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Eastend 75

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Sorry if this has already been quoted but...

"He looked raw when he was on loan at Bristol City during the 2010-11 season but he grew as a player under Brendan Rodgers at Swansea. He is deceptively quick and has improved a great deal." Jonathon Pearce

I never thought he looked raw, confident and aggressive with a maturity beyond his years is how I would have described him! Definitely not raw

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Yes, very fair point, and to be honest I've picked people up on that mistake myself!Slap on the wrist to myself, not least because without the Irish players we wouldn't be half the team..

Sure it's easy done. Off topic but I love the Lions tours, great example of how we can actually all get along, though, in my experience, there's very little evidence of not getting on off the pitch anyway. I think it's everything that football isn't but should aspire to be.

On the team, I think it's a more than decent selection. A shame there aren't any Scottish or Northern Irish players involved but hope the likes of Caulker, Ramsey and Allen really show what they can do.

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Danny rose deary me.

Massive pity Bale isn't involved. He could have been the difference between the team being okay and maybe going to the quarters/bronze medal game and being genuine gold medal contenders. Our one world class attacker. Instead he's had to pick Danny Rose....

As there are only 16 outfield players, it follows that you have to pick players who can play more than one position, hence Micah Richards being picked and Bellamy who can play wide in a 3 or wide in a 4 4 2 or up top.

If Brendan Rodgers is serious about wanting Caulker, he'd be advised to put a bid in before the tournament. He'll be worth a fortune after he gets the exposure of this. Bet he gets his first England cap against Italy in August. Future England captain.

Love the fact they all seem to have played at Ashton Gate - remember Sturridge for Man City's youth team. He was miles better than anyone else on the pitch, like a school football game when one of the players is miles better than the rest.

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Sorry if this has already been quoted but...

"He looked raw when he was on loan at Bristol City during the 2010-11 season but he grew as a player under Brendan Rodgers at Swansea. He is deceptively quick and has improved a great deal." Jonathon Pearce

I never thought he looked raw, confident and aggressive with a maturity beyond his years is how I would have described him! Definitely not raw

I saw that and laughed at it. If there was one thing Caulker didn't look it was raw. If you had to ask merely by how well he and Fontaine played which was the senior player you'd have thought Caulker. Much more commanding and composed on the ball. Stood out in our side by a mile as well.

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And that's all under 23s apart from three players!

They have a front three of hulk, Neymar and Pato, to call that amazing is an understatement, why can England not produce young players like this.

We dont have year round sunshine and beaches to practice all day on.

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What irritates is we selected two older role models to help guide our players, one being Ryan Giggs, understandable, great man and player, the other being Craig Bellamy?! Being one of the most foul persons to ever grace the earth, why would you select him over Becks?

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And that's all under 23s apart from three players!

They have a front three of hulk, Neymar and Pato, to call that amazing is an understatement, why can England not produce young players like this.

You're kidding?

I see nothing to fear in that squad, they are missing a long throw specialist like Delap, a tall centre forward to lump it too like Crouch and a midfielder who is self proclaimed as a "ard nut" with a 1940's hitler youth haircut like Barton.

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You're kidding?

I see nothing to fear in that squad, they are missing a long throw specialist like Delap, a tall centre forward to lump it too like Crouch and a midfielder who is self proclaimed as a "ard nut" with a 1940's hitler youth haircut like Barton.

Made i larf, Bet they got no trees playing for them !!!
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