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Where Is Our Chairman?


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As a city exile I like many others rely on good club communication towards its fanbase to keep us informed. Steve Lansdown when he was chairman was very aware of this and always seem to say the right things when they were needed. It would be nice if our current Chairman could give us his thoughts, aspirations,realistic targets or dreams for the season ahead and not leave it to Del to be the one and only face of Bristol City FC and to give him some visable support in the media circles. Where our you Keith Dawe ? I would be interested what others think.

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There have seem to be a loss of a sense of direction and togetherness since SL stepped down and now this have been compounded by the departure of CS .

There is a malaise at the club.

The sooner we get a final decision on Ashton Vale the better now , one way or another.

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Kieth Dawe as always taken a back seat and never been in the public eye I never expected it to change when he became chairman, he like lansdown will continue to support the club while it trys to get on a sound finacail footing

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As a city exile I like many others rely on good club communication towards its fanbase to keep us informed. Steve Lansdown when he was chairman was very aware of this and always seem to say the right things when they were needed. It would be nice if our current Chairman could give us his thoughts, aspirations,realistic targets or dreams for the season ahead and not leave it to Del to be the one and only face of Bristol City FC and to give him some visable support in the media circles. Where our you Keith Dawe ? I would be interested what others think.

To be honest, until I got to your second last sentence I couldn't tell you who our chairman is. Having said that, I'm not entirely sure who our CEO is now.

But then I'm only a ST holder so no reason why there should be any connection between me (the customer) and these commercial people.... :grr:

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Good question from the OP. Seem to remember him being high profile during the promotion and first champ season, speeches on the pitch etc. Now is when we need to see some statement of intent. This is not a reaction to last night. Any city fan knows that we've needed a dominant centre back for a couple of seasons now. The team that played last night was basically the same players that were not good enough last feb and needed loans to get us out of the mire. Come on Steve, let us know where we are heading.

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Good question from the OP. Seem to remember him being high profile during the promotion and first champ season, speeches on the pitch etc. Now is when we need to see some statement of intent. This is not a reaction to last night. Any city fan knows that we've needed a dominant centre back for a couple of seasons now. The team that played last night was basically the same players that were not good enough last feb and needed loans to get us out of the mire. Come on Steve, let us know where we are heading.

Steve is not our chairman.

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Good question from the OP. Seem to remember him being high profile during the promotion and first champ season, speeches on the pitch etc. Now is when we need to see some statement of intent. This is not a reaction to last night. Any city fan knows that we've needed a dominant centre back for a couple of seasons now. The team that played last night was basically the same players that were not good enough last feb and needed loans to get us out of the mire. Come on Steve, let us know where we are heading.

Steve isn't our chairman

Our CEO is Jon lansdown

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Steve isn't our chairman

Our CEO is Jon lansdown

Think Guy Price is CEO and Jon L is MD

Agree it'd be nice for one of the board to occasionally publicly show some leadership on behalf of the club as SL used to but everyone's different and maybe they don't go for the public facing duties and stick to what they see as their job i.e. to run the football club.

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Think Guy Price is CEO and Jon L is MD

Agree it'd be nice for one of the board to occasionally publicly show some leadership on behalf of the club as SL used to but everyone's different and maybe they don't go for the public facing duties and stick to what they see as their job i.e. to run the football club.

Which in the cold light of day appears that they aren't doing well at. Off the field it's 1 pr disaster after another

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Guest Cliftonville

Keith Dawe I think is an unpaid member of the board. It would be beneficial to hear from those drawing salaries what their views are on the financial fair play rules, what their vision is etc.

Bristol City appears to be run by invisble men.

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I'd be keen to hear from Jon lansdown after all he seems to be the main guy focused with developing and managing our long term on-field strategy.

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The most worrying thing is that we show no ambition at all. We had a good go at it in 2007-8, But from there on its been downhill or at the very best mediocre. We've put up with 5 years of rubbish basically, only JUST being good enough to be average. Personally, I'm fed up with the whole charade of City just existing to TRY REALLY HARD amongst comparible (motivated) teams.

Even a workaday Gillingham made us look like chumps on our own tump. I'm dreading Saturday to be honest, Florist will turn up in front of their home crowd and give us a gubbing, we'll all moan and groan until Tuesday when We'll give Palarse a game and maybe sneak a point, and then pray for a signing or two before the deadline. Same as last season, the season before, and the season before that.

As for Lansdown junior, well, far be it from me to cast aspersions but nepotism has never been a great force for good in football. We're not big enough to be a profitable business until we are ambitious enough to achieve our potential, and I can't personally see when that will ever happen.

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The most worrying thing is that we show no ambition at all. We had a good go at it in 2007-8, But from there on its been downhill or at the very best mediocre. We've put up with 5 years of rubbish basically, only JUST being good enough to be average. Personally, I'm fed up with the whole charade of City just existing...

I absolutely agree - there is no ambition translating from club to fans.

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  • Admin

I wonder whether we were just spoilt having SL in charge, he was always a friendly face and always had time to chat to supporters. He was a very public figure that everyone could relate to.

CS never came across as being as approchable and cant say I ever saw him with away fans like SL would do, then now to be honest I'm not even sure I would recognise any of the guys at the helm of our club.

Is this the way forward ? I think not, at the end of the day we are the heart of the club, without us there is no club, and we will no doubt be around the club a lot longer than anyone in a paid role at the club. Dave Lloyd is the only voice that comes out of the club nowadays.

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I wonder whether we were just spoilt having SL in charge, he was always a friendly face and always had time to chat to supporters. He was a very public figure that everyone could relate to.

CS never came across as being as approchable and cant say I ever saw him with away fans like SL would do, then now to be honest I'm not even sure I would recognise any of the guys at the helm of our club.

Is this the way forward ? I think not, at the end of the day we are the heart of the club, without us there is no club, and we will no doubt be around the club a lot longer than anyone in a paid role at the club. Dave Lloyd is the only voice that comes out of the club nowadays.

