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Bradford Fan In Peace Banter Welcome


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I think itll be a really interesting match to be honest. Its always interesting to see when 2 contrastong clubs, in terms of recent sucess, fair againsnt one another. One club on a high at being promoted and playing in a new league and the other on a bit of a low after a few seasons of woeful football and being recently relegated but with spatters of optimism with Sean O'Driscoll being in charge for a full pre season, a new ethos at the club and a different type of player being brought to the club all with a new menatlity being installed into the current crop of players.

We have no idea how the new signings will fair together as a team and intergrate with the existing ones and the actual football we are going to play. I think most fans expect us to sign a few young and hungry players and we will instantly be playing some of the best football we have seen it years and will bounce straight back up with the play offs being a minimum expectation. However i dont believe everything will be that rosey, it will take time to implement this new strategy into the football club and the first game of the season will show us exactly how long it will take us to achieve that. We could very well beat you soundly or we could very well carry on our tradition of losing 0-3 on the opening day. I honestly cant work out which way itll swing, but we are very much pinning the future of our club on Sean O'driscoll and the transfers he brings in now and in the coming months and the methods in which he applies on the training. I believe in the long run if kept and stuck with itll eventaully pay off.

If you want my opinion on which way it will go on the opening day i think you will beat us as you'll have the momentum and it will take us time to get going.

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Grow up Randy

you are a little club and have been for years jostling for position with a town full of rugger fans - the championship whipping boys. One good season as also rans hardly gives you any credence in the my dads bigger than your dad argument. Its fans like you that are the poison that kills football from the inside. Thinking by 'filling some one in' makes you so much more of a supporter than others kind of describes you as a person - more gas than class.

Sorry, I think he must have read that you liked a bit of banter?

I hope that was what Randy meant ;) ?

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Grow up Randy

you are a little club and have been for years jostling for position with a town full of rugger fans - the championship whipping boys. One good season as also rans hardly gives you any credence in the my dads bigger than your dad argument. Its fans like you that are the poison that kills football from the inside. Thinking by 'filling some one in' makes you so much more of a supporter than others kind of describes you as a person - more gas than class.

:laugh: another one bites the dust, pure randy marsh gold. I wouldn't take any notice of randy he is on here purely for a wind up and everything he says is in jest, most of us city fans (including randy when he's not on a wind up im sure) are expecting a tough game at the start of the season. nothing else. So lets not get into a pathetic row over who is bigger than who, when we are both unfortunately in the THIRD tier of the English football league.

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Another bantam fan here. Cheers for the mainly positive comments re us :thumbsup:

I think its gonna be a tough opening game for us & I'd take a draw, but hopefully our upward momentum will carry on.

I'm coming down & making a weekend of it, can anyone recommend somewhere to stay thats a little more reasonable than the Avon Gorge :fingerscrossed:

& Good luck to Bristol City for the season

try the Alpha guest house,on Coronation road near to the Little Grovener pub..very reasonable.

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try the Alpha guest house,on Coronation road near to the Little Grovener pub..very reasonable.

This made me laugh so much a little wee came out.

If you're after somewhere to stay in Bristol, try the Bear Pit. Hundreds of homeless junkies can't be wrong. (and it's still better than the Alpha)

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Grow up Randy

you are a little club and have been for years jostling for position with a town full of rugger fans - the championship whipping boys. One good season as also rans hardly gives you any credence in the my dads bigger than your dad argument. Its fans like you that are the poison that kills football from the inside. Thinking by 'filling some one in' makes you so much more of a supporter than others kind of describes you as a person - more gas than class.

******* Northerners, absolutely no concept of irony.

I can't wait for your only good player to leave, and for you to go down. Better to have been the championship whipping boys than to have been languishing in a tinpot league populated by Accrington Stanley and Bristol Rovers for longer than I remember...

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well Jordan or should that be Katie, to find your mighty title winning cup finalists and Massive club in the same league as us must be quite humbling- its just a Shame your list of honours aren't as big as randys ego but don't worry my friend you could quite easily get swallowed up by this league and find yourself being taken over by the gas . As for Randy looking for trouble there is a real element to our fanbase too - you shouldn't be inciting football violence especially when we have nobheads equal to you willing to take you up on it. Ill be ensuring that OUR beloved club are aware of the comments made on this forum in regards to being filled in etc so they can let the appropriate authorities know and deal with those responsible.

