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Jet Is Lazy

Bobby Reid

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He is not built to be 10,000m runner. He is closer shape and size wise to Bolt than Farrah.

We would be firmly down to only one plan without him.

And starting him on the bench away to the league favorites? A sensible conservative move. The interesting thing will be how often he starts at home. That will happen once the team today lose a game.

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I thought bringing him on was a good shout as he slowed the game down and United lost the momentum they could have built in the final 5 minutes. But this team has too pace for his game.... watch him warming up before a match, he puts in a 3rd of the effort everyone else does. Another Andy Cole.

And being another Andy Cole is such a bad thing!

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We win away to Sheffield United on the first day of the season,but some still want to have a pop at someone who played 5-6 mins,only on this forum!

If he'd been a bit more switched on to what was going on around him he could have killed the game off and 3-1 would have made it even more enjoyable. It also would have ensured that there would have only been positive remarks about his cameo appearance.

There's only one person to blame for any stick that JET gets and that's JET. A very talented boy, but very frustrating too.

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If he'd been a bit more switched on to what was going on around him he could have killed the game off and 3-1 would have made it even more enjoyable. It also would have ensured that there would have only been positive remarks about his cameo appearance.

There's only one person to blame for any stick that JET gets and that's JET. A very talented boy, but very frustrating too.

Think this is bang on.

I don't want to criticise him because he's a good player for us but he certainly didn't do himself any favours yesterday. He was on for all of 3 minutes.

When that ball came across the area and deflected out he was far too casual in retrieving the ball and was over taken by the keeper because he was completely unaware of what was going on around him. Had he shown just the slightest bit of urgency he would have been able to retain possession at the very least and create or score a killing goal at the most.

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If I Driscoll would if gas the bottle to drop jet he wouldn't of lost his job. Great player to have on the bench, but wilbraham is decent and bring out the best in baldock, jet scored goals to save us last year but we were losing because he was in the team, it's to fractured with him in the side


Nonsense, we were losing last year because we couldn't defend and we had a powder puff midfield. We improved once we got Elliot in and now have smith to give us more steal. Blaming JET (who was one of the ONLY good points about last season) for us being so poor is inconceivable.

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Only in true otib fashion could a player be made a scapegoat after the first game of the season. Of which he featured in for all of 5 minutes. Why can't we celebrate such a complete and brilliant away TEAM performance? Cotts said this season it will very much be a case of 'horses for courses' and he called it right yesterday. Why on earth do other players quality displays have to be met with people using it as an excuse to slag off another player?

Ridiculous. JET will be needed this season. Why can't we all just appreciate the competition for places instead of writing players off and using it as a stick to beat them with? I hope the competition for places not only gets the best out of JET, but everyone else as well.

Not sure why everyone is getting so hysterical over the incident where the keeper beat him to the ball!? It's pretty evident JET didn't see him as he was watching the defender. No need for the drama.

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Only in true otib fashion could a player be made a scapegoat after the first game of the season. Of which he featured in for all of 5 minutes. Why can't we celebrate such a complete and brilliant away TEAM performance? Cotts said this season it will very much be a case of 'horses for courses' and he called it right yesterday. Why on earth do other players quality displays have to be met with people using it as an excuse to slag off another player?

Ridiculous. JET will be needed this season. Why can't we all just appreciate the competition for places instead of writing players off and using it as a stick to beat them with? I hope the competition for places not only gets the best out of JET, but everyone else as well.

Not sure why everyone is getting so hysterical over the incident where the keeper beat him to the ball!? It's pretty evident JET didn't see him as he was watching the defender. No need for the drama.

Pretty much word for word what I was going to write on this thread before deciding I couldn't be bothered to get myself into yet another JET debate on a weekend that has produced so many positives.

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Only in true otib fashion could a player be made a scapegoat after the first game of the season. Of which he featured in for all of 5 minutes. Why can't we celebrate such a complete and brilliant away TEAM performance? Cotts said this season it will very much be a case of 'horses for courses' and he called it right yesterday. Why on earth do other players quality displays have to be met with people using it as an excuse to slag off another player?

Ridiculous. JET will be needed this season. Why can't we all just appreciate the competition for places instead of writing players off and using it as a stick to beat them with? I hope the competition for places not only gets the best out of JET, but everyone else as well.

Not sure why everyone is getting so hysterical over the incident where the keeper beat him to the ball!? It's pretty evident JET didn't see him as he was watching the defender. No need for the drama.

Even so, it didn't look very good viewing and i would have been breathing the sigh of relief if i'd been a blade.

I think the fact that the only real negative comments to come out of pre season were that of JET's fitness and that incident yesterday only increased some fans doubts of his desire to fight for the cause this season.

The ball is in his court.

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Only in true otib fashion could a player be made a scapegoat after the first game of the season. Of which he featured in for all of 5 minutes. Why can't we celebrate such a complete and brilliant away TEAM performance? Cotts said this season it will very much be a case of 'horses for courses' and he called it right yesterday. Why on earth do other players quality displays have to be met with people using it as an excuse to slag off another player?

