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http://m.youtube.com...h?v=OlzIrJNyTec not sure I would have the balls but top vid on how to deal with license inspectors.

It's not a matter of balls mate, they have no more powers than you or I. Of course they will use language that implies they do have powers with phrases like "I need to see this or that", but it's no different than me knocking on your door and demanding to see your pilots licence.

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Blimey, there is some rubbish on this forum. The BBC is the finest broadcasting service on earth. What it has done and continues to do globally in terms of cultural enrichment and education is astonishing. Of course you don't have to like everything it does or agree with everything it says, but you should just marvel at it's range. The thought that anyone would have commercial tv or, horror of horrors, Sky TV in preference to the BBC just leaves me utterly speechless.

As for the guy who has wasted so much of his precious time avoiding paying the license fee, for heaven's sake get a life.

That's quite an endourcement, in my opinion more approrpiate to a bygone age than the politicised coporation we see to day. And if your glowing reference is fully justified where does this turgid piece of reporting fit? Another poster says that some memebers of the Beeb are looking to distance themselves from this sorry episode, Auntie would appear to have got her knickers in a twist.

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You don't have to look too hard on the Internet to find plenty of criticism on falling BBC standards these days, here's two examples......

"On the one hand, the BBC is funded by public money and given a semi-monopoly of broadcast news coverage. On the other, the BBC is by charter expected to reflect the British values of fair-mindedness, decency and tolerance.

Sadly, it is only very rarely that the BBC keeps its side of the bargain, and this negligence is starting to become a scandal. Rather than representing the nation as a whole, it has become a vital resource – and sometimes attack weapon – for a narrow, arrogant Left-Liberal elite."

Source: http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/peteroborne/100113804/coming-to-the-bbc-an-everyday-story-of-bias-and-falling-standards/


"Peter Sissons: BBC standards are falling - and bosses are too scared to do anything about it"

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1199104/Peter-Sissons-BBC-standards-falling--bosses-scared-it.html#ixzz1w5eRUSCw

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You don't really believe that, do you? 'Pseudo intellectual cultural marxists'? The BBC? Blue Peter, the Archers, Desert Island Discs? I've never seen In the Night Garden as an example of cultural marxism, but I might watch it with my three year old in a new light tonight.

You can believe what you want but bear in mind I'm refering to BBC news programmes not the BBC's long running programmes such asThe Archers or Desert Island Discs.

Basically, the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism believed that as long as an individual had the belief - or even the hope of belief - that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judaeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the ‘oppressive’ order. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus—‘continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means’ as one of their members noted.

Today's BBC has this Cultural Marxist ethos at its core. To further the advance of their ‘quiet’ cultural revolution - but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future - The Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism recommended (among other things):

1. The creation of racism offences.

2. Continual change to create confusion

3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children

4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority

5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.

6. The promotion of excessive drinking

7. Emptying of churches

8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime

9. Dependency on the state or state benefits

10. Control and dumbing down of media

11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

Read more on "The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to corrupt" at the link below.....

Source: http://catholicinsight.com/online/features/article_882.shtml

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You can believe what you want but bear in mind I'm refering to BBC news programmes not the BBC's long running programmes such asThe Archers or Desert Island Discs.

Basically, the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism believed that as long as an individual had the belief - or even the hope of belief - that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judaeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the 'oppressive' order. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus—'continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means' as one of their members noted.

Today's BBC has this Cultural Marxist ethos at its core. To further the advance of their 'quiet' cultural revolution - but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future - The Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism recommended (among other things):

1. The creation of racism offences.

2. Continual change to create confusion

3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children

4. The undermining of schools' and teachers' authority

5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.

6. The promotion of excessive drinking

7. Emptying of churches

8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime

9. Dependency on the state or state benefits

10. Control and dumbing down of media

11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

Read more on "The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to corrupt" at the link below.....

Source: http://catholicinsig...ticle_882.shtml

12. The little green men broadcasting evil thoughts into our heads. :facepalm:

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Wow, there are some angry people on this thread, and there are some who talk sense. I don't particularly like paying the license fee but at the end of the day it's the law. Simple as that Capt. Bylaws.

You go find me a news agency who don't have their own views. Or is it that the BBC don't match your views and thats what's got you all PMQ/PMS. The only thing I'm not a fan, and this is the media in general, is the sensationalising and the importance of non-news events being given high priority.

