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Anti-Homophobia Campaign


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Homosexuality is not the same as racism. A person is usually immediately identifiable by their race, whereas their sexual preferences can easily remain private. If gangs of football fans were rampaging through Old Market on a Saturday night attacking gays then I would support action but the truth is they are not. Let us enjoy our football at Ashton Gate and people who want to dress as giant rainbows or whatever rocks their boat can do they without a big campaign.

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The biggest problem I see towards Homophobia is the media...

It seems every time I turn the TV on or open a paper, some geezer is mincing about and turning every conversation into to some sexual reference.

Live and let live... but don't force it down peoples throats... it pisses some people off. Just act friggin normal and i'm sure everything would be ok.

It seems to me their is an over proportionate amount of homosexuality portrayed in the media and shown on tv compared to the population.

Would anyone else agree with me on this?

I only know two lads who are a couple and they agree with this.

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The biggest problem I see towards Homophobia is the media...

It seems every time I turn the TV on or open a paper, some geezer is mincing about and turning every conversation into to some sexual reference.

Live and let live... but don't force it down peoples throats... it pisses some people off. Just act friggin normal and i'm sure everything would be ok.

It seems to me their is an over proportionate amount of homosexuality portrayed in the media and shown on tv compared to the population.

Would anyone else agree with me on this?

I only know two lads who are a couple and they agree with this.

Spot on, it is like the Gay Pride in Bristol, I don't want to see it and I don't want my kids to see it. Blokes dressed as women and all that over the top nonsense. Keep it for the bedroom, that is not about Gay rights and protecting gay people, and everything about sensationalism and sticking two fingers up to the majority.

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The biggest problem I see towards Homophobia is the media...

It seems every time I turn the TV on or open a paper, some geezer is mincing about and turning every conversation into to some sexual reference.

Live and let live... but don't force it down peoples throats... it pisses some people off. Just act friggin normal and i'm sure everything would be ok.

It seems to me their is an over proportionate amount of homosexuality portrayed in the media and shown on tv compared to the population.

Would anyone else agree with me on this?

I only know two lads who are a couple and they agree with this.

Fnaar! (sorry)

IMO the simple answer is that gay people are over-represented in TV / entertainment output because there are proportionately more working in those industries than in the general population. I'd suggest this is because these are creative industries, have a higher proportion of gay people already so provide a more welcoming work environment, and tend to be based in big cities where there will be a gay social life. Another over-representation compared to the general population is Jewsih-themed output, there are a lot of Jews in the media so it affects the output (big recent series by Simon Schama), whereas I can't remember the last time I saw (say) a Buddhist-themed programme. I don't think in either case that there is an agenda, just that the industry that generates these programmes is reflecting itself rather than your average small-town community.

I agree about the continued sexual reference stuff, I turn over if somebody like that is on, but the historian David Starkey (for example) is somebody I find makes superb TV programmes, I was surprised to read that he was gay as he is about as far from the stereotyped mincing type that you could get. I wouldn't have thought anybody would choose not to watch a programme because he was presenting it.

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Buying poppys is to remember the fallen and the money goes to charity.

Wearing rainbow laces means "you accept homosexual footballs", even if you didn't you would still wear the laces so you don't come across as homophobic.

Players won't come out just because Marvin Elliott had colourful laces, fans won't change because of it.

More needs to be done like banning fans for chants etc.

Maybe fans won't change as a result but at least it'd show any homosexual footballer who was scared to come out that the players in the dressing room would be supportive. That has to be a good thing.

I can't help feeling a huge number of people in this thread are missing the point somewhat - it's nothing to do with forcing anything down people's throats - just being able to get on with your normal life without being judged. As a heterosexual man, I can walk down the street holding hands with a girlfriend or introduce her to my friends or talk to my work colleagues about her without fearing any kind of judgement or reaction. If a gay footballer feels they have to hide their sexuality, then they can't do those very simple things that everyone should be able to do.

Stonewall aren't idiots - they've been trying to get equal rights for homosexuals for years and are more than smart enough to know that this campaign isn't going to change all footballer supporters' minds overnight. But at least it'd be a symbol of support for the right of people to be able to live their lives doing the normal things that people in relationships do. And that's not about political correctness or forcing anything down anyone's throats - just pure, simple, basic human decency.

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Why should anyone be supportive of somebody who is gay?!

It's not some illness or a deadly virus that they have contracted, that has come along and changed the quality of their life.

Surely the whole issue of someone being gay isn't worth even commenting on, isn't that what leads to equal rights..? Not having cringeworthy campaigns for every single "minority" which force everyone to jump on band wagon after band wagon.

