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When Did The Wheels Fall Off


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He left by mutual consent, the mutual consent bit was a deal done between him and s.l whereby GB went quietly and in return the, club kept as quiet as possible about the Plymouth incident. decent lower league manager, undoubtedly as long as he's not givren any money to spend or allowed to employ members of his own family, would I ever want him back here? no,no, no.

You do know which league he's in now, don't you?

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So his time was up. If he'd stayed as manager and we got relegated, who would have been the best man to get us promoted again? GJ of course. So we sack, have 4 managers in 4 rubbish years.Look where he's got Yeovil now, why do football clubs and supporters think we have to sack at the first sign of trouble or even relegation, because relegation will probably happen anyway eventually, we proved that.

He didn't do so well at Peterbro' I seem to remember, and Northampton wasn't really a runaway success was it?

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I'm very well aware that GB is currently in the championship, I'm also sure that he won't be their beyond this season I also happen to think that when yeovil to get relegated it might be just the start of their slide! cus Garry sure as hell won't leave any foundations for them to build on!

After gaining promotion to the Championship twice, as well as getting us in a position to be 90 minutes away from the Premiership, you only rate him to be a decent lower league manager.

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Transfer window January 2008 - Hull signed Frazer Campbell we signed Dele Adebola and changed our way of play.

Could have signed other players then as well that could have pushed us up automatically.

Thereafter, GJ's constant reference and loyalty to "this group of players who put us where we are" ; cost him his job and put us on a downward spiral that has lasted for almost 6 years!!!

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Are you serious?

Have you looked at our accounts for the last five years?

Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.

I refer to the club not investing properly in the playing side while trying to screw as much out of the supporters as possible. This has resulted in many disgruntled paying customers venting their opinions on here and in the local media, which is a good indication of when things haven't been done correctly. The club have made poor decisions on management and player recruitment which have led to massive losses which have been spread over many seasons, since the times I refer to. We have failed to invest in the areas needed (primarily defense) in what seems to have been a gamble during wage negotiations with possible new players, those negotiations have all failed and probably are the main reason for our relegation.

We have then ended up in a situation of having to get rid of players while in a weak position of negotiation, rather than paying the going rate for a player (the right player). We would have been much better off changing our other unwanted overpaid playing staff, from a position of relative strength and not as a neccessity, ie: not relegated.

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Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.

I refer to the club not investing properly in the playing side while trying to screw as much out of the supporters as possible. This has resulted in many disgruntled paying customers venting their opinions on here and in the local media, which is a good indication of when things haven't been done correctly. The club have made poor decisions on management and player recruitment which have led to massive losses which have been spread over many seasons, since the times I refer to. We have failed to invest in the areas needed (primarily defense) in what seems to have been a gamble during wage negotiations with possible new players, those negotiations have all failed and probably are the main reason for our relegation.

We have then ended up in a situation of having to get rid of players while in a weak position of negotiation, rather than paying the going rate for a player (the right player). We would have been much better off changing our other unwanted overpaid playing staff, from a position of relative strength and not as a neccessity, ie: not relegated.

I was referring to your comment that 'the club has been run with finances at the forefront'.

For the two years to May 2012 we spent nearly £35 million on wages alone! That's a staggering figure and not really indicative of a company being run with finances at the forefront, wouldn't you say? Can you really say the board should have spent more? If so, how much more? £50 million, £75 million?

The real problem is that most of that money was squandered by a succession of managers on some very questionable signings. We've certainly not had value for money from that level of outlay (I don't think anyone would argue with that) but I would put most of the blame for that on our managers, rather than the board (although as you rightly say, the board are ultimately accountable for appointing those managers).

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I see it differently, I don't see the wheels coming off. I see it as a dodgy gear box. We've been stuck in reverse for a while but there are slight signs we are about to go into neutral ... we'll be stuck there for a while until we find first gear again. Will be in gear but unable to get in a higher gear, the engine will start to overheat and we'll slip back into neutral then reverse again so my advice to this club.. get a new bloody gearbox.

This gearbox has never been reliable since we lost to man united in the fa cup final.

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When all this stadium stuff started. Also the phantom palace goal at the gate.

It' has always been my belief that as soon as SL took his eye off the ball, and started working on the stadium we started to drift.

Now I love Ashton Gate, but still feel AV is a wonderful opportunity, and I don't believe it is dead.I am not totally blaming SL, as we have a board of DIRECTORS who are suppose to direct our club forward, and not put us out of business.It is the directors who have put in a policy of younger players, with the whole club on a tighter budgett. So older, high paid staff have been replaced, as most of the people on this forum were crying out for. So this is not S O D policy, he has bought into it and is trying his best. But he is lead my the board of directors. I happen to believe it is the right policy for a club in the situation we are in, of a large loss over the past seasons and finding it self in the 3rd division of the football ladder. We have to go with it and see were we end up at the end of the season. A couple of league wins soon and on the bounce will bring the smiles back.