The faceless guys in suits, who use Dave L as thier spokesman.

Now I don't really mind these quiet guys in the background, but, as they have the welfare of our club in their hands. it wouldn't really hurt form a bit more communication from them to the fans. When things are going good or bad, the silence is deafening. It would be gould if just one board member could be a figurehead/spokesperson, just to let us know they exist, and their plans for the club.

As it is we have just had people appear in positions at Bristol City over the last 2 or 3 years, but it wasacceptable as SL and CS were at the helm, now we have now we have the faceless few, that we know very little about. Is steve steering them? are they making decisions on theri own, are the consulting steve only when it comes to investing money?

Communication from the club has become worse and worse as redundancies have struck, and it seems your only real port of call is now Dave L. it seems emails to other parts of the club or phone calls seem to go unanswered.

Not great considering they are expecting us to spend our time and money on the club, with out giving us a hint of the direction they are hoping to take the club.

Come on City, a bit more human contact. Less robotics

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As soon as you people buy into 'Brand BCFC' the better, that is what Guy Price and Kev Smith are trying to achieve. Moving away from a Football Club that interacts with fans and makes you feel part of it (as in the GJ and SL era) to a corporate 'brand'.

If you look at any thing that Price has written or spoken about it is the key word he uses 'Brand', all these corporate activities, bringing money into the club yes but also moving towards 'Brand BCFC'.

They are trying to make us like the big premier league club 'Brands', but this isnt being backed up by performances on or off the pitch so it breeds the negitive posts we have seen recently.

I dont like it but then I dont like modern day football as it is moving away from football clubs being for the fans to being corporate machines.

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As soon as you people buy into 'Brand BCFC' the better, that is what Guy Price and Kev Smith are trying to achieve. Moving away from a Football Club that interacts with fans and makes you feel part of it (as in the GJ and SL era) to a corporate 'brand'.

If you look at any thing that Price has written or spoken about it is the key word he uses 'Brand', all these corporate activities, bringing money into the club yes but also moving towards 'Brand BCFC'.

They are trying to make us like the big premier league club 'Brands', but this isnt being backed up by performances on or off the pitch so it breeds the negitive posts we have seen recently.

I dont like it but then I dont like modern day football as it is moving away from football clubs being for the fans to being corporate machines.

SL is still around. Do you think they do all this without his consent? SL is a succesful buisness man and he is trying to run BCFC as a business. It's makes sense in the long run. We as fans may not like it but it seem the club owners / chairmen have decided thats how it's going to be.

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As soon as you people buy into 'Brand BCFC' the better, that is what Guy Price and Kev Smith are trying to achieve. Moving away from a Football Club that interacts with fans and makes you feel part of it (as in the GJ and SL era) to a corporate 'brand'.

If you look at any thing that Price has written or spoken about it is the key word he uses 'Brand', all these corporate activities, bringing money into the club yes but also moving towards 'Brand BCFC'.

They are trying to make us like the big premier league club 'Brands', but this isnt being backed up by performances on or off the pitch so it breeds the negitive posts we have seen recently.

I dont like it but then I dont like modern day football as it is moving away from football clubs being for the fans to being corporate machines.

Very true.

I guess this will appeal more to younger supporters, who have been bought up on Brands, but for some older supporters, it is not so attractive, it is eroding what football once meant.

I think that is why I am often a grumpy old fart when it comes to my opinion to what is happening on and off the football pitch. It doesn't feel like my club anymore, just a shell of what it once was. I don't like it, people say progress, I say by a Ipod or Some Calvin Klein pants if you want a brand.

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SL is still around. Do you think they do all this without his consent? SL is a succesful buisness man and he is trying to run BCFC as a business. It's makes sense in the long run. We as fans may not like it but it seem the club owners / chairmen have decided thats how it's going to be.

He is not running things on a day to day basis like he was, thats Price and Smith.

And the reason that teams like FC Utd of Manchester and Wimbledon exist is because fans didnt like it that owners and chairman decided 'thats how its going to be' so they went and set up there own teams.

In the USA all sports teams are brands and if the owner doesnt like that he brand is based in Baltimore he can move it, just like MK Dons. NFL games in London, how would you liek it if City's home game with Cardiff was moved to New York, already being talked about by the premier league and thats where we want City to be?

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He is not running things on a day to day basis like he was, thats Price and Smith.

And the reason that teams like FC Utd of Manchester and Wimbledon exist is because fans didnt like it that owners and chairman decided 'thats how its going to be' so they went and set up there own teams.

In the USA all sports teams are brands and if the owner doesnt like that he brand is based in Baltimore he can move it, just like MK Dons. NFL games in London, how would you liek it if City's home game with Cardiff was moved to New York, already being talked about by the premier league and thats where we want City to be?

Do you not think SL has the final say on all decisions then ? Or do you think the board do as they please because they think Steve's not looking !

Our situation is also a million miles from that at Man U. We dont have foreign investors looking to put the club in debt , we have a local businessman trying to get us out of debt , no comparison.

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I wonder whether we were just spoilt having SL in charge, he was always a friendly face and always had time to chat to supporters. He was a very public figure that everyone could relate to.

CS never came across as being as approchable and cant say I ever saw him with away fans like SL would do, then now to be honest I'm not even sure I would recognise any of the guys at the helm of our club.

Is this the way forward ? I think not, at the end of the day we are the heart of the club, without us there is no club, and we will no doubt be around the club a lot longer than anyone in a paid role at the club. Dave Lloyd is the only voice that comes out of the club nowadays.

There are also clubs like palace who ask fans for help on redesigning the club badge and openly ask for ideas for their club shop and how they can do better.
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Do you not think SL has the final say on all decisions then ? Or do you think the board do as they please because they think Steve's not looking !

Our situation is also a million miles from that at Man U. We dont have foreign investors looking to put the club in debt , we have a local businessman trying to get us out of debt , no comparison.

