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He's Fat He's Round


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You people get on my nerves, without him there wouldn't be a Bristol City. If you don't like it clear off and support another club with some financial backing, about Cardiff that would be a good match you deserve each other!

Don't be so stupid, of course the club would still exist. Believe it or not there are 91 other chairman running a side

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Lansdown. Something of an enigma really isn't he. On one hand he's invested millions upon millions in this club, bailed us out of financial trouble and overseen a flirtation with the big time that I could only have dreamed about.

One the other hand he has made just one good managerial decision in his time here, He has overseen the debt level becoming completely unjustifiable and spent money at a crazy level for no return, he has overseen the most amateurish set up of a pro-club i've heard about to the point that installing a scouting system was thought to be some sort of revolutionary idea and he has allowed the club's home to be taken away from it's own ownership...


He's not the anti-christ, no way. He's a City fan and a nice bloke as far as I can tell. However, he is not beyond reproach at all and if you assess his entire reign at BCFC with a balanced mind it's hard not to be critical of a lot of what has gone on.


Does that mean the club would be better off without him? No. Does that mean he is a perfect or even a competent owner? I'm not sure at all.

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Does that mean the club would be better off without him? No. Does that mean he is a perfect or even a competent owner? I'm not sure at all.

It seems to me that he started strongly, but his decision making has become increasingly erratic as just throwing money at the situation has brought increasingly diminishing returns. 

He also appears to have been distracted by the new stadium debacle and the acquisition of Bristol Rugby club. He has certainly not been tight with his money, but there seems to have been an increasing misdirection of the funds.

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This really annoys me, why do some of our so called fan's what this man at our club, one of the most divisive men in football and creates a bad smell wherever he goes. He is an egotistical useless coach who is a throw back of just what is wrong with English football, granted he is a motivator but apart from that there is nothing there.

However what we have at present is a poor coach too, the only hope I had was that SOD could have made it, and just when he seemed to be turning things around the Board fired him.

We are relegation nailed on certs at the moment, I am afraid we have neither a Board or a Manager at the helm that I can trust with our club, I have to consider the worst and just hope things one day will get better, but not until we have a root and branch clear out it won't .

so called fans because they don't share your opinion? Haha andcyou call Warnock egotistical.

what a stroker.

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I have never been a fan of his

and I will post within 7 day's why I think he is the worst thing that has ever happened to Bristol City in the modern erea.

This will come later in the week when thing's have cooled down but for now.........

he's fat he's round he's taking city down......

Steve lansdown, Steve lansdown

Only let you have the computer once a week at the home do they?

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Don't be so stupid, of course the club would still exist. Believe it or not there are 91 other chairman running a side

Because a club with Debt and a new stadium to be funded plus a huge wage with crap players is what every chairman dreams of.

We have a wealthy backer who supports the club. Most teams will be jealous of having an owner like that. What we need is Keith Burt to take control of all footballing matters. Contracts Recruitment and Managerial Recruitment

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Because a club with Debt and a new stadium to be funded plus a huge wage with crap players is what every chairman dreams of.

We have a wealthy backer who supports the club. Most teams will be jealous of having an owner like that. What we need is Keith Burt to take control of all footballing matters. Contracts Recruitment and Managerial Recruitment

You are referring to things that may happen in the future

Assume you have had your rose tinted glasses on for the last few years?

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You are referring to things that may happen in the future

Assume you have had your rose tinted glasses on for the last few years?

Where did I refer to the future in my post?

He has the money to fund the club and take it forward. He needs to let Burt who has a lot of contacts lead the footballing side of the club.

Nothing about the future or using my Nice rose tinted glasses there

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Don't understand the abuse Lansdown gets ....    

Of course, that's because we're still waiting with bated breath for midlehitter40's in-depth analysis.


I tend to agree with you though.  Some of the managerial appointments (especially DMC and SOD) seemed really good at the time, but didn't work out.


For the anti-Lansdown brigage - be VERY careful what you wish for.  One day you might get it.

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For the anti-Lansdown brigage - be VERY careful what you wish for. One day you might get it.

I agree with your sentiment & totally understand where you're coming from, but where do we have to be as a club before something clicks & we realise that we have to break ties with the Lansdowns?

I completely understand that in all likelihood there would be near enough short term financial oblivion for the club, but surely we cannot keep sliding down the league lurching from one disaster to the next under SL.

I have been a huge supporter of SL over the years, and am massively grateful for the financial resources he has put in, but for me the time is near when we have to say that enough is enough.

We cannot allow the club to slide any further down the league without so much as a whimper.

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I agree with your sentiment & totally understand where you're coming from, but where do we have to be as a club before something clicks & we realise that we have to break ties with the Lansdowns?

I completely understand that in all likelihood there would be near enough short term financial oblivion for the club, but surely we cannot keep sliding down the league lurching from one disaster to the next under SL.

I have been a huge supporter of SL over the years, and am massively grateful for the financial resources he has put in, but for me the time is near when we have to say that enough is enough.

We cannot allow the club to slide any further down the league without so much as a whimper.

I think the most annoying thing for supporters of a certain generation, such as myself, is that we have seen the club run properly and the success it can bring. When Alan Dicks was building his team that got promoted into the old first division the average age of the players was 21 or 22. Players of that age can be inconsistent and there were many times when the crowd got restless and Harry Dolman had to be strong and stick by his chosen man.

I know that towards the end of AD's reign there were mistakes made on both sides, but it doesn't mar the fact that for 11 or 12 years, we had the most successful team in the clubs history.

I honestly thought that SL was the man to replicate this but his confidence seemed to get dented after the Wembley defeat and things have been spiralling out of control ever since, and I do think he must be frustrated by the new stadium arguments as well. It's no wonder he seems more enamoured with the rugby club these days.

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I just don't get why he doesn't hire properly qualified people in important positions, i.e. Chairman & Chief Executive for two?

He wouldn't do that at Hargreaves/Lansdown, or more to the point he couldn't !


I've said for years, he needs an equal to come in and share the burden, and also make BCFC a democracy, not dictatorship.


I like the majority would love Steve Lansdown to be a massive success, but until he faces up to his mistakes, and takes the action needed, the club's going to hell in a handcart, before our eyes!


All those idiots who put pressure on the board with "got to get rid of jobs for the boys", about 4 years ago, look where the bloody hell that's got us.

They ripped the soul out the place.


This is Karma at work, for all those good people behind the scenes with Bristol City in their hearts, loyal servants who were sacked without the common courtesy of a simple thank you, after years of hard work and dedication.


Bridges need to be built to restore any faith in the club, and bloody big ones at that!

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I think the most annoying thing for supporters of a certain generation, such as myself, is that we have seen the club run properly and the success it can bring. When Alan Dicks was building his team that got promoted into the old first division the average age of the players was 21 or 22. Players of that age can be inconsistent and there were many times when the crowd got restless and Harry Dolman had to be strong and stick by his chosen man.

I know that towards the end of AD's reign there were mistakes made on both sides, but it doesn't mar the fact that for 11 or 12 years, we had the most successful team in the clubs history.

I honestly thought that SL was the man to replicate this but his confidence seemed to get dented after the Wembley defeat and things have been spiralling out of control ever since, and I do think he must be frustrated by the new stadium arguments as well. It's no wonder he seems more enamoured with the rugby club these days.


I'm just a bit too young to remember the early Dicks years, so I don't know how bad things ever got.


But I feel desperately sorry for SL, as he so nearly took us back to the top flight and my impression is that he has tried to stick with managers.  But when the club is sitting in the relegation zone, how long can you give them?  Changing managers did the trick with DMC, and I still cannot fathom what went wrong last season after we seemed to start so well.


Anyway, fingers crossed for the next couple of games and then perhaps things won't look so bad.

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I just don't get why he doesn't hire properly qualified people in important positions, i.e. Chairman & Chief Executive for two?

He wouldn't do that at Hargreaves/Lansdown, or more to the point he couldn't !


I've said for years, he needs an equal to come in and share the burden, and also make BCFC a democracy, not dictatorship.


I like the majority would love Steve Lansdown to be a massive success, but until he faces up to his mistakes, and takes the action needed, the club's going to hell in a handcart, before our eyes!


All those idiots who put pressure on the board with "got to get rid of jobs for the boys", about 4 years ago, look where the bloody hell that's got us.

They ripped the soul out the place.


This is Karma at work, for all those good people behind the scenes with Bristol City in their hearts, loyal servants who were sacked without the common courtesy of a simple thank you, after years of hard work and dedication.


Bridges need to be built to restore any faith in the club, and bloody big ones at that!

There used to be a qualified person at the club - Colin Sexton. Not everybody liked him but he had relevant experience and things ran a lot more efficiently than they do now. Of course there was no room at the club for him and Jon Lansdowne so one had to go.  The wrong one was given the boot

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There used to be a qualified person at the club - Colin Sexton. Not everybody liked him but he had relevant experience and things ran a lot more efficiently than they do now. Of course there was no room at the club for him and Jon Lansdowne so one had to go.  The wrong one was given the boot


What nonsense. Last time I checked Jon Lansdown was not CEO.

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I'm just a bit too young to remember the early Dicks years, so I don't know how bad things ever got.


But I feel desperately sorry for SL, as he so nearly took us back to the top flight and my impression is that he has tried to stick with managers.  But when the club is sitting in the relegation zone, how long can you give them?  Changing managers did the trick with DMC, and I still cannot fathom what went wrong last season after we seemed to start so well.


Anyway, fingers crossed for the next couple of games and then perhaps things won't look so bad.



Well we didn't finish above 14th in his first 3 or 4 seasons, we were only one point off being relegated in the 70/71 season, and as AD said himself, it was probably only John Galleys goals that stopped us from going down and the fact that we reached the league Cup semi final possibly saved him. We had 3 out of four seasons where we would have been play off material if they had existed then, the other season was the one where our FA Cup run saw us beat Leeds which was a distraction.

The point was though, that because the team was largely built around youth that came through our ranks, most of the fans could see there was a long term plan and were willing to see it being implemented. It's worth mentioning that on a personal level, Dicks was not that popular with the fans and that was obvious when things weren't going well, which must have made it even more difficult for the chairman and the board to stick by him.

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There used to be a qualified person at the club - Colin Sexton. Not everybody liked him but he had relevant experience and things ran a lot more efficiently than they do now. Of course there was no room at the club for him and Jon Lansdowne so one had to go.  The wrong one was given the boot



Was he given the boot? And also does he bear any responsibility for embarking on the Ashton Vale project without checking the TVG legislation?


I honestly don't know if we've got an OK board or a bunch of idiots. I've never met any of them, although two of them run very successful companies, so they can't be that thick surely? Sexstone had worked in cricket before joining us, but basically he is a retired RAF officer. There is no career ladder for sports administrators, as such.


The fact is most football boards are composed of businessmen, rather than football folk, and as long as they allow their manager and his staff take his own decisions that's not necessarily a problem. I do like the idea - as floated here on a number of occasions - that an experienced former player joins the board as a non-exec - to provide a bit of football advice and give the board that extra liaison with the manager and playing staff. Ted Bates fulfilled that function at Southampton when I used to live there.

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