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I was referring to your comment that 'the club has been run with finances at the forefront'.

For the two years to May 2012 we spent nearly £35 million on wages alone! That's a staggering figure and not really indicative of a company being run with finances at the forefront, wouldn't you say? Can you really say the board should have spent more? If so, how much more? £50 million, £75 million?

The real problem is that most of that money was squandered by a succession of managers on some very questionable signings. We've certainly not had value for money from that level of outlay (I don't think anyone would argue with that) but I would put most of the blame for that on our managers, rather than the board (although as you rightly say, the board are ultimately accountable for appointing those managers).

No I don't think the board should have spent more, just more wisely. I wasn't advocating that they threw good money after bad, I didn't intend there to be anything to indicate that in the content of my post either.

Perhaps I didn't make myself clear in the first statement, and been more specific. I should have stated that the club had been run with finances at the forefront, on issues not directly related to the footballing side of things.

Obviously there were massive consequencies to the player recruitment and wage negotiations which have led to the current level of debt. So it was a question of looking after the pennies while wasting the pounds. It was almost like the club being run as two different businesses. There were cost cutting, price increases and staff cuts happening on the business side, with mismanagement on the playing side, they then came together on the end of year balance sheet.

Obviously mistakes were made on the level of players wages/recruitment in the early championship years. This probably was a factor in the gamble taken last season, to not pay out for the recruitment of the correct type of player to help keep championship status.

Just talking about this makes it all the more obvious how precarious the football business is. I'm sure Mr Lansdown thought each appointment made, or agreed player signing and subsequent wages represented a good chance his investment would prove successful. Along with the delays over AV, he must be feeling pretty shit now, apart from being sat on a pile of spondies.


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Transfer window 2008, that's where the money should have been spent. Even if we would have gone straight back down the parachute payments would have put the club in a much stronger position.

Attracting players wouldn't have been a problem, offer wage increase for promotion to prem considering the position we were in and a reduction for relegation. It was a no brainer and a gamble that wasn't taken which has resulted in much more money wasted.

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Transfer window 2008, that's where the money should have been spent. Even if we would have gone straight back down the parachute payments would have put the club in a much stronger position.

Attracting players wouldn't have been a problem, offer wage increase for promotion to prem considering the position we were in and a reduction for relegation. It was a no brainer and a gamble that wasn't taken which has resulted in much more money wasted.

I love how no ones replied to your post!!!

If we had invested with 12 games to go we would probably have pipped stoke to second place. We dropped so many points in that period and only picked up for the play offs....

We are a club in massive decline and I wouldn't be surprised to see us playing rovers in league 2 sooner rather than later!!!

Said it before and nothing's changed, this club is rotten to the core!!!

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Love how people still blame millen (or Mullen as he is so humorously called) he took over a sinking ship when saint Garry lost the plot and lost 1 in 14 as caretaker. In his only full season as manager he comfortably kept us in the championship, his reward? dogs abuse from people who thought we should have had ,a bigger name running us,OK when the parting of the ways came it was the right decision but neither of his successors have exactly improved on his record have they?

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When SL lost interest ... And put his unqualified Son in charge... And promoted within a few years for abject failure..

I wish I could be so shit at my job and get a promotion.. SOD your job is safe as houses son, Cus we are used to shit down here.

This which was not far behind our Wembley high spot.

We have been in freefall since, many fans believed SL re AV but it was just talk, he wasn't up for the battle never has been.

The club is now full of puppets doing what there puppet masters want when they pull the strings.To many yes men no leadership.

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Transfer window 2008, that's where the money should have been spent. Even if we would have gone straight back down the parachute payments would have put the club in a much stronger position.

Attracting players wouldn't have been a problem, offer wage increase for promotion to prem considering the position we were in and a reduction for relegation. It was a no brainer and a gamble that wasn't taken which has resulted in much more money wasted.

Correct. GJs unwillingness to sign a proven goalscorer then was the most massive mistake (there were ones available), been downhill ever since.

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The Wheels came off when GJ was disgracefully hounded out the club by a section of so say supporters.

There is some element of this that is true. Fans were booing mid place championship position but on the whole I think the club wanted to progress in the championship. I don't think we would have got relegated with GJ but he wasn't turning it round and that's why he got replaced. It ended up being the wrong decision as look at us now

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