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20 Reasons Why L1 Is Better


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We will be at our level in terms of stadia, infrastructure, fans etc.-How is this better? Yes our stadium may not be new like others in the division but surely that doesnt make it better, i wish to visit championship grounds not league one grounds next year!!

We will be at our level in terms of the football played.-Not really...we've shown this year we can outplay and beat people at the top (Palace and Cardiff) so we are capable of doing it.

It will mean we are 1 step closer to a Bristol derby.So you would wont to drop down 2, possibly 3 divisions just to play the mighty Rovers would you? How would that be better. I'd rather be watching city vs any championship team that rather on a wet,damp tuesday evening.

We will be able to celebrate goals and wins again.-We can celebrate goals and wins no matter what division we are in, just we have been doing it less of it this year, Anyway who says we would win and score more next year for all you know we might struggle in L1 if we do go down.

It will get rid of 90% of the morons on here who are just here because they are glory supporters.-Like you then? Bristol city Glory supporters.....hmmmmm thats a new one. Anyway how do the club make there money-from the fans (or morons as you put it so nicely)

If we lose the morons, we can go back to being a nicely close knit community, as opposed to the hostile environment we have seen over the last 5 years.-I would say we can still create a nice environment if we at the other end of the table, its amazing how a decent run vastly improves moral and optimism for fans and players alike.

We will be able to clear out the squad so that Delboy can finally put the groundwork in and create his own team.-Well he has had a january window and the summer to this and he has signed alot of players. He's signed players on championship wages so if we go down he will have to look at even worse players due to the league 1 wage cap, i fail to see how this is better

It will finally put an end to this new stadium nonsense.-No it won't. We will still want a new stadium fit for the best no matter if we are in league 1 next year. It's called ambition

We might be able to get some momentum and do a Southampton.-Key word here:Might. We also might not!! Look at the 2 teams that have done it. Norwich and Southampton both have 20k plus crowds with money to spend. Look at 2 teams that havn't. PNE and Coventry both have 14k or lower crowds with no money. Which ones are we similar to?

Lansdown will realise it's shit or bust in this industry, probably making him want to up sticks and write off his debts.-So are owner jumping ship because we are in L1 is a reason to go down. Thats ridiculous. If he leaves administration looms i fear.

Fontaine will leave meaning we can move on to our next scapegoat (£10 says it's Nyatanga).-Wont he probably leave aswell though. How would it be better if we had another scapegoat. Surely tha aim is to have no scapegoatss in the team. However if you have actaully watched a game this season you would of seen how poor Fontaine actually has been. He's not the only player to have been poor but then again he is the captain so this makes him more liable to critiscm as he should be leading from the front and showing other how to do it but he simply juts isnt.

Ticket prices might go down.-again keyword is might. They wont-simple really

We will get less media coverage, so won’t lose any of our unearthed diamonds to the big boys.-Struggling to recall when we last had a diamonds that wad lost to a big boy. We get no meadia covergae as it is anyway

We will be a less attractive proposition, so will get less of the new breed of moron fans.-You get moron fans no matter what team you are. I mean look at rovers they are not very attractive and look how many morons they have!

We will be able to look back on our hayday of 2007-2012.-You stated that the last 5 years have been a hostile environment and we were not close knit yet now you argue it is our hayday? So which is it. Anyway why would you want to look back we need to be looking forward and remember where we want to be not where we were.

We might be able to get GJ back.-How would this be better? Yes he has been one of best managers but lets not forget the reasons why he left and alot has changed since he has.

I dont usually post but felt i had to say something. It is never good going down both in terms of players and thier quality but financial reasons aswell. we should have ambition and pull together in order to stay up, re-group and have another go next year in the Championship. ou should always wish to test yourself at the highest level possible never below otherwise there is no point being in the game.

We are Bristol City,We Always Believe.

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We will be at our level in terms of stadia, infrastructure, fans etc.

We will be at our level in terms of the football played.

It will mean we are 1 step closer to a Bristol derby.

We will be able to celebrate goals and wins again.

It will get rid of 90% of the morons on here who are just here because they are glory supporters.

If we lose the morons, we can go back to being a nicely close knit community, as opposed to the hostile environment we have seen over the last 5 years.