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12. The little green men broadcasting evil thoughts into our heads. :facepalm:

If you'd bothered reading the article on the link I gave then you'd know that Cultural Marxist Willi Munzenberg proposed organising Western intellectuals and using them to make Western civilisation stink. All credit to Joe Stalin because, in June 1940, Stalin had Münzenberg hunted down. Münzenberg then fled to the South of France. Where, on Stalin’s orders, a NKVD assassination squad caught up with him and hanged him from a tree. :banana:

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Just for info: the votes on "non football chat post (3 Questions)" are 3/1 in favour of a BIASED BBC

60/40 to leave the EU - quite suprised so many want to stay in tbh and

2/1 in favour of a 5 year moritorium on immigration.

The poll will be open for a few more days, so vote away if you have an opinion!

The EU as a body forging easier & closer trading ties with our European partners is an applaudable concept. Its implementation & extension to single currency & 1 European superstate is inherently flawed as 1 size fits all policies are proving not to work over the whole Eurozone.

I like the EU but less so in its current form, scale back the powers, get rid of the single currency & it would be far more palatable.

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If you'd bothered reading the article on the link I gave then you'd know that Cultural Marxist Willi Munzenberg proposed organising Western intellectuals and using them to make Western civilisation stink. All credit to Joe Stalin because, in June 1940, Stalin had Münzenberg hunted down. Münzenberg then fled to the South of France. Where, on Stalin’s orders, a NKVD assassination squad caught up with him and hanged him from a tree. :banana:

Ah good ol' Uncle Joe - famed Russian philanthropist and overall nice guy.

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Some of the stuff spouted on here is not only utter tripe but completely wrong. On the iPhone so can't multi quote or go through everything with a fine tooth comb, but the ones that stick in my head

Western European governments are in the process of voting in a succession of LEFT wing governements, NOT RIGHT. So therefore the political backlash by the European proletariat is actually in support of the 'Marxist Cultural Junta' in charge of the BBC

Saying licence fee officers have 'no right of entry' is only partly correct; they have delegated powers (like a council officer) so can apply to a magistrate to gain entry to a property. Giving notice to an officer with delegated powers that they can not enter your house doesn't make you exempt from licence fee, it just means they can't witness the use of televisual equipment. The mobile detection units will still be able to detect the use if such equipment at your address and I believe that is sufficient means to charge a license fee and recover costs in the event of non-payment. Impressed with the license fee avoidance scheme though, very clever

The European Courts (alluded to as a foreign court with power over our sovereignty) have no direct power over any EU nation. Successive British governments have chosen to take on board the directives in the spirit of the original agreement but there is no enforceable penalty for not doing so. The French quite often ignore EU directives and ECoHR

Moratoriums on immigration would be anti-EU but more importantly, anti-British. We are the nation that first abolished slavery (techniacally I think it was Scotland, but in broad terms) we have some of the most progressive anti-racism laws in the world that are nothing to do with EU legislation and remember; after both world wars (when we'd asked Africans, Asians, Muslims and Hindus to travel to Europe to fight a war they had no knowledge of) we shipped boat loads of people from the Carribbean, India and West Africa to man our factories and warehouses while the women returned to the home to cook, clean and repopulate the British Isles. Our economy is built upon immigration and while it needs to be controlled, we can't just turn off the tap

Exit from the EU would cripple this country financially. That is just financial reality. To trade with anyone else we have to produce goods and ship them there for less money than they produce these items themselves; Europe is the biggest Market of importation in the world and by cutting ourselves off we'd be tying one hand behind the backs of businesses across the land

Using articles from the Telegraph and the Mail to prove left wing bias is utterly redundant; there is an overt, editorial right wing bias in both publications. That not to say everything they say is wrong, just that they are openly biased against any organisation they perceive to be left-leaning

That's all I can think of for now. Some of the thinly veiled racism, bigotry and borderline facism on here sickens me. I think we should also say that this is one article. It's a poorly written, poorly researched and misleading article, but there's been a slight over reaction here

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Where and by who?

Apologies if I'm wrong,but don't you live in the USA?

If so how often are you back before you start with the old race card?

The race card - last bastion of the left.

I live in Manchester actually, but the 2 are often confused. Not entirely sure what that has to do with whether some of the comments on here are racist

However, I was making suppositions that perhaps should have not, so I'll withdraw that and apologise (not to you specifically as it wasn't aimed in a particular posters direction)

I don't regard myself as being particularly left wing so I don't take refuge in that particular bastion. I would also argue that highlighting the one piece of opinion within a debate is the last bastion of the right, but then this could just go round in circles for ever

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If you look at it in a totally financial way - take an average family of 4. 2 Parents and 2 kids.

the License Fee according to this http://www.bbc.co.uk...are/licencefee/ is £145.50.