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Islam views homosexuality as a sin, as do some Christians. With a growing number of Muslim footballers in the UK and a growing number of fundamental Christians from 'Latin' backgrounds, it would be interesting to see how many would outright refuse to wear rainbow laces like some have appeared uneasy with advertising betting and alcohol.

It always makes me laugh when you see politically correct middle class white councillors not knowing where to turn when they are faced with a homosexuals v Muslims situation like what has happened in some Bristol schools. They are desperate not to offend either but have no real solution. My answer would be, stop trying to make everyone think exactly the same and let people have differences and accept that 99% of footballers or football fans don't want rainbow laces!

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Fnaar! (sorry)

IMO the simple answer is that gay people are over-represented in TV / entertainment output because there are proportionately more working in those industries than in the general population. I'd suggest this is because these are creative industries, have a higher proportion of gay people already so provide a more welcoming work environment, and tend to be based in big cities where there will be a gay social life. Another over-representation compared to the general population is Jewsih-themed output, there are a lot of Jews in the media so it affects the output (big recent series by Simon Schama), whereas I can't remember the last time I saw (say) a Buddhist-themed programme. I don't think in either case that there is an agenda, just that the industry that generates these programmes is reflecting itself rather than your average small-town community.

I agree about the continued sexual reference stuff, I turn over if somebody like that is on, but the historian David Starkey (for example) is somebody I find makes superb TV programmes, I was surprised to read that he was gay as he is about as far from the stereotyped mincing type that you could get. I wouldn't have thought anybody would choose not to watch a programme because he was presenting it.

I really don't know what to say to most of this

Firstly, can you explain what you mean by "gay people are over-represented in TV/the media"? I on't remember seeing loads of 'Gays Only' TV channels when clicking through my Sky. Or indeed I've not found that the BBC or ITV or C4 has hours and hours of programming that is gay themed or clearly aimed at the gay community. If you're referring to the number of homosexuals acting on tv or presenting tv shows... homosexuals in the performing arts?! Wonders will never cease!!! What do you want to do; put a quota on the number of gays allowed to be on tv at any one time

And an over-representation of Jews in the media? You seem to be basing this on one documentary series by Simon Schama; where are all these Jewish tv shows I'm missing? For that matter, who are all these Jewish presenters and actors that I'm not aware of? Heaven forbid I'd be watching Jews on telly without even knowing it!!!

Your last point on David Starkey is just horrendous. So what you're saying is that he wouldn't make a great TV show if he was more camp? Would it somehow affect his ability to talk about history and politics? Are gays not allowed to make serious, thought-provoking television? Do they need to restrict themselves to Alan Carr-esque puns so you can pigeon-hole them back in the 1980s?

You sir, are the reason that campaigns such as this one still need to happen

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Why should anyone be supportive of somebody who is gay?!

It's not some illness or a deadly virus that they have contracted, that has come along and changed the quality of their life.

Surely the whole issue of someone being gay isn't worth even commenting on, isn't that what leads to equal rights..? Not having cringeworthy campaigns for every single "minority" which force everyone to jump on band wagon after band wagon.

In an ideal world, no it would not be worth commenting on. But unfortunately we live in a world where homosexuals are abused and discriminated against for having a lifestyle different to the standard. While that is still the case, then awareness campaigns like this have to occur
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Islam views homosexuality as a sin, as do some Christians. With a growing number of Muslim footballers in the UK and a growing number of fundamental Christians from 'Latin' backgrounds, it would be interesting to see how many would outright refuse to wear rainbow laces like some have appeared uneasy with advertising betting and alcohol.

It always makes me laugh when you see politically correct middle class white councillors not knowing where to turn when they are faced with a homosexuals v Muslims situation like what has happened in some Bristol schools. They are desperate not to offend either but have no real solution. My answer would be, stop trying to make everyone think exactly the same and let people have differences and accept that 99% of footballers or football fans don't want rainbow laces!

Firstly, I don't think players should be forced to wear the laces- I don't think anyone is suggesting they should be. You cannot enforce tolerance on people, it's an oxymoron. I would hazard from your posts that you have an issue with homosexuals, but I wouldn't want to force you to come to a different conclusion- it is your right to disagree or dislike their lifestyle as much as it is for them to be able to live it. But, I will ask again; in what way does it affect you if a player decided to wear rainbow laces on Saturday? How would it affect your enjoyment of the game?
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In an ideal world, no it would not be worth commenting on. But unfortunately we live in a world where homosexuals are abused and discriminated against for having a lifestyle different to the standard. While that is still the case, then awareness campaigns like this have to occur

Awareness?... Awareness? Seriously?... like I said in a previous post you can't watch TV or open a magazine or paper without there being some campaign for Homosexuals or one parading about and mincing in front of you or complaining.