Thanks for allowing me on mods and I kind of feel sorry for the better posters who have to read the drivvle by a select few. Good luck with the season looking forward to getting to ashton and seeing a good game of FOOTBALL- may the best team win

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well Jordan or should that be Katie, to find your mighty title winning cup finalists and Massive club in the same league as us must be quite humbling- its just a Shame your list of honours aren't as big as randys ego but don't worry my friend you could quite easily get swallowed up by this league and find yourself being taken over by the gas . As for Randy looking for trouble there is a real element to our fanbase too - you shouldn't be inciting football violence especially when we have nobheads equal to you willing to take you up on it. Ill be ensuring that OUR beloved club are aware of the comments made on this forum in regards to being filled in etc so they can let the appropriate authorities know and deal with those responsible.

Thanks for allowing me on mods and I kind of feel sorry for the better posters who have to read the drivvle by a select few. Good luck with the season looking forward to getting to ashton and seeing a good game of FOOTBALL- may the best team win

For goodness sake mate everyone has already told you he's taking the piss, what is the matter with you?

You've come on here calling on 'banter' (my god I hate that word) them gone off crying to your mum as soon as you've got some!

I hope the rest of your fans have thicker skins than you.

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I remember Benny L's first game in charge was away to Bradford (1998?) and the coach driver got lost, Benny couldn't help him as he didn't know where it was anyway having just arrived from Norway, and the upshot of all that was that we lost 5-0. It's difficult to judge our chances at this stage as we don't know who's going to be in the squad.

I thought Benny's first game was a 6-1 spanking at home by Wolves?

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well Jordan or should that be Katie, to find your mighty title winning cup finalists and Massive club in the same league as us must be quite humbling- its just a Shame your list of honours aren't as big as randys ego but don't worry my friend you could quite easily get swallowed up by this league and find yourself being taken over by the gas . As for Randy looking for trouble there is a real element to our fanbase too - you shouldn't be inciting football violence especially when we have nobheads equal to you willing to take you up on it. Ill be ensuring that OUR beloved club are aware of the comments made on this forum in regards to being filled in etc so they can let the appropriate authorities know and deal with those responsible.

Thanks for allowing me on mods and I kind of feel sorry for the better posters who have to read the drivvle by a select few. Good luck with the season looking forward to getting to ashton and seeing a good game of FOOTBALL- may the best team win

I actually cringed when I read this......oh dear.
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Randy is. I have never seen Jordan Tansley taking the piss before.

His post was all about Randy and his entirely reasonable and measured invitation to engage in football related violence bar the first line.

And it's Randy he's threatening to tell on to teacher, the fanny.

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I can't get past Bradford's godawful kit colours, I mean plum and mustard?!?!?!?!?!? Ewww

Almost as bad as (T)Watford

Apart from that, no problem with you lot and looking forward to the game.

Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not? But check out the first kits we wore....


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If you go into the technicalities of it, That wasn't our kit Bristol City's kit has been red and white, Bedminster had the other kit before the merge

Phew, got away with it

I have to admit, I've never been to Bradford so can't comment on it. Do they still have the museum of film 'n' that up there?

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well Jordan or should that be Katie, to find your mighty title winning cup finalists and Massive club in the same league as us must be quite humbling- its just a Shame your list of honours aren't as big as randys ego but don't worry my friend you could quite easily get swallowed up by this league and find yourself being taken over by the gas . As for Randy looking for trouble there is a real element to our fanbase too - you shouldn't be inciting football violence especially when we have nobheads equal to you willing to take you up on it. Ill be ensuring that OUR beloved club are aware of the comments made on this forum in regards to being filled in etc so they can let the appropriate authorities know and deal with those responsible.

Thanks for allowing me on mods and I kind of feel sorry for the better posters who have to read the drivvle by a select few. Good luck with the season looking forward to getting to ashton and seeing a good game of FOOTBALL- may the best team win

Like I said, ******* Northerners... No concept of irony.

It wasn't even well disguised by Randy, so god knows how you've missed it and continue to.

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Billionaire chairman, Steve Landsdown - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/9912148/Hargreaves-Lansdown-founder-enters-billionaire-elite.html

We're in debt but its a debt to him, a lifelong city fan who also owns Bristol Rugby and just bought the Bristol basketball team (strangely) .

Conspiracy thought! What if Steve Lansdown buys every sports team in Bristol except Rovers only to destroy them and reveal himself a closet Bristol Rovers fan which means Rovers achieve ultimate control of sport in Bristol. It's like a plot from Game of Thrones.

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who rattled your cage have you been on the frosty jack again? Bristol where your mums your sister and your dads your Aunty-

seriously a thread I started to talk football has really just highlighted what a bunch of inbreds you really are even the Gas have more class.

we will come and have them 3 points ta very much

Bye then.

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