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How To Start The Atmosphere


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Great on the spot thinking from Tim Shires on the Tannoy yesterday. Only way to get the old codgers in the dolman bouncing was to say when Steady scored "Ashton Gate its time to Start Bouncing".

Everyone in the Dolman remained on their feet rather than sitting down as soon as the ball cross the line!

Thought to myself good idea at the time

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Gabby Logan said a few seasons ago. "This (Ashton Gate) is a long way from the prawn sandwiches and good hospitality at the Emirates"

Only way to get the stands going as proven in other countries is to have a leader. My money is on Tim Shires taking over from David Lloyd. And saying similar things when we score.

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Dolman, ayteo and Williams were silent all game, it was embarrassing. East end is the place to be, we stood up all game and we don't eat prawn sandwiches.

Didn't hear the Eastend that much compared to sometimes this season, Ateyo did sing a few songs in the 2nd half not for that long but we can't help we don't have as good acoustics.

The better standard of play we get the more we will support the team sad but true.

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It has been proved around the country that the 'american style' gets crowds going before & during games but some BCFC fans want to keep it a library.

The EE has vocally been extremely poor over the last 2 seasons (except for a few big games) but when an idea is put forward to improve the atmosphere of the whole ground, all we get is "we want to create our own atmosphere".....well that isn't working boys and girls.

Football has changed and supporters have changed, not neccessarily for the better but things have changed.


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I find we are dictated to by our own fans. 1) Don't stand up and sing. EVEN WORSE 2) Old side of EE. Shouting down those behind the goal. When attempting to sing Thatchers Gold. Old boys saying this wasn't allowed by singing Drink up Thy Cider.

By 'Old Boys' I take it you mean those of us over 40 who remember the old EE and those amongst that grouping that made the 'new Eastenders' possible?!!

I find it unbelievable, that those behind the goal, that sing everything at 200 mph and spend 90% of the match gesticulating at oppo fans thinking they are well 'ard, are now feeling hard done by? I have yet to meet anyone who would rather not sing that Thatcher 's Gold ditty, I am fond of a can or several of said bevvy myself. Trouble wiith the EE at times is that two or three groups start singing different songs at different times and it all goes pear shaped. Nothing to do with being an old 'un or a young 'un. No sinister ageist subplot!

The quickest way to get the atmosphere going is a good old fashioned tackle or a powerful run such as Moloney's yesterday. Whilst the fans need to do their bit in making the place intimidating for opponents and uplifting for the City players, they need to generate that too by showing commitment and passion on the pitch.

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By 'Old Boys' I take it you mean those of us over 40 who remember the old EE and those amongst that grouping that made the 'new Eastenders' possible?!!

I find it unbelievable, that those behind the goal, that sing everything at 200 mph and spend 90% of the match gesticulating at oppo fans thinking they are well 'ard, are now feeling hard done by? I have yet to meet anyone who would rather not sing that Thatcher 's Gold ditty, I am fond of a can or several of said bevvy myself. Trouble wiith the EE at times is that two or three groups start singing different songs at different times and it all goes pear shaped. Nothing to do with being an old 'un or a young 'un. No sinister ageist subplot!

The quickest way to get the atmosphere going is a good old fashioned tackle or a powerful run such as Moloney's yesterday. Whilst the fans need to do their bit in making the place intimidating for opponents and uplifting for the City players, they need to generate that too by showing commitment and passion on the pitch.