Divide that by 365 (every day of the year) then divide it by 4 (for every person in the theoretical 'average' UK household) and you get a grand total of.... 0.09965... (recurring) pence per day per person in this household if my calculations are correct. Or around 40p per day per household. Personally, for me, this is fantastic value for all the services you get including online, iPlayer, Radio etc

I do feel however that this report about the club was poor journalism and something needs to be done about it.

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Fair enough mate..like I said wasn't sure if you were the chap in question - you are not, so my bad.

As you suggest we will agree to disagree on Europe.

Take care.

No problem, though I'm still not sure what my country of domicile has to do with it. I suppose an expat wouldn't be best placed to complain or support the payment of a license fee!

I don't think people will ever agree on these forums; in fact it's what makes it interesting. It should be in the terms and conditions that you accept that some people will think you talk carp and you will think others talk carp. What I find incredulous and have to comment on is people presenting openly, editorially biased articles and 'facts' by way of proff that there is some hidden bias elsewhere

Football (and politics) would be dull if everyone had the same thoughts and opinions

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If you look at it in a totally financial way - take an average family of 4. 2 Parents and 2 kids.

the License Fee according to this http://www.bbc.co.uk...are/licencefee/ is £145.50.

Divide that by 365 (every day of the year) then divide it by 4 (for every person in the theoretical 'average' UK household) and you get a grand total of.... 0.09965... (recurring) pence per day per person in this household if my calculations are correct. Or around 40p per day per household. Personally, for me, this is fantastic value for all the services you get including online, iPlayer, Radio etc

I do feel however that this report about the club was poor journalism and something needs to be done about it.

And if it stop TV full of bloody adverts, I'm all for it.

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You can believe what you want but bear in mind I'm refering to BBC news programmes not the BBC's long running programmes such asThe Archers or Desert Island Discs.

Basically, the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism believed that as long as an individual had the belief - or even the hope of belief - that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judaeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life which would be designed to de-stabilize society and bring down what they saw as the ‘oppressive’ order. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus—‘continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means’ as one of their members noted.

Today's BBC has this Cultural Marxist ethos at its core. To further the advance of their ‘quiet’ cultural revolution - but giving us no ideas about their plans for the future - The Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism recommended (among other things):

1. The creation of racism offences.

2. Continual change to create confusion

3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children

4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority

5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.

6. The promotion of excessive drinking

7. Emptying of churches

8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime

9. Dependency on the state or state benefits

10. Control and dumbing down of media

11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

Read more on "The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to corrupt" at the link below.....

Source: http://catholicinsig...ticle_882.shtml

You sure you got the source for this right? Surely it's straight out of 'Mein Kampf'?

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Some of the stuff spouted on here is not only utter tripe but completely wrong. On the iPhone so can't multi quote or go through everything with a fine tooth comb, but the ones that stick in my head

Western European governments are in the process of voting in a succession of LEFT wing governements, NOT RIGHT. So therefore the political backlash by the European proletariat is actually in support of the 'Marxist Cultural Junta' in charge of the BBC

Saying licence fee officers have 'no right of entry' is only partly correct; they have delegated powers (like a council officer) so can apply to a magistrate to gain entry to a property. Giving notice to an officer with delegated powers that they can not enter your house doesn't make you exempt from licence fee, it just means they can't witness the use of televisual equipment. The mobile detection units will still be able to detect the use if such equipment at your address and I believe that is sufficient means to charge a license fee and recover costs in the event of non-payment. Impressed with the license fee avoidance scheme though, very clever

The European Courts (alluded to as a foreign court with power over our sovereignty) have no direct power over any EU nation. Successive British governments have chosen to take on board the directives in the spirit of the original agreement but there is no enforceable penalty for not doing so. The French quite often ignore EU directives and ECoHR

Moratoriums on immigration would be anti-EU but more importantly, anti-British. We are the nation that first abolished slavery (techniacally I think it was Scotland, but in broad terms) we have some of the most progressive anti-racism laws in the world that are nothing to do with EU legislation and remember; after both world wars (when we'd asked Africans, Asians, Muslims and Hindus to travel to Europe to fight a war they had no knowledge of) we shipped boat loads of people from the Carribbean, India and West Africa to man our factories and warehouses while the women returned to the home to cook, clean and repopulate the British Isles. Our economy is built upon immigration and while it needs to be controlled, we can't just turn off the tap

Exit from the EU would cripple this country financially. That is just financial reality. To trade with anyone else we have to produce goods and ship them there for less money than they produce these items themselves; Europe is the biggest Market of importation in the world and by cutting ourselves off we'd be tying one hand behind the backs of businesses across the land

Using articles from the Telegraph and the Mail to prove left wing bias is utterly redundant; there is an overt, editorial right wing bias in both publications. That not to say everything they say is wrong, just that they are openly biased against any organisation they perceive to be left-leaning

That's all I can think of for now. Some of the thinly veiled racism, bigotry and borderline facism on here sickens me. I think we should also say that this is one article. It's a poorly written, poorly researched and misleading article, but there's been a slight over reaction here

There is no such thing, trust me!