No I dont, I dont think SL rubber stamped who was made redundant this summer, I dont think SL decided who was going to advertise on the dugouts this year, I dont think SL decided which 2 stands to open on tuesday, he employed Price and Price employed Smith, and he pays them to make decisions, SL his not even a regular attendee of board meetings.

And my comparison is that when fans didnt like what the chairman/owner did they eventually left. If SL decided that the best place for a new stadium was north Bristol do you think he would listen to you if you didnt agree?

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The most worrying thing is that we show no ambition at all. We had a good go at it in 2007-8, But from there on its been downhill or at the very best mediocre. We've put up with 5 years of rubbish basically, only JUST being good enough to be average. Personally, I'm fed up with the whole charade of City just existing to TRY REALLY HARD amongst comparible (motivated) teams.

Even a workaday Gillingham made us look like chumps on our own tump. I'm dreading Saturday to be honest, Florist will turn up in front of their home crowd and give us a gubbing, we'll all moan and groan until Tuesday when We'll give Palarse a game and maybe sneak a point, and then pray for a signing or two before the deadline. Same as last season, the season before, and the season before that.

As for Lansdown junior, well, far be it from me to cast aspersions but nepotism has never been a great force for good in football. We're not big enough to be a profitable business until we are ambitious enough to achieve our potential, and I can't personally see when that will ever happen.

We had a good go in 2007 yes and the club are still suffering the fallout from that,

as soon as the 12 million loss a season comes down to 4 mayber even 2 million loss a season then we may see the kind of investment last time,

Its not lack of ambition the club have all the ambition in the the world but they don't have the resources, Unlike other clubs like Cardiff Leicester and now Forest in this league we relay on 1 person for the source of our money not a collective,

What would rather have a lower midtable championship club running sound and holding their own or a bankrupt ex prem club thats won a FA cup and could be out of business tomorrow,

Portsmouth and Leeds had ambition and look where it got them,

You may not loike the cost cutting we are doing but you have to accept it FFP starts now we need to get our house in order which the current board are doing

You may not like it but thats the reality of the situation

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We had a good go in 2007 yes and the club are still suffering the fallout from that,

as soon as the 12 million loss a season comes down to 4 mayber even 2 million loss a season then we may see the kind of investment last time,

Its not lack of ambition the club have all the ambition in the the world but they don't have the resources, Unlike other clubs like Cardiff Leicester and now Forest in this league we relay on 1 person for the source of our money not a collective,

What would rather have a lower midtable championship club running sound and holding their own or a bankrupt ex prem club thats won a FA cup and could be out of business tomorrow,

Portsmouth and Leeds had ambition and look where it got them,

You may not loike the cost cutting we are doing but you have to accept it FFP starts now we need to get our house in order which the current board are doing

You may not like it but thats the reality of the situation

This is all true but the board are making no effort to tell the fans what is going on and have failed to set out a compelling vision for where they want to take BCFC over the next few years.

We were blessed with a great communicator when SL was at the helm so the current set-up inevitably suffers by comparison but having faceless leaders who say nothing from one month's end to the next is inevitably going to lead to fans questioning the club's ambition. I can remember back in the day the East End chanting 'Kew, Kew, who are you?' at Stephen Kew when he was chairman.

What we clearly don't want is a David Russe situation where you have a chairman with totally unrealistic expectations getting fans dreaming of 'European football within five years' or similar nonsense.

Personally I'd settle for a grown up statement from the board saying 'we are aiming to balance the books but will spend enough to keep us in the Championship while we are doing so'.

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This is all true but the board are making no effort to tell the fans what is going on and have failed to set out a compelling vision for where they want to take BCFC over the next few years.

We were blessed with a great communicator when SL was at the helm so the current set-up inevitably suffers by comparison but having faceless leaders who say nothing from one month's end to the next is inevitably going to lead to fans questioning the club's ambition. I can remember back in the day the East End chanting 'Kew, Kew, who are you?' at Stephen Kew when he was chairman.

What we clearly don't want is a David Russe situation where you have a chairman with totally unrealistic expectations getting fans dreaming of 'European football within five years' or similar nonsense.

Personally I'd settle for a grown up statement from the board saying 'we are aiming to balance the books but will spend enough to keep us in the Championship while we are doing so'.

what do you expect them to say?

Hello welcome to thursdays news conference we have no new news this week good bye,

Nick Higgs did that for the gas and it didn't work

We don't need to know whats going on in the board room unless it directly effects us the fans, there is a lot of re shuffling going on behind closed doors but I'm not expect nore demaniding to here anything in the news,

The only thing is buy a programme theres normally a chairman section in there then you will know thats theres no news to give,

The ground is back to square one once we recieve the second inspectors report then we will hear somthing

The budgets are and have always been secret they will never tell us

They can't comment on the team performances as we've only played one compeative game

They have already commented on the direction of the club and the need to reduce overheads due to massive losses

What more do you want? public coffe morning a weelkly AGM?

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As the OP I agree with Martyn Hocking this not only does it lead to fans questioning the clubs ambition but also players and coaching staff. With no season statement of the expectations of the season ahead and the only face communication to the fanbase from the Manager who I'm sure is not employed to be the only spokesman for Bristol City FC this can only lead to a club with no end product to aim for, so please can we have as was said a grown up statement from the board to keep the punters happy.

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I'd be keen to hear from Jon lansdown after all he seems to be the main guy focused with developing and managing our long term on-field strategy.

I did suggest a player interview with JL to Adam Baker during the summer so we could understand his role and get to know him as hopefully he and the Lansdown family will be here for sometime. I'm guessing with the drop in player quality we wont be seeing this now.

SL would have told Guy Price to reduce the debt and increase the corperate income which to be fair Kev Smith and his team are doing a good job of. Part of that is giving the company exposure on our website. It just sounds like thats the only news coming from the club during the summer months. Nothing wrong with that. While some people on here moan for moaning sake i do agree we are lacking leadership off the pitch and it needs someone to man up and communicate with the fans. Kev Smith to his credit answersmost fans but surely this job should be taken by Guy Price?