Agreed 100%. It pisses me off every single game at the speed that the kids by the netting sing.
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By 'Old Boys' I take it you mean those of us over 40 who remember the old EE and those amongst that grouping that made the 'new Eastenders' possible?!! I find it unbelievable, that those behind the goal, that sing everything at 200 mph and spend 90% of the match gesticulating at oppo fans thinking they are well 'ard, are now feeling hard done by? I have yet to meet anyone who would rather not sing that Thatcher 's Gold ditty, I am fond of a can or several of said bevvy myself. Trouble wiith the EE at times is that two or three groups start singing different songs at different times and it all goes pear shaped. Nothing to do with being an old 'un or a young 'un. No sinister ageist subplot! The quickest way to get the atmosphere going is a good old fashioned tackle or a powerful run such as Moloney's yesterday. Whilst the fans need to do their bit in making the place intimidating for opponents and uplifting for the City players, they need to generate that too by showing commitment and passion on the pitch.
But my point is are we not allowed to sing Thatchers gold. Why are there a select Few, i.e. older east end generation saying you can't sing this that or the other?! Like BCAGFC said Crowds are spurred on by a different angle of atmosphere these days. Times have changed. I would get goosebumps if all stands were bouncing because of the Tannoy instigating it!
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It seems to outsiders that the EE is split, old uns & young uns.

In the old days (70s), the young uns (me) would look up to the old uns (black jack etc, etc), that doesn't seem to happen these days.

In the old days, all the singers would gather together in one place, not in 2 groups either side of the stand, that is why EEers are always louder when they are bunched up in the corner....not spread out.

What about getting the louder hailer back out?.


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Im afraid its the sign of the times.

One bloke in his 50s in Dolman B was venting his spleen vocally and people around him looked at him either in disbelief or disgust.

it depends what's being shouted though. If he's having a good old rant at the ref or a lack of effort from a player that's fine, but if it was the bloke who just kept on shouting "get it forward" every time we tried to play a few passes along the back line , the look's of disbelief were well justified.

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I'm in my 50's. A few years back when City looked like they might make the play offs, for the final game of the regular season I stood with a mate in the EE. We tried getting a few songs going and were looked at incredulously by boys in their early teens. Eventually we moved away to where some others were singing and chanting. Many people in the EE that day simply wanted to "experience the atmosphere", but not join in with singing & chanting.

On the other side of the coin, there are some older folk who believe that singing encourages hooliganism and thus should be discouraged.

Let's stop referring to sports stadia and revert to football grounds.

Then we can act accordingly. Only 20 years ago the enclosure of what is now the Williams could be quite intimidatory to opposing teams.

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Unfair comments. Wonder wether we all support the same team sometimes. If we put as much effort into singing as we did slagging each other off we might be half decent.

How is it an unfair comment?

He has a point, only E.E created some noise from what I re-call.

I have sat in the Dolman various times this season, and it's like being in a library. *An odd mutter here and there*

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By 'Old Boys' I take it you mean those of us over 40 who remember the old EE and those amongst that grouping that made the 'new Eastenders' possible?!!

I find it unbelievable, that those behind the goal, that sing everything at 200 mph and spend 90% of the match gesticulating at oppo fans thinking they are well 'ard, are now feeling hard done by? I have yet to meet anyone who would rather not sing that Thatcher 's Gold ditty, I am fond of a can or several of said bevvy myself. Trouble wiith the EE at times is that two or three groups start singing different songs at different times and it all goes pear shaped. Nothing to do with being an old 'un or a young 'un. No sinister ageist subplot!

The quickest way to get the atmosphere going is a good old fashioned tackle or a powerful run such as Moloney's yesterday. Whilst the fans need to do their bit in making the place intimidating for opponents and uplifting for the City players, they need to generate that too by showing commitment and passion on the pitch.

Well said. Why do the left side nearest behind the goal sing so bloodyfast? just ruins the atmosphere.

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Didn't hear the Eastend that much compared to sometimes this season, Ateyo did sing a few songs in the 2nd half not for that long but we can't help we don't have as good acoustics.

The better standard of play we get the more we will support the team sad but true.

Im sure if everyone started singing in the Ateyo it would create a good atmosphere nothing to do with acoustics. EE is loud because we all stand up and sing together.

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The problem is nobody is interested. Simple. You can try whatever you like, post as many times as you like, and try and sing as loud as you like. The only place thats interested in making noise is the East End.

