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It's Ok Cider, I was being pedantic and spilitting hairs.

You were referring to diva like overpaid premier league footballers and I think you meant to say that they are prima donnas.

You typed pre madonna, but that means before madonna, Petula Clark, Dusty and Cilla were all before Madonna, hence my comment. As I've had to explain it then it must have been a whoosh!

It's obviously the cold weather getting into my brain so I think it's probably time to get my coat..............................................................................................................

and scarf, gloves, thermals and fur lined boots..

Ha ha i see it now. Went woosh straight over my head, you keep your coat on the hanger, il get mine ......

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The lad wasn't a player though he was a lad doing a service for the club

The supervisor would of told them to take their time every football club up and down the country do the same

I think there's a significant difference between 'taking your time' and clearly obstructing. Taking an extra second or two to pick up and throw back the ball is acceptable, but to withold the ball by means of obstruction at close quarters is crossing the line and should be punished. If a ball boy were to hold the ball behind his back, would the player be allowed to go round and snatch it? Of course he would. The kid here knew what he was doing, and presented hazard with an awkward situation, which unfortunately he deadly with poorly. They both crossed the line, so I think both should be punished, although not severely. This incident mirrors what we see more and more in society today - kids knowing they can take the p*ss out of adults because it can only end one way.
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The lad wasn't a player though he was a lad doing a service for the club

The supervisor would of told them to take their time every football club up and down the country do the same

Ours do it or when we are losing and the keeper is taking his te they go put it on the 6 yard box

It's over hazard is in the wrong and will be punished the lad and his father want no further action ( a money grabber would sue )

We should just leave it at that

His father is apparently the 32nd richest bloke in Wales - ahead of Owen and Giggs, so not short of a bob or two! To be honest, I think that his Dad will be glad when this becomes tomorrow's chip paper - his son was a bit of an idiot to Tweet his intentions beforehand.

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I think there's a significant difference between 'taking your time' and clearly obstructing. Taking an extra second or two to pick up and throw back the ball is acceptable, but to withold the ball by means of obstruction at close quarters is crossing the line and should be punished. If a ball boy were to hold the ball behind his back, would the player be allowed to go round and snatch it? Of course he would. The kid here knew what he was doing, and presented hazard with an awkward situation, which unfortunately he deadly with poorly. They both crossed the line, so I think both should be punished, although not severely. This incident mirrors what we see more and more in society today - kids knowing they can take the p*ss out of adults because it can only end one way.

there is but it isn't the players place to deal with it its the match officals, the moment hazard took it upon hiself to act is the moment he is in the wrong he has no defense,

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Both protagonists are culpable, IMO.

It's yet more evidence of the lack of morality that exists in football today, where playing by the rules is often seen as "soft" and "unprofessional" .

Added to the pathetic time wasting, endorsed by many clubs and their managers, and the niggly, cynical and argumentative attitude adopted by many players, it's symbolic of the "win at all costs" mentality that could ultimately lose any remaining public support for "the beautiful game".

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Both protagonists are culpable, IMO.

It's yet more evidence of the lack of morality that exists in football today, where playing by the rules is often seen as "soft" and "unprofessional" .

Added to the pathetic time wasting, endorsed by many clubs and their managers, and the niggly, cynical and argumentative attitude adopted by many players, it's symbolic of the "win at all costs" mentality that could ultimately lose any remaining public support for "the beautiful game".

I'd agree with that. The football authorities and the media keep inventing new ways to get their snouts deeper in the trough. They don't seem to notice that the people who pay for the pigswill are getting seriously peed off by the whole business.

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New chant opportunity though?.... When some opposition toss-pot feigns injury & rolls around in mock agony to gain a free-kick, penalty or earn one of ours a card... how about a chorus of : 'One Charlie Morgan, theres only one Charlie Morgan, one Charlie Morgan but you're a Cheating Bastard too ...Get Up You Cheating Bastard! ..Get Up You Cheating Bastard!!..'

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Both protagonists are culpable, IMO.

It's yet more evidence of the lack of morality that exists in football today, where playing by the rules is often seen as "soft" and "unprofessional" .

Added to the pathetic time wasting, endorsed by many clubs and their managers, and the niggly, cynical and argumentative attitude adopted by many players, it's symbolic of the "win at all costs" mentality that could ultimately lose any remaining public support for "the beautiful game".

Hazard isn't a protagonist though. He's a young man at the top of his game wanting to play football . The weird looking ballboy/man - old enough to play professional football is clearly nothing but a shitbag who has ruined Swansea's reputation and their trip to wembley with his twatish antics that have completely overshadowed their achievement in beating Chelsea.

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OK its the Daily Mail, so pinch of salt, but what a spoilt brat..... and again, to those calling him a child, he's driving an Audi A1.

He has really taken the shine off Swansea's achievement.

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Not really sure what bearing the car he has, on his age ? He's 17 he's still a kid regardless weather he drives around in a Bugatti veyron or a clapped out fiesta. He's clearly a dick and a spoiled on at that but that's not his choice, if his old man wants to let him piss his money away then let's face it how many of us would say no?

