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This Season... Why I Am Enjoying It...


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It doesnt at all, it's actually a very good discussion, as usual you completely miss the point so you can belittle others who follow the same team,  Hierarchical fans, indeed. I'm still waiting for a discussion on that as opposed to returning to the you do'nt watch games discussion ( which you dont know if I do or not and you never will)


All I ask is that you try and understand that people have different views and that many get that you are gung ho in your support and stuff. It's good to see people that passionate, doesnt make mine or anyone elses view incorrect. Spudski's a good poster, so happy days all around!

Thanks for the compliment at the end... ;-)

I appreciate and enjoy discussions... regardless of peoples different perceptions.


I do believe we are getting the tactics right... it's just individual errors that are killing our results. You can't do anything about that apart from keep instilling confidence into our players.


You give many reasons not to go down... but with respect, you don't offer any alternatives apart from 'things must change'.


If you could offer things that could be done better, and by whom and how, then maybe I could understand your theories more.

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No worries re compliment is,  you dont have to agree with some one to recognise a decent poster, which is why was concerned before your mini sabbatical


As for rest, I'm not sure the tactics are right, we always seem to set up with an element of 'fear' of the opposition, rather than playing our own game first and foremost. can be see with the same mistakes in defense in general over and over again irrespective of the personal change. We invite way to much pressure on the back four in general and that means something will give as there is not always respite and as a result there are errors.


The players dont always seem sure of what their roles are. SO'D himself has alluded to this several times more recently so perhaps a more clearer and concise rather than too complicated way of things may help short term, and not distract from, the plan. 


There's two things could help



And your two points do have credence.


I still think our tactics are right... it's just getting the players to understand and make the right decisions...always.


I also think the players panic sometimes and don't do as SoD has asked them... he's alluded to this too... especially in our last game.


One when we start punting it and two when we defend too deep... players not doing the job they've been asked to do it seems.

What can you do if you make a plan and the players panic and don't do as they are told?


It's getting them to change it will take time. It's interesting what Jose thought about Joe Cole and his reasons for getting him out of Chelsea... because no one had stood up to his talent as a youngster and guided him in the right direction.


At least SoD is willing to guide our players in the right way to play and understand why they are doing certain things.

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... I just thought i'd share a view, of why I am enjoying watching City play this season, and why I have hope for the future.


The first thing I did, was clear my head of all the past seasons, and what has gone on before.

They are all in the past, and we can't do anything about them apart from learn from our mistakes... moaning about them doesn't change anything.


I've forgotten about our near miss with the Prem and any thoughts of Ashton Vale... there is no point...it just clouds our present situation.


We find ourselves in League 1, under new financial restrictions set out by the football League, and a relatively new and changed Board ( it is what it is, we have to live with it ). A new Blueprint set out by the Club, that is trying to build from the Academy up and develop and blood youngsters.

A few old heads brought in to share knowledge and experience... a better Scouting system and a manager that has been asked to work within these confines and put in place a 'Footballing' culture that will build a strong foundation for the future.


How I see it... it's like watching a brand new Club that is just starting out... almost like a 'phoenix from the flames'...


I have no aspirations of what to expect... because it is uncomparable  to previous seasons and to what other Clubs are trying to do in our Division.


I could have walked away and thrown my hands up in despair at what has happened to us.

I could have thought about all the money and time and effort I've thrown at following City and not enjoying it... ( I have... but that's all gone and in the past )


So... I find myself watching a manager trying to develop a footballing culture at our Club and trying to do the right things. He doesn't have much money, his hands are tied in many ways and he has a few players tied up on expensive contracts that he doesn't want there anymore.


He's brought in young hungry players and some experience. He's blooding youngsters and trying to get them to play football... entertaining football... getting them to make the right decisions and molding them into footballers... intelligent footballers. ( something the majority of us have wanted for years )


He listens to the fans... talks with the fans and explains what's going on at the Club... it almost feels like a family Club again... almost non league ( which imho a great feeling )


He listens to knowledgeable fans regarding new players and what is available out their, and does this regularly ( I know this for a fact ) How refreshing...


