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Football Has Gone Mad


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I agree. The obvious example is David Beckham when he went to LA. I remember reading at the time that LA Galaxy recouped enough money from extra ticket sales, sponsorships and shirt sales to cover his first contract whilst he was still finishing the season with Real Madrid.




The problem is that other players think they should also be earning that sort of money when frankly they don't come close to being worth that either on or off the field.

there again, is there not an argument that says by levelling out and reducing the frankly unwarranted pay rates, clubs can invest in better facilities and reduce ticket prices for the likes of you and I.


Its the same argument that runs through the 'trickle down' theory of the richest supporting the poorest - it just doesn't happen, the richest just remain rich and normal people see none of it, in immediate wealth  or otherwise

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It's not even greed. If they are offered it, then why not take it..?

It's the clubs fault for paying it. It's FIFA/FA's fault for allowing them to pay it & most of all it's SKY's fault for turning our game into a cash cow.

Biggest problem is, I bet the majority of you complaining about it happily pay your obscene amounts to SKY each month to subsidise these absurd salaries..!

I cancelled mine years ago and don't miss it one bit. I'm perfectly happy keeping upto date with MOTD & FLS.

Don't throw bread out on your garden and then complain that it's full of seagulls!

I don't care about the PL til City are there. I subscribe to Player and listen to our games on Saturdays.

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It's not even greed. If they are offered it, then why not take it..?

It's the clubs fault for paying it. It's FIFA/FA's fault for allowing them to pay it & most of all it's SKY's fault for turning our game into a cash cow.

Biggest problem is, I bet the majority of you complaining about it happily pay your obscene amounts to SKY each month to subsidise these absurd salaries..!

I cancelled mine years ago and don't miss it one bit. I'm perfectly happy keeping upto date with MOTD & FLS.

Don't throw bread out on your garden and then complain that it's full of seagulls!

I love my football and have done all my life. But I feel very proud to say that I have never contributed to Sky TV and never deliberately watched a televised game on Sky while in a pub.

I would rather go to a local non League game than benefit the Murdoch family. (does not include NLBR)

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there again, is there not an argument that says by levelling out and reducing the frankly unwarranted pay rates, clubs can invest in better facilities and reduce ticket prices for the likes of you and I.


Its the same argument that runs through the 'trickle down' theory of the richest supporting the poorest - it just doesn't happen, the richest just remain rich and normal people see none of it, in immediate wealth  or otherwise


Yep, the poor continue to feed the rich, the rich aren't about to care anytime soon that we are finding it harder to find the money to put into their pockets.

As long as somebody is putting it in their pockets they'll carry on taking it.

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there again, is there not an argument that says by levelling out and reducing the frankly unwarranted pay rates, clubs can invest in better facilities and reduce ticket prices for the likes of you and I.


Its the same argument that runs through the 'trickle down' theory of the richest supporting the poorest - it just doesn't happen, the richest just remain rich and normal people see none of it, in immediate wealth  or otherwise


Trickle down works perfectly. The rich get richer and they piss on the rest of us :(

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I presume everyone here if offered an overly generous pay rise by their employer would turn it down? There are many reasons to dislike your average top flight footballer, but it's not really their fault if chairmen conspire to pay them obscene amounts of money. The money itself is not the problem, the way it's used is. The buck for that stops with the guys writing the cheques

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Just FYI


If you earn 1 KSh per year (Kenyan money), it would take you 1,070,373,147 years to earn as much as Lionel Messi does in a year.


Why does no-one think of the Kenyans?

Well if perspective's what we're advocating, it wouldn't be such a bad idea for the Kenyans to bare the poor old Congons in mind. Question, incidentally: if it's so poor in Congo, why did they invent that dance you get at the end of partys?

Anyway: http://www.businessinsider.com/poorest-countries-in-the-world-2010-8?op=1&IR=T

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Well if perspective's what we're advocating, it wouldn't be such a bad idea for the Kenyans to bare the poor old Congons in mind. Question, incidentally: if it's so poor in Congo, why did they invent that dance you get at the end of partys?

Anyway: http://www.businessinsider.com/poorest-countries-in-the-world-2010-8?op=1&IR=T

That's the conger, because it is long and wiggles about like an eel.

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