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Warnock For Me

Cap flinger

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Warnock said in a talk sport interview about 2 weeks ago that he did not want to go back into management long term but could see him being asked to do a short term role after xmas to try and keep a club up.

personnally I think he is loathsom winger and think if we took him on some sort of short term gamble, then could ruin the club long term, as we would still need to find a new manager for which ever league we end up in. perhaps someone who then has to sort out Warnocks mess or new players he has brought in and change of playing style.

the other interesting fact was he has played or managed 32 clubs and never returned to any of them, if he was that good you would think someone would want him to return

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Warnock said in a talk sport interview about 2 weeks ago that he did not want to go back into management long term but could see him being asked to do a short term role after xmas to try and keep a club up.

personnally I think he is loathsom winger and think if we took him on some sort of short term gamble, then could ruin the club long term, as we would still need to find a new manager for which ever league we end up in. perhaps someone who then has to sort out Warnocks mess or new players he has brought in and change of playing style.

the other interesting fact was he has played or managed 32 clubs and never returned to any of them, if he was that good you would think someone would want him to return


Even if that's true about a short term, this club has had too much short term, it's one of the reasons we're such a mess! If we bring in Warnock under the understanding that it's just for half a season it's basically saying "we're bringing in someone to help us avoid relegation but leave us in the same situation to start next season" as whomever would replace him would be in the same situation as SOD was.


A quick fix results in a much longer long term problem, if that's the route this club takes then I for one might return back to watching the Ice Hockey until the club gets it's act together. I love this club, I always will but as much as the identity of the club still remains the workings are old fashioned, broken and being run by idiots who don't know football at all.

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He's said on Talksport this morning he's not ruling out a return to Birmingham as director of football.

Not sure a team bottom of league 1 is quite as appealing prospect as some on here believe.


He said that role at ANY club he would consider.


We're closer to home than Brum.

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I know where you are coming from Noggers but at the Swindon game my dislike of the useless Brummie nearly meant fisticuffs with a fellow red and I'm too bleeding old for that crap.

While SOD is still around, my games will be limited and it appears I'm not alone.

Totally agree wih the sentiment normally but having a ruck over a manager isn't on my agenda but sticking by my view is WTGR.

Yes I know how angry you were mate, and although we have very different ideas in many ways about SOD we are agreed on his interviews. SOD angered me so much after the gas and Swindon games and I was as angriy as you. Despondent angry ( and in pain) made for a miserable drive back from Swindon.

I hate Sods interviews and have decided not to listen to them. Its not the pausing, that can reflect an inteligent person ....which I believevhim to be....its just the depressing tripe that comes out. The critising fans for being over exhubriant as against the gas and not helpful in other games that makes my blood boil. That said I believe he is still our best option right now.

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Yea bet he will love to manage a club at the bottom of league 1, especially with the history between the club and colin.


Disagree with you there. Been quoted as saying he'd have loved to have managed Bristol City. saying that admittedly it was a few years back but being in Plymouth its not that far

Even recently laughed about his times with city fans.

As for this "Warnock is a long ball merchant" well I've not seen pretty football since Danny Wilsons first season. plus you could hardly say Palace and QPR were horrible to watch.

Id have Warnock like a shot

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Warnock for me, but this club would rather stick with a manager who has accumulated 34 pts from 35 games, fab !


Not for us he hasn't. But I'll be delighted if his record reads like that in 4 games time, as it will mean we've won 3 and drawn one*l!!


P31, W5, D10, L16, F35, A51, PTS 24. Win Ratio 16%



* sneaky edit :facepalm:

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