I've sat and watched... listened to the manager speak... and made my own conclusions and judgements...


I see a Team developing... trying to play possession based, patient, entertaining football ( something to be proud of )... I see youngsters trying... I see mistakes... I see passion... I see despair at their own individual errors... I see commitment... I see a team to be proud of, that is trying, but falling short in some departments.... I see a work ethic and a plan...


I don't see overpaid prima donnas who don't give a ****... I don't see quick fix football.... I don't see panic... I don't see Clueless managers....


I've fallen back in love with our Club again... it's not perfect... I can see what they are trying to do...


I can support or give up... I've chosen the former...


I watch through new eyes... I want us to do well...


I want my fellow fans to get behind the team... forget the past... create a fortress... be proud of our young team... admire what we are trying to do... look at other teams, and feel sorry for them... because most are doing what we used to do....


The future looks bright in my eyes... don't look at where we are in the League now... watch and be inspired by what we are trying to create...


It's a lovely feeling being able to see a 'new born' club being developed into a 'Footballing' Club.


Just thought i'd share my feelings and why i'm enjoying it this season... maybe worth a try for all those not enjoying it so much?


Lets hope your talking as much nonsense in April when the club drop through trap door to join your neighbors

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 You don't which games I do and dont attend, so please give it a rest, is so dull.


You don't though, do you..? That is our point. It seems that, in general, those that are actually watching the games can see the positives that are there, where as who don't - Can't.


In a nutshell, that pretty sums up my point and that of many other posters, I do believe.

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I've only read the OP on this thread, but had to reply - beautiful spudski ... one of the best posts I've ever read. I'll be looking out for your posts in future.

Thankyou... I try my best. :-)


Unfortunately some on here can't give constructive criticism... only throw away comments with no depth... I only wish they would realise what damage such negativity does to the Club.


I really wish we could all unite... even if some don't like SoD.. it's all for the good of the Club we all love.

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You don't though, do you..? That is our point. It seems that, in general, those that are actually watching the games can see the positives that are there, where as who don't - Can't.


In a nutshell, that pretty sums up my point and that of many other posters, I do believe.


That's precisely what I try to say - and get accused of boasting about going to the games :facepalm:

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I'm with the OP - there is something massively refreshing about the (almost) clean slate of this season.


It's no surprise to anyone, I'm sure, that some city fans cannot get their heads around our current plight. No worries. Best if they stay away until things are more to their liking - the negativity they bring to AG is not helping anyone.   

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So, again, this thread follows the line of many others - with people who actually attend the games, understanding and seeing what the potential positives are whilst those who do not regularly attend take a look at the league table, form their opinion based purely on the fact that we currently have a 0 under the "W" column and then harp on about everything that, i totally agree, has been wrong in the past - yet who are actually asking for yet more of the same by demanding SOD out, to be replaced by another short term quick fix, rather than let a bloke who clearly has a plan, method and genuine interest in improving our club, do his thing - even if it isn't all as rosey straight away as we would all like to see.

I was just thinking the same thing, I've only been to a couple games, Brentford will be my third, and even after the first I saw, MK Dons, I could see a different attitude and style and walked away knowing we would be fine this season, mid table I reckon.

Then I noticed the ones moaning on here and twitter were sat at home on a Saturday and were just result fans.

I've lost count now of the games I've been to and after read comments on here that bare no resemblance to what I've just watched.

Its fine if like me you can't get to every game but watching the scores come in, listening to dreadful commentary, looking at the league table, then moaning like you know better than the manager doesn't really make sense to me.

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Fair play Spudski, I think you are certainly looking at things with a fresh perspective. I can see both sides of the argument however.

It is a results business, and although we are playing some decent football in places and have a long term 'vision', I fear if we are still near the bottom come Xmas the fans and the board will be getting twitchy with SO'D at the helm

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Just result fans, you smug ++++, I never missed a match home and away for 18 years, but then I got married, you know kids, boom and bust, and now with the gate money so much I can't afford it, let alone the fuel for a 90 mile round trip, if that's all right with you.

