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All Armchair Football Fans Calling For Sod's Head....


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..... A serious question...


Do you really think you know better than the likes of Brendan Rogers and Arsene Wenger...who have both recently spoken about how good a manger SoD is, and how impressed they are with his way of coaching?


Or are you purely frustrated at the results, and are posting without thinking straight?


Would you like to watch City play like a Rogers or Wenger style team... because that's how I see us developing.


Funny...you never hear the likes of such managers praising Warnock or Di Canio to name two that have been mentioned on here.


Everyone associated with the Club is frustrated... but do we throw our toys out the pram and rant and rave and then sulk... or go about this in a professional manner.


Too many knee jerk reactions by the Club in the past... time to fight together.

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..... A serious question...


Do you really think you know better than the likes of Brendan Rogers and Arsene Wenger...who have both recently spoken about how good a manger SoD is, and how impressed they are with his way of coaching?


Or are you purely frustrated at the results, and are posting without thinking straight?


Would you like to watch City play like a Rogers or Wenger style team... because that's how I see us developing.


Funny...you never hear the likes of such managers praising Warnock or Di Canio to name two that have been mentioned on here.


Everyone associated with the Club is frustrated... but do we throw our toys out the pram and rant and rave and then sulk... or go about this in a professional manner.


Too many knee jerk reactions by the Club in the past... time to fight together.

Great post. This club is doing things the right way for the 1st time in quite a while. Time to stick together, not PANIC and revert to our old ways! If that calibre of coaches/managers are talking about SOD like that, then maybe some should listen?

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..... A serious question...

Do you really think you know better than the likes of Brendan Rogers and Arsene Wenger...who have both recently spoken about how good a manger SoD is, and how impressed they are with his way of coaching?

Or are you purely frustrated at the results, and are posting without thinking straight?

Would you like to watch City play like a Rogers or Wenger style team... because that's how I see us developing.

Funny...you never hear the likes of such managers praising Warnock or Di Canio to name two that have been mentioned on here.

Everyone associated with the Club is frustrated... but do we throw our toys out the pram and rant and rave and then sulk... or go about this in a professional manner.

Too many knee jerk reactions by the Club in the past... time to fight together.

At what point are us armchair followers allowed to react?

I'm not suggesting SO'D should be sacked at the moment but if this run continues in the same vein through to Christmas, do we still blame this 'transition'? Do we wait until next season sat in the lower echoes of the fourth division?

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..... A serious question...


Do you really think you know better than the likes of Brendan Rogers and Arsene Wenger...who have both recently spoken about how good a manger SoD is, and how impressed they are with his way of coaching?


Or are you purely frustrated at the results, and are posting without thinking straight?


Would you like to watch City play like a Rogers or Wenger style team... because that's how I see us developing.


Funny...you never hear the likes of such managers praising Warnock or Di Canio to name two that have been mentioned on here.


Everyone associated with the Club is frustrated... but do we throw our toys out the pram and rant and rave and then sulk... or go about this in a professional manner.


Too many knee jerk reactions by the Club in the past... time to fight together.


I wonder why neither of those have ever offered him a job?


I'm content for a few more weeks for SOD to try and get this bright new future rolling, but threads like this are just pointless, unless you're trying to prove your superior intelligence or that you are somehow a better fan than those who want him out.


I personally don't give a shit what Arsene Wenger thinks of him, at the moment he's taking my football team on the worse run in its entire history, and we're heading for division 4. He has to sort it out pronto.




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Maybe not, but the point is that SOD is clearly not producing the results here - maybe the wrong man for this particular job at this time?

Maybe, personally I feel the right man at the right time. He's certainly the best manager at this level at producing the type of football we want to see on a small budget making use of the academy.

I feel a bit more patience and we can come through this and be better off for it.

I can certainly see why fans are fed up and want him gone, I'm pro SoD but I'm starting to get worried.

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Not sure if I am qualified to answer given I'm not an armchair fan and have called for SOD's head (although mellowed on that front over the past 2 weeks) but... if I may:


No I do not think that I am more qualified to opine on SODs abilities as a manager. But.... I would politely suggest that perhaps I am more qualified to suggest whether SOD is the right man for this job right now having closely followed the club for a long period and followed closely what he has done thus far here for us. Good managers at one club do not always make good managers for another. This can depend upon circumstances, what has been inherited, constraints against which they must work etc etc etc.


There are plenty of managers out there who have worked wonders at one club but not the next: Venables, Erikkson, Iain Dowie (tongue in cheek), Martin O Neill, perhaps Mr Rodgers himself over a short period at Reading, perhaps a certain Mr Del Boy.


I respect the views of Mr Wenger and Mr Rogers and they are good men to have on your side. It is good that they respect SOD and I'm sure they have very good reasons to do so.


