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Fontaine To Yeovil


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Dont give a shit, as long as hes gone from here for good...

I think your posts above with respect was quite much. After all, he hasn't been in bad form on purpose. I really hope he regains his confidence but I won't be holding my breath!

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It was definitely time for him to move on in the summer if not before. But how do you shift a well paid pro when his only suitors might only be pretty desperate lower league clubs?

Nobody deserves the kind of abuse he was getting as he came on to the pitch against Palace. Whatever you think of him as a player, do you honestly think you were doing the team any good by this?

Hope it works out at Yeovil. At least he'll get a few games grace...

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No time for Fontaine , glad he's gone, but you conjure up three bad results he was involved in and suggest there's a pattern? Simplistic in the extreme.

In that case, let's look at the defensive performance by the entire team over the end of the Johnson era, the Coppell blip and the Millen/McInnes/O'Driscoll road to relegation, although to be fair I don't think the blame for the current situation has got that much to do with O'Driscoll.

2009-10. Five home clean sheets, seven away. Conceded 65 goals in 46 league games. Fontaine played in 36 of those games (78%) including the 6-0 home defeat against Cardiff.

2010-11. Nine home clean sheets, seven away. Conceded 65 goals in 46 league games. Fontaine played in 31 of those games (67%). Worst home defeat that season was 0-4 against Middlesbrough. Fontaine came on as sub for Kalifah Cisse when we were losing 0-2.

2011-12. Five home clean sheets, four away. Conceded 68 goals in 46 league games. Fontaine played in 26 of those games (56%). Worst home defeats were 0-3 to Leeds and Ipswich. No need to guess who started in both those games.

2012-13. Four home clean sheets, two away. Conceded 84 goals in 46 league games. Fontaine played in 41 of those games (89%). Worst home defeat: 0-4 to Leicester. Fontaine was in the starting XI.


Look at the difference between 2011-12 and 2012-13. We conceded 16 more goals last season and Fontaine played in one less game than he did in 2008-09, when we only conceded 54 goals in the Championship.

So to put it bluntly, In the last four seasons, we've conceded fewer goals when he's had less playing time.

11th August 2013: we lose 5-4 to Coventry at Sixfields after being 3-0 down at half time. As the Romans used to say 'Quod Erat Demonstrandum'. As I wrote earlier, he should have gone a long time ago.

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Just so in clear on the rules here.....

It's ok for many on here (even those who dont go to games) to give Fontaine, Kilkenny, LJ, amongst many others including club legends like Carey & Tinnion, dogs abuse - yet a player forwarding on someone else's message that Fonts hasn't been treated very well.... That makes him the Devils spawn...?

Do I have that correct...?!

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Surprised a lot of folks here are expressing their desire to see him back after January and hoping he can regain his confidence and form.

Don't forget the following :

1) He's out of contract at the end of this season.

2) He's one of our highest earners (if not THE highest).

3) He'd already been dropped.

4) We don't have much cover at CB at present, so presumably he no longer features in SOD's plans.

5) He's leaving for a higher division, but on OUR terms - there's no way we'd let him go on loan if he was to play a part this year.

All in all, it's my belief that SOD was willing to give him a chance this season, but he continued to perform poorly and make mistakes, so SOD has been ruthless and basically said he's not worth what I'm paying him. A risky move as we are short in that area, but in my opinion the right move, as SOD clearly sees no future for him.

He might return to us in Jan, but he won't feature. Don't expect to see him in a City shirt again.

That is seriously sharp analysis.

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Well for me its now the right move for fonts. Going to put my tin hat on and say we ruined him. He became the scapegoat, yes he had off days as did everyone but he got singled out. Confidence already shot was gone forever

Yes fonts got worse but only when we the fans did. Untill we get to the point where we accept blame across the board including us we are going nowhere.

Wish fonts all the best he was no Maynard never trashed us just lost confidence like me and you.

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Well for me its now the right move for fonts. Going to put my tin hat on and say we ruined him. He became the scapegoat, yes he had off days as did everyone but he got singled out. Confidence already shot was gone forever

Yes fonts got worse but only when we the fans did. Untill we get to the point where we accept blame across the board including us we are going nowhere.

Wish fonts all the best he was no Maynard never trashed us just lost confidence like me and you.

Six of one, half a dozen of the other. Yes, the fans gave him a hard time, but even the most tolerant snapped after cockup after cockup after cockup.

I wish him well but he's better off elsewhere.

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If he does that he will not come back ! who would want to come back to a club which has supporters that continually deride you instead of encouraging you , who needs mates like that ?

I really feel sorry for the way things went for Fonts and some of the abuse he got against Palace was well out of order ......... but his form has been dire for a very long time, athough I don't particularly blame Fontaine for that, but a succession of managers who should have seen his confidence was totally shot to pieces, but kept selecting him regardless. If ever there was a case of giving a player some time off to get his head together, this was it.

I'd guess if Fontaine had asked to be left out it could have been considered breach of contract, so if he was picked, he would have to play. Do wonder what must have been going on in his head, because in most games in the last year, he's looked totally lost.

Hope this is the break that him, the club and the supporters all needed and he definitely needs to view his future elsewhere, for everyone's good.

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Well for me its now the right move for fonts. Going to put my tin hat on and say we ruined him. He became the scapegoat, yes he had off days as did everyone but he got singled out. Confidence already shot was gone forever

Yes fonts got worse but only when we the fans did. Untill we get to the point where we accept blame across the board including us we are going nowhere.

