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I've got no sympathy for the ball boy whatsoever, and were it my lad, I'd have ripped into him. He should be punished, or sacked to send a message of how we expect our children to behave.. For me, this it a prime example of the impact the modern game is having on the next generation of impressionable youngsters. They are clearly taking on board all this diving, time wasting, abusing of the ref and downright cheating. You could argue that it's not their fault, it's the failing of the authorities to clamp down and in doing so illustrate what you can and can't do, right from wrong. But ball balls are there to get the balls back not keep them away. You can't be blatantly biased towards the home team like that. I know gary johnson used to encourage it, but it's not big, it's not clever, it's CHEATING. No different from diving or harassing the ref imo

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Both ball boy and Hazard acted stupidly.

If Hazard had done that to another player would he have been sent off? Almost certainly, so it was the right punishment.

Does the fact that it's a ball boy make it a more momentus incident and deserving of greater punishment? Don't think so - perhaps if he'd been a lad of 6/7.

Unfortunately, the nature of top level football these days is that the broadcasters must pray for contentious incidents such as this, as they seem to want to talk more about controversial incidents than the games themselves. The real headline is that Swansea are playing great football, are competing with the best teams in the land and have reached their first major final and all this onlya decade after almost going out of the league, but that seems to have been lost in the clamour about an incident involving a top player from a glamour club.

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Personally i found it hilarioussly ironic that a ball boy fained injury an got one of the over paid pre madonas sent off

Were Petula Clark, Dusty Springfield and Cilla Black pre madonas?

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The ball is underneath the boy,you're 10 minutes from defeat and you have this silly little welsh **** timewasting, why not kick it? The referee was pretty bad all night,based on last night performance, I wondered if he would of added any time on at all. His intention was the kick the ball from underneah him, not kick him (although he didn't even kick him)

I want, I get and it matters not how I get it, me, me, me generation.

I've got no sympathy for the ball boy whatsoever, and were it my lad, I'd have ripped into him. He should be punished, or sacked to send a message of how we expect our children to behave.. For me, this it a prime example of the impact the modern game is having on the next generation of impressionable youngsters. They are clearly taking on board all this diving, time wasting, abusing of the ref and downright cheating. You could argue that it's not their fault, it's the failing of the authorities to clamp down and in doing so illustrate what you can and can't do, right from wrong. But ball balls are there to get the balls back not keep them away. You can't be blatantly biased towards the home team like that. I know gary johnson used to encourage it, but it's not big, it's not clever, it's CHEATING. No different from diving or harassing the ref imo

You make an interesting point, I agree let's start sacking repeat offending players as well, fairs fair.

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My opinion would be that no adult should be kicking anyone with so little, nay Zero, justification.

Of course, the law of the land would view it differently, as an 18 year old would not constitute a minor.

But that matters not. Fact is, whether intentional or not, and whether provoked by the lads stupidity or not, it is not an acceptable act and it is not an overreaction to suggest so. It's plain wrong, and inspite of the fact I have Hazard as my Captain in my FA Prem team, he deserves to miss a lot of football as a result.

What would be nice is if Chelsea actually took a brave stance, actually admitted that it was wrong (Rafa's post match interview suggested he didn't particularly care, i.e. the usual "I didn't see it" rollocks!), put a self-imposed ban on him, fined him a months wages and gave it to a charity that supports abused children.

But they won't. They'll wrap it up and pretend that nothing happened.

There's a long long line of things that are putting me off premiership football and this has added to it tonight.

Spot on. My thoughts exactly.

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Manchester United have made a sensational £30m bid for Swansea City ball boy, Charlie Morgan, for his ability to hold on to a football under pressure.

Sir Alex Ferguson praised the youngsters ability to retain possession despite having a large section of his thoracic cavity stoved in by Chelsea midfielder Eden Hazard.

Ferguson is keen to replace his out-of-favour keeper after the only thing he had managed to catch all season was the Norovirus.

After witnessing Morgans heroics, Sir Alex immediately called in De Gea for a crisis meeting, before passing him the mobile and landline numbers of Stoke manager Tony Pullis on a beer mat.

We could really use someone like Charlie to run the clock down, especially if were 2-1 up against Liverpool in the ninetieth minute at Old Trafford, he told us.

The way hes shielded that ball with most of his upper body as though his life and that of his entire extended family depended on it and remember this is Wales were talking about is pure textbook.

De Gea replacement

Last night Chelsea stand-in Rafa Benitez rounded on the match officials and insisted that ball boys are over-protected.

Ferguson added, Were going to have him working on crosses with Eric Steel just as soon as hes off the ventilator.

Chelsea meanwhile, have offered Morgan a formal apology and captain John Terry is take the teenager on a tour of the clubs dressing room and shower facilities on the condition that he brings his girlfriend :)

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This thread is truly amazing. I have no idea what the kid was thinking, but he is kid. If you cannot be adult enough to see that Eden Hazard is a tool, i am gob smacked.