Whilst I think given the long term SOD will have a good effect on our club, a point I made a while back and I stand by is that there is no place for patience in the modern game. I say this because FFP and the new Academy rules and the new TV rights deals now all serve to keep the fodder at the bottom and let the bigger clubs pull further apart. Going down, even risking going down, cannot be an option for this club. Whilst Soton, Norwich have gone down and pulled up miraculously they were not playing with the cards so very heavily stacked against you like relegated teams are from now on in.


Patience was a virtue, and there was once a place for it, but not anymore in my opinion.


As for Mr Wenger and Mr Rogers showing their respect for Mr SOD that's great. But it isn't working out right now for us and whatever the outcome of this job will not make him a bad manager. It may be right man, wrong time....

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Spudski, I'm just going to direct you to my response to your post from 3 days ago which was saying similar things




I've read your previous response and appreciate the time and effort you put into it.


However... whoever is in charge will have to coach/manage within the refines of the Clubs new philosophies.


That doesn't mean the style of play with be the same though.


Each manager has his own way of playing.


Say for example Warnock was in charge... there is no way he would be playing the same type of football as SoD is.

He would be asked to use Academy and youth and within the clubs wage restrictions....just like SoD has been asked to.


SoD has brought in players to specifically play his way... players he thinks he can develop and mold.


Somehow I can't see many managers available, coming in, and using the playing staff we have at our disposal and making it work 'their' way.


We keep sacking managers since GJ's days... each time we've gone backwards.


As for GLYRILEY's comment of 'I'm content for a few more weeks for SOD to try and get this bright new future rolling, but threads like this are just pointless, unless you're trying to prove your superior intelligence or that you are somehow a better fan than those who want him out.'


Where the hell do you get that from in my OP? I've not been superior in my thoughts to anyone on here...or made out i'm better... I simply asked whether Armchair fans think they know better than the likes of Rodgers and Wenger.... kinnel talk about over reaction and seeing things that aren't their... it seems you like to pick on the poster rather than the post mate and it's not the first time...

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In fairness there are armchair fans fully supportive of SOD , so whether fans attend games or not is not, I think, the big factor here.


No, the big issue is our league position, and the fact that we still haven't won a league game since the abdication! The simple fact is that the average football fans opinion is more influenced by the success ( or lack of) of their team out on the pitch than any other single factor. We have endured an horrendous period of stumbling failure, culminating in relegation to league 1 and many will have looked to this season as a chance to re-group and rebuild. Unfortunately, we have just not got results and hitting the bottom of the table will have only exacerbated the growing frustration of  many fans.


In that context I can understand if many fans will not give a flying fig what Wenger and Rodgers think of SOD (including many who do attend games), because they will rightly or wrongly judge him solely by what he achieves out on the pitch -  results not performances.


As has been the case all too often in recent seasons, we are in a position where fans opinions are polarised and given our current situation, this does no one any good at all. As I have said on many occasions I think the clubs long term plan is genuine and the only way we can go, especially from a financial standpoint. The fact that bringing through young players  and coaching a passing game from top to bottom of the club is a consequence of those financial constraints is for me a bonus, as we have played pretty dire football for too long.


I feel that SOD is the right manager to see this through long term, but also concede that league position and lack of wins is making it increasingly difficult to see his tenure continuing for much longer. Jon Lansdown's commitment not to give in to fans demands is all very well, but the board are skating on thin ice with a growing number of fans already and I cannot see how the board can possibly risk alienating even more by retaining a manager seen to be failing especially if results fail to improve and , heaven forbid ,we are faced with another relegation.


The only thing I will say is that whatever the level of frustration, I do think that fans need to think through the possible consequence of getting shot of SOD. I've read fans suggesting that they don't care who replaces him  i.e. anyone but SOD, but the previous 3 manager replacements left us worse off than when they took over. I've seen Warnock suggested  and that we should ditch any long term plan and go for a year by year 5hit or bust approach!


Many fan are pretty sceptical about the board, but I hope that they look at things in a more  constructive basis than some of our fans.

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Maybe not, but the point is that SOD is clearly not producing the results here - maybe the wrong man for this particular job at this time?


Again we come back to: who on earth would have been the right man??


SOD's CV over the past 12 years is tailor made for succeeding at this level on a limited budget and playing football the right way...


Why would Bristol City be the only blot on his CV? Why are Bristol City the only blot to date on Derek McInnes' CV?


The answer to the currently perennial question of, "why are we so shit?" cannot keep being "it's the manager's fault?" CAN IT??

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I've read your previous response and appreciate the time and effort you put into it.


However... whoever is in charge will have to coach/manage within the refines of the Clubs new philosophies.