But I am willing to bet I am more passionate about City then most, so don't tell me I don't count.

I said its fine not to go to games, LIKE ME, for whatever reason, money, health, distance or just can't be bothered, and yes you can be passionate..... But you can't start commenting like you know better than respected managers, its impossible to know the true story if you weren't there.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble of thinking your in the know of all things City, if you don't go you don't know the full story.

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I was just thinking the same thing, I've only been to a couple games, Brentford will be my third, and even after the first I saw, MK Dons, I could see a different attitude and style and walked away knowing we would be fine this season, mid table I reckon.

Then I noticed the ones moaning on here and twitter were sat at home on a Saturday and were just result fans.

I've lost count now of the games I've been to and after read comments on here that bare no resemblance to what I've just watched.

Its fine if like me you can't get to every game but watching the scores come in, listening to dreadful commentary, looking at the league table, then moaning like you know better than the manager doesn't really make sense to me.


It doesn't really make sense to me, but I do understand why people do it. If that's all the information you have, then it's on that you'll form your opinions. For a while, we had match highlights on YouTube, which helped, but that seems to have stopped. And please don't suggest Player - it's the biggest crock of excrement outside the Daily Mail group.

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It doesn't really make sense to me, but I do understand why people do it. If that's all the information you have, then it's on that you'll form your opinions. For a while, we had match highlights on YouTube, which helped, but that seems to have stopped. And please don't suggest Player - it's the biggest crock of excrement outside the Daily Mail group.

Yes I can understand how people get passionate without being there but some of the posts and tweets blaming Lee Johnson, Cole Skuse, Liam Fontaine, So'D when you weren't even there is ridiculous.

Agreed Player is rubbish.

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It doesn't really make sense to me, but I do understand why people do it. If that's all the information you have, then it's on that you'll form your opinions. For a while, we had match highlights on YouTube, which helped, but that seems to have stopped. And please don't suggest Player - it's the biggest crock of excrement outside the Daily Mail group.


Well, I'm sorry to burst the bubble of all you happy clappers, but I'm a season ticket holder, have been for many years, and I am utterly fed up with what's happening to my club at the moment. I haven't missed a home game for years, so I can see things with my own eyes, thank you very much.


Those of you who think we are playing lovely football at the moment are kidding yourselves. The performances against Peterborough, Shrewsbury and Colchester were rubbish, and even your blessed Head Coach (peace be upon him) described last week's performance at Wycombe as pathetic and disgraceful.


So, where's the progress? And those of you who are quite happy to tell yourselves that all will be well in 5 years' time are presumably the kind of simpletons who believe in some kind of heavenly paradise after your death, despite there being an utter lack of evidence for it.


Some of you have even said that you don't mind another relegation! **** me, you're mad. Relegation will be the death of this club. Crowds of 5,000 if you're lucky, all the reasonably decent players will leave, and the Lansdown family will be out of here. 


Wake up City fans!! Wake up!! Football fans are supposed to be cynical, frustrated and unhappy, and should NOT be satisfied with being 23rd in League One!!!!


Some of you so called City fans are accepting mediocrity far too readily. You are a disgrace.

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Well, I'm sorry to burst the bubble of all you happy clappers, but I'm a season ticket holder, have been for many years, and I am utterly fed up with what's happening to my club at the moment. I haven't missed a home game for years, so I can see things with my own eyes, thank you very much.


Those of you who think we are playing lovely football at the moment are kidding yourselves. The performances against Peterborough, Shrewsbury and Colchester were rubbish, and even your blessed Head Coach (peace be upon him) described last week's performance at Wycombe as pathetic and disgraceful.


So, where's the progress? And those of you who are quite happy to tell yourselves that all will be well in 5 years' time are presumably the kind of simpletons who believe in some kind of heavenly paradise after your death, despite there being an utter lack of evidence for it.


