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20 Reasons Why L1 Is Better


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If you are an attending fan there's one very important question.

How many times have you enjoyed attending AG in the past 3-4 seasons?

If we can compete in this league by at least occasionally playing attacking, exciting, winning football, especially at home, then fine, that's what we'd all prefer.

If we can't, well can being more successful ( yes, we would be) in L1 really be that much worse than season after season of this depressing crap?

At least we're scoring more at AG this season, 20 goals already and still 13 games to go !

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We weren't more successful last time. At least not initially. It took another change in manager to produce any kind of decent football, and another 3 changes after that to win promotion.

You might say we'd never make an appointment as bad as Pulis again if we went down but looking at the club's track record it's hard to have much confidence. I'd say it's far from a certainty that we'd play much better in League One.

Fair enough, I don't hope for relegation but I remain convinced it would be more enjoyable to attend in L1 than most of the last 80 home games I've seen.

We can't go on struggling so torturously season after season - the crowds will decline just as surely as if we get relegated.

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Let's try this again shall we:

Nope, Thought so.... or does that make me just another part time, glory supporting, condescending moran who hasn't got a GNVQ in design and technology and cannot count?

I don't know about your education or your counting skills, but you could do with some English lessons. Are you foreign?

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Why don't you elaborate?

(If you are going to make several points, may I suggest numbering them?)

What is with answering questions with questions? Are you some sort of therapist? We don't need your nambypamby liberal types round here, pal, why don't you and the red trousered brigade trot on

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Why don't you elaborate?

(If you are going to make several points, may I suggest numbering them?)

What is with answering questions with questions? Are you some sort of therapist? We don't need your nambypamby liberal types round here, pal, why don't you and the red trousered brigade trot on

You just answered with three questions.. :icecream:

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Sorry.....................I couldn't read all the reasons...........couldn't get past the phrase "Glory supporters" as I fell off of my chair, and am currently rolling on the floor with an serious case of guffaws..chuckles and full blown hilarity.........since when did being a city fan involve "Glory"??.....more a case of severe manic depression and decimated hope.........having you been smoking "Mind Rape"?

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Firstly, No I am not foreign I was born in England, and have a British passport. Now would you care to elaborate why you think I could do with some English lessons as I found this comment particularly confusing?

As someone who considers them self a Bristol City FC fan, and a supporter of Bristol City FC, I thought I probably would be welcome here? I've obviously got that terribly wrong at some point, not sure how. You seem to know the answer to everything, why don’t you tell me? Oh no, sorry, that’s another question.

While I'm here, I am not quite sure about the “red trousered brigade” comment either. Are you suggesting that I am a supporter of George Ferguson and his chums? Unfortunately for you, I am not, so you are wrong again I'm afraid, just like your thread title.

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This thread must be a wind up surely? Either way, it has really made me chuckle.

Back on topic, is Kevin Moran in the frame for being our manager considering his name keeps being bandied around?

Only if he is a red trouser wearing glory hunter who can't count, dosen't understand English has a QVC in resign and techno music and knows that his place is in the 1st division and it will be good for 15 or 20 fantastic reasons, I forget.

oh yes and loves being an exhibitionist in front of serpents.

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Only if he is a red trouser wearing glory hunter who can't count, dosen't understand English has a QVC in resign and techno music and knows that his place is in the 1st division and it will be good for 15 or 20 fantastic reasons, I forget.

oh yes and loves being an exhibitionist in front of serpents.

That's what I thought too. Phew, thank God I haven't got the wrong end of the stick.

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We weren't more successful last time. At least not initially. It took another change in manager to produce any kind of decent football, and another 3 changes after that to win promotion.

You might say we'd never make an appointment as bad as Pulis again if we went down but looking at the club's track record it's hard to have much confidence. I'd say it's far from a certainty that we'd play much better in League One.

The level we're at now was the Gas level of 33 years ago and we were in the top flight. For the original poster to suggest reasons that League 1 and the old Div 3 is better seems madness to me. Our current problems stem from failing to appoint a manager with proven experience at managing successfully at Championship level and preferably Premier League level. We're a small fish in a big pond in the Championship so I reckon any decent manager would need a big financial incentive to come here. As the stated intention of the board was to try to balance the books here I don't expect we'll see any new manager here with the necessary pedigree.

One thing's for sure, it was a real gamble bringing in Del and Doc that paid off in the first season because they kept us up. Considering they had no experience at managing at Championship level they did well. I really didn't expect the wheels to come off the cart so quick given the good start they had. We've just got to hope that Del and Doc can keep us up and that doesn't look likely given the attitude and ability of some of our players. I also reckon Gary Johnson was out of his depth at this level and that 4th place finish was a fantastic result given his lack of experience at this level - but he got found out in the end.

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We will be at our level in terms of stadia, infrastructure, fans etc.

We will be at our level in terms of the football played.

It will mean we are 1 step closer to a Bristol derby.

We will be able to celebrate goals and wins again.

It will get rid of 90% of the morons on here who are just here because they are glory supporters.

If we lose the morons, we can go back to being a nicely close knit community, as opposed to the hostile environment we have seen over the last 5 years.

We will be able to clear out the squad so that Delboy can finally put the groundwork in and create his own team.

It will finally put an end to this new stadium nonsense.

We might be able to get some momentum and do a Southampton.

Lansdown will realise it's shit or bust in this industry, probably making him want to up sticks and write off his debts.

Fontaine will leave meaning we can move on to our next scapegoat (£10 says it's Nyatanga).

Ticket prices might go down.

We will get less media coverage, so won’t lose any of our unearthed diamonds to the big boys.

We will be a less attractive proposition, so will get less of the new breed of moron fans.

We will be able to look back on our hayday of 2007-2012.

We might be able to get GJ back.

so you want delboy to create his own team then want gj back wtf!
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I would much rather have Wolves visiting us with 1500 fans, international players and a three quarters full Ashton than Crawley visiting us with 15 fans, pub league players and a less than half full Ashton. We worked so hard for the Championship please let's us do everything in our power to stay there and none of this 'it is better in League One' pony.

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Have you been snorting your wife's imac? What the **** is wrong with your brain? You seem to be finding life confusing, pal, don't you worry yourself on a few throw away comments on the Internet, seek some real assistance.

You think I'm worried... oh damn another question. Calm down love, I'm not worrying about anything :icecream: I just wasn't clear on the need for you to be offensive towards me, but like a dove, I'll let it go.

The Immac (FYI, it's immac) is interesting by the way, how did you guess?

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