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Tides Of Racism Sweeping Football Again


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We will agree to disagree, all I can say is I spent many a month working all over Wales and made some great friends and was taken to some less than salubrious watering holes during my time their and I can say that apart from most Welsh work colleagues I didn't find much of a welcome in the hillside. Also I suggest you listen to your fans every time I have been at matches involving them and English clubs over 50% of the chants are usually anti English.

PS:-I never mentioned independence, I don't see it as an issue in Wales.

We all have those stories though. I have two seperate friends, both Kairdiff born and bred but lived in Bristol for a few years. Swear blind that they experienced a LOT of subtle and not so subtle anti-Welsh feeling.

There are ignorant idiots everywhere, and it depends where you go, as Wales is a diverse place with different deomographics everywhere.

I think Wales feels threatened by England at times, that explains some of the anti-English feeling, but England isn't threatened by Wales, yet a degree of anti-Welshness still exists...why?

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We all have those stories though. I have two seperate friends, both Kairdiff born and bred but lived in Bristol for a few years. Swear blind that they experienced a LOT of subtle and not so subtle anti-Welsh feeling.

There are ignorant idiots everywhere, and it depends where you go, as Wales is a diverse place with different deomographics everywhere.

I think Wales feels threatened by England at times, that explains some of the anti-English feeling, but England isn't threatened by Wales, yet a degree of anti-Welshness still exists...why?

General ignorance probably

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the anti english feeling is strong in north wales in places like Mach Tywyn and in some of the valleys, they just don't like the english,

But for every anti english person you find you'll find a welcoming person as well

To be fair, I think for every anti-English person you'll find about 10 or 20 welcoming people. That kind of is my point, that these kind of mistruths are allowed to perpetuate about Wales and the people that live here.

As an aside, if you broadly concluded that an anti-English Welsh person may be inclined to vote Plaid Cymru, and a generally racist British person may be inclined to vote BNP (not that this is strictly true, or that I would compare Plaid to the BNP at all)

Then it's worth considering that in my constituency (I live in Whitchurch, north Cardiff)

That Plaid Cymru got 3.3% of the vote in the 2010 general election.


In the same election, in Bristol South (where I guess Ashton Gate is, and I presume some of you live)

That BNP got 3.6% of the vote in the 2010 general election.


So more people vote BNP in Bristol South than vote for the Welsh nationalist party here. I wouldn't dream of claiming that a large swathe of Bristolians are racist, yet it is acceptable to claim the Welsh are anti-English.

When you look at it, we aren't. Simple as that, or certainly no more anti-anything than people in England are.

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TBH you wont find many people with Bristolian roots going back through the centuries who don't have some Welsh blood in the family background - and the same is true about English blood in the South Walean [is that a word?] heritage. Most pisstaking is pretty benign and harmless I think.

The only English people I know who've suffered discrimination have been two who moved to Scotland (though that might be straight racism as they are a mixed-race couple) and a girl who moved to Australia and experienced workplace bullying - although most Aussies are of course fine, I never had any problems when I lived there.

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I spent the best part of 3 years in Wales. Some lovely welcoming people their, but i would say, there are more 'extremists' than in England.

For example...there are pubs an Englishman can't drink in Wales.

There are Welsh that absolutely hate the English...detest them with a fury.

I personally don't know anyone that hates the Welsh. Most just don't care and couldn't give a toss where your from.

The only thing that pisses a lot of English off, is the Welsh Assembly and the bleating about stuff that went on years ago, The same can be said of the Scotts and Irish.

If we're to be a United Kingdom, then lets all have the same rules.

For example...why do the Welsh get free prescriptions?

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I spent the best part of 3 years in Wales. Some lovely welcoming people their, but i would say, there are more 'extremists' than in England.

For example...there are pubs an Englishman can't drink in Wales.

There are Welsh that absolutely hate the English...detest them with a fury.

I personally don't know anyone that hates the Welsh. Most just don't care and couldn't give a toss where your from.

The only thing that pisses a lot of English off, is the Welsh Assembly and the bleating about stuff that went on years ago, The same can be said of the Scotts and Irish.

If we're to be a United Kingdom, then lets all have the same rules.

For example...why do the Welsh get free prescriptions?

Firstly, I don't agree with free prescriptions, so it's rare I defend it, but it comes out of the block grant to the Welsh Government (of around £15bn) that the Welsh Government then determines how it is spent within the devolved areas, such as healthcare, education, transport etc.

Within the health budget, the Welsh Government will enact policies that they feel benefit Wales, so inevitably there will be differences.

That is devolution in action. Essentially we get free prescriptions and you don't because it's decisions being made by different politicians.