Just a customised van.

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I think this requires special attention though

First off, it's written by a Catholic website against a Marxist institution. So it's about a political movement/doctrine that specifically seeks to eschew the Catholic church- and all other forms of religion.

Secondly, it's written by a Catholic website. It's overtly anti-Marxist right from the start. These are people who believe that their God impregnated a woman, arranged for his son to be executed to demonstrate his love for his people, that son then rose from the dead and ascended to heaven. This spawned a book which states that homosexuality is a crime punishable by death and has been directly responsible for the deaths of millions of people. The organisation the website supports has suppressed the institutionalised rape and sexual assault of thousands of children over several decades (the comment at the start decrying parents diminshed ability to protect their childrn was laughable) and during world war 2 they (for a time at least) supported both the *unacceptable word* regime and their policy towards the Jewish people. I'll hold my hands up and say i'm biased against the Catholic church, but if that's what you class as evidence of a Marxist conspiracy in the BBC, then sign me up and call me Karl

The list if 11 points you make are all well and good. I don't doubt the organisation making the list and it may even bring about widespread communism (which has been conclusively disproved as a workable political doctrine on anything above a small scale) but how the BBC can make immigration policy or destroy the family unit is beyond me

Not aimed at you specifically RG, but we live in a broadly socialist society. We invented the NHS, have a welfare state and decide things via democracy down to a very low level. If people don't like socialism why not go and live in one of the hard-line, right wing muslim states of the world- or would that juxtaposition be a little too hard to take?!

I await the "BBC caused 9/11" conspiracy thread with anticipation

I think we have a broadly 'conservative' society with a small 'c'. The NHS was what was voted for by our soldiers, sailors and airmen returning from various theatres of war after World War 2. They voted Labour after the war as Labour promised the NHS. After the first Labour term of office, Britain had successive Conservative administrations in the 1950s. So I wouldn't describe this country as truely 'socialist'.

It's interesting that I found the "The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to corrupt" article by Timothy Matthews on the Catholic Vision website and I like their religious spin about Cultural Marxism being Satan’s work. Maybe we'll get to see a few Cultural Marxists burned at the stake. :icecream: Timothy Matthews' article can be found all over the Internet on various websites.

I'd also describe the European Union project as a Cultural Marxist construct. Personally, I would rather be in a country that believes in its own sovereignty, i.e. Great Britain prior to EEC membership in 1973 or modern day Switzerland. Many believe the EU was a natural evolution for Europe and would only bring good things. It is, actually, anti-democratic and culturally marxist despite what EU loving Labour, Liberal and Tory zealots will have you believe. True europhiles love Europe, not the European Union. The European Union project is a sinister, anti-democratic, culturally marxist and globalist political organization. Don't you find it worrying that the BBC never really criticizes the European Union ?????!!!!!

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I think the main point in all this is that the foootball club and its fans, not least the users of this Forum, in my view were the victims of a shabby and manipulative piece of journalism. Irrespective of your view of the BBC, this is the central point and there should be a right of reply and a vartification of the facts and not just propoganda for the "Anti" stadium movement. There was (again my view) an agenda behind this report which I do not think should just be brushed under the carpet. Who knows how much damage has been caused in the minds of those that have no firm view or give tacit approval to the development. This was designed to influence people in the way that a Party Political broacast would, a caveat in the last sentance quoting Avon & Somerset Police in my opinion does not balance out the sensationlist library pictures of smashed car windows for example.

The vast majoity of City's fan base are law obbiding citizens and reflect every walk of modern life, in an age where to type cast, or use sterotypes evokes phrases such as bigot, predudiced or even racist, isn't it then a bit rich that the 70s sterotype of a football fan is still able to be used in the way that this Forum was to give that impression to BBC viewers?

It's not about making a noise because I don't like what they reported, it is the extreme and unbalanced nature of its presentation that I have a serious issue with. And I think that this must not get lost within sub topics within this thread.

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I have a feeling that this 'exclusive' report is part of a wider agenda that will soon become very clear to everyone.

Didn't someone mention, in the last week or so, that the Merchant Venturers would exert their influence in the region soon, well I think this is the first step on their quest to get both football clubs playing at the same stadium..........they may even back it financially IMO.

Stranger things have happened, after all we know that the NIMBYs have some VERY clever people behind them.


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