We will be able to clear out the squad so that Delboy can finally put the groundwork in and create his own team.

It will finally put an end to this new stadium nonsense.

We might be able to get some momentum and do a Southampton.

Lansdown will realise it's shit or bust in this industry, probably making him want to up sticks and write off his debts.

Fontaine will leave meaning we can move on to our next scapegoat (£10 says it's Nyatanga).

Ticket prices might go down.

We will get less media coverage, so won’t lose any of our unearthed diamonds to the big boys.

We will be a less attractive proposition, so will get less of the new breed of moron fans.

We will be able to look back on our hayday of 2007-2012.

We might be able to get GJ back.

Are you sure?

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Considering Jordan is barely out of puberty ... Well if he gets any more macho he will be posting in blue tights.

I enjoy these posts. So original, witty and obviously correct :)

OK, Jordan over the years has been known on many occasions, to be "controversial" in his postings and at times appeared condesending and elitist.

Even though I know lots of City fans from Weston, I've never met Jordan, but am told by a mate that he is actually alright and very passionate about City.

Some times its just easier to let a post go over our heads, without the pointless replies. . .

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You are talking bollocks.

This club should be a Championship club minimum.

If we went down it would set us b.ack at least 3 to 4 years in terms of getting back to where we are now.

As an example, look where Stoke and Coventry are and we are a long way from either. club yet not so long ago we were competing for the same points.

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I have a different and far more plausible scenario to offer.

Why don't we search out a dubious foreign investor, let's just say for arguments sake a Somalian pirate war lord. Who will put his hard worked for fortune into our club on the condition that we honour the tradition of his country and change our names to the Bristol Pirates and wear his countries lucky colours, which are blue and white quarters, we will also upgrade to the memorial stadium when they vacate it for their new stadium, where they will become Bristol Wanderers.

and the icing on the cake will be, he will also bring in some BCFC supporters wet dream and make Ian Holloway our new manager.

But he will allow us a vote on Keith Millen being his assistant, fairs fair.

and just think of the other benefits, we can tap into the UK Somali population and the untapped Somalian nation.

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OK, Jordan over the years has been known on many occasions, to be "controversial" in his postings and at times appeared condesending and elitist.

Even though I know lots of City fans from Weston, I've never met Jordan, but am told by a mate that he is actually alright and very passionate about City.

Some times its just easier to let a post go over our heads, without the pointless replies. . .

Fair play if that's the case, he comes across as a bit of a gimp on here. 6500 posts and still not 20, some people call that passion, my mrs calls my passion premature ejaculation. Tomato/tomato I suppose.

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We will be at our level in terms of stadia, infrastructure, fans etc.

We will be at our level in terms of the football played.

It will mean we are 1 step closer to a Bristol derby.

We will be able to celebrate goals and wins again.

It will get rid of 90% of the morons on here who are just here because they are glory supporters.

If we lose the morons, we can go back to being a nicely close knit community, as opposed to the hostile environment we have seen over the last 5 years.

We will be able to clear out the squad so that Delboy can finally put the groundwork in and create his own team.

It will finally put an end to this new stadium nonsense.

We might be able to get some momentum and do a Southampton.

Lansdown will realise it's shit or bust in this industry, probably making him want to up sticks and write off his debts.

Fontaine will leave meaning we can move on to our next scapegoat (£10 says it's Nyatanga).

Ticket prices might go down.

We will get less media coverage, so won’t lose any of our unearthed diamonds to the big boys.

We will be a less attractive proposition, so will get less of the new breed of moron fans.

We will be able to look back on our hayday of 2007-2012.

We might be able to get GJ back.

Possibly the worst post ever, so you want our 'glory hunting' (how the hell you can glory support city i do not know!) fans to go away so we get less revenue from crowds, you dont want us to get a new stadium to improve our financial standing so we can compete at this level and above, and you want landsdown to pull out so we go bust? yea league 1 sounds great....gas head surely

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As a club, I get the feeling that league position is not meritting our wage structure and fees spent. Therefore, if we went down, we would have to sell nearly all our high earning / talented players (which according to the former, means our whole first team apart from Bryan) at bargain prices just to get them off the wage bill so that we would abide by the wage cap set by L1 and L2. We would then be required to build a team entirely from scratch which would be very hit and miss (unless managed properly) and could result in further relegation.