Believe me, I wish devolution was reported on more!

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Maybe Hitler did have the right idea, have us all looking the same, tall, blond hair, blue eyed - then no one could discriminate against anyone

Interestingly, Herr Adolf Hitler had brown/black hair and brown eyes? and was no where near being 6 foot tall. Most of the German High Kommand also had brown hair......


A fair few of the Waffen SS commanders are seen in the colour photograph below...note the brown hair......


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I spent the best part of 3 years in Wales. Some lovely welcoming people their, but i would say, there are more 'extremists' than in England.

For example...there are pubs an Englishman can't drink in Wales.

There are Welsh that absolutely hate the English...detest them with a fury.

I personally don't know anyone that hates the Welsh. Most just don't care and couldn't give a toss where your from.

The only thing that pisses a lot of English off, is the Welsh Assembly and the bleating about stuff that went on years ago, The same can be said of the Scotts and Irish.

If we're to be a United Kingdom, then lets all have the same rules.

For example...why do the Welsh get free prescriptions?

Think the question should be why do we not get free prescriptions while the Welsh & Scots do

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Interestingly, Herr Adolf Hitler had brown/black hair and brown eyes? and was no where near being 6 foot tall. Most of the German High Kommand also had brown hair......

A fair few of the Waffen SS commanders are seen in the colour photograph below...note the brown hair......

Hitler had brown hair, was above average height and had blue eyes. I believe. He was lacking a full set for a game of pocket marbles, was a vegetarian and a bisexual. Apparently.

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Tony Blair caused a lot of unnecessary bloodshed, betrayed his political principles and didn't know when to give up power.

A sort of modern-day Oliver Cromwell, if you will.

Tony Blair was a traitor politician that sold England down the river of EU subjugation for a 'mess of pottage' as Oliver Cromwell would say. Whether you agree with them or not, Oliver Cromwell and Adolf Hitler were true to their principles right to the end. Scottish born lawyer despot Tony Blair was never true to England and its people - the country and people that gave him a fantastic livelihood.

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Oh dear, what an excessively PC, pc plod!

I must phone 999 to complain about the 'racist' Welsh rugby anthem "as long as we beat the English..."

It's hurt my finer feelings and I demand the instant arrest of the Stereophonics. For crimes against music as much as anything.

While were at it boys and girls, remember that in the new climate, the Ashton Gate perennial "you dirty northern bastards" will have to be changed to "ooh that was a bit clumsy, oh fraternal brothers from higher latitudes"...

Leave the 'Phonics alone! First three albums were class!

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As for our Welsh colleagues, I believe that we would get along a lot better if there wasn't this "big neighbour" syndrome. The Welsh fear being swamped so can be naturally a tad unfriendly. The English take umbrage at this.

In fairness butt, when one reads history a bit and realises that people were banned from jobs and education for speaking their own language in the own country then I think it's clear to see why issues might have built up over the years! If Brussels told you your son or daughter cannot speak English at school, would you be queuing up to embrace Belgian culture? Nope, and I don't think people throughout history in Wales did either.

All history now, we are all friends in a devolved, but United Kingdom.

My over-riding point is not to make generalisations about Wales and the Welsh, because they are probably wrong.

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I hate the welsh and the crappy accent, but..............I worked in Newport/Cardiff for 3 weeks a bit back and have to say they were some of the nicest people I have ever met. The banter was intense and I gave as good as I got but it was met with a smile and laugh. They were hard working and always happy as much as it pains me to say it nothing like Bristolians.

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I hate the welsh and the crappy accent, but..............I worked in Newport/Cardiff for 3 weeks a bit back and have to say they were some of the nicest people I have ever met. The banter was intense and I gave as good as I got but it was met with a smile and laugh. They were hard working and always happy as much as it pains me to say it nothing like Bristolians.

So, in fact, you don't hate the welsh.

As an aside, there are some dodgy right-wing views on this thread.

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Leave the 'Phonics alone! First three albums were class!

Ditto that...great live too. Good lads...but Leeds fans.

Interestingly... I know a few teachers in Wales, and they have all said that they think teaching the Welsh language would hold students back in gaining International careers. Fine if you intend staying in that part of Wales.

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Ditto that...great live too. Good lads...but Leeds fans.

Interestingly... I know a few teachers in Wales, and they have all said that they think teaching the Welsh language would hold students back in gaining International careers. Fine if you intend staying in that part of Wales.

I think everyone would agree with that (welsh language). But I find it kind of sad that the whole world is geared towards jobs and money. Language is culture, it's what makes you you. The English killed the welsh language (and the Irish) and it's pretty much killed their culture too. It's sad.

