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Statement Regarding Release Of Images Of New Stand


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Appreciate the feedback Dolly, everything seems reasonable to me especially keeping down the costs. Unfortunately I think we know this will not stop some claiming that the club are running some sort of Great and Secret Show with a view to springing some sort of surprise on us.


Their next conspiracy theory will probably focus on whether the seats will be the right shade of red, or perhaps whether they will be facing the pitch!

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Appreciate the feedback Dolly, everything seems reasonable to me especially keeping down the costs. Unfortunately I think we know this will not stop some claiming that the club are running some sort of Great and Secret Show with a view to springing some sort of surprise on us.

Their next conspiracy theory will probably focus on whether the seats will be the right shade of red, or perhaps whether they will be facing the pitch!

Come to think of it... I have not read anywhere that the seats, although now confirmed to be Red, will be facing the pitch.

You may have hit the nail on the head here and the club have been withholding the fact that a view of the Halfords sign is the best that anyone can hope for.

Still, work has started now, it's too late to change things and the club have been successful in there ongoing plan to stich up all the supporters.

Obviously the seats will be able to be reversed to a pitch facing angle for Rugby, to keep the Egg chasers happy, but football fans deserve no better and are generally thought of as scum by all the directors.

I heard this from a very reliable source but I obviously can't divulge who, for fear of losing my ITK contacts.

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Appreciate the feedback Dolly, everything seems reasonable to me especially keeping down the costs. Unfortunately I think we know this will not stop some claiming that the club are running some sort of Great and Secret Show with a view to springing some sort of surprise on us.


Their next conspiracy theory will probably focus on whether the seats will be the right shade of red, or perhaps whether they will be facing the pitch!


Perhaps the seats could be fitted so they can be turned around if we ever get DMc or SOD back as manager

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Surely if they build it and and then just take some photos to show us - they will save thousands of pounds?

It all depends where they build the stand to take photos of it? I doubt they'll build it where the old Wedlock Stand was because then we would see it before the photos were taken to show us what it will look like. That will be a pointless exercise. Thus it follows that to show us what it would look like they would have to build it elsewhere in a place uninhabited by man such as the Sahara, Antarctica or the North Pole then take photos of it, show us and then dismantle it and reconstruct it back in Bristol.

This would prove a far more costly exercise as it would also involve huge transportation costs and they would need to keep a lid on it which will cost hundreds of thousands more but will ensure that even in torrential downpours the game will still go ahead.

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TWO GRAND ... Manon is right a fast one is being puled there. If anybody is charging two grand for an image the supporters trust need to get down there pronto with a giant cargo net and catch the chancers. At that rate forty five million of Uncle Steve loot won't meet the price tag and a greenhouse will get left being the goal on top of that steel.

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How are some people missing the point here..?

The club didn't want to spend money on images showing the safe standing seats that they had hoped to include in the project, only to have to re-do them, if as has happened, those seats are not going to be allowed.

No we will get accurate images.

It's really not hard to understand, is it..?

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TWO GRAND ... Manon is right a fast one is being puled there. If anybody is charging two grand for an image the supporters trust need to get down there pronto with a giant cargo net and catch the chancers. At that rate forty five million of Uncle Steve loot won't meet the price tag and a greenhouse will get left being the goal on top of that steel.


So I take it your speaking from a position of knowldge of the current costs of 3D architectual rendering? or are you just presuming a "fast one" is being pulled because you think it sounds costly

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So I take it your speaking from a position of knowldge of the current costs of 3D architectual rendering? or are you just presuming a "fast one" is being pulled because you think it sounds costly

I take it from the knowledge of meeting one of the lead architects who didn't forsee it would take a year to put another image together. Nice bloke asked for ideas for fans and not once did he mention it would cost thousands for a picture without rails ...

There is a chap on this thread who DOES have a knowledge of architectual rendering and he has smelt it.

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Naw ... Its this excuse is not the same as the last excuse which was different to the last one months before that. Sure those right on the inside track will confirm it unless somebody forgot to mention the price tag. There are those in life who will says all sorts and others who will swallow it testicles and all.

If you are lucky, then you get to marry the latter!
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Naw ... Its this excuse is not the same as the last excuse which was different to the last one months before that. Sure those right on the inside track will confirm it unless somebody forgot to mention the price tag. There are those in life who will says all sorts and others who will swallow it testicles and all.

Like I said there will always be people who will still believe what they want to believe. So what is it that you think the clubs "real" reason for not producing images is? What is their secret dastardly plan? Are they just puppets of Higgs and we will turn up next season to find ourselves turfed outside alongside some very bruised looking horses?

I think we should be told.......

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So what is it that you think the clubs "real" reason for not producing images is? What is their secret dastardly plan? ?

Its a quite simple one.

The Fans Parliament bods who were right on the inside said the club did not really want to consult fans ... Twas box ticking.

When that architect at the open day asked what we thought, and quite a few seemed to be saying they didn't like one stand he then asked us to spare time from our precious lives filling out suggestions cards.

The nice architect forgot to mention ... "Boys a word. Don't expect to see anything again for about eighteen months these pictures cost an arm and a leg to produce".