Reports suggest this "kid" is 17. Don't get fooled by the term "boy" in "ball boy".

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In brief.

Kid was a tit, hazard was a tit.

+1 and the kid could have given the best of hollywood a run for their money! and he stated on his twitter that he was intending to wast time at some point in the match, lets get off the fence and say that the spoilt little bastard prolly deserved the kick, which is why Swansea have confirmed that they want to take the matter no further (kill it before the chairman's son gets in trouble).

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Sorry youve lost me

It's Ok Cider, I was being pedantic and spilitting hairs.

You were referring to diva like overpaid premier league footballers and I think you meant to say that they are prima donnas.

You typed pre madonna, but that means before madonna, Petula Clark, Dusty and Cilla were all before Madonna, hence my comment. As I've had to explain it then it must have been a whoosh!

It's obviously the cold weather getting into my brain so I think it's probably time to get my coat..............................................................................................................

and scarf, gloves, thermals and fur lined boots..

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My opinion would be that no adult should be kicking anyone with so little, nay Zero, justification.

Of course, the law of the land would view it differently, as an 18 year old would not constitute a minor.

But that matters not. Fact is, whether intentional or not, and whether provoked by the lads stupidity or not, it is not an acceptable act and it is not an overreaction to suggest so. It's plain wrong, and inspite of the fact I have Hazard as my Captain in my FA Prem team, he deserves to miss a lot of football as a result.

What would be nice is if Chelsea actually took a brave stance, actually admitted that it was wrong (Rafa's post match interview suggested he didn't particularly care, i.e. the usual "I didn't see it" rollocks!), put a self-imposed ban on him, fined him a months wages and gave it to a charity that supports abused children.

But they won't. They'll wrap it up and pretend that nothing happened.

There's a long long line of things that are putting me off premiership football and this has added to it tonight.

Good thing we won't be playing there any time soon, then...

Mallards (ducks rapidly)

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I think the fairest punishment is hazard 3 match ban and a fine, scfc fine and ordered to retrain all there ball boys. The kid an oscar and a ban from being a ball boy

See my earlier post.... Indeed there maybe an Oscar nomination in for the 'child actor'..

The 'kid' was 'acting the goat' and I'm sure would get a 'big kick' out of winning an Acadamy Award for his 'roll'. He's in with a good shout too, got a gut feeling apparently.

Nominated for 'Best Sporting Actor' ;)

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The fact that hazard has said sorry to the boy and the boy has said sorry to hazard proves they were both in the wrong

The police aren't taking it further

The red was correct to send hazard off and he will get the avg ban for violent conduct he may get a extra match or two thrown in for bringing the game into disrepute

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It's Ok Cider, I was being pedantic and spilitting hairs.

You were referring to diva like overpaid premier league footballers and I think you meant to say that they are prima donnas.

You typed pre madonna, but that means before madonna, Petula Clark, Dusty and Cilla were all before Madonna, hence my comment. As I've had to explain it then it must have been a whoosh!

It's obviously the cold weather getting into my brain so I think it's probably time to get my coat..............................................................................................................

and scarf, gloves, thermals and fur lined boots..

No No No Dont Explain It.... Original post was spot on !!!

Why are you getting your coat etc.. going 'down town' or somethin'??. :)

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My take on it is that both the 17 year old ball boy and 21 year old Hazard acted like idiots for ten seconds last night. A bit like most 17 and 21 year olds are prone to do on occasion really (I know I did at that age!!).

The ball boy could see that Hazard was trying to get the ball back quickly and whether he was pushed or not led on the ball as long as he could - he had time to get off the ball and to be honest once he saw Hazard trying to get the ball in the first place he should have got out of the way. He was acting under instruction from Swansea City, as were all the ball boys, in wasting as much time as he could and this needs looking at by the FA in my view. His reaction was frankly embarrassing and confirms that he watches Premier League football every week. Suarez would have been proud of the kid. If my son had acted like that I would have been embarrassed for both him, his mother and myself.

Hazard was obviously unprofessional and forgetting football for a second, downright stupid, in laying hands on the lad and kicking the ball from underneath him which also appears to have made contact with the boys ribs and he will be punished accordingly. We all know that he should have simply pointed out to the referee that the ball boy was wasting time but then we are all looking at it in the comfort of our homes with clear thought and a keyboard to hand. But unfortunately Hazard did what a lot of 21 year olds are prone to do in the heat of the moment, especially 21 year olds brought up in an ultra competitive environment like professional sport, and made a mistake (like many on this forum might have done in the heat of the moment at that age despite their claims to being as morally upstanding as Jesus Christ).

I cannot believe that people on here want Hazard charged with assault, public money wasted in a court case, convicted and the key thrown away. It is clear to me that Hazard's intent was nothing more and nothing less than to get the ball back in play. If he wanted to truly hurt the lad he could have taken a big swing and, being a professional footballer, would easily have enough power in his legs and feet to have broken three or four ribs no problem. If it was a true assult where his intent was to "do" the kid he could have kept on pummelling him in the ribs until the lad needed hospital treatment. But he didn't. Technically it may be an assault in law but I cannot accept that there is any need for Police involvement given the situation, the ages of the people involved and the clear intent of what Hazard was trying to do.