Some of you have even said that you don't mind another relegation! **** me, you're mad. Relegation will be the death of this club. Crowds of 5,000 if you're lucky, all the reasonably decent players will leave, and the Lansdown family will be out of here. 


Wake up City fans!! Wake up!! Football fans are supposed to be cynical, frustrated and unhappy, and should NOT be satisfied with being 23rd in League One!!!!


Some of you so called City fans are accepting mediocrity far too readily. You are a disgrace.

Simple - get your hand in your, obviously, very deep pocket, pay Mr L off, and show us all how its done (just ignore anyone who mentions FFP).

God be with you.

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Well, I'm sorry to burst the bubble of all you happy clappers, but I'm a season ticket holder, have been for many years, and I am utterly fed up with what's happening to my club at the moment. I haven't missed a home game for years, so I can see things with my own eyes, thank you very much.


Those of you who think we are playing lovely football at the moment are kidding yourselves. The performances against Peterborough, Shrewsbury and Colchester were rubbish, and even your blessed Head Coach (peace be upon him) described last week's performance at Wycombe as pathetic and disgraceful.


So, where's the progress? And those of you who are quite happy to tell yourselves that all will be well in 5 years' time are presumably the kind of simpletons who believe in some kind of heavenly paradise after your death, despite there being an utter lack of evidence for it.


Some of you have even said that you don't mind another relegation! **** me, you're mad. Relegation will be the death of this club. Crowds of 5,000 if you're lucky, all the reasonably decent players will leave, and the Lansdown family will be out of here. 


Wake up City fans!! Wake up!! Football fans are supposed to be cynical, frustrated and unhappy, and should NOT be satisfied with being 23rd in League One!!!!


Some of you so called City fans are accepting mediocrity far too readily. You are a disgrace.

It's all very well ranting on here... but fans like yourself just rant and never offer a solution... it seems you are expecting miracles my friend, not others.

Offer a solution and who could do better, and maybe people will take you seriously and have a reasoned debate with you...

No one is satisfied... but it seems you just want wham bam thankyou mam... how about a bit of foreplay to get your juices flowing, and a longer more pleasureable teasing experience so you keep coming back for more ;-)

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It's all very well ranting on here... but fans like yourself just rant and never offer a solution... it seems you are expecting miracles my friend, not others.

Offer a solution and who could do better, and maybe people will take you seriously and have a reasoned debate with you...

No one is satisfied... but it seems you just want wham bam thankyou mam... how about a bit of foreplay to get your juices flowing, and a longer more pleasureable teasing experience so you keep coming back for more ;-)

I'm not expecting miracles, but you and your ilk clearly are because you believe that all will be well in 5 years time, despite there not being any evidence that this will be the case. 


I don't want a reasoned debate. Just a rant. I'm a football fan, not a ******* philosopher.

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I'm not expecting miracles, but you and your ilk clearly are because you believe that all will be well in 5 years time, despite there not being any evidence that this will be the case. 


I don't want a reasoned debate. Just a rant. I'm a football fan, not a ******* philosopher.

Ah right your prerogative... Another for the ignore button then... I suggest you do likewise as we're not going to get along.

Enjoy your ranting... I suggest you watch your football on the Downs... sounds like your sort of level... not all football fans rant... it's why Clubs treat us like cannon fodder because of fans that just rant and don't think... long may you enjoy being treated like a 2nd class citizen with that attitude... some of us are trying to be positive on here and enjoy our football... sounds like you need a bit of love in your life... here's a big hug to a fellow City fan ;-)

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Well, I'm sorry to burst the bubble of all you happy clappers, but I'm a season ticket holder, have been for many years, and I am utterly fed up with what's happening to my club at the moment. I haven't missed a home game for years, so I can see things with my own eyes, thank you very much.


Those of you who think we are playing lovely football at the moment are kidding yourselves. The performances against Peterborough, Shrewsbury and Colchester were rubbish, and even your blessed Head Coach (peace be upon him) described last week's performance at Wycombe as pathetic and disgraceful.


