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The Wade Elliott Red Card Analysis Thread


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I`ve watched it now several times and I am convinced this was not a sending off. However this particular piece of video is not totally conclusive so I fear the worst in an appeal.

Looking at the television gantry in the Don Rogers stand yesterday there were several cameras, so surely there must be more evidence that can be produced.

City always used to video the matches (Jonathan Pearse`s dad)  for training purposes and appeals, do they no longer do this?

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Atrocious decision. Wade was pulled back, natural reaction to bend your knees. How was he to know the blokes chin was marginally over the back of his head when he tried to resume normal balance? To my knowledge, Wade hasn't developed backward facing vision. There was no backwards glance either immediately before the hit, so clearly not premeditated.

Never known anyone headbut someone backwards. If you'd 'lost it',and I could understand why Wade would have given the run up to the incident, you'd spin round - particularly if someone was holding you - and nut them one. Human instinct is not to fight backwards as it's pretty obvious you will come off worse. Basic physics as well, with forward momentum if you're pulled backwards at the shoulders, your knees move forward, and your head goes backward and then upwards to redress vertical balance.

Bloody officials. Pity they don't play the game or, at least, understand basic physics.

Shocking. No wonder Cotts was apoplectic. Appeal City.

Still undefeated in my mind. Yesterday, just 1-0 to the referee.

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Rich TWSC seems to have conveniently skipped over the kick/stamp. I wonder how he justifies that?

A shame to see one of the better opposition supporters on here over the years embarrass himself with his myopic views.


OTIB and all team specific forums are built largely on tinted-myopia! In my opinion, the "kick/stamp" (as you call it) is about as newsworthy as Elliott's late-ish tack that riled Stephens in the first place. Apologies that I didn't include it originally.


Stephens is responsible for the majority of this incident and got a reaction from a vastly more experienced footballer. It's not as though I'm saying Stephens is innocent and is the victim. Far from it.


I've had the opportunity to have my say on OTIB, a forum which I very much enjoy participating in. This is a very debatable incident and I know I should leave this a few days but I'm quite the fan of football based conversation, especially when it is relevant to my team. I try to be as rational as I possibly can, trying to avoid confrontational language etc, which doesn't always come across.

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So Wade is responsible for successful cheating by a Swindon player? Interesting ethics, that.


Not the successful cheat, but the victim, is responsible. H'mm.


Strikes me that you listen to too many Sky commentaries.

Again....let me repeat what I have already said. The video footage is inconclusive. Forget the fouls, the tug and even the attempted stamp by the Swindon player, forget the pathetic play acting to. We are talking about the alleged backwards 'headbutt' or elbow by Wade. You crying cheat is no more a guess then me saying it was a right decision. You cannot say whether he did or whether he didnt. The only thing we have is the linesmans word....and that, im afraid, is what the FA will more then likely go with

Do I think he deserved to go? No. Under the laws of the game should ge have gone? If he did flick the head or elbow back...then yes he should have gone

What has listening to to many Sky Commentries got to do with anything? a

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Gotta agree with Andy. There is no doubt that the Swindon player was also at fault; that much is obvious. But the accusation is that Elliott deliberately headbutted his opponent, and it a simply impossible to be certain whether or not this was the case, based on the video evidence. The crucial seconds are off camera.

We can speculate until the cows come home about what probably occurred, but this video doesn't settle the matter either way.

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Wade definitely reacts, he puts the breaks on and backs into the player. That is neither 'raising a hand' or a 'backwards headbutt'.

If anything, the Swindon player should have been penalised for his little kick at Wade beforehand.

Very difficult not to brake and back in when soneone is pulling you back by the shoulders. Equally, difficult to stop the head coming back. As has been pointed out, it's basic physics.

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OTIB and all team specific forums are built largely on tinted-myopia! In my opinion, the "kick/stamp" (as you call it) is about as newsworthy as Elliott's late-ish tack that riled Stephens in the first place. Apologies that I didn't include it originally.


Stephens is responsible for the majority of this incident and got a reaction from a vastly more experienced footballer. It's not as though I'm saying Stephens is innocent and is the victim. Far from it.


I've had the opportunity to have my say on OTIB, a forum which I very much enjoy participating in. This is a very debatable incident and I know I should leave this a few days but I'm quite the fan of football based conversation, especially when it is relevant to my team. I try to be as rational as I possibly can, trying to avoid confrontational language etc, which doesn't always come across.


Sorry mate but you are wrong, I just had look at the BCFC youtube clip and although not conclusive, I don't see Elliott's head move backwards at all. Not satisfied with the initial elbow, the contact with his foot and then grabbing hold of Elliott's neck with both hands and pulling him backwards, your gutless 'sportsman' then throws himself theatrically to ground claiming that a guy nearly 5/6 inches shorter butted him the face, Stephens is a coward and to deliberately set out to get a fellow professional sent off is about as low as it gets and the reaction of some of your players at the decision is also pretty low.


But hey it's sadly the way the modern has gone and even more sad than that is that some fans have embraced that sort of behaviour, it used to be a mans game now it's played by too many metro sexual ladies boys, could you imagine John Trollope for instance acting like that?, of course not he had pride and was honest.