That doesn't mean the style of play with be the same though.


Each manager has his own way of playing.


Say for example Warnock was in charge... there is no way he would be playing the same type of football as SoD is.

He would be asked to use Academy and youth and within the clubs wage restrictions....just like SoD has been asked to.


SoD has brought in players to specifically play his way... players he thinks he can develop and mold.


Somehow I can't see many managers available, coming in, and using the playing staff we have at our disposal and making it work 'their' way.


We keep sacking managers since GJ's days... each time we've gone backwards.


As for GLYRILEY's comment of 'I'm content for a few more weeks for SOD to try and get this bright new future rolling, but threads like this are just pointless, unless you're trying to prove your superior intelligence or that you are somehow a better fan than those who want him out.'


Where the hell do you get that from in my OP? I've not been superior in my thoughts to anyone on here...or made out i'm better... I simply asked whether Armchair fans think they know better than the likes of Rodgers and Wenger.... kinnel talk about over reaction and seeing things that aren't their... it seems you like to pick on the poster rather than the post mate and it's not the first time...


No at all mate. You've been starting threads like this for a while. Why use "Armchair fans" in the title? There are plenty of fans that go that are not happy with the way things are going, you're quite obviously using that term as a way of putting down those that don't go IMO.


Using terms like "posting without thinking straight" calling people "******* dimwits" the other day because their opinion differs from yours. The way I read these comments is you think the posters who don't agree with you are incapable of rational thought or don't have the mental capacity to see thing as you do. i might be wrong, but I don't think I am.


Still, no point arguing, it's not getting anyone anywhere and more importantly, my football team is still not winning games while we wait for the Master plan to take shape.we


I think I'll take a leaf out of your book and give the forum a swerve for a while. I'll come back when we've won a couple and everyone is in a better mood.


Laters ' baters.

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..... A serious question...


Do you really think you know better than the likes of Brendan Rogers and Arsene Wenger...who have both recently spoken about how good a manger SoD is, and how impressed they are with his way of coaching?


Or are you purely frustrated at the results, and are posting without thinking straight?


Would you like to watch City play like a Rogers or Wenger style team... because that's how I see us developing.


Funny...you never hear the likes of such managers praising Warnock or Di Canio to name two that have been mentioned on here.


Everyone associated with the Club is frustrated... but do we throw our toys out the pram and rant and rave and then sulk... or go about this in a professional manner.


Too many knee jerk reactions by the Club in the past... time to fight together.


1 win in his last 46 League games.


Support that please?

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No at all mate. You've been starting threads like this for a while. Why use "Armchair fans" in the title? There are plenty of fans that go that are not happy with the way things are going, you're quite obviously using that term as a way of putting down those that don't go IMO.


Using terms like "posting without thinking straight" calling people "******* dimwits" the other day because their opinion differs from yours. The way I read these comments is you think the posters who don't agree with you are incapable of rational thought or don't have the mental capacity to see thing as you do. i might be wrong, but I don't think I am.


Still, no point arguing, it's not getting anyone anywhere and more importantly, my football team is still not winning games while we wait for the Master plan to take shape.we


I think I'll take a leaf out of your book and give the forum a swerve for a while. I'll come back when we've won a couple and everyone is in a better mood.


Laters ' baters.

You couldn't be further from the truth mate.

I really enjoy talking with fellow fans who like to debate rationally.

Even if they are an armchair fan... I realise many can't afford and have other priorities over football... it doesn't make them less passionate about the Club.

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Last 26 games with Doncaster. 1 win.


He managed Nottingham Forest in between.

He managed 11 games at City before we began this current run.


Although I am interested in the theory behind ignoring games that ruin a stat. Therefore I am going to pick 46 games from SO'D's career that he has won, and go for the following 'O'Driscoll has won 46 his last 46 games'. 'Support that please?'.

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He managed Nottingham Forest in between.

He managed 11 games at City before we began this current run.


Although I am interested in the theory behind ignoring games that ruin a stat. Therefore I am going to pick 46 games from SO'D's career that he has won, and go for the following 'O'Driscoll has won 46 his last 46 games'. 'Support that please?'.


Nope fair enough, forgot the Forest spell.


1 in 20 is still pathetic.

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I really don't think it's his style of play that has us rock bottom of the league. I love the style of football that both BR and AW have adopted at Liverpool and Arsenal, and respect SoD for trying to follow in their foot steps.


However, it's always been in my opinion that we have the quality in our squad to get a respectable league position. 


The fans calling for his head (yes, I'm one of them), I think are more questioning his motivational side, his decision making etc. During matches, the bloke is completely motionless! During interviews (he deals with media differently blah blah), he's so dull it's beyond belief.  

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