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bryan was ok when he came on didnt look nervous but need to see him against a better team to judge that....when wilson is back foster can play down the left

NO !!!

Joe Bryan - been really impressed by what I've seen of him. Calm, assured and clearly an intelligent player. Deserves a chance. People are always going on about not giving youth a chance - this is when he should get his chance.

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probably 3 months for that type of injury... :argh:

You just cant tell with that sort of injury. 3 months would be worse-case scenario depends how deep-set it is. Some people make quicker recoveries than others. Could be as little as 3 weeks. Fingers crossed for the lad as he is a class act. We will miss him but it will give others the chance to step-up to the plate and City do have a very strong/quality squad now.

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For a kiddy that has been a revelation at left back, basically for me since the likes of Micky Bell! This is a huge blow for us! I'm gutted? Probs going to switch Foster to left back and Marc Wilson will get a long stint at RB...

Really angry at how the referee let so many challenges go unpunished in this game, it was clear that bad injuries would happen the why they were flying in! - Even the linesman had a dodgy tummy seeing some! Clearly!

Also skusey a huge man in our play will now be out with which gladly sounds like an impact injury so should be too long! Delboys going to have to do a Del Trotter now and swindle us some short term gems! Probably not for Skuse's position but defiantly LB and CB!

But I'm not worried at all, the ref should get a right pasting from his seniors!

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