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Sorry mate but you are wrong, I just had look at the BCFC youtube clip and although not conclusive, I don't see Elliott's head move backwards at all. Not satisfied with the initial elbow, the contact with his foot and then grabbing hold of Elliott's neck with both hands and pulling him backwards, your gutless 'sportsman' then throws himself theatrically to ground claiming that a guy nearly 5/6 inches shorter butted him the face, Stephens is a coward and to deliberately set out to get a fellow professional sent off is about as low as it gets and the reaction of some of your players at the decision is also pretty low.


But hey it's sadly the way the modern has gone and even more sad than that is that some fans have embraced that sort of behaviour, it used to be a mans game now it's played by too many metro sexual ladies boys, could you imagine John Trollope for instance acting like that?, of course not he had pride and was honest.


I am reviewing my 'raise the head' comment because it's not conclusive (even in slow motion) what definitively happens. Currently happy to say that I was wrong to state that as a matter of fact but I won't go as far as saying that something under the modern interpretation of 'violent conduct' did not happen (again, because it's currently inconclusive).


I very much agree with the sentiment of your second paragraph.

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Gotta agree with Andy. There is no doubt that the Swindon player was also at fault; that much is obvious. But the accusation is that Elliott deliberately headbutted his opponent, and it a simply impossible to be certain whether or not this was the case, based on the video evidence. The crucial seconds are off camera.

We can speculate until the cows come home about what probably occurred, but this video doesn't settle the matter either way.

Watch the YouTube clip with the slow-mo. You can see Stevens grab Elliott by the shoulder as Wade starts to canter away from him and then physically pull him back onto him. I think the intention was just to unfairly impede him, but having felt some contact, he went down in feigned agony.

Although it's as clear as day to me - and people just don't run backwards into someone to headbutt them, you have to see where you're butting and use your forehead where you'll get less damage to yourself and more swing - I am not confident that the card will be rescinded.

Because the FA are incompetent *****.

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I'll be sending an open letter to STFC letting them know I'll have nothing to do with a club that endorses cheating. Although a city fan, my son plays for a local Swindon Club that has informal associations with STFC. I'll not let my son reach the conclusion that cheating is acceptable.

It's quite clear to me what went on yesterday.

It's a real shame as there are some very nice folk working at Swindon. Shame about the playing staff.

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Watch the YouTube clip with the slow-mo. You can see Stevens grab Elliott by the shoulder as Wade starts to canter away from him and then physically pull him back onto him. I think the intention was just to unfairly impede him, but having felt some contact, he went down in feigned agony.

Although it's as clear as day to me - and people just don't run backwards into someone to headbutt them, you have to see where you're butting and use your forehead where you'll get less damage to yourself and more swing - I am not confident that the card will be rescinded.

Because the FA are incompetent *****.

I must have watched the slo mo at least 20 times and I don't actually disagree with your analysis. But nevertheless there are a crucial couple of seconds missing from the footage which leaves an element of uncertainty. That's all I'm saying.
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So wade was elbowed, kicked, grabbed from behind by the shoulders/neck and gets sent off. Just mental.

Funny how the player rolling around revived from this assault to cheer the sending off like a moron. What a ******* tw4t

Although I agree that he was a.tw4t, wasn't that another Swindle player pictured celebrating? Unless they all did of course.

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For the record I'm certainly not saying Elliott is at fault. It certainly looks like he has been treated very unfairly and the Swindon player's cheating antics are undeniable.

My point is simply that the video is not the conclusive evidence some are making it out to be. No one knows exactly what went on in those couple of seconds when both players are off camera.

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I'll be sending an open letter to STFC letting them know I'll have nothing to do with a club that endorses cheating. Although a city fan, my son plays for a local Swindon Club that has informal associations with STFC. I'll not let my son reach the conclusion that cheating is acceptable.

It's quite clear to me what went on yesterday.

It's a real shame as there are some very nice folk working at Swindon. Shame about the playing staff.

Ha. Get a grip

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I am reviewing my 'raise the head' comment because it's not conclusive (even in slow motion) what definitively happens. Currently happy to say that I was wrong to state that as a matter of fact but I won't go as far as saying that something under the modern interpretation of 'violent conduct' did not happen (again, because it's currently inconclusive).


I very much agree with the sentiment of your second paragraph.


The real problem is Rich, the over the top reaction by Stephens was for one reason and one reason only and that is to ensure that Elliott was sent off and that is about as low as a fellow professional footballer can get (unless your name is Suarez) and that for me is unforgivable, I hate what this game has become and is turning into.


in 1963 I saw Swindon v Chelsea, league cup I believe, Chelsea had an incredibly strong young up and coming team managed by Tommy Docherty, Swindon had an equally impressive up and coming young team managed by Bert Head and Swindon dicked Chelsea 3-0 in front of a big crowd, there was not one of the 22 players who would have done what Stephens did yesterday and neither manager would have stood for it, unlike these days, IMO managers are just as bad for condoning it.


Take a look at the line ups 2 really impressive teams who went on to great careers.

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Ha. Get a grip

I have. All this work in the community bullshit and it's undermined by players on the day.

Out visit yesterday took weeks of planning and a massive effort to get there with drop-off, wheelchair transfers and the like.

Given the cheating robbed us of a game worth watching the day was wasted and I wish we hadn't bothered.

It's folks like you that are happy for the cheating to go on so you get what you deserve you plank.

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