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It makes for disturbing thoughts, the only bgood that can be taken from this is if Cunninghams injury is only a slght strain rather than the full ligment damage, so up to 3 weeks out, maybe a month. Skusey, if no major damage to the ankle, a week or two aybe he'll be out for hopefully no infection or muscle damage.

As for 'Boro fans, like many clubs it was just a one off comment and even a few of their fans were rightly disgusted with the way their team played and the tackles.

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Terrible news, really not good! Hope it's not as bad as first reported. Greg has been a great signing for us, IMO! Slotted straight into the team, He's given Wolford the back up and confidence he needed and adds stability to our defence. For a while it seemed that 'bourough,s tactics were just to kick us out of the game? To which, the 'ref' seemed quite happy to play along!

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Although terrible news and by no means a great injury to suffer it really could have been so much worse. Leaving the ground tonight I was fairly confident we had seen the last of him this season.

Peterborough and the referee tonight were both an absolute disgrace. There were three potentially leg breaking challenges that the referee decided to punish with a yellow card. (In the balance of fairness I would also be surprised if at least one of our players didn't get away with throwing a fist or two after the first x-rated 'tackle'). He later booked Foster for time wasting when he was waiting for Adomah to tie his laces up!

The actions of Peterborough and the performance of the referee would both be highly punished if they occured in the Premier League. But as we're only little old Bristol City in the Championship I expect tonights performance from the referee and violent actions from Peterborough will not even be looked into.

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NO !!!

Joe Bryan - been really impressed by what I've seen of him. Calm, assured and clearly an intelligent player. Deserves a chance. People are always going on about not giving youth a chance - this is when he should get his chance.

i agree i think bryan should have his chance but if that doesnt work we can play wilson when hes back and foster at left back

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Apparently Barnett was unlucky to be booked, jut showing passion and Mark Little (thought he was Joe from neighbours) was the pick of the bunch... if he was then Peterborough have serious serous problems, good!

I was listening on the radio driving home down the M5 last night and I could hear some of their fans shouting after the Cunningham challenge. First they were accusing him of playacting, then when the brace was being applied and the stretcher being called they were shouts of "get on with it",etc!

I think I have a new "least favourite club"

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I was listening on the radio driving home down the M5 last night and I could hear some of their fans shouting after the Cunningham challenge. First they were accusing him of playacting, then when the brace was being applied and the stretcher being called they were shouts of "get on with it",etc!

And we've never done that, of course.

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And we've never done that, of course.

Well obviously I realise that we do have a monority that shout rubbish and I have accused players of playacting myself, but when a stretcher is produce and a leg brace is required it usually changes peoples attitudes. I don't recall City fans cheering the need for a stretcher or moaning when the medical team are clearly doing an important job.

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And we've never done that, of course.

I've actually found AG to be pretty quick at realising when an opposition player is hurt badly and always quite gracious in applauding them off the pitch.

Obviously I'm sure someone will offer an example when we've not acted properly, but I've always thought we were quite good in that regard.

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Barnett should be banned for as long as Greg is out. There was no reason to go in as hard as he did how the ref did'nt send him off I dont know a truly shocking challenge. The Posh chairman wants to get in the Premier League well on last nights display the only way they will get there is by getting rid of the goals and putting up a couple of Hs and change the round ball to a egg shaped one.

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And we've never done that, of course.

The initial shout, maybe, but not when a stretcher is coming on and a brace is applied. Even our most "questionable judgement" fans show a little more respect than than. There comes a point during a stoppage where you know the player isn't faking and it's potentially quite serious. Unfortunately there seemed to be many Posh fans last night that lacked that little bit of class about themselves.

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there is good news with this type of injury, that is cunninghams age he is young enough for the injury to recover more quickly then skuse as he is still devloping as a human being,

I'm guessing he will be out for about a month, I'd be more worried with skuse's injury as from the sounds of it he's fractured a bone which is 6 weeks min

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It sounded bad on the net! The commentators audibly winced.

Nevertheless Joe Bryan is going to get more of a chance and that is the way pro football works, lets see what he can do...DM obviously rates him

Get well soon Greg!

It really was a "wince-worthy" moment. The speed with which he hit cunningham was sickening. Should have been straight red.

From what I remember of Skuse's I dont think that was a bad tackle? I guess it must have been if it left 2 stud marks but I thought it was a 50-50 in the box.

I think on another night we could have lost a couple of players for reactions to tackles, however the Ref should have had more control and I think knowing his mistakes he was leniant on our reactions.

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It really was a "wince-worthy" moment. The speed with which he hit cunningham was sickening. Should have been straight red.

From what I remember of Skuse's I dont think that was a bad tackle? I guess it must have been if it left 2 stud marks but I thought it was a 50-50 in the box.

I think on another night we could have lost a couple of players for reactions to tackles, however the Ref should have had more control and I think knowing his mistakes he was leniant on our reactions.

Agree, but the tackle on Cunningham would probably have been avoided if the ref hadn't bottled it over Little's challenge on Fontaine earlier in the second half.

The challenge on Cunningham was a forwards tackle - badly timed and late - not to excuse it though. Little on the other hand went in two footed on Liam and I suspect it was deliberate because he was angry over the back pass for our first goal and to me seeemd an obvious red. Had it been given it would probably have calmed the game, as there was no doubt that Posh were fired up after going one down.

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Does anyone know when we will find out the seriousness of both injuries and how long they will be out for? hope its not too long.

be a while yet they both have to be bookec in for a scan I'd guess tomorrow afternoon at some point will be the time we find out,

You got to give it time for any swelling to go down, they both could be minor or major just keep your fingers crossed

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It really was a "wince-worthy" moment. The speed with which he hit cunningham was sickening. Should have been straight red.

From what I remember of Skuse's I dont think that was a bad tackle? I guess it must have been if it left 2 stud marks but I thought it was a 50-50 in the box.

I think on another night we could have lost a couple of players for reactions to tackles, however the Ref should have had more control and I think knowing his mistakes he was leniant on our reactions.

There certainly appeared to be nothing in it and I think Skuse just got unlucky.

The same cannot be said for Fontaine and Cunningham who could easily have been waking up with broken legs this morning. The 'tackle' late on from Tomlin on Davies was also horrible and clearly went over the top of the ball.

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I've just seen the tackle on Fontaine and then the tackle on Cunningham...seriously, these referees need to be pulled up and questioned in front of their superiors. I appreciate its a tough job, and things get missed...for example, Evertons goal that never was the other night.....split second decisions like that, I feel its harsh when they get criticised....

...However, the ****ing idiot has seen those two challenges and he has only deemed them yellow cards.....on what grounds??

utter disgrace. The referee is there to over see a game of football, make sure rules are abided by and looked after the well being of the players on the pitch.

He failed massively

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