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what do you expect them to say?

Hello welcome to thursdays news conference we have no new news this week good bye,

Nick Higgs did that for the gas and it didn't work

We don't need to know whats going on in the board room unless it directly effects us the fans, there is a lot of re shuffling going on behind closed doors but I'm not expect nore demaniding to here anything in the news,

The only thing is buy a programme theres normally a chairman section in there then you will know thats theres no news to give,

The ground is back to square one once we recieve the second inspectors report then we will hear somthing

The budgets are and have always been secret they will never tell us

They can't comment on the team performances as we've only played one compeative game

They have already commented on the direction of the club and the need to reduce overheads due to massive losses

What more do you want? public coffe morning a weelkly AGM?

Well, some communication on what is happening with the stadium would be nice. Even if its just a statement saying work is going on behind the scenes.

Some communication on how they are looking forward to the season and giving backing to the players and manager.

Maybe some communication to get fans fired up and keen to come along and support. Generate some passion and drive.

There is plenty they could be saying. No comms just seems to say that they have no interest in the fans (which I'm sure isn't true)

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As the OP I agree with Martyn Hocking this not only does it lead to fans questioning the clubs ambition but also players and coaching staff. With no season statement of the expectations of the season ahead and the only face communication to the fanbase from the Manager who I'm sure is not employed to be the only spokesman for Bristol City FC this can only lead to a club with no end product to aim for, so please can we have as was said a grown up statement from the board to keep the punters happy.

you wouldnt get one until 2 today which is when the normal pre match pres confrence is held

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Well, some communication on what is happening with the stadium would be nice. Even if its just a statement saying work is going on behind the scenes.

They can't comment until the inspector has seen the additional eveidance and reliese her report so no movement from the last statment they mad

Some communication on how they are looking forward to the season and giving backing to the players and manager.

Today is press day ahead of the new season expect to hear somthing (the same as the last god know how many seasons)

Maybe some communication to get fans fired up and keen to come along and support. Generate some passion and drive.

again today pre match press confrence as well as the artical in the match program that is produced and available at every single home game

There is plenty they could be saying. No comms just seems to say that they have no interest in the fans (which I'm sure isn't true)

like what?

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also remember that the media department has recently gone through a re-suffle and as of yesterday Bean_Head was still sorting his team out which is another reason for lack of communications, but as with everything in this country people have a sence of self importance and want everything yesterday

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Well, some communication on what is happening with the stadium would be nice. Even if its just a statement saying work is going on behind the scenes.

Some communication on how they are looking forward to the season and giving backing to the players and manager.

Maybe some communication to get fans fired up and keen to come along and support. Generate some passion and drive.

There is plenty they could be saying. No comms just seems to say that they have no interest in the fans (which I'm sure isn't true)

The trouble is , they are damned if they do , damned if they dont. If the club issued a statement today or tommorrow along the lines of

"We are giving the manager our upmost support in the transfer market and will listen to all requests for player recruitment , meanwhile the stadium project is on course but we have no more to add at this point"

How do you think that would be received by the masses ? I reckon most on here would be saying "same shit , different day"

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Well, some communication on what is happening with the stadium would be nice. Even if its just a statement saying work is going on behind the scenes.

They can't comment until the inspector has seen the additional eveidance and reliese her report so no movement from the last statment they mad

Something to say that we are doing all we can to get the stadium built. Frustrating when you just get a statement saying that it's with the council and nothing to do with us. You can be passionate about what you want to deliver without upsetting the apple cart of the current stadium application process.

Some communication on how they are looking forward to the season and giving backing to the players and manager.

Today is press day ahead of the new season expect to hear somthing (the same as the last god know how many seasons)

So we have to wait for press day for our Chairman to say anything?

Maybe some communication to get fans fired up and keen to come along and support. Generate some passion and drive.

again today pre match press confrence as well as the artical in the match program that is produced and available at every single home game

Pre match press conference will just be Del again. The Chairman shouldn't need to use that channel of comms to relay his messages to fans. As for messages in programmes, that's only of use to fans who are actually at the games (won't bring any new fans in) and who actually buy a programme.

There is plenty they could be saying. No comms just seems to say that they have no interest in the fans (which I'm sure isn't true)

like what?

Like we are going into a really tough league with lots of big teams this season and are going to need the 12th man in the fans. We are going to battle and scrap and give our all to make this club a success. As I said, generate some passion.

FPP has been mentioned a lot on here during the offseason which means the need to be getting bums seats and generating more income. If they want to do this they need to get promoting what the club wants to acheieve and what they are doing to acheieve it. Hence more comms

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what do you expect them to say?

Hello welcome to thursdays news conference we have no new news this week good bye,

Nick Higgs did that for the gas and it didn't work

We don't need to know whats going on in the board room unless it directly effects us the fans, there is a lot of re shuffling going on behind closed doors but I'm not expect nore demaniding to here anything in the news,

The only thing is buy a programme theres normally a chairman section in there then you will know thats theres no news to give,

The ground is back to square one once we recieve the second inspectors report then we will hear somthing

The budgets are and have always been secret they will never tell us

They can't comment on the team performances as we've only played one compeative game

They have already commented on the direction of the club and the need to reduce overheads due to massive losses

What more do you want? public coffe morning a weelkly AGM?

What, like changing peoples seating arrangements for example, and that is one tiny example, rather than send a letter saying you are being moved. yet again Dave L is wheeled out to apologise, after a lot of bitching and moaning, reluctantly a director made a brief comment, while making sure he got his banal branding comment in.

