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Just Back From Shopping


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That's good to hear, performance level is far more important than picking up (clubcard) points.

I understand her decision making is getting better, though a spot of dithering in the biscuit isle could have been costly... You'll have to deal with that. It's one of the few downsides of picking a young missus.
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As a very experienced shopper myself can I stress how important it is to get formation and tactics right before the hectic Christmas/ New Year period. If you aren't spot on you will be left behind and disappoint many with what you manage to pick up. You may redeem yourself if you are lucky in the January sales, but remember nearly everybody else will be trying that too. Good luck, it's a battlefield out there!

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Just remember the thing with using the January sales as a means to bolster your collection isn't always the answer, in this environment you have to shop and it your cloth accordingly.

It's easy to get carried away with buying a cheap Ralph Lauren polo shirt, but what if you are only buying it because you can't really afford that ma strum jacket you want, round holes with square pegs syndromes, just got the sake of buying something in the January sales.

The mistake I've often made is to discard a flashy summer purchase that's very striking and flash but doesn't go with much, or is to much of a luxury, then realise that I really could of done with it as soon as I've got rid of it to someone else.

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Just remember, the Xmas and New Year period is approaching fast. Mrs Jacko and I have traditionally struggled with form at that time of year, so we're going to start stockpiling as of this weekend and hopefully get some points on the card.

Although Mrs Jacko sometimes comes up with baffling selections on the weekly list, let's not forget that at this point in time, she's STILL the Gaffer. And I for one will be sticking with her for now.

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Much improved performance by the missus, very efficient as I pushed the trolley round.

I thought about jokes around the trolley being in a design transition and not mattering if it crashes etc but then reverted to a few related jokes just for fun!

It’s funny you mention supermarkets...

'I went down the local supermarket, I said, "I want to make a complaint, this vinegar's got lumps in it", he said, "Those are pickled onions".

I approached a very beautiful woman in the large supermarket and asked,

"You know, I've lost my wife here in the supermarket. Can you talk to me for a couple of minutes?"


"Because every time I talk to a beautiful woman my wife appears out of nowhere."

I was stealing things in the supermarket today while balanced on the shoulders of vampires. I was charged with shoplifting on three counts.

Sorry, I’ll stop there - as we aren’t used to fun on this forum!?

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I hope the supermarket staff realise the important role they play. Yesterday in Sainsburys I felt they were just waiting for me to slip up and forget something from my list.

Overall I thought I shopped quite well, but I did get decaf instead of normal coffee and I failed to notice the 2-for-1 on digestives. Individual mistakes that cost me dear.

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Would you suggest changing tactics for those tricky European games away to the likes of Aldi and Lidl?

This is a good point. I find that these shops can produce a different problem each time, new items, "when it's gone it's gone" shelves etc. Not to mention those baskets of random items they stick in the middle of the store stocking everything from pins to elephants! How adaptable is she?

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