBC's programmes.

That is all!

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