They have a hell of a lot to learn about communication. They are faceless, and the sonner they realise that the better. at least one of the directors should be visible

You cannot keep defending the club willy nilly. There are a hell of a lot of areas in communications that they need to brush up on

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Guest Threshersleftboot

steve lansdown is still our main investor

When Steve Lansdown stood down as chairman he said he would continue to back the manager financially,I see little evidence of that at the moment,in fact Del has stated because of our early exit from the Carling Cup it could weaken his hand in the transfer market.I think Mr Lansdown has pulled the plug.
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I asked a few weeks back If we could get an interview with Keith Dawe and as of yet the silence is deafening. It would be nice to get his take on all things Bristol City but it seems like they would rather we spend our hard earned money and expect nothing back in return which I find strange. Don't get me wrong I don't want the ins and outs about our transfer targets or how much money they are on but a bit of commucation would'nt go a miss. As for Dave L I emailed him a good 6 weeks ago as of yet nothing back from him it seems as soon as they get your money you are no longer their focus of attention.

Just like mushrooms we are kept in the dark and fed shit. This has nothing to do with loosing Tuesday like I said I asked for Dawe's views weeks ago and I honestly think loosing against Gillingham could just be the kick up the arse we needed tbh it is said you learn more about your team in a defeat than by winning I hope this is true in our case and we go and perform well Saturday.

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People going on like were in crisis

We lost 1 cup game, like we do every year, just like 4/5 other championship teams have aswell

Relax, why do we need the chairman to speak out before season has started?

8 championship clubs lost to lower league clubs tuesday

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What, like changing peoples seating arrangements for example, and that is one tiny example, rather than send a letter saying you are being moved. yet again Dave L is wheeled out to apologise, after a lot of bitching and moaning, reluctantly a director made a brief comment, while making sure he got his banal branding comment in.

They have a hell of a lot to learn about communication. They are faceless, and the sonner they realise that the better. at least one of the directors should be visible

You cannot keep defending the club willy nilly. There are a hell of a lot of areas in communications that they need to brush up on

oh the atyeo where they listend to the fans and said existing season ticket holders can keep their seats you mean,

They didn't have to do that and could of stuck their fingers up and said don't like **** off they didn't they listened,

Yet faceless people sit behind their keyboards pooring consistant abuse towards the club players management and directors and you wonder why they stay quiet?

We are lucky to have who we have in charge of the club and personally if I was lansdown I would of pulled the plug a long time ago and left the club to rot for all the abuse he recieves on a daily basis,

The board report to him and not the fans thats the job of the management,

How many chairmen in the football league come out and explain every single call a club makes, when was the last time you seen glazor sat infront of a press confrence telling fans his vison for the club? when was the last time you saw David Andrews come out and tell Daganham and Redbridge fans the latest ticketing arrangement,

you don't because that is not what a board does they are solely their to run the business,

The direct links for us fans Is David Lloydd who you say was wheeled out well news for you thats his ******* job he is the fans leasion officer,

If you don't like the clubs communincations you need to complain to beanhead he is head of the media department/communications instead of consistantly slagging off the club on a daily basis try doing somthing about it

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Guest Threshersleftboot

8 championship clubs lost to lower league clubs tuesday

I think the worrying thing is the way we lost.
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When Steve Lansdown stood down as chairman he said he would continue to back the manager financially,I see little evidence of that at the moment,in fact Del has stated because of our early exit from the Carling Cup it could weaken his hand in the transfer market.I think Mr Lansdown has pulled the plug.

so where did the money come from to pay for the signing on fees of cunningham heaton anderson and morris?

where does the 12 million come from so the club can break even come from?

If lansdown has pulled the club we'd be sat on -10 points facing liquidation

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I think the worrying thing is the way we lost.

not really I'd be more worryed as a derby fan or cardiff fan,

Cardiff were 1-0 up to northampton and got turned over

Derby were 4-1 up against S****horpe and got turned over

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Deep breath Monkeh, getting a bit excited there. In fact I think you'd make the perfect Chairman with that passion :worship2:

I don't think those people like myself wanting to hear from either our owner or Chairman are doing so because we lost on Tuesday, well least I'm not anyway.

I've always felt this club with the catchment area it has on its doorstep doesn't do enough to get in the face of all bristolians and get more people to come along.

I'm probably living in a dream world.

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Deep breath Monkeh, getting a bit excited there. In fact I think you'd make the perfect Chairman with that passion :worship2:

I don't think those people like myself wanting to hear from either our owner or Chairman are doing so because we lost on Tuesday, well least I'm not anyway.

I've always felt this club with the catchment area it has on its doorstep doesn't do enough to get in the face of all bristolians and get more people to come along.

I'm probably living in a dream world.

it doesn't do enough and hasn't for years even though it had alot of employees to do that, thats the reason why there has been a change of stratagy in the board room (announced when lansdown steped down and again when sexston left) and the reason there has been alot of redunceys and resuffling but like with every business in the world where theres been a apparant problem, things time time to change,

Demanding this and that now doesn't help things, like the voucher thing thats got out of hand people are crying about it, well last season early bird prices didn't get any additional benefits nether did season ticket holders when we first went up,

I can honest say this is the first season my ticket price has gone up a little since we been in the championship my season ticket has been cheaper every single year (early bird prices)

But you don't see people congratualting the club on that I haven;t seen on post say well done to the club for the bring a friend to one match for Free,

no people are just looking for an excuse to attack the club, its a wonder any one wants to play for us

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As for Dave L I emailed him a good 6 weeks ago as of yet nothing back from him

Unfortunately i don't know your name, so I can't check if I got your email or not. If you'd like to email me again, I'll get back to you ASAP

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Unfortunately i don't know your name, so I can't check if I got your email or not. If you'd like to email me again, I'll get back to you ASAP

Cheers for the reply my main query has been sorted now when I went down the Gate to get a shirt, the other stuff ain't important anymore.

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When Steve Lansdown stood down as chairman he said he would continue to back the manager financially,I see little evidence of that at the moment,in fact Del has stated because of our early exit from the Carling Cup it could weaken his hand in the transfer market.I think Mr Lansdown has pulled the plug.