Ridiculous. JET will be needed this season. Why can't we all just appreciate the competition for places instead of writing players off and using it as a stick to beat them with? I hope the competition for places not only gets the best out of JET, but everyone else as well.

Not sure why everyone is getting so hysterical over the incident where the keeper beat him to the ball!? It's pretty evident JET didn't see him as he was watching the defender. No need for the drama.

Completely agree with this. also it's quite common for a player to take 3-4 mins to get up to speed with the game, no matter what division they are in

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Only in true otib fashion could a player be made a scapegoat after the first game of the season. Of which he featured in for all of 5 minutes. Why can't we celebrate such a complete and brilliant away TEAM performance? Cotts said this season it will very much be a case of 'horses for courses' and he called it right yesterday. Why on earth do other players quality displays have to be met with people using it as an excuse to slag off another player?

Ridiculous. JET will be needed this season. Why can't we all just appreciate the competition for places instead of writing players off and using it as a stick to beat them with? I hope the competition for places not only gets the best out of JET, but everyone else as well.

Not sure why everyone is getting so hysterical over the incident where the keeper beat him to the ball!? It's pretty evident JET didn't see him as he was watching the defender. No need for the drama.

Nobody's making him a scapegoat - merely commenting on a profound lack of effort by JET in a thread about JET. I don't think that by commenting on JET in a thread about JET that anyone's taking away from the superb team performance yesterday.

If he had tried to get to that ball and stuck it away then you can rest assured that I would have been praising his impact and commending his part in a superb team performance. He didn't so I'm not. Say what you see.

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Only in true otib fashion could a player be made a scapegoat after the first game of the season. Of which he featured in for all of 5 minutes. Why can't we celebrate such a complete and brilliant away TEAM performance? Cotts said this season it will very much be a case of 'horses for courses' and he called it right yesterday. Why on earth do other players quality displays have to be met with people using it as an excuse to slag off another player?

Ridiculous. JET will be needed this season. Why can't we all just appreciate the competition for places instead of writing players off and using it as a stick to beat them with? I hope the competition for places not only gets the best out of JET, but everyone else as well.

Not sure why everyone is getting so hysterical over the incident where the keeper beat him to the ball!? It's pretty evident JET didn't see him as he was watching the defender. No need for the drama.

It's not scapegoating him to say that in that cameo appearance there were two occasions when he could have had the ball in a dangerous position, but didn't because he appeared to forget where he was and what he was doing.

He's a great player, but you have to conclude that was not his best 5 minutes!

I'm sure we'll see him on Tuesday night and hopefully he'll bang a few in, to give Cotts a selection headache.

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Even so, it didn't look very good viewing and i would have been breathing the sigh of relief if i'd been a blade.

I think the fact that the only real negative comments to come out of pre season were that of JET's fitness and that incident yesterday only increased some fans doubts of his desire to fight for the cause this season.

The ball is in his court.

Nonsense. Just be grateful he plays for us and not one of our rivals. Yesterday he did the job he was asked to do and we won. End of.

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JET is an awesome player, and will play a big part this season. But he will need to be at his best, and keep up with the others. Or he will follow, the incredible talent that is Noble (who really should have played at the highest levels) into nowhere land. I hope for the lad, who is a gem, that he realises what he has, and what he needs to do, to make the very best of it.  He is still young, and could destroy this league and the one above . 

That's what's so frustrating... the lad has all the ability in the world. He has the talent...


People question his fitness...and managers have said it's hard to keep him fit...I'm guessing it's his natural body/genetics that don't help. Plus many have just run out of ideas as to where to play him. He's only 23 and can turn it around...but what I question is his desire. Many footballers and other sportsman, at a young age with talent, sometimes get distracted with other interests...and lose focus...before you know it, career gone. I'm not saying this is the case...but it has crossed my mind.


He's had 6 teams in 6 years...His best period arguably was playing under SoD, who gave him a free reign.


It's going to be interesting to see how he does this season under SC and where he fits in.


From memory, his scoring dried up last December not long after Cotts took over...time will tell... I do hope though, that he finds that fitness, desire, mental strength and passion to do well for us and himself again. Because when he's on fire, he's a pleasure to watch.

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That's what's so frustrating... the lad has all the ability in the world. He has the talent...


People question his fitness...and managers have said it's hard to keep him fit...I'm guessing it's his natural body/genetics that don't help. Plus many have just run out of ideas as to where to play him. He's only 23 and can turn it around...but what I question is his desire. Many footballers and other sportsman, at a young age with talent, sometimes get distracted with other interests...and lose focus...before you know it, career gone. I'm not saying this is the case...but it has crossed my mind.


He's had 6 teams in 6 years...His best period arguably was playing under SoD, who gave him a free reign.


It's going to be interesting to see how he does this season under SC and where he fits in.


From memory, his scoring dried up last December not long after Cotts took over...time will tell... I do hope though, that he finds that fitness, desire, mental strength and passion to do well for us and himself again. Because when he's on fire, he's a pleasure to watch.

Even under cotts hes had a few standout games, Stevenage at home being one, he appeared to do nothing for 80 mins but in the 10 mins he was performing he scored 2 and got an assist. But it cant be argued that he was at his best under sod
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