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We will be at our level in terms of stadia, infrastructure, fans etc.

We will be at our level in terms of the football played.

It will mean we are 1 step closer to a Bristol derby.

We will be able to celebrate goals and wins again.

It will get rid of 90% of the morons on here who are just here because they are glory supporters.

If we lose the morons, we can go back to being a nicely close knit community, as opposed to the hostile environment we have seen over the last 5 years.

We will be able to clear out the squad so that Delboy can finally put the groundwork in and create his own team.

It will finally put an end to this new stadium nonsense.

We might be able to get some momentum and do a Southampton.

Lansdown will realise it's shit or bust in this industry, probably making him want to up sticks and write off his debts.

Fontaine will leave meaning we can move on to our next scapegoat (£10 says it's Nyatanga).

Ticket prices might go down.

We will get less media coverage, so won’t lose any of our unearthed diamonds to the big boys.

We will be a less attractive proposition, so will get less of the new breed of moron fans.

We will be able to look back on our hayday of 2007-2012.

We might be able to get GJ back.

Are you Spudski's love child?

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Worst thread ever.

Rovers are a good example of what happens when teams get relegated and think it is easier/better down there. You lose the majority of players and get worse ones in, you have a falling attendance (how losing fans can ever be thought of as a good idea I will never know - unless it is the OP of course) and everyone jumping ship.

This is classic small/narrow minded syndrome that is typical of SOME city fans...

Barcelona of League 1 anybody???

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We will be at our level in terms of stadia, infrastructure, fans etc.

We will be at our level in terms of the football played.

It will mean we are 1 step closer to a Bristol derby.

Surely it's more of an achievement to be much better than them.

We will be able to celebrate goals and wins again.

You can do that in this league

It will get rid of 90% of the morons on here who are just here because they are glory supporters.

You're clearly a 'moron', more fans = more turnover and more investment. We're losing bucket loads at the moment.

If we lose the morons, we can go back to being a nicely close knit community, as opposed to the hostile environment we have seen over the last 5 years.

We will be able to clear out the squad so that Delboy can finally put the groundwork in and create his own team.

He'd probably be sacked.

It will finally put an end to this new stadium nonsense.

Are you alright?

We might be able to get some momentum and do a Southampton.

We might not :facepalm:

Lansdown will realise it's shit or bust in this industry, probably making him want to up sticks and write off his debts.


Fontaine will leave meaning we can move on to our next scapegoat (£10 says it's Nyatanga).

Great plus :clap:

Ticket prices might go down.

Very unlikely

We will get less media coverage, so won’t lose any of our unearthed diamonds to the big boys.

Teams have a better scouting network than the television. Maybe not us but..

We will be a less attractive proposition, so will get less of the new breed of moron fans.

We will be able to look back on our hayday of 2007-2012.

We might be able to get GJ back.


Seek help.

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As somebody who started going again (after a break in exile) in 1995 after we'd been relegated I am a contrarian on this instead view the worst thing for the club is year after year of relegation struggles.

Dario Gradi who consistently over-achieved with Crewe would some years, when they had an injury crisis or had sold and not replaced their best players because the money on the table was too good to refuse, accept that they were going down and look to the next season. No panic buys or emergency loans, just look at getting a good squad ready for a promotion challenge the next year.

Relegation, if handled correctly by the management, can be a good thing for a club for many of the reasons that Barry says. Overall we woudl be in better shape if we went:

2012/13 down

2013/14 promoted

2014/15 challenging for play-offs

than if we go;

2102/13 relegation struggle

2013/14 relegation struggle

2014/15 relegation struggle

I'd rather stay up of course, but as it stands another few years of the form we have shown this season will be worse for the club long term than the drop.

That's predicated on being able to build a good side immediately after relegation, something which is perfectly possible when the club has a good manager and can find / produce players but is unable to keep them, like Crewe in your example. I'm not so sure how well it works when relegation is due to a lack of organisation and motivation from the management.

I'm in favour of keeping McInnes even if the club is relegated because I'd like to see what happens if they stick with a manager for the duration of his contract, but it seems a fair argument that if he's good enough to build a side to get out of League One then he should be good enough to keep a side in the Championship. Therefore it follows that if the club is relegated there's no reason to suppose McInnes can get them up again (indeed, playing as they are they'd have to worry about exiting in the other direction.)