I do think that all fans need to read the financial fair play rules. They come into effect now and are on a sliding scale, so that clubs can manage the impact over the next 2/3 seasons. It means that clubs have to manage within their means, or keep losses to a prescribed minimum, and limits the amount an equity investor ( in our case SL) can put into the club. We have been running losses of over £11m and were spending more on wages than the club was generating in income. Under FFP this state of affairs is not only unacceptable, it is completely unsustainable.

FFP does allow an owner to invest in certain aspects of a club without restriction. He can put money into an academy and also, interestingly, he can invest in the stadium. Steve cannot invest £90m in wages and transfer budget because FFp would not allow it, but he can invest £90 in a new stadium and the revenue from from said new stadium then becomes the club's income and that income can be used to fund wages and transfer fees, so you can see how important the new stadium is to the club's financial future. The stark reality is that in this league many other clubs generate bigger incomes than we, do so can afford to pay out more on wages and transfer fees than we can at the moment so let's hope that we see some positive news on the new stadium, because it's vital to our financial future.

Steve could throw caution to the wind and pump a load of money into the club now, but we would still have to acheive the FFP financial requirements on 2 years time and the longer we delay the inevitable the tougher the financial pain will be. Steve Lansdown might be wealthy and have deep pockets, but FFP now means that his bank account is not a bottomless pit into which the club can dip to fund transfers that it cannot itself afford. I am sure that SL will support the manager with funds, but he can now only do so if the spending keeps the club on target to achieve the FFP benchmarks by reducing our losses to the accepted levels in 2/3 years time.

Any club failing to meet the FFP targets will have a transfer embargo imposed by the football league. SL is trying to make sure we are in the best shape to compete when these regulations really bite in 2/3 years time. If my understanding is correct, the more profitable we are ( or the more we minimise our losses) the more SL is allowed to invest, so taking the pain now has to be in the club's best long term interests

This is not Championship Manager on the PC, this is the real world and the real financial rules that affect all championship clubs - not just BCFC.

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oh the atyeo where they listend to the fans and said existing season ticket holders can keep their seats you mean,

They didn't have to do that and could of stuck their fingers up and said don't like **** off they didn't they listened,

Yet faceless people sit behind their keyboards pooring consistant abuse towards the club players management and directors and you wonder why they stay quiet?

We are lucky to have who we have in charge of the club and personally if I was lansdown I would of pulled the plug a long time ago and left the club to rot for all the abuse he recieves on a daily basis,

The board report to him and not the fans thats the job of the management,

How many chairmen in the football league come out and explain every single call a club makes, when was the last time you seen glazor sat infront of a press confrence telling fans his vison for the club? when was the last time you saw David Andrews come out and tell Daganham and Redbridge fans the latest ticketing arrangement,

you don't because that is not what a board does they are solely their to run the business,

The direct links for us fans Is David Lloydd who you say was wheeled out well news for you thats his ******* job he is the fans leasion officer,

If you don't like the clubs communincations you need to complain to beanhead he is head of the media department/communications instead of consistantly slagging off the club on a daily basis try doing somthing about it

You miss the point

I said a Director, not Lansdown, we hear nothing from Director level, Just Dave L, who seems to do a hell of a lot of apologising for them. How hard is it to communicate!

As for your final point I have sent various mails to BCFC pointing out the lack of communication. I don't just sit here spouting drivel!

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oh the atyeo where they listend to the fans and said existing season ticket holders can keep their seats you mean,

They didn't have to do that and could of stuck their fingers up and said don't like **** off they didn't they listened,

Yet faceless people sit behind their keyboards pooring consistant abuse towards the club players management and directors and you wonder why they stay quiet?

We are lucky to have who we have in charge of the club and personally if I was lansdown I would of pulled the plug a long time ago and left the club to rot for all the abuse he recieves on a daily basis,

The board report to him and not the fans thats the job of the management,

How many chairmen in the football league come out and explain every single call a club makes, when was the last time you seen glazor sat infront of a press confrence telling fans his vison for the club? when was the last time you saw David Andrews come out and tell Daganham and Redbridge fans the latest ticketing arrangement,

you don't because that is not what a board does they are solely their to run the business,

The direct links for us fans Is David Lloydd who you say was wheeled out well news for you thats his ******* job he is the fans leasion officer,

If you don't like the clubs communincations you need to complain to beanhead he is head of the media department/communications instead of consistantly slagging off the club on a daily basis try doing somthing about it

As for the Glazers, point in fact, fans are in uproar. Club millions in debt, yet they say nothing. They then put the club shares on sale in America, The Americans think the shares are over valued, at I think $14 and think they are worth half this, so if they go for that, half the Value of Man u could be wiped off the club over night.

yet still silence from the Glazers.

When they have taken all the money out of the club and ran, with the fans still causing up roar, will you still poit to them as a good example. they have invested virtually zero money in the club, it is all loan debt, to Man U not the Glazers. So if you are holding these guys up as a way to run and communicate with a club. then i am glad I don't think the same as you on this subject.

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You miss the point

I said a Director, not Lansdown, we hear nothing from Director level, Just Dave L, who seems to do a hell of a lot of apologising for them. How hard is it to communicate!

As for your final point I have sent various mails to BCFC pointing out the lack of communication. I don't just sit here spouting drivel!

I hear nothing from director level at my place of work accept the xmas news letter

Davids job is to liease with the fans the directors and board memebers job is to run the club and make us finacally viable its really not to hard to grasp is it,

They won't take time out of their day (they do run other busieness not just Bristol City) to anwser every little question the fans ask and really have no right knowing about,

What if Keith dawe turned around and said Del had 2 million to spend, that would then mean any bids we have in for a player would suddenly double as they selling club knows how much we have to spend,

With the club direction I've lost count how many times they have come out and said we need to reduce costs and remain competeitive in the championship how many more times can they tell you the same ******* thing?

