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Everything Olympic Football Related (Merged)

Eastend 75

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Btw, i will be Perving Watching the ladies beach volleyball, synchronised swimming, etc etc :ill:

I'll be doing exactly that as i got tickets for the beach volleyball, along with women's hockey, and 2 sessions of women's indoor volleyball.

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Not planning to watch any of it.

The thought of cheering NON English men/women doesn't appeal.

I suppose the difference between a City side and a GB side is that GB aren't my team.

I support City, regardless of how many foreigners are playing because it's my home town team.

But I class myself as English, and England is my home. Not the Wastelands of Wales, or the untamed terrains that is Scotland, nor for that matter Northern Ireland.

Much prefer Commonwealth games where England stand alone. (Not that athletics appeals anyhow)

Thats pretty lame.

So you never watch the olympics and support GB??

Your British mate. and it Britain competing at olympic football.

This type of attitude stinks. IMO

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If anyone has got a samsung phone in the last 4 months .. you can get free pair of tickets to Olympic footy games (if offer is still going.

It reads as though you have to have got your phone from Phones4U but you dont .. just fill out form and await reply... did mine a few weeks ago and tickets are confirmed

see here


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Thats pretty lame.

So you never watch the olympics and support GB??

Your British mate. and it Britain competing at olympic football.

This type of attitude stinks. IMO

To answer your points:-

i)Correct, I don't watch the olympics, whether it be GB or not. Simply put... IT DOESN'T APPEAL to me

ii)I class myself as English.

iii)I'm sorry you think my attitude stinks. Such is life.

I think the criticism is a little harsh, to be honest, just because I'm not jumping on the Olympic band wagon.

Dare I admit that I also don't watch Wimbledon fortnight?

Dare I admit that I very rarely watch Premier League football? I find it a little soulless.

However, I personally think the greatest World sporting event after the FIFA World Cup is Golfs Ryder Cup.

I do play golf, so I have an interest.

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To answer your points:-

i)Correct, I don't watch the olympics, whether it be GB or not. Simply put... IT DOESN'T APPEAL to me

ii)I class myself as English.

iii)I'm sorry you think my attitude stinks. Such is life.

I think the criticism is a little harsh, to be honest, just because I'm not jumping on the Olympic band wagon.

Dare I admit that I also don't watch Wimbledon fortnight?

Dare I admit that I very rarely watch Premier League football? I find it a little soulless.

However, I personally think the greatest World sporting event after the FIFA World Cup is Golfs Ryder Cup.

I do play golf, so I have an interest.

Ryder cup? Who do you support? Surely no one, as you are Proud Englishman, not a proud European!

I'm fine with your stance, it's just your choice of competition you chose, given your previous stance!

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I actually feel really gutted for Becks. How he can choose Bellemy and not Becks is beyond me.

I think Pearce is an idiot, a case of him not wanting Becks to over shadow him!

me to, all the hard work he has put in.

Instead they pick, A player who refused to play for his country

A player who shags around and disrupts lives

A disruptive load mouth player.

Pretty much going completey againt the grain of the olympics.

I feels sorry for the bloke, he was the only person who has categorically stated he would be honoured to play for team GB.


Richards, refused to play for his country

Giggs, never turned up for his country apart from qualifiers

Says all you need to know about the commitment of these players

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me to, all the hard work he has put in.

Instead they pick, A player who refused to play for his country

A player who shags around and disrupts lives

A disruptive load mouth player.

Pretty much going completey againt the grain of the olympics.

I feels sorry for the bloke, he was the only person who has categorically stated he would be honoured to play for team GB.

Pretty much agree with that , but it should come as no suprise when GB look set to pick Dwayne Chambers.

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I would have liked him in the squad probably in place of Richards (is Richards confirmed by the way?)

Don't see the point in picking someone of Richards age in the over category, would much prefer someone of the experience of Beckham.

I quite like Bellamy as a player and although mouthy he will certainly give it his all and be proud to do so, Giggs equally I'm sure although I have never been all that fussed on him on the international stage, used to pull out of many matches with "injury" and can remember maybe only one or two where he really played well.

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Easy to say its the wrong decision, it certainly leaves a sour taste in the mouth.

But here's the thing....Becks has been awful in the MLS this year, or so it has been reported. If this is the case, why take him? After all, so many people stay up in arms about the England team and picking players who are 'over the hill', how is this any different? One rule for one, one for another.

For the record, that was more Devils Advocate than anything else. I would have taken Beckham, however if he really is playing poorly, I trust SP's footballing decision and judgement.

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Easy to say its the wrong decision, it certainly leaves a sour taste in the mouth.

But here's the thing....Becks has been awful in the MLS this year, or so it has been reported. If this is the case, why take him? After all, so many people stay up in arms about the England team and picking players who are 'over the hill', how is this any different? One rule for one, one for another.

For the record, that was more Devils Advocate than anything else. I would have taken Beckham, however if he really is playing poorly, I trust SP's footballing decision and judgement.

I've watched a couple of Galaxy matches & he's still their best player.. they are poor this seaon but he's far from the worst.

I just can't believe he's pick Bellamy who lets face it was rubbish against us in the championship a year ago.

As I've said before the mans an idiot.

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Easy to say its the wrong decision, it certainly leaves a sour taste in the mouth.

But here's the thing....Becks has been awful in the MLS this year, or so it has been reported. If this is the case, why take him? After all, so many people stay up in arms about the England team and picking players who are 'over the hill', how is this any different? One rule for one, one for another.

For the record, that was more Devils Advocate than anything else. I would have taken Beckham, however if he really is playing poorly, I trust SP's footballing decision and judgement.

Ok, but to shut him out all together is a disgrace, why not have him on the coaching staff?

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A lot of people using the #BBCsportsday hash tag and saying things like "disgraceful" "Tickets for sale, now Becks isn't playing" and my favourite "I'm burning my Olympic tickets in response to the news that David Beckham is not in the squad."

I think as with everything involving the media / the Olympics / sports stars, in this country, this is being blown way out of proportion.... of course if we went on to win it...

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For me it depends on what Olympics football is. Is it a serious competition or is it exhibition? If it's the former then Pearce is quite entitled to pick the team he thinks will win. Frankly I'd be very surprised if Beckham was in that team.

If it's exhibition stuff then yes Beckham can play and so can a whole host of other celebs.

I guess it depends on what you want.

Personally I think fair play to Pearce for not kowtowing to media/celeb glossy mags influence.

As for Olympic football, like the Olympics itself I'll doubt I'll watch a minute of it.

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once footie kicks off and providing GB do well then you will have absolutely no probs selling Aug 4th ticket as GB will be playing - and all group games already sold out- infact you might up making a small profit

Could be wrong but I'm under the impression that reselling your ticket is a right palava.

N.B. I've got tickets myself - not reselling though.

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For a start football should not be in the olympics .But judging by the reaction you would of thought Stuart Pearce had just killed Bambi !! .The reason behind it is based on football. Bellamy and Giggs are Premier League Players even if it is not for 90 minutes but they have produced this season .

Pearces hand was forced after Walker and Spalding pulled out therefore the only other option was Richards.as they had no cover .I find it hillarious on various media sites today that people say " His patriotism is better than anyone " So was Pearces when he represented his country .He wants to win this tournament and thats what its all about rather than being a personal "Farewell" for a football player who should of retired years ago .

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