At the end of the day at 17 you are a kid, both legally and mentally, we all like to think we are adults, but we do things that would make us cringe when we are older. Sadly some never grow up but most people look back at themselfs later and life and see the silly things we did with mates and accept that we were still kids.

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Interesting. Ball boys multi millionaire dad is a director of Swansea football club. He wants no action taken concerning this apparent assault. Funny that.

All this bs about overpaid footballers, what has that got to do about the price of fish. At least they get paid for playing. Bet there are not many ball boys out there driving around in audis.

End of the day ball boy made a pre meditated call to hold on to the ball. Football player, heat of the moment wrong call tried to retrieve it by kicking it.

Only one person with any real guilt here. The other reacted to it, be that right or wrong.

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Hazard isn't a protagonist though. He's a young man at the top of his game wanting to play football . The weird looking ballboy/man - old enough to play professional football is clearly nothing but a shitbag who has ruined Swansea's reputation and their trip to wembley with his twatish antics that have completely overshadowed their achievement in beating Chelsea.

And Hazard is a credit to the game? Put your bizarre loyalty to Chelski aside and even you must see that he's an idiot.

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Hazard isn't a protagonist though. He's a young man at the top of his game wanting to play football . The weird looking ballboy/man - old enough to play professional football is clearly nothing but a shitbag who has ruined Swansea's reputation and their trip to wembley with his twatish antics that have completely overshadowed their achievement in beating Chelsea.

... a protagonist is a main player in a drama. If the Swansea incident isn't a "drama" then I don't know what is.

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Hazard is a victim rather than a protagonist as there is no moral relativism here. The ball man attempted to disrupt a rather important football match. Hazard just wanted to play football.

So footballers have the right to take the law into their own hands, unlike the rest of society?, what next vigilantism to support people who want to get on with their daily life?.

The referee is there to deal with such situations, FFS most modern day players whinge to referees for most of the 90 minutes anyway, so why is this different?.

and most importantly this kid is only replicating the sort of behaviour he has seen thousands of time from over paid, cheating (especially prem) players, early on in this match Demba Ba took a theactrical dive in the penalty trying to affect the outcome of the game, the ball boys behaviour was no different, so please explain why footballers are a special case here?.

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So footballers have the right to take the law into their own hands, unlike the rest of society?, what next vigilantism to support people who want to get on with their daily life?.

The referee is there to deal with such situations, FFS most modern day players whinge to referees for most of the 90 minutes anyway, so why is this different?.

and most importantly this kid is only replicating the sort of behaviour he has seen thousands of time from over paid, cheating (especially prem) players, early on in this match Demba Ba took a theactrical dive in the penalty trying to affect the outcome of the game, the ball boys behaviour was no different, so please explain why footballers are a special case here?.

Hazard wasn't whinging to anybody. Maybe if we had a bit more of his can do attitude society wouldn't be so bad. Less hand wringing more cracked heads.

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Hazard wasn't whinging to anybody. Maybe if we had a bit more of his can do attitude society wouldn't be so bad. Less hand wringing more cracked heads.

As I said on a previous post had it been a steward in the EE trying to retrieve the ball from a fan (under the same circumstances) and with the same outcome most people on here (including most who are defending Hazard) would be outraged, but because one's a footballer so anything goes, I suppose that's just the hypocrisy of today's society, who pray at the alter of celebrity.

PS:- and Hazrad has never dived since he's been at Chelsea?, by your theory when he did he should have had his head cracked, as long as your justice extends to footballers who cheat and behave badly, i'm with you, after all fairs fair.

PPS:- mentioning no names some players would be suffering permanent concussion.

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Hazard was wrong to behave like he did...... but the ball boy was more wrong to behave like he did.

As I said before lessons learnt from the far too many prem role models, just pick any game to see a minimum of one such lesson, Perhaps if our wonderful ex pro pundits who either turn a blind eye or show sympathy for the many players bad behaviour, instead of pointing out how wrong it is and how much of a bad example it is to show kids, were more honest perhaps impressionable kids wouldn't be trying to copy them so closely, but of course honesty and TV punditry don't go hand in hand, might derail the gravy train and that would never do would it.

The performance from the kid and the subsequent over acting can be seen in any prem game on any given day.

"sow the wind, reap the whirlwind' as they say.

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As I said before lessons learnt from the far too many prem role models, just pick any game to see a minimum of one such lesson, Perhaps if our wonderful ex pro pundits who either turn a blind eye or show sympathy for the many players bad behaviour, instead of pointing out how wrong it is and how much of a bad example it is to show kids, were more honest perhaps impressionable kids wouldn't be trying to copy them so closely, but of course honesty and TV punditry don't go hand in hand, might derail the gravy train and that would never do would it.

The performance from the kid and the subsequent over acting can be seen in any prem game on any given day.

"sow the wind, reap the whirlwind' as they say.

You're not wrong....... sad really ain't it.

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