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I Don't Give A Flying **** Who Comes In.


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Tony Mowbray... Just a name to throw into the ring. Would need to read more into how he performed at Boro, who clearly were on a cost cutting exercise but did well at the Albion and had them playing well, although to get them from NPower to Prem as a perenial imbetween may not be much. May have missed some reasoning why not as shooting from the hip, and I do wonder would he consider this job even if available (all eyes at the board - if a candidate they should be able to answer that question).

2013 - Won 5, Drawn 9, Lost 19. How's that?

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After losing 1-4 at home, maybe Hollowhead will be available?

Maybe. Hopefully does not impact upon who has the hotseat at AG.

The board have been given leeway for a lot, but I'd genuinely be happier to see us nosedive than have that self-rightous clown in charge. Fall, but we can still maintain our dignity. Appoint Holloway, and we are no better than Cardiff is my honest opinion. I don't believe there is a more damning indictment than what that 'club' has become and sold its soul for in recent years.

IF and I emphasise IF because no matter how wet behind the ears I deem JL, and no matter how limp I deem the board, I don't believe that they are capable of it... But if we were to appoint Holloway, my ties with this club would be cut until not only he went (regardless of what he may or may not deliver) but the board and the majority shareholder also.

I would rather suppost a sub-conference BCFC and below, than support any BCFC avec Mr Holloway.

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If you dont give a" flying ****", as you so elquently put it, to who comes in then why are you worried about who's at the helm


Ill make it clear that i fully support SOD and what he is trying to do.


Who says that if we sack him and appoint someone new that it will turn our season around, that certainly didn't happen when we swapped McInnes for SOD did it?


Who would anybody want to come to us? Nobody half decent would realisticly want to come to us, they would have no money to spend, a team on low moral wondering what the hell is going on with a new manager in again as i understand it they like SOD and are backing him to succeed and one that is bottom of the league!!


People are throwing names out like Clough? Deary me, he achieved absolutly nothing at Derby County and knows nothing about how to get a side out of League 1 and play good footbal at the same time.


We would need to employ somebody that has a track record of getting teams promoted on a low budget while playing good football and blooding youngsters at the same as if the board employed somebody that didn't fill that mould they and thier master plan would look even worse than they already do.


SOD is what we need at this football club, give him and the players time. I believe it will work. We are supporters so lets actually support the team.

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If you dont give a" flying ****", as you so elquently put it, to who comes in then why are you worried about who's at the helm


Ill make it clear that i fully support SOD and what he is trying to do.


Who says that if we sack him and appoint someone new that it will turn our season around, that certainly didn't happen when we swapped McInnes for SOD did it?


Who would anybody want to come to us? Nobody half decent would realisticly want to come to us, they would have no money to spend, a team on low moral wondering what the hell is going on with a new manager in again as i understand it they like SOD and are backing him to succeed and one that is bottom of the league!!


People are throwing names out like Clough? Deary me, he achieved absolutly nothing at Derby County and knows nothing about how to get a side out of League 1 and play good footbal at the same time.


We would need to employ somebody that has a track record of getting teams promoted on a low budget while playing good football and blooding youngsters at the same as if the board employed somebody that didn't fill that mould they and thier master plan would look even worse than they already do.


SOD is what we need at this football club, give him and the players time. I believe it will work. We are supporters so lets actually support the team.



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Just to clarify...


...in an ideal world, of course I would not want to see Hollowhead or Tiny Penis anywhere near this football club.


The reason that I have stated (maybe apart from the above) that I don't particularly care who comes in, is that whoever it would be (the above included, actually), would doubtless be able to grab at least one win out of twenty league games (twenty-one now). 


I am sick of hearing his excuses/stalling for time interviews...


...not a single win in twenty-one league games...


...is there any other "manager" in the football league ever to survive this?...


...genuine question btw.


And please don't come back with 'transition' or 'FFP' bollocks... there are plenty of other clubs under the same restrictions.

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Just to clarify...

...in an ideal world, of course I would not want to see Hollowhead or Tiny Penis anywhere near this football club.

The reason that I have stated (maybe apart from the above) that I don't particularly care who comes in, is that whoever it would be (the above included, actually), would doubtless be able to grab at least one win out of twenty league games (twenty-one now).

I am sick of hearing his excuses/stalling for time interviews...

...not a single win in twenty-one league games...

...is there any other "manager" in the football league ever to survive this?...

...genuine question btw.

And please don't come back with 'transition' or 'FFP' bollocks... there are plenty of other clubs under the same restrictions.

So you would sell your soul and compromise your beliefs and principles for the odd win here and there, with no plan or structure..?!
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