If they replaced McInnes after relegation we'd be reliant on the board's ability to select a good manager. Something they've got right just once in the last ten years.

I think they key phrase in your post is 'if handled correctly by the management'. If City is relegated it'll be because affairs were not handled correctly by the management.

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That's predicated on being able to build a good side immediately after relegation, something which is perfectly possible when the club has a good manager and can find / produce players but is unable to keep them, like Crewe in your example. I'm not so sure how well it works when relegation is due to a lack of organisation and motivation from the management.

I'm in favour of keeping McInnes even if the club is relegated because I'd like to see what happens if they stick with a manager for the duration of his contract, but it seems a fair argument that if he's good enough to build a side to get out of League One then he should be good enough to keep a side in the Championship. Therefore it follows that if the club is relegated there's no reason to suppose McInnes can get them up again (indeed, playing as they are they'd have to worry about exiting in the other direction.)

If they replaced McInnes after relegation we'd be reliant on the board's ability to select a good manager. Something they've got right just once in the last ten years.

I think they key phrase in your post is 'if handled correctly by the management'. If City is relegated it'll be because affairs were not handled correctly by the management.

Yes, I agree there are a few holes in my theory!

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As somebody who started going again (after a break in exile) in 1995 after we'd been relegated I am a contrarian on this instead view the worst thing for the club is year after year of relegation struggles.

Dario Gradi who consistently over-achieved with Crewe would some years, when they had an injury crisis or had sold and not replaced their best players because the money on the table was too good to refuse, accept that they were going down and look to the next season. No panic buys or emergency loans, just look at getting a good squad ready for a promotion challenge the next year.

Relegation, if handled correctly by the management, can be a good thing for a club for many of the reasons that Barry says. Overall we woudl be in better shape if we went:

2012/13 down

2013/14 promoted

2014/15 challenging for play-offs

than if we go;

2102/13 relegation struggle

2013/14 relegation struggle

2014/15 relegation struggle

I'd rather stay up of course, but as it stands another few years of the form we have shown this season will be worse for the club long term than the drop.

If you are an attending fan there's one very important question.

How many times have you enjoyed attending AG in the past 3-4 seasons?

If we can compete in this league by at least occasionally playing attacking, exciting, winning football, especially at home, then fine, that's what we'd all prefer.

If we can't, well can being more successful ( yes, we would be) in L1 really be that much worse than season after season of this depressing crap?

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Let's try this again shall we:

1) We will be at our level in terms of stadia, infrastructure, fans etc.

2) We will be at our level in terms of the football played.

3) It will mean we are 1 step closer to a Bristol derby.

4) We will be able to celebrate goals and wins again.

5) It will get rid of 90% of the morons on here who are just here because they are glory supporters.

6) If we lose the morons, we can go back to being a nicely close knit community, as opposed to the hostile environment we have seen over the last 5 years.

7) We will be able to clear out the squad so that Delboy can finally put the groundwork in and create his own team.

8) It will finally put an end to this new stadium nonsense.

9)We might be able to get some momentum and do a Southampton.

10) Lansdown will realise it's shit or bust in this industry, probably making him want to up sticks and write off his debts.

11) Fontaine will leave meaning we can move on to our next scapegoat (£10 says it's Nyatanga).

12) Ticket prices might go down.

13) We will get less media coverage, so won’t lose any of our unearthed diamonds to the big boys.

14) We will be a less attractive proposition, so will get less of the new breed of moron fans.

15) We will be able to look back on our hayday of 2007-2012.

16) We might be able to get GJ back.

Nope, Thought so.... or does that make me just another part time, glory supporting, condescending moran who hasn't got a GNVQ in design and technology and cannot count?

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If we can't, well can being more successful ( yes, we would be) in L1 really be that much worse than season after season of this depressing crap?

We weren't more successful last time. At least not initially. It took another change in manager to produce any kind of decent football, and another 3 changes after that to win promotion.

You might say we'd never make an appointment as bad as Pulis again if we went down but looking at the club's track record it's hard to have much confidence. I'd say it's far from a certainty that we'd play much better in League One.

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