I know H Bock is trying, but it was obvious from the off, even when I was involved, that people up there simply don't want to know. During the Cov game last year people just weren't singing, even though it was one of the most important games of the season. In my head I was thinking, if people aren't getting up for this game, they never will. It's like pushing against a closed door with that one, but i admire people who are trying to make a difference.

The only way you're going to get stands going is to make singing blocks (like smoking blocks we used to have). The way to get stands going is to get large groups of people who want to sing together. So mark blocks in each stand as singing blocks. Get whole blocks of singers together and it will soon spread. Its pretty simple.

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Out of interest why do the old chaps like to be buried in the corner of the east end where you can see about 60% of the pitch.Any one volunteering to stand down the front and orchestrate? Maybe the club could help with a muted Tannoy ?

Sort of an old tradition it was similar back in the day on the other side. Its amusing due to the characters who have been about for decades.

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By 'Old Boys' I take it you mean those of us over 40 who remember the old EE and those amongst that grouping that made the 'new Eastenders' possible?!!

I find it unbelievable, that those behind the goal, that sing everything at 200 mph and spend 90% of the match gesticulating at oppo fans thinking they are well 'ard, are now feeling hard done by? I have yet to meet anyone who would rather not sing that Thatcher 's Gold ditty, I am fond of a can or several of said bevvy myself. Trouble wiith the EE at times is that two or three groups start singing different songs at different times and it all goes pear shaped. Nothing to do with being an old 'un or a young 'un. No sinister ageist subplot!

The quickest way to get the atmosphere going is a good old fashioned tackle or a powerful run such as Moloney's yesterday. Whilst the fans need to do their bit in making the place intimidating for opponents and uplifting for the City players, they need to generate that too by showing commitment and passion on the pitch.

The Best atmosphere is when the EE is bunched together like against Cardiff etc. That way everyone sings the same song at the same time and avoids three groups singing different song like yesterday. I dont mind the Thatchers song mind.

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It seems to outsiders that the EE is split, old uns & young uns.

In the old days (70s), the young uns (me) would look up to the old uns (black jack etc, etc), that doesn't seem to happen these days.

In the old days, all the singers would gather together in one place, not in 2 groups either side of the stand, that is why EEers are always louder when they are bunched up in the corner....not spread out.

What about getting the louder hailer back out?.


Late 70's early eighties there were clearly two groups in the Eastend till one moved into the enclosure/Dolman A-B mid eighties.

There are now again distinct groups. Same as it ever was.

It isn't just age, its differing cultures. Go across the blocks and you can see the style of dress, age altering and songs altering.

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How about some of the people who sing at a normal pace (and wait for it... prepare to get shot down)

MOVE to next to the netting!?

Then if there are enough fans signing at the correct speed the so called 'netters' will soon learn the correct pace to sing the songs...

You never know, they may actually learn something.

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Late 70's early eighties there were clearly two groups in the Eastend till one moved into the enclosure/Dolman A-B mid eighties.

There are now again distinct groups. Same as it ever was.

It isn't just age, its differing cultures. Go across the blocks and you can see the style of dress, age altering and songs altering.

What the hell has this got to do with culture, you all support BCFC.......end of.

Does everyone have to wear Dr Martens, a white coat & have a scarf around their wrist?.

This is part of the problem, the old uns who got the EE opened up again, seem to want everyone to follow their lead, there has to be a bit of give & take between the 2 groups or you will never get the EE back to how it used to be.


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Sort of an old tradition it was similar back in the day on the other side. Its amusing due to the characters who have been about for decades.
I suppose it's habit. Also it's a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy as all my mates stand there, ergo I do, ergo they do and so on.I also think its a bit more unrestricted with an area you can almost mingle in. As for the age thing, I think there are two clear groups there late forties/fifties, and then a very large group of late twenties thirties. Funnily enough, We look at the young group behind the goal and think that was us 10/15 years ago.
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