Wish fonts all the best he was no Maynard never trashed us just lost confidence like me and you.

I'm afraid that's nonsense. He was a fans' favourite; a ultra-reliable backline fixture, at a time we conceded few goals but had dodgy strikers.

It was his post failed transfer loss of form - protacted failure - that lost. him the crowd.

God knows, people were prepared to give him long enough to refind his confidence, but time after time we were dissapointed and time after time it cost us points.

So to sum up, he didn't get criticism and then lose form, he went to pieces and then eventually got criticism.

Sad, but it happens. I always laugh when I see that ultimate football cliche "form is temporary but class is permanent" trotted out.

If that was the case, Marcus Stewart would've been a good signing for us! In football, as in every other sphere, people's ability can just drop away. I think this is the case with Liam. If I'm proved wrong then fair play to the man. I hold him no personal animus.

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Totally mismanaged by DMC. I think that s.o.d hoped as did I that the summer break and a fresh start in a lower division and a rebuilt team would rejuvenate him. But it obviously wasn't going to work. he looked shot away totally lacking in confidence + relationship with the fans destroyed. I've criticised him myself. But I doubt if we'll ever see him in a city shirt again so let's put the hatred to bed and remember that for a few seasons he was very decent, so thanks for your service liam, but you leaving is for the best!

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Well for me its now the right move for fonts. Going to put my tin hat on and say we ruined him. He became the scapegoat, yes he had off days as did everyone but he got singled out. Confidence already shot was gone forever

Yes fonts got worse but only when we the fans did. Untill we get to the point where we accept blame across the board including us we are going nowhere.

Wish fonts all the best he was no Maynard never trashed us just lost confidence like me and you.

I must admit I am struggling to work out how one of our most reliable and potentially gifted players became such a liability - and yes I am talking about a few years ago. I think you have hit the nail on the head - there was definitely a link between the (at times uncalled for) abuse and his performances.

Chicken and egg - which came first? I don't know but I cant help feeling this is not a good situation for BCFC and its not the first time a player who has shown great potential ends up in a bad place.

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Totally mismanaged by DMC. I think that s.o.d hoped as did I that the summer break and a fresh start in a lower division and a rebuilt team would rejuvenate him. But it obviously wasn't going to work. he looked shot away totally lacking in confidence + relationship with the fans destroyed. I've criticised him myself. But I doubt if we'll ever see him in a city shirt again so let's put the hatred to bed and remember that for a few seasons he was very decent, so thanks for your service liam, but you leaving is for the best!

Agree totally.

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No Neil the treatment has been justified, the performances you and Liam Fontaine have given over the last two years have been APPALLING. If you two clowns looked like you even gave a shit you might have got some slack for actually being shit.

And that's the nail on the head. We've had shit players in the past, but you can't fault their effort. Clayton Fortune and Partridge and made me ill whenever he was playing, but he always got my full support when out on the pitch.

Fonts is a classy player; but he genuinely looked like he couldn't give a toss about the team when we were rock bottom; when HE was captain and leader. Always picked, seemed to smirk, never said anything and seemed to not want to play for DmC.

He was gutless and uncommitted to the cause in my opinion. Even though he is easily a championship standard centre back; im so glad we are shot and now we can all move on ....

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I'm struggling to follow this argument that the fans got on his case before he was shit - and that made him lose form.

Liam was cut more slack then Slack Alice on National Slackness Day. We all wanted him to play as we knew he could, but in dozens of games he showed he either couldn't anymore or wouldn't anymore.

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LJ and Fonts. Who will be the next scape goat?

Think the question should be rephrased : ''who will be the next incompetent tw** to justifiably receive rounded criticism by the majority?''

So long as Killkenny keeps his mouth as mute as his contribution to our side, I can't think of anyone. I fear for Elliott, but think he's actually shown a bit of bollox and taken some pride in himself and the club. Fielding, another candidate has been, on the whole, sound. Nothing like the shite delivered from the poor 'scapegoats' of recent times.

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When you lose form so spectacularly, and consistently, as Fontaine has over an extended period there's no other way out than a change of club, and a fresh start. The fact that it's with a previous manager, who obviously rated you earlier in your career, is a bonus. Let's not be too upset for him - he's made a decent living out of city, and will continue to earn from the game for a few more years yet.

Like most other city fans, I used to rate Fontaine highly, and was glad when his name was read out on matchdays - but that was a long time ago, and those days are gone. The fact that several city managers have found it difficult to recruit solid, consistent, commanding centre-halves shows that it isn't easy to do, but at least now we don't have Fontaines salary as a further constraint.

Doubt we will see Liam in the red shirt again, even if he goes well at Yeovil. All good things.....................!

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It was only a couple of weeks ago that I read on here he had been abused by City fans while out with his young son.

Not one person on here would accept that,most of us would have probably hit the abusers, ( I know I would have) but he had to walk away because doing that could have finished his career.

No footballer can play well if being constantly got at by his OWN supporters.

He had to get away,it was his only option.

As others have said, whose going to be next though.

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Baffled why GJ would even want Liam Fontaine on his recent form. On paper Fonts was the leader of the worst defensive team in the championship last season,

GJ - you are about to make the same mistakes at championship level - move on Gary or you will be looking at League 1 again (which is probably gonna happen anyway in view of Yeovil's spending power or lack of it).

I guess GJ is hoping Fonts becomes the player he was - unlikely and a massive gamble. I wish Fonts all the best...it's amazing the turnaround in his career to date. From excellent to average to very poor at this time.

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