So, where's the progress? And those of you who are quite happy to tell yourselves that all will be well in 5 years' time are presumably the kind of simpletons who believe in some kind of heavenly paradise after your death, despite there being an utter lack of evidence for it.


Some of you have even said that you don't mind another relegation! **** me, you're mad. Relegation will be the death of this club. Crowds of 5,000 if you're lucky, all the reasonably decent players will leave, and the Lansdown family will be out of here. 


Wake up City fans!! Wake up!! Football fans are supposed to be cynical, frustrated and unhappy, and should NOT be satisfied with being 23rd in League One!!!!


Some of you so called City fans are accepting mediocrity far too readily. You are a disgrace.


I think you're wrong. I think there was enough in the Colchester and Shrewsbury games to encourage me that things are getting better. But that's just my opinion - at least yours (and mine) are based on evidence rather than conjecture.

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That's the problem... many view our league position as our only guide at the moment.


I see it differently. I've watched us play regularly this season... we are playing well... it's small individual errors that are killing us for results... not our system of play or our defence as a whole... once we lose the individual errors and players start making the right decisions... we'll be fine... it really isn't like the past few seasons where we were woeful as a team.


We are going in the right direction...


This reminds me of some analysis on Match of the Day (or Motd2) last season when Southampton were pretty low down the table and conceding goals for fun. The analysts were showing that they were doing the basics right and constantly being undone by individual errors. The broad agreement seemed to be that once the individual errors stopped occurring they would be fine and that ended up being the case.

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This reminds me of some analysis on Match of the Day (or Motd2) last season when Southampton were pretty low down the table and conceding goals for fun. The analysts were showing that they were doing the basics right and constantly being undone by individual errors. The broad agreement seemed to be that once the individual errors stopped occurring they would be fine and that ended up being the case.

And that's exactly how I see it mate... a good analogy their.

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I think you're wrong. I think there was enough in the Colchester and Shrewsbury games to encourage me that things are getting better. But that's just my opinion - at least yours (and mine) are based on evidence rather than conjecture.

The fact we are drawing with those teams makes me sick what positive do you get from those results?? im sorry but do you even realise who you support? were not man utd but christ if your happy with that mate then theres no covincing you!! and for gods sake dont ear mark sheffield utd to me they came down two years ago and were competing at the very top end of league one for the last two seasons, and have sold all thyere best players, we have come straight down and are struggling again

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The fact we are drawing with those teams makes me sick what positive do you get from those results?? im sorry but do you even realise who you support?

You just aren't getting it, still..!

Nobody is pleased with the results at the moment but the majority of us can see that there is enough in most performances to have faith that things are going in the right direction overall, DESPITE results.

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Gotta love this madhouse we all call OTIB, firstly excellent post Spudski, secondly, i dont go to many games but i listen to the commentary every match i can and thats pretty much all, so i dont see it with my own eyes but i hear it, and we are soooo much better than previous season. 

Try listening to the oppositions commentary on world they dont think were crap, they often think they have been lucky to win, not all matches but a fair few. i am so happy with the way foward, the results no, but they will, imho get those wins. we will and are progressing.


i also understand the grumbles, but as my mate said (A Leeds supporter), who follows us with interest, when watching the city v rovers match, and i quote "Jesus, mate. they are so much better as a team".


I also chose to forget the history as it is generally seems a new ethos is growing, i hope im right.


but more serious why does spotify say if i like muse i should like status quo, thats like if i love City i should also like Rovers Pah !!  :laughcont:

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I don't want a reasoned debate. Just a rant. I'm a football fan, not a ******* philosopher.

STTR...While I dont agree with your assessment (deleted) I do agree with your sentiment!


God I so wish there were more that are actually prepared to say what you have said above, instead of the constant inane arguing over complete garbage few have insight into. The amount of petty, my keyboard is bigger than your keyboard, crap on here is mindblowing!  


You are Sparticus fella!  

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