The ground do you want them to issue us a statment saying there is no news since the last statment? they will tell us somthing when there is somthing to tell

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As for the Glazers, point in fact, fans are in uproar. Club millions in debt, yet they say nothing. They then put the club shares on sale in America, The Americans think the shares are over valued, at I think $14 and think they are worth half this, so if they go for that, half the Value of Man u could be wiped off the club over night.

yet still silence from the Glazers.

When they have taken all the money out of the club and ran, with the fans still causing up roar, will you still poit to them as a good example. they have invested virtually zero money in the club, it is all loan debt, to Man U not the Glazers. So if you are holding these guys up as a way to run and communicate with a club. then i am glad I don't think the same as you on this subject.

so the 24 million for RVP and the 10 odd million for powell is a myth? and Im not using it as a way to run a club I'm isllitrating a point which you seem to of missed out of the 92 football league clubs maybe 8 hear from their chairman on a regular basis,

Do you want some one like Simon Jordan running our club bragging about how much they spend on players or maybed the prono twins who said they are breaking the bank to sign andy carrol only to end up looking like fools,

There is a reason clubs don't do their business in the media spotlight it bites them in the ass,

sadly your ether too ignorant or too stupid to know this

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I do think that all fans need to read the financial fair play rules. They come into effect now and are on a sliding scale, so that clubs can manage the impact over the next 2/3 seasons. It means that clubs have to manage within their means, or keep losses to a prescribed minimum, and limits the amount an equity investor ( in our case SL) can put into the club. We have been running losses of over £11m and were spending more on wages than the club was generating in income. Under FFP this state of affairs is not only unacceptable, it is completely unsustainable.

FFP does allow an owner to invest in certain aspects of a club without restriction. He can put money into an academy and also, interestingly, he can invest in the stadium. Steve cannot invest £90m in wages and transfer budget because FFp would not allow it, but he can invest £90 in a new stadium and the revenue from from said new stadium then becomes the club's income and that income can be used to fund wages and transfer fees, so you can see how important the new stadium is to the club's financial future. The stark reality is that in this league many other clubs generate bigger incomes than we, do so can afford to pay out more on wages and transfer fees than we can at the moment so let's hope that we see some positive news on the new stadium, because it's vital to our financial future.

Steve could throw caution to the wind and pump a load of money into the club now, but we would still have to acheive the FFP financial requirements on 2 years time and the longer we delay the inevitable the tougher the financial pain will be. Steve Lansdown might be wealthy and have deep pockets, but FFP now means that his bank account is not a bottomless pit into which the club can dip to fund transfers that it cannot itself afford. I am sure that SL will support the manager with funds, but he can now only do so if the spending keeps the club on target to achieve the FFP benchmarks by reducing our losses to the accepted levels in 2/3 years time.

Any club failing to meet the FFP targets will have a transfer embargo imposed by the football league. SL is trying to make sure we are in the best shape to compete when these regulations really bite in 2/3 years time. If my understanding is correct, the more profitable we are ( or the more we minimise our losses) the more SL is allowed to invest, so taking the pain now has to be in the club's best long term interests

This is not Championship Manager on the PC, this is the real world and the real financial rules that affect all championship clubs - not just BCFC.

Great post , especially the final paragraph.

Mind you , I'd love a transfer embargo , would save wading through a lot of posts on here !!

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I do think that all fans need to read the financial fair play rules. They come into effect now and are on a sliding scale, so that clubs can manage the impact over the next 2/3 seasons. It means that clubs have to manage within their means, or keep losses to a prescribed minimum, and limits the amount an equity investor ( in our case SL) can put into the club. We have been running losses of over £11m and were spending more on wages than the club was generating in income. Under FFP this state of affairs is not only unacceptable, it is completely unsustainable.

FFP does allow an owner to invest in certain aspects of a club without restriction. He can put money into an academy and also, interestingly, he can invest in the stadium. Steve cannot invest £90m in wages and transfer budget because FFp would not allow it, but he can invest £90 in a new stadium and the revenue from from said new stadium then becomes the club's income and that income can be used to fund wages and transfer fees, so you can see how important the new stadium is to the club's financial future. The stark reality is that in this league many other clubs generate bigger incomes than we, do so can afford to pay out more on wages and transfer fees than we can at the moment so let's hope that we see some positive news on the new stadium, because it's vital to our financial future.

Steve could throw caution to the wind and pump a load of money into the club now, but we would still have to acheive the FFP financial requirements on 2 years time and the longer we delay the inevitable the tougher the financial pain will be. Steve Lansdown might be wealthy and have deep pockets, but FFP now means that his bank account is not a bottomless pit into which the club can dip to fund transfers that it cannot itself afford. I am sure that SL will support the manager with funds, but he can now only do so if the spending keeps the club on target to achieve the FFP benchmarks by reducing our losses to the accepted levels in 2/3 years time.

Any club failing to meet the FFP targets will have a transfer embargo imposed by the football league. SL is trying to make sure we are in the best shape to compete when these regulations really bite in 2/3 years time. If my understanding is correct, the more profitable we are ( or the more we minimise our losses) the more SL is allowed to invest, so taking the pain now has to be in the club's best long term interests

This is not Championship Manager on the PC, this is the real world and the real financial rules that affect all championship clubs - not just BCFC.

finally some one who gets it

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so the 24 million for RVP and the 10 odd million for powell is a myth? and Im not using it as a way to run a club I'm isllitrating a point which you seem to of missed out of the 92 football league clubs maybe 8 hear from their chairman on a regular basis,

Do you want some one like Simon Jordan running our club bragging about how much they spend on players or maybed the prono twins who said they are breaking the bank to sign andy carrol only to end up looking like fools,

There is a reason clubs don't do their business in the media spotlight it bites them in the ass,

sadly your ether too ignorant or too stupid to know this

I don't dispute business, I do dispute the lack of communication. The last 3 companies I have worked for. The ceo, or a n other director has sent out emails concerning updates to the business, new initiatives etc. Most run of the mill info comes from comms department granted. But the suits have gone out of their way to appear to be there.