The open days were another tick.

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Well the cost has now been made the primary excuse/reason (or whatever you wanna call it), so it's natural we focus on that aspect.

The reason I am interested in who is producing them, is very important here because that will determine cost.

The original architects would have created the full 3d model using CAD. This would have been used to create the renders we have already seen.

Creating another image can then usually be as simple as altering the camera angle and clicking the left-hand mouse button, as long as the illumination/global lighting settings are adequate.

If there are to be players or fans added to the scene, that can create quite a bit more work. But we aren't interested in that, we just want empty stadium view.

Anyway, if they've enlisted another firm, it might be that the charges increase substantially because they have to recreate the model, so they should've just created two alternative views (with or without SS) last year when it was cheaper.

I'm rambling again.

That's my last word on it. promise.

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Well the cost has now been made the primary excuse/reason (or whatever you wanna call it), so it's natural we focus on that aspect.

The reason I am interested in who is producing them, is very important here because that will determine cost.

The original architects would have created the full 3d model using CAD. This would have been used to create the renders we have already seen.

Creating another image can then usually be as simple as altering the camera angle and clicking the left-hand mouse button, as long as the illumination/global lighting settings are adequate.

If there are to be players or fans added to the scene, that can create quite a bit more work. But we aren't interested in that, we just want empty stadium view.

Anyway, if they've enlisted another firm, it might be that the charges increase substantially because they have to recreate the model, so they should've just created two alternative views (with or without SS) last year when it was cheaper.

I'm rambling again.

That's my last word on it. promise.

This is both simple and makes sense - the 'original' architects could have been asked to make a CAD using the original design, as it would have been more costly to make one without rail seats too. Now that this has become an inevitability, it is being done retrospectively. Not necessarily what happened, but it matches up.

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Anyone fancy flying up to Newcastle for the Hartlepool game and coming straight back?


Well yes , maybe - but couldn't we see the game first and then fly straight back?


Not me. I'm worried that the architects may not all be long-standing season ticket holders, and the draughtsman employed may not have an up-to-date replica shirt (pref; purple and lime) on when he prepared the images.


It amuses me how when the club brings out new kit you get all these posters who go a bit Gok Wan over the minute details of it, and likewise on discussions of stadium matters you get loads of armchair Kevin McLoud's. 


I'll stick to posts on football as I feel the rest is best left to professionals.


Well said.


Any truth in the rumour we're signing midfielder Gok McCloud on loan?

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One more thing, it will DEFINITELY have red seats :)


Please Marie.. use your influence to try and persuade BCFC NOT to have words made from seating colours.. imho it looks totally naff and classless. All one colour looks clean and fresh...less is more.. its all about design, simples. Thanks. :)

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Well the cost has now been made the primary excuse/reason (or whatever you wanna call it), so it's natural we focus on that aspect.

The reason I am interested in who is producing them, is very important here because that will determine cost.

The original architects would have created the full 3d model using CAD. This would have been used to create the renders we have already seen.

Creating another image can then usually be as simple as altering the camera angle and clicking the left-hand mouse button, as long as the illumination/global lighting settings are adequate.

If there are to be players or fans added to the scene, that can create quite a bit more work. But we aren't interested in that, we just want empty stadium view.

Anyway, if they've enlisted another firm, it might be that the charges increase substantially because they have to recreate the model, so they should've just created two alternative views (with or without SS) last year when it was cheaper.

I'm rambling again.

That's my last word on it. promise.

Thank **** for that. Send a glass eye to sleep.

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The club could have made this a community project. Ask primary school pupils to have a go with their felt tips and then give a prize to the child who produced something closest to the planned stand.


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So, instead of just saying it will cost a couple of grand to produce these images and we dont want to pay it, yet, the club thought saying absolutely nothing was better communication with the fans.

Personally, I don't give a crap what it looks like, but I can understand why it has pissed a few off by not communicating the plans to the very people the club asked to have input in it's design.

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Sod all this argifying about paying for images! Wht I wanna know is will there be hitching posts for all them horses wot are terrified to go to Whorefield now and wanna watch football ffs...

Dolls? Pretty please?

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Sod all this argifying about paying for images! Wht I wanna know is will there be hitching posts for all them horses wot are terrified to go to Whorefield now and wanna watch football ffs...

Dolls? Pretty please?

Also DM will be there flogging posts for those who leaked details of the shirt/s? Seriously did that get sorted or are we all still standing on the naughty step??

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The club probably decided against the idea of consulting with the fans when they realised that a small number would see it as an opportunity to MOAN LIKE **** about every aspect that didn't match their idea of the perfect ground. if this small group had their way we would probably still be going back to the architect every 5 minutes to ask them if they could change the colour of the coat hooks in the gents toilet (again).


(Excuse me, it's been a long day)......

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Yes but some were still querying this, so I wanted to clarify :)


Thank you my Darling Dollyshipness, I for one appreciate your clarification of the redness of our seats as the issue was starting to come between me and my sleep and family  :worship2:  :wub:  :flowers:  :kiss:

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