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England V Montenegro Match Thread


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Back to the game; it appeared to me every time Sturridge got the ball anywhere in the Montenegro half, he'd let fly and the ball went well over the bar. I was surprised therefore he was given the penalty to take at the end. Unless of course that was 1. to keep his enthusiasm up and 2. it wouldn't matter if he missed that as well.

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I think under UK law they can be. However, what Chiles said was un-PC at best and its a typical UK media storm in a teacup. That said, I hope Chiles gets sacked so we don't have to put up with his fat stupid face any more

This. It's not necessarily a clever thing to say, but what does it say about the state of our society when you can't make a small joke about these sorts of things? It's hardly that offensive.

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I don't care what Chiles said - it's not racist. In this country it appears some people think you are racist because you say you are proud to be English.

But Chiles is not good at his job, he irritates me, he is unprofessional, and ITV would do themselves a great favour by finding someone else to do the job. I never watch the ITV match build up, the bit at half time, or the summing up/review section at the end due to him.

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