Two young people made a mistake. That's all it boils down to in my eyes. It seems obvious that some posters on here have never made a mistake in their lives so I guess that entitles you to cast the first stone and all that!!

The referee got it right by sending Hazard off and diffusing the situation. Let's hope the FA get it right by levying the appropriate ban and fine. Lets hope Chelsea get it right with a proper apology. And lets hope the Police get it right by staying out of it. The fact that both the ball boy, presumably with the blessing of his parents, and Swansea City do not want to take further action speaks volumes in my eyes.

Absolutely right, word for word. That people can compare what happened to a criminal assault is quite frankly absurd.

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Let me throw another scenario in here for peoples thoughts

Lets say for example a substitute is warming up, this player is Southamptons Luke Shaw aged 17 (or any other 17 year old, just using him as he is a well known young player), he is on the bench so not involved in the 22 man contact sport being played on the pitch. His team are winning and he employs similar time wasting tactics when the ball comes to him off the pitch, a similar struggle ensues and he gets a follow through kick from the opposing player when trying to retrieve the ball.

Would we have the same reaction as last night?

Would people be calling for opposing player to be done for assault?

Would the 17 year old player be talked about in the same way as the ballboy? child, boy, kid etc

Would someone in the stadium have still called the police to make an official complaint?

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Hazard behaves like so many Premiershit players do, like a complete****! He got what he richly deserved a sending off, and should be banned for 3 games minimum for that childish petty stroke he pulled...what would happen to Sam Baldock, Woods, Saha, or Chopra if they pulled a similar stunt in the Championship? If referees were actually allowed to punish the *****, without the likes of Morrinho, Ferguson, Wenger et al slagging them off for any action they didnt like, they probably wouldnt do this kinda shit.

As for the ***** of a ball boy, he knowingly did this, with unfortunate for him consequences. Swansea and him should be fined, and he be banned from ever being a ball boy again.

As for this 17 year old being a boy. Outside the Gate (And in the EAST End) and other grounds I have seen kids this age behaving like ***** being the hard man..I have also seen people that age causing fights, in pubs and clubs & gigs, pretty much every weekend. They are not boys, and as we used to say in my youth, if you wanna play with the big dogs, youre gonna get bitten. Like Maesknoll at that age I was also pubbing it, on me clapped out Honda. and if you stepped out of line then you got a slap same as anyone else. And I was in the military.

People that age in the military, get disciplined by their NCO's, for stepping outside the mark. There is far too much emphasis on not disciplining kids, it encourages them to push the boundaries...

This whole affair is not a case of assault, and the dibbles should stay the hell out, but by God, Hazard has anger management issues, and he needs to sort them out..

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A good point James. I agree totally.

Yes, by law 17 is a child but in football, children (as young as 15 in some cases) can play an adult sport. Some people are blowing this out of all proportion and getting on moral high horses. Should hazard have done it? No. Is he a criminal? No.

The lad wasn't a player though he was a lad doing a service for the club

The supervisor would of told them to take their time every football club up and down the country do the same

Ours do it or when we are losing and the keeper is taking his te they go put it on the 6 yard box

It's over hazard is in the wrong and will be punished the lad and his father want no further action ( a money grabber would sue )

We should just leave it at that

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Cant believe how much fuss this relatively 'minor' incident has caused. Thank God both parties were of the same colour -imagine the allegations & insinuations that would be flying around today if one of them were white & one black, last thing football needs right now would be another race related drama out of a crisis situation. Anyway, I'd 'hazard' a guess that at least one of them is feeling a little sheepish this morning :) .

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17 is still a minor in this country

Generally in the eyes of the law then "yes".... but in the eyes of most seventeen year olds I think not, as they try to get served in pubs, bomb around on scooters etc. etc.

Not condoning Hazard but would it make any difference if the player was 16 and the ball-boy 17?

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Cant believe how much fuss this relatively 'minor' incident has caused. Thank God both parties were of the same colour -imagine the allegations & insinuations that would be flying around today if one of them were white & one black, last thing football needs right now would be another race related drama out of a crisis situation. Anyway, I'd 'hazard' a guess that at least one of them is feeling a little sheepish this morning :) .

Christ, but you are a cynic. Hadnt thought of that, but you are spot on.. :-)

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Generally in the eyes of the law then "yes".... but in the eyes of most seventeen year olds I think not, as they try to get served in pubs, bomb around on scooters etc. etc.

Not condoning Hazard but would it make any difference if the player was 16 and the ball-boy 17?

None at all as the 16 yo would still be a highly paid Chelsea player kicking some one earning a tenner trying to get the ball

The only difference would be a complete lack of media over-reaction

If it was say villa playing Swansea there would be less media reaction

Player still in the wrong no matter what

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