That's all I'm asking for, a small bit of presence. I may not agree with everything they say. But to know directors are acknowledging their paying public, It's not too much to ask is it?

Dave L is quite rightly there to take comments to the board, so it wouldn't take to much for a director to answer them if they are of interest or concern to all fans.

It's called being in touch with your audience.

As for the glazers, imagine how much more could have been invested on players if they hadn't started leeching off man u's profits. Before they arrived man u was a profit maker and spent millions. Now massively in debt. Not that I care, I don't like them.

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I don't dispute business, I do dispute the lack of communication. The last 3 companies I have worked for. The ceo, or a n other director has sent out emails concerning updates to the business, new initiatives etc. Most run of the mill info comes from comms department granted. But the suits have gone out of their way to appear to be there.

That's all I'm asking for, a small bit of presence. I may not agree with everything they say. But to know directors are acknowledging their paying public, It's not too much to ask is it?

Dave L is quite rightly there to take comments to the board, so it wouldn't take to much for a director to answer them if they are of interest or concern to all fans.

It's called being in touch with your audience.

As for the glazers, imagine how much more could have been invested on players if they hadn't started leeching off man u's profits. Before they arrived man u was a profit maker and spent millions. Now massively in debt. Not that I care, I don't like them.

thats that the chairman section in the match day programme is for but I'm guessing you don't buy one,

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thats that the chairman section in the match day programme is for but I'm guessing you don't buy one,

Nope, I find it massively overpriced for what it is, last time I bought one, half of it was adverts.

I paid my entrance fee, I shouldn't have to pay again to find out a message from the chairman.

Maybe they could publish on the web site free of charge? It's just a little thing, but it makes a difference. Clearly not great for those who have no internet access, but it would be a good start.

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I do think that all fans need to read the financial fair play rules. They come into effect now and are on a sliding scale, so that clubs can manage the impact over the next 2/3 seasons. It means that clubs have to manage within their means, or keep losses to a prescribed minimum, and limits the amount an equity investor ( in our case SL) can put into the club. We have been running losses of over £11m and were spending more on wages than the club was generating in income. Under FFP this state of affairs is not only unacceptable, it is completely unsustainable.

FFP does allow an owner to invest in certain aspects of a club without restriction. He can put money into an academy and also, interestingly, he can invest in the stadium. Steve cannot invest £90m in wages and transfer budget because FFp would not allow it, but he can invest £90 in a new stadium and the revenue from from said new stadium then becomes the club's income and that income can be used to fund wages and transfer fees, so you can see how important the new stadium is to the club's financial future. The stark reality is that in this league many other clubs generate bigger incomes than we, do so can afford to pay out more on wages and transfer fees than we can at the moment so let's hope that we see some positive news on the new stadium, because it's vital to our financial future.

Steve could throw caution to the wind and pump a load of money into the club now, but we would still have to acheive the FFP financial requirements on 2 years time and the longer we delay the inevitable the tougher the financial pain will be. Steve Lansdown might be wealthy and have deep pockets, but FFP now means that his bank account is not a bottomless pit into which the club can dip to fund transfers that it cannot itself afford. I am sure that SL will support the manager with funds, but he can now only do so if the spending keeps the club on target to achieve the FFP benchmarks by reducing our losses to the accepted levels in 2/3 years time.

Any club failing to meet the FFP targets will have a transfer embargo imposed by the football league. SL is trying to make sure we are in the best shape to compete when these regulations really bite in 2/3 years time. If my understanding is correct, the more profitable we are ( or the more we minimise our losses) the more SL is allowed to invest, so taking the pain now has to be in the club's best long term interests

This is not Championship Manager on the PC, this is the real world and the real financial rules that affect all championship clubs - not just BCFC.

A case for the club to become better communicators, not poorer ones where decisions are simply labelled under FFP.

The club can become narrators, they can explain exactly why decisons are being taken. Shut stands, explain why instead of rolling out "It's FFP". There is no obligation for the directors to do so, but by doing so they can show the club in a more positive light.

The PR blunders such as the family section in the Atyeo are not down to FFP, that is down to lack of consultation with fans. By being pro-active Keith Dawe, Jon Lansdown and Guy Price would show the clubs appreciation of the support given to BCFC by its fans.

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Nope, I find it massively overpriced for what it is, last time I bought one, half of it was adverts.

I paid my entrance fee, I shouldn't have to pay again to find out a message from the chairman.

Maybe they could publish on the web site free of charge? It's just a little thing, but it makes a difference. Clearly not great for those who have no internet access, but it would be a good start.

Also would keep the expats informed that have supported the club since 1966 that cannot make every home game this season

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A case for the club to become better communicators, not poorer ones where decisions are simply labelled under FFP.

The club can become narrators, they can explain exactly why decisons are being taken. Shut stands, explain why instead of rolling out "It's FFP". There is no obligation for the directors to do so, but by doing so they can show the club in a more positive light.

The PR blunders such as the family section in the Atyeo are not down to FFP, that is down to lack of consultation with fans. By being pro-active Keith Dawe, Jon Lansdown and Guy Price would show the clubs appreciation of the support given to BCFC by its fans.

Don't disagree Cowshed. However, my post was not so much to sdo with communication but was in response to a specific statment within another post on this thread that said Steve L was not prepared to back the manager financially and had essentially pulled the plug. This plus loads of other posts about our transfer activity, or lack of, made me realise that many fans don't have a clue about FFP and it's implications, hence my response.

Relating it back to what you say, I agree that the club could do more to explain decisions. On that basis, and given the huge impact FFP is already having on the club's financial management, then perhaps the club should have communicated more to fans about fFP so they could better appreciate why transfer strategy had to change. As it is Steve Lansdown is getting unfairly hammered by quite a few fans, who do not understand that his financial hands are now effectively tied behind his back by the football league's financial rules. They don't understand only because no one has bothered to tell them.

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