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Rovers Ground


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Both Bristol teams need stadiums. Bristol needs 2 big stadiums. Both clubs will be held back in both dont go ahead. Shame really, we and gas are both in this together.

Why do they need a new stadium?

Having swindled the rugby club out of theirs they have plenty of room for their 4,900 gates.

**** them.

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Yeh fair play you've come on here plucking your feathers, trying to be bolshy, lots of bravado.

Bottom line is neither you or I (and as I've already demonstrated I know a lot more about your stadium than you) know how far this JR will go. Most people with an ounce of common sense thought we'd get AV ie the site would be shared. But all that went t1ts up.

From what I've heard the local resident is wealthy and game to take this case as far as possible. They wouldn't be in it for any other reason.

It's got nothing to do with Sainsburys either, more likely WYG Planning or the Council who were the two parties dealing with the application.

As for AG, don't make me laugh. There will be barely any local opposition to that application.

Plus we have already had permission recently for a larger capacity redevelopment.

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Yeh fair play you've come on here plucking your feathers, trying to be bolshy, lots of bravado.

Bottom line is neither you or I (and as I've already demonstrated I know a lot more about your stadium than you) know how far this JR will go. Most people with an ounce of common sense thought we'd get AV ie the site would be shared. But all that went t1ts up.

From what I've heard the local resident is wealthy and game to take this case as far as possible. They wouldn't be in it for any other reason.

It's got nothing to do with Sainsburys either, more likely WYG Planning or the Council who were the two parties dealing with the application.

As for AG, don't make me laugh. There will be barely any local opposition to that application.

I think you are quite right, AG should get permission with relatively little fuss. For a Judicial Review to proceed some sort of procedural error needs to be demonstrated. For AV, that consisted of the city council making a mistake on the maps outlining the area to be designated as a town green. That opened the door to the bizarre ongoing farce everyone is familiar with.

You would expect Sainsbury's to have their part of it watertight, as for the council end of it, you would think that they would be desperate not to make another basic error. Time will tell.

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I think you are quite right, AG should get permission with relatively little fuss. For a Judicial Review to proceed some sort of procedural error needs to be demonstrated. For AV, that consisted of the city council making a mistake on the maps outlining the area to be designated as a town green. That opened the door to the bizarre ongoing farce everyone is familiar with.

You would expect Sainsbury's to have their part of it watertight, as for the council end of it, you would think that they would be desperate not to make another basic error. Time will tell.

You would think BUT this is BCC we are talking about, so who knows.

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The ground was left for future generations to enjoy in memory of those that died in the Great War, by selling and turning said ground into a supermarket no matter where the location may be besmirches that memory.

This keeps getting bandied about but does any actual documents exist. I think you're wrong as to me the actual memorial will always be the gates, and if the whole ground is a memorial the the rugby club has technically desecrated it by continually altering it, but that conveniently gets forgotten. the other thing that makes me chuckle is clifton rfc played there long before bristol so could technically say its their spiritual home. The rugby club did very well off of a ground they scrounged off someone way back when, i also find it ironic that the one person who played an absolute blinder to whip up hatred over the sale of the mem also owns the rugby club, mock me if you want but look at the timelines

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This keeps getting bandied about but does any actual documents exist. I think you're wrong as to me the actual memorial will always be the gates, and if the whole ground is a memorial the the rugby club has technically desecrated it by continually altering it, but that conveniently gets forgotten.

So it's just the Gates that are a memorial? The Gates aren't the entrance to the actual memorial itself ie. the Memorial Ground?

I thought it was given to the Rugby club for sport to be played in memory of fallen soldiers (hence why ground improvements can hardly be described as desecrating a memorial) but obviously you know this definitely isn't the case.

Thanks for clearing this up.

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I was still hoping ashton vale still had a decent chance of getting the goahead but when I see news like this it just reminds me that nothing gets built inside the city boundaries anymore.I don't think the gate rebuild will be approved without a whole host of unforeseen problems either.nimbys or the pathetic greenies involved somewhere probably the both of them.

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The gas selling the mem is morally wrong. I hope someone has found a clause. It was given to Rugby players who gave their lives. I hope it is Sl and he has found a way to give it back to the rugby club. But I don't think it will be. Ground needs to be given to the clubs to develop decent stadiums. Forget nimbys etc . Selling a war memorial is despicable end of

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i also find it ironic that the one person who played an absolute blinder to whip up hatred over the sale of the mem also owns the rugby club, mock me if you want but look at the timelines

Who's been whipping up hatred over the sale of the Mem?

Do you mean Steve Lansdown when you say "owns the Rugby club"? If so why would Steve Lansdown not want BCFC and the Rugby club under the same roof?

It's just the Gates that are a War Memorial, yeah?

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This keeps getting bandied about but does any actual documents exist. I think you're wrong as to me the actual memorial will always be the gates, and if the whole ground is a memorial the the rugby club has technically desecrated it by continually altering it, but that conveniently gets forgotten. the other thing that makes me chuckle is clifton rfc played there long before bristol so could technically say its their spiritual home. The rugby club did very well off of a ground they scrounged off someone way back when, i also find it ironic that the one person who played an absolute blinder to whip up hatred over the sale of the mem also owns the rugby club, mock me if you want but look at the timelines

Your talking sh1te!

It was the ground that was built as a memorial as stated on the gates themselves

"1914-1918 - in proud and grateful memory of the services rendered to their country in the Great War, by rugby football players of Bristol. This ground was established 1921.

1939-1945 - and in the World War of 1939-45, the rugby football players of this city gave their services and their lives. To them also this ground is a memorial."

All this bullcrap about how they are retaining the gates is irrelevant as its a listed structure, they have no choice. The stadium itself is not listed but it is the "memorial" so don't let any stinking sag try and tell you otherwise

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Looks like its TRASH and the Green Party behind the JR application.

No surprises there then.

They'll have a benefactor lined up with the funding no doubt.

Some of them reckon its Lansdown himself, so filled with rage that 'a new era is coming' that he will do anything to try and stop them in their tracks. His evil red eyes green with envy as the good ship Gas gathers momentum (haa harr, me mateys!), leaving behind those scurvy dogs from BS3 etc.

I really don't know what ******* planet some of them live on.

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Some of them reckon its Lansdown himself, so filled with rage that 'a new era is coming' that he will do anything to try and stop them in their tracks. His evil red eyes green with envy as the good ship Gas gathers momentum (haa harr, me mateys!), leaving behind those scurvy dogs from BS3 etc.

I really don't know what ******* planet some of them live on.

Planet Paranoia.
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