The public are aware... too bloody aware... it's almost forced down your throat.

I'm sick of reading about Homosexuals, Muslims and Racists... There is always someone complaining about their lot in society, but in these cases it's often disproportionate to the general population.

The reason I suspect certain subjects get up peoples noses... like the three aforementioned, is because it's constantly in your face...people are sick of hearing about it.

The Human Race are all different... you can't make everyone agree on certain things.

Live and let live... but don't force it down peoples throats all the time.

I'm sure a big majority would be more willing to accept then.

In fact I do think the majority accept these days... it's a minority that don't... so why do they keep banging this poor hard done by drum all the time?

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Awareness?... Awareness? Seriously?... like I said in a previous post you can't watch TV or open a magazine or paper without there being some campaign for Homosexuals or one parading about and mincing in front of you or complaining.

Sounds like you have some sort of problem mate to be honest. Alot of anger and nonsense spouted over something that doesn't bother most people.

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I really don't know what to say to most of this

Firstly, can you explain what you mean by "gay people are over-represented in TV/the media"? I on't remember seeing loads of 'Gays Only' TV channels when clicking through my Sky. Or indeed I've not found that the BBC or ITV or C4 has hours and hours of programming that is gay themed or clearly aimed at the gay community. If you're referring to the number of homosexuals acting on tv or presenting tv shows... homosexuals in the performing arts?! Wonders will never cease!!! What do you want to do; put a quota on the number of gays allowed to be on tv at any one time

And an over-representation of Jews in the media? You seem to be basing this on one documentary series by Simon Schama; where are all these Jewish tv shows I'm missing? For that matter, who are all these Jewish presenters and actors that I'm not aware of? Heaven forbid I'd be watching Jews on telly without even knowing it!!!

Your last point on David Starkey is just horrendous. So what you're saying is that he wouldn't make a great TV show if he was more camp? Would it somehow affect his ability to talk about history and politics? Are gays not allowed to make serious, thought-provoking television? Do they need to restrict themselves to Alan Carr-esque puns so you can pigeon-hole them back in the 1980s?

You sir, are the reason that campaigns such as this one still need to happen

You are assuming that I have a problem with this, I was explaining why the media is not representative of the population.

What examples do you need? Dr Who, new version. Main writer is gay, a main character is gay in real life, consequently there are gay references in the show.

Thought for the day R4, regular Jewish thought for the days, other minor religions get a look in maybe at Christmas (yes, I see the irony).

I have spent my life working in offices where the number of gay people is between about 1 in 30 or 1 in 50, and I expect that is typical. As a result I have virtually no exposure to gay culture / lifestyles so when I see it on telly portrayed as the norm it does appear to be about a world that I don't live in.

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I guess thats what the campaign is saying, would it surprise you if it was the case?

Who knows. Lets hope Japseye isnt reading this one.

I don't believe football fans are less tolerant than any other group. They are more honest about what they think. To quote John Lennon -

First you must learn to smile as you kill,

If you want to be one of the folks on the hill.

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Awareness?... Awareness? Seriously?... like I said in a previous post you can't watch TV or open a magazine or paper without there being some campaign for Homosexuals or one parading about and mincing in front of you or complaining.

The public are aware... too bloody aware... it's almost forced down your throat.

I'm sick of reading about Homosexuals, Muslims and Racists... There is always someone complaining about their lot in society, but in these cases it's often disproportionate to the general population.

The reason I suspect certain subjects get up peoples noses... like the three aforementioned, is because it's constantly in your face...people are sick of hearing about it.

The Human Race are all different... you can't make everyone agree on certain things.

Live and let live... but don't force it down peoples throats all the time.

I'm sure a big majority would be more willing to accept then.

In fact I do think the majority accept these days... it's a minority that don't... so why do they keep banging this poor hard done by drum all the time?

I have no idea what papers you read and what TV channels you watch, but they ain't the same as me...

As I've asked others elsewhere; in what way does it adversely affect your life if a few players in a Bristol City shirt have rainbow laces on at Swindle on Saturday? Fair enough if there was a pride march around the pitch at half time and everyone was compelled to hold hands and sing 'I Will Survive' by Gloria Gaynor, but I don't think that's currently in Stonewall's campaign plan for the coming year

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I don't believe football fans are less tolerant than any other group. They are more honest about what they think. To quote John Lennon -

First you must learn to smile as you kill,

If you want to be one of the folks on the hill.

I don't think it's football fans, but any large crowd is probably less tolerant than the norm; adrenaline, excitement... Mob mentality and all that. I don't think on an individual basis a football crowd is any less tolerant than the average, but there is still a fair amount of intolerance on show at football grounds up and down the land
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