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We all have those stories though. I have two seperate friends, both Kairdiff born and bred but lived in Bristol for a few years. Swear blind that they experienced a LOT of subtle and not so subtle anti-Welsh feeling.

There are ignorant idiots everywhere, and it depends where you go, as Wales is a diverse place with different deomographics everywhere.

I think Wales feels threatened by England at times, that explains some of the anti-English feeling, but England isn't threatened by Wales, yet a degree of anti-Welshness still exists...why?

I don't think the greater English public are anti welsh, the cities and towns near the England Wales border may well be.

It would seem from my point of view the ones that shout loudest are often in a minority. I will give you the anti welsh thing in Bristol, but like I said, it is more to do with geographic location, if Bristol was on the east coast, I doubt there would be any anti welsh sentiment.

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I think everyone would agree with that (welsh language). But I find it kind of sad that the whole world is geared towards jobs and money. Language is culture, it's what makes you you. The English killed the welsh language (and the Irish) and it's pretty much killed their culture too. It's sad.

Been going on for Centuries though. The Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and Normans all influenced the 'English' language over the years...due to wanting to trade and invade....make wealth. Survival of the fittest some would call it. I agree it is sad we have always been geared towards that.

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In fairness butt, when one reads history a bit and realises that people were banned from jobs and education for speaking their own language in the own country then I think it's clear to see why issues might have built up over the years! If Brussels told you your son or daughter cannot speak English at school, would you be queuing up to embrace Belgian culture? Nope, and I don't think people throughout history in Wales did either.

All history now, we are all friends in a devolved, but United Kingdom.

My over-riding point is not to make generalisations about Wales and the Welsh, because they are probably wrong.

As far as I'm aware, true English people (Anglo-Saxons) never went into Wales to subjugate the Welsh. It was the Normans then the Norman-English post 1066 that subjugated the Welsh people. Evidenced especially by the castles in Wales that were built by the Norman rulers of England to help subjugate the Welsh after Anglo-Saxon England had been subjugated by the Norman 'William the Conqueror' or 'William the Bastard' depending on your viewpoint. The offical language of England was Norman French/ French after 1066 and not English for some 300 odd years, English was only spoken mainly by peasants. King Richard the Lionheart (Coeur de Lion) was born in Oxford and was a King of England but he spoke no English and that was some years after the Norman conquest of 1066.

I reckon modern Welsh people get confused as they should bear a grudge against Norman English and not Anglo-Saxon English people. Being more of Norman descent than Anglo-Saxon descent I'm of the Norman pedigree that the Welsh should hate. :icecream:

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Been going on for Centuries though. The Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and Normans all influenced the 'English' language over the years...due to wanting to trade and invade....make wealth. Survival of the fittest some would call it. I agree it is sad we have always been geared towards that.

Don't be sad chaps! Be respectful, and remember if your a proud Brit, then it's your language too. Anyway, in the political debate that exists within Wales I'm generally anti the language as I think it has enough tools now to thrive on it's own. Outside of Wales though, I'm fiercely proud of it. For a small nation like Wales to retain it's language when it sits adjacent to the home of the most powerful language on planet earth is quite something.

As Dafydd Iwan said, Yma O Hyd- We are still here. Despite the worst of everyone and everything, we are still here.

Or a bit more lighthearted..

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As far as I'm aware, true English people (Anglo-Saxons) never went into Wales to subjugate the Welsh. It was the Normans then the Norman-English post 1066 that subjugated the Welsh people. Evidenced especially by the castles in Wales that were built by the Norman rulers of England to help subjugate the Welsh after Anglo-Saxon England had been subjugated by the Norman 'William the Conqueror' or 'William the Bastard' depending on your viewpoint. The offical language of England was Norman French/ French after 1066 and not English for some 300 odd years, English was only spoken mainly by peasants. King Richard the Lionheart (Coeur de Lion) was born in Oxford and was a King of England but he spoke no English and that was some years after the Norman conquest of 1066.

I have been doing some reading too, it is all very interesting stuff, I do love the stuff about the Wessex kingdom

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_English Go to the Dialects content



I hope some of you will have the time to read through it

Personally I have nothing against the Welsh people or the Scottish and Irish for that matter but I do dislike the French!

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Personally I have nothing against the Welsh people or the Scottish and Irish for that matter but I do dislike the French!

It's said that it was the Anglo-Saxons that made 'England' but it was the Norman French that made 'Great Britain'. No surprise then that the greatest and most famous Norman French King of them all - Richard I 'Coeur de Lion' - is outside the Palace of Westminster........


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