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Stuart Hall / Max Clifford

Maesknoll Red

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If guilty he deserves all he gets but I just wonder how on earth something like this can ever be proven 30-40 years down the line. Anyone know or is this likely to be massive waste of police/court time and money?

For the CPS to say charge him on same day as arrested I'd imagine they have what they think is pretty solid evidence

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If guilty he deserves all he gets but I just wonder how on earth something like this can ever be proven 30-40 years down the line. Anyone know or is this likely to be massive waste of police/court time and money?

It's a good point, but I'd imagine the Police have - what they consider to be sufficient evidence - and it'll be up to the CPS to make that call.

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Very surprised by this one. What a great word smith he is, some of his commentaries and match reports are fantastic and unique. Still, all that falls to the wayside once stuff like this comes out. Shocked.

I remember hearing him give a half time match report on an Everton game once. His prose was so colourful, you cold not tell if there was any score or who was winning. Flowery yes but irritated the Dickens out of yours truly.

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Another 60 year old has been arrested this morning in relation to these enquiries - surely not another well known celeb from the 70's / 80's ?

Not exactly. Watch the news and very shortly you shall find out who it is.....

I'm staying schtum until it is official.

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Another 60 year old has been arrested this morning in relation to these enquiries - surely not another well known celeb from the 70's / 80's ?

Hall was 80+ . The mind boggles really that none of this came out before, and i emphasise the word none. Now it is like a torrent of people coming forward. Almost like the entire horrible affair was some form of eyes wide shut affair. I think this is going to run for several months and there will be a clamour, come the end, for our privacy laws to be overhauled at the end of it... some, as we know who are not guilty, have already had their reputations destroyed by this.

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I remember hearing him give a half time match report on an Everton game once. His prose was so colourful, you cold not tell if there was any score or who was winning. Flowery yes but irritated the Dickens out of yours truly.

Yeh he did have the tendancy to go a bit whimsical but that was the appeal to me, totally understand someone thinking the opposite, like you say, he did tend to spare the facts for concentrating on the detail.

Remember him taking about 2 mins just to describe what Davide Ginola (i think it was him) looked like as he flew down the wing!

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Hall was 80+ . The mind boggles really that none of this came out before, and i emphasise the word none. Now it is like a torrent of people coming forward. Almost like the entire horrible affair was some form of eyes wide shut affair. I think this is going to run for several months and there will be a clamour, come the end, for our privacy laws to be overhauled at the end of it... some, as we know who are not guilty, have already had their reputations destroyed by this.

Phantom was referring to the arrest Gazred referred to and there was also the questioning under caution a fortnight ago of an ageing 'national treasure' whose name is not being released, but is known to the media.

As I've said elsewhere, the apparent scattergun approach to hauling in celebrities over accusations of fairly minor* offences committed 40 years' ago is likely to rebound most brutally on the Met eventually.

* In Hall's case the charges are serious

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6 December 2012 Last updated at 13:26

Max Clifford arrested in sex offences investigation

_64608607_000201385-1.jpg Max Clifford is one of the most influential figures in British media

Max Clifford, one of the UK's leading public relations experts, has been arrested by detectives investigating historic sex offences.

The BBC understands that Mr Clifford was arrested by Metropolitan Police officers working on Operation Yewtree.

Scotland Yard said officers had arrested a man in his 60s "on suspicion of sexual offences" and had taken him to central London police station.

Max Clifford is one of the most influential figures in British media.

He is the the sixth person to be questioned as part of the operation.


Great news, can't stand the man.

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Phantom was referring to the arrest Gazred referred to and there was also the questioning under caution a fortnight ago of an ageing 'national treasure' whose name is not being released, but is known to the media.

As I've said elsewhere, the apparent scattergun approach to hauling in celebrities over accusations of fairly minor* offences committed 40 years' ago is likely to rebound most brutally on the Met eventually.

* In Hall's case the charges are serious

OK noted on point of age. Thanks.

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