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Players Who Smoke


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The great French rugby team of the mid to late 80s had several heavy smokers in their team, didn't seem to affect them too much!


As others have said, if it's something he does occasionally then I don't see a problem, but he should be smart enough to do it away from people so it doesn't end up being news


On a side note.....does anyone actually rate Wilshere? I hear pundits waxing lyrically about him, I really don't see what the fuss is all about

no he's the most over-rated player since darren anderton

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The power in football lies totally with the player and Arsenal obviously won't be happy that one of their 'athletes' is smoking but will accept at as a consequence of who wields that power.


The Suarez case proves that, he bites 3 opponents on 3 separate occasions, is a racist and one of the games biggest cheats and get's rewarded with a 10 mil a year contract, but of course Barcelona have really negotiated tough on this one, if he bites another player on the field of play again he 'may' lose 3 mil of that, how will he cope?.


and before anyone suggests that I am comparing the 2, I am not I am merely pointing out where the power lies.


Frankly I couldn't give a flying **** if one of these overpaid 'athletes' wants to endanger his career and clearly some of them don't either.

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Wholey disagree with it. Effects you breathing and lung capacity which effects performance. Any club IMO should stipulate a non smoking clause in their contract with hefty penalties for breach of contract.

There is zero excuse for a professional athlete to smoke

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But is it any worse than drinking beer which most players do?


Yes. Beer in moderation is harmless. Smoking, even in moderation, damages your lungs, which is a major no-no for sportsmen and indeed for everybody else.

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Many of the old timers named on this thread, were smokers when it was culturally the norm and whilst the debate about health issues was still raging, players of this day and age who have grown up knowing the dangers and especially given their chosen career paths, do not deserve any sympathy about the press intrusion over this one i'm afraid. of course IMO.

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Cruyff was a regular smoker. Quote below from Wiki. Crap habit, glad I've never succumbed. Wife did unfortunately and now spends 15 hours a day on an oxygen machine. Any smokers reading this I hope it puts you off.




''Cruyff used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day prior to undergoing double heart bypass surgery in 1991 while he was the coach of Barcelona, after which he gave up smoking. He also led the anti-smoking campaign developed by the Health Department of the Catalan autonomous government. Cruyff juggled a cigarette pack 16 times in an anti-tobacco video sponsored by the Catalan Department of Health.''[50][51][52]

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They're grown men, and they probably like a cigarette to get down some for a bit of stress relief.

Footballers at the top level are usually very fit, but not always, see Brazilian Ronaldo. The clubs usually provide meals for the players within fourty-eight hours of a game, which is when they need to be at their best.

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it would affect your lung capacity

That very much depends.  The average Londoner inhales the equivalent to 4 fags a day just from the fumes, so the odd smoke will make no difference and the body can cope.  Its the 20 a day that will get to you.  It's not that smart if you are a trained athlete as you want to have as much of a competitive edge as possible.  I guess it's more about how this impacts on young kids that look up to these 'role models'.

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Wholey disagree with it. Effects you breathing and lung capacity which effects performance. Any club IMO should stipulate a non smoking clause in their contract with hefty penalties for breach of contract.

There is zero excuse for a professional athlete to smoke

Totally agreed. Since I started smoking I've noticed a massive drop in stamina. But I dont get paid an obscene amount to run around. Anything that affects his performance is detrimental to the club. Like I would expect to be reprimanded for turning up to work drunk every day.

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50 years ago a greater proportion of the population smoked than these days.

When Fred Ford was Manager, if shortly before a game he noticed tobacco smoke coming from the toilet cubicle, he saw it with unseeing eyes.

I believe Fred's philosophy was that the player needed to do it and smoking would therefore help him be a more relaxed player.

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Possibly; having lived in London, I find it credible. Guess which English city comes second to London for air pollution.


Clue: it has crap public transport.


I also find it very credible. Not sure what else people think they're filling their lungs with in the centre of cities if it isn't nitrogen dioxide? Lovely.


That said, footballers shouldn't be smoking. But there is a significant difference between an occassional fag versus 10-20 a day. Your lung capacity can return to a perfectly acceptable level if you give up after being an occassional smoker.

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Smoked for near on 15 years and the majority of that on 20 a day, after I quit I went to the doctors and was informed that it would take me 7 years for my lungs to return to full capacity. If Wilshere only does it occasionally it won't have too much effect- although as others have stated it will have some.


People say these guys are role models- It is often forgotten that Jack Wilshere is only 22 years old himself! And probably in need of a role model! Perhaps if the media didn't pay for pictures of players in their down time then youngsters wouldn't influenced by their off field antics.


I take no issue with Wilshere choosing to smoke (although I do take issue with smoking... hope that makes sense!) it is his life and he can do as he likes. If it effects his game further down the line then it was his choice.

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To be honest who are we to say whether a player smokes or not? Its not illegal so its between them and the club. Shall we also to tell them to stop drinking, having sex, eating red meat and having them all in bed (alone) by 9pm. :boxing:

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