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Jet Deal Off

Eagle Eyed

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True. And we don't know what Anderson thinks about this. He may stick in a transfer request now he knows they want him. Hopefully he's happy.

From what I'm told, it what us interested I'm Anderson, which in turn led to us offering JET in exchange.

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From what I'm told, it what us interested I'm Anderson, which in turn led to us offering JET in exchange.

i can understand you being interested in signing anderson, he's a decent layer that offers a lot in the championship. what i'm unsure of is why you want to get rid of JET? is it because of his attitude, his wages or does he want to leave? or do you think anderson will cost you more money than you have to spend and so you're looking to sweeten the deal with JET?

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i can understand you being interested in signing anderson, he's a decent layer that offers a lot in the championship. what i'm unsure of is why you want to get rid of JET? is it because of his attitude, his wages or does he want to leave? or do you think anderson will cost you more money than you have to spend and so you're looking to sweeten the deal with JET?

Mick placed JET on the transfer list at the end of the season, he just isn't a MickMcCarthy player. He's not a striker, he's not a winger, and unfortunately, Mick won't stray from his ever faithful 4-4-2 formation. His wages are an issue too, I believe he's the second highest earner, behind Michael Chopra. Amd what with now our owner, Marcus Evans, clamping right down on finances, JET and Choprs really do need to go, for McCarthy to be able to out a good side together.

I think you could be right, r.e not wanting to pay over the odds for Anderson. I imagine we looked at it, and thought, that your manager, O'Driscoll had him at Donny, perhaps he'll be interested again. Who knows.

JET is a wonderful talent of a player, and really could go on to whatever he wants to be, I remember at the time of him signing for us, Arsenal fans said; if he sorts his attitude and laziness out, he'll play for England, if he does neither, he'll probably end up at Eastbourne.

I really hope the deal goes through for the sake of JET more than anything, just so he can get his career back on track, he needs it, would be a waste to sit out the last year of his contract.

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cheers for the reply ITFCBLUE. JET destroyed us a few seasons ago so i for one will be happy if the deal can be done, we're clamping down on wages too so i expect it to be a long drawn-out affair.

I get the impression it'll come down to us settling the last year of his contract, or paying a % of it over the last year. We'll see.

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Interesting that we may be going for jet outright, sod alluded to this in his interview on player, pretty much said he doesn't want to lose Anderson, a team with both of them in would be quality in league one!

Does Anderson want to stay though? Championship interest may result to him wanting to leave/handing in transfer request.

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From the local rag over here!

Ipswich Town: Jay Emmanuel-Thomas faces FA charge following Twitter message

1634244063.jpg Ipswich Town footballer Jay Emmanuel-Thomas has today been charged by the FA following a message he posted on Twitter.

Monday, July 1, 2013
5:47 PM

Ipswich Town footballer Jay Emmanuel-Thomas has today been charged by the FA following a message he posted on Twitter.

The midfielder, who was transfer-listed at the end of last season, faces a misconduct charge after he allegedly made a comment referring “to a person or persons’ sexual orientation” on the social media website.

A statement released by the FA said: “Ipswich Town’s Jay Emmanuel-Thomas has been charged by The FA for an alleged breach of FA Rule E3 in that he posted a comment on Twitter which was improper and/or brought the game into disrepute.

“It is further alleged that breach includes a reference to a person or persons’ sexual orientation within the meaning of FA Rule E3(2).”

The Super Blues player has until 4pm on Wednesday to respond to the charge.

An Ipswich Town spokesman said: “We have spoken to Jay about his comments. We are aware that he has been charged by the FA. We will see how things progress from there.”

According to recent transfer speculation, the Town player could be nearing a move to Bristol City.

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EDIT: @BBCBristolSport now also reporting this.

'may not happen because of finances'

I can pretty much guarantee that Jon L and friends will now be wanting your sources testicles above their desk on a rope.

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From the local rag over here!

Ipswich Town: Jay Emmanuel-Thomas faces FA charge following Twitter message

1634244063.jpg Ipswich Town footballer Jay Emmanuel-Thomas has today been charged by the FA following a message he posted on Twitter.

Monday, July 1, 2013

5:47 PM

Ipswich Town footballer Jay Emmanuel-Thomas has today been charged by the FA following a message he posted on Twitter.

The midfielder, who was transfer-listed at the end of last season, faces a misconduct charge after he allegedly made a comment referring to a person or persons sexual orientation on the social media website.

A statement released by the FA said: Ipswich Towns Jay Emmanuel-Thomas has been charged by The FA for an alleged breach of FA Rule E3 in that he posted a comment on Twitter which was improper and/or brought the game into disrepute.

It is further alleged that breach includes a reference to a person or persons sexual orientation within the meaning of FA Rule E3(2).

The Super Blues player has until 4pm on Wednesday to respond to the charge.

An Ipswich Town spokesman said: We have spoken to Jay about his comments. We are aware that he has been charged by the FA. We will see how things progress from there.

According to recent transfer speculation, the Town player could be nearing a move to Bristol City.

I've just looked at his twitter, didn't spot any dodgy tweets but I'm left with 2 questions:

1. What's the other language? Part of it is in English.

2. Why would you have your name tattood across your shoulder blades? Even if you forgot it, it would be no use as you'd need to get someone else to read it for you.

...... I think it's my age, I don't understand the youth.

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I've just looked at his twitter, didn't spot any dodgy tweets but I'm left with 2 questions:

1. What's the other language? Part of it is in English.

2. Why would you have your name tattood across your shoulder blades? Even if you forgot it, it would be no use as you'd need to get someone else to read it for you.

...... I think it's my age, I don't understand the youth.

There are just some knobs out there but the number seems to have increased quite a bit.

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Im guessing Anderson is happy to stay with us then ?

I read Sod saying he wants to keep Anderson , as at this level is a quality player let alone champ where he held his own.

But also if the anderson thing is actually true but it doesn't go through, if Sod says doesn't want him everything has backfired.

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Still on from what I hear this end.

I'm told the hitch is due to Bristol not wanting to let Anderson to go, but he wants championship football.

If that's true then id let Anderson go to your lot and we will have jet if he will come, no point in having unhappy players on your books!

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I would rather we kept Anderson, if we want to get back up next season then we need a team pulling together and fighting for each other, JET may have all the talent in the world, and i agree hes a very talented player, but if he doesn't want it enough then there really is no point in him being on the pitch, as his talents would go to waste! this is a massive concern for me and a risk i certainly wouldn't take, but then I'm not a manager so what do i know!

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Hello, Ipswich fan here. A question I'd like to ask, do you know who writes for the Bristol Post? I see they have a trusted source badge next to the article, and they seem pretty confident s deal is close?

However, this Alistair Durden doesn't even think a deal is struck?

Who's the most reliable out of the two?


The Post's story today now corresponds with what the BBC said yesterday so it appears Durden was right.

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I find Alistair Durden to be professional and reliable in his reporting, I don't think he ever puts out info unless he is certain, or as certain as he can be. If in doubt he usually says nothing, therefore I always treat his info as having some credibility. He reports straightforward facts.

The Evil post however will print on gossip and whispers, not only have I found sports stories incorrect but many other articles too. I cancelled a long time ago but was recently persuaded to try it for free for a week. It was as bad as ever and full of spelling mistakes, unless you treat it a a lighthearted waste of newsprint rather than a serious tempt at factual journalism